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Chapter 3517 Human nature is changeable

The battle was extremely fierce, even more intense than Zuo Feng and the others could have imagined. If it weren't for such an environment, if it weren't for the deep hatred between them.

Zuo Feng might even find a way to save the people in the passage out of compassion, but there are so many "ifs" in this world.

Zuo Feng could clearly feel the way those people looked at him and others before. It was a kind of firm determination. As long as there was even a chance, he would kill himself and others even if they lost their lives.

For such people, Zuo Feng has no other choice. Now he can only watch them fight to the death until the moment they die.

The strongest middle-stage warrior in the team, naturally had the absolute fighting power in the team, but these three people were also the first to fall.

Facing the Ice Horned Rhinoceros that kept rushing towards them, they tried their best to kill only more than 20 of them. Then came the four early-stage warriors who were cultivating Qi. They also rushed out to kill them, but the number of Ice Horned Rhinoceros was just less.

, there is no reduction at all, it seems like it will be killed forever.

These four warriors in the early stage of cultivating Qi cooperate with each other more tacitly. They seem to have specially practiced some kind of joint technique, so they can last a little longer in the battle.

However, it only took a little longer, but the result was no different. Those ice-horned rhinoceros finally rushed into the team. When their cooperation was destroyed, the formation immediately fell apart.

The bodies of the four warriors in the early stage of cultivating Qi were covered by the ice-horned rhino insects that kept rushing up. As they struggled hard, they began to turn into bones. When they fell, half of their bodies had been covered in bones.


The last five warriors in the qi-absorbing stage finally collapsed at this moment. As they watched helplessly, the strong ones in the qi-growing stage in the team were killed and devoured, which directly destroyed their hearts.

In their team, there was a middle-aged woman. During the previous battle, she looked no different from her other companions. But at this time, she was the first to be unable to hold on, and suddenly turned around and headed towards the passage with all her strength.

From the side, Zuofeng rushed towards the ice cave where they were.

At this time, when one person in the team chooses to escape, her behavior affects the entire team, so the other four strong men in the Qi stage also have a subconscious reaction, turