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The third thousand three hundred and eighty-two chapters form a hard break

The voice of this strong ghost master was not loud, but everyone present heard it clearly. Moreover, his words were so shocking that everyone could not help but listen attentively.

Taking the body and letting the soul reside in it is not something that everyone has heard of, but it is rare to actually happen. In other words, most warriors have not only never seen it once in their lives, but most of the people around them have not seen it either.

People have seen it.

There are two main reasons for this. To capture the body with the soul requires not only a strong soul and amazing mental power, but also the correct method. Otherwise, even if the soul is forcibly invaded into a body, the two cannot be integrated.

, or if the fusion is not complete enough, then there is not much meaning in getting a body.

Another reason, and the most important reason, is that the suitable body is not rare, but is unique. Under normal circumstances, the body that is most suitable for the soul is of course the body that originally belongs to him.

Because the new body will have traces of the original soul, even if the fusion is complete, there will still be some flaw in it.

Since there are many restrictions, and it is difficult to find and integrate them, there will still be Xiasi, why does there still exist such things as souls taking away bodies in the world, then since it exists, it naturally has its reason.

Some strong people will try to cultivate the split soul after reaching the spiritual mind stage in their cultivation. At first, the split soul naturally needs a special environment to nurture, but once the split soul gradually becomes stronger, if you want to make further progress,

Naturally, it is also inseparable from a suitable body.

After all, the soul and the body are complementary to each other. Whether a warrior has cultivated to a certain level and needs spiritual improvement, or to be mentally strong, he also needs physical assistance. The two are like fish and water. Since the original soul occupies

If you lose your original body, your soul will naturally need to find another body.

Furthermore, for a powerful practitioner, even if his body is destroyed in battle, it does not mean that he will perish. Just like Fang Yun before, if he did not make arrangements in advance to let his soul escape, once he finds a suitable

The body can also restore its original state and strength.

Of course, that kind of powerful warrior will try his best to eliminate the weeds during battle and not give his opponent a chance to make a comeback.

It's just that no matter what the reason is, things like seizing a body will only happen to those powerful beings. For example, the beast of rules splits the sky, the ice dragon destroys the spirit, the void breaks the sky, the Yangming beast, the sky shaking, etc.

They or they are basically close to it, and have even stood at the top of this continent, but the ghost master in front of him is only at the peak of the concentration stage. With such cultivation and strength, not only is there a risk in taking the body, but also fusing the soul

It was even more difficult, especially since the target he wanted to get the body was Han Bing who was at the same level as him.

Under these objective restrictions, the behavior of this ghostly master becomes even more incomprehensible. However, judging from the manner in which this man spoke, it was obvious that he was not joking, so his words must have some purpose.


Han Bing's eyes flickered slightly. He was the one who faced off against this powerful ghost warrior, so he could clearly feel that the other party was very serious when he said these words.

Not only Han Bing could feel that the other party's words were very serious, but Zuo Feng also had the same judgment. However, Zuo Feng's judgment had a certain basis.

'This person's methods are extremely extraordinary, especially the ghosts he just used, which are almost exactly the same as those mentioned by Fujikata. Unless all the Kidou's martial arts and martial arts are the same, the guy in front of him must be the same as Fujikata.

The people mentioned are related.'

At first, Zuo Feng only had a general feeling. After the thunder and fire killed those ghosts, Zuo Feng felt that he seemed to be one step closer to the truth.

Others were just shocked, but did not think that this man intended to occupy his soul with his own, but that he wanted to seize the body of a big shot behind him.

Feeling that everyone's attention was being attracted to him at this moment, a sinister smile that was difficult to detect flashed across the face of the ghost master.

As he raised his hands high at the same time, green flames immediately flew out from both sides and behind his body. These were the ghosts he had used before.

It's just that some of those ghosts flew directly downwards and landed in the bodies of some of the ghost wolf beasts. Looking at those ghost wolf beasts, they only wailed in pain a few times, and then quickly returned to normal, as if there was nothing.

Happened generally.

However, everyone soon discovered that the ghost wolf beasts had changed. Originally, the attacks of the ghost wolf beasts were very simple and crude, and they only relied on their sharp claws, fangs, and their huge bodies to launch fierce attacks.

After Simantuo exploded with all his cultivation, he could still barely resist these attacks. Simantuo's aura attribute was earth, and the power of rules he comprehended was the rare "crazy sand" power. If it were a different person,

Even with the power of such rules, he could not persist until now.

In Simantuo's spiritual realm, the sand will condense into huge waves, constantly hitting the ghost wolf beasts in front of him. Even if some ghost wolf beasts are slightly stronger, he will immediately use the sky-breaking fork in his hand to smash them

It was knocked away immediately. With this method, even when faced with more than forty ghost wolf beasts, none of them could get through.

However, after a few of the ghost wolf beasts were integrated into their bodies by those ghosts, their actions changed from before.

These ghost wolf beasts are originally under the control of strong ghosts, and their movements, speed and strength are stronger than those of ordinary low-level ghost wolf beasts. At this time, not only are their speed and power stronger, but their movements have also become more powerful.

The agility, especially the movement of animal energy in the body has gradually changed.

Among them, there are six ghost wolf beasts, which look the most special. They do not rush to the front, but they are wandering behind quickly, as if they are looking for the best opportunity to take action.

Among all the people present, only Zuo Feng's gaze became extremely sharp, because he had seen that these six low-level ghost wolf beasts, three in a group, were forming a formation. It was not an ordinary formation, but a formation.

The animal energy cooperates to form a small formation.

Zuo Feng was certainly not unfamiliar with such methods. Yin Yue, the deacon of the Yue Sect whom he had killed in Kuocheng, taught the Gui Hua and Gui Hua warriors how to use such a formation. Moreover, Zuo Feng saw that at that time

There are also medium-sized formations consisting of ten and fifteen people, as well as large formations consisting of dozens or hundreds of people.

These ghost wolf beasts do not use martial arts, they use the power of formations, so even with the help of beast energy, they can be integrated with each other. As long as the beast energy is stimulated according to a specific trajectory, the formation can be successfully operated.

Seeing the six ghost wolf beasts each forming a small formation, the expression on Zuo Feng's face immediately became ugly. He already knew what the other party's purpose was.

In this situation, they can't even escape because the road behind is blocked by the "mountain filled with water".

"Senior, pay attention to the six ghost wolf beasts. They are using a formation formation. The one on your left is an attack formation. It should be mainly used to hold you back. The three on the right are forming an attack formation.

It's a defensive formation, they should be able to force their way through soon!"

Zuo Feng's telepathic voice was transmitted quickly. Si Mantuo, who was wary and full of doubts, understood immediately after hearing it.

Almost at the same time, the smile that had just appeared on the face of the ghostly master in the distance immediately froze, and then he looked at Zuo Feng with hatred.

'Who is this damn kid? He is definitely not from the ancient wasteland. His cultivation level is not even worthy of being a handyman in the ancient wasteland sect. But why does he know, why does he even do this?

The formation attributes of the formation are so clear.'

The ghost powerhouse was extremely angry. He had too many puzzles in his heart, but he had no answers for the time being. However, the ghost powerhouse had deeply remembered Zuo Feng. If there was a chance, he would definitely do it first.

He wanted to kill this young man because he didn't want his plan to be ruined in the hands of such an ant-like little warrior.

When the ghost master glared at Zuo Feng bitterly, Han Bing had already flew over. He was not going to give the person in front of him a chance to breathe. Han Bing planned to kill him quickly on the spot. Especially when the other party said that he was going to

After getting his own body, Han Bing became even more aggressive.

Si Mantuo on the other side had already been reminded by Zuo Feng and knew that the other party was going to use the six spirit wolf beasts formed in a formation to make a fuss, so he immediately used more powerful telekinesis.

On the basis of the original, three more waves of sand immediately rose up on both sides behind Si Mantuo. It was not until he saw the six ghost wolf beasts rushing towards him that he controlled and swatted forward.

Just as Zuo Feng said, the three on the left quickly moved around as if to avoid Si Mantuo. However, at a certain moment, they suddenly changed their direction and rushed straight towards them. The formation formed by the beast energy of the three spirit wolf beasts immediately

Sharp triangular energy shot out like arrows.

As Si Mantuo danced with his hands, he slashed forward fiercely with the Sky-breaking Fork, smashing the triangular energy that hit his eyes. The huge Sky-breaking Fork condensed with yellow sand hit it hard. Si Mantuo knew how to attack.

The defense of the formation was extremely poor, so they relied on the burst of martial arts to bombard the opponent.

And he himself quickly changed direction and rushed straight towards the two ghost wolf beasts who had formed a defensive formation. The three ghost wolf beasts in the other direction directly avoided Si Mantuo and rushed into the sand waves.

As expected, strong formation shields appeared on the surface of the bodies of the three ghost wolf beasts, and they rushed forward to break through.

"Bang, bang bang!"

What Si Mantuo didn't expect was that the defensive formation had indeed been broken open by itself, but two of the spirit wolf beasts desperately faced the Sky-Breaking Fork each. The remaining spirit wolf beast,

But he jumped away quickly and ran out from the side.

At the same time, in another direction, of the three spirit wolf beasts that formed an attack formation, the one at the front suddenly turned its body sideways, and the other two spirit wolf beasts just held up their companions' bodies and withstood several attacks.

Then, he rushed behind Si Mantuo.

This chapter has been completed!
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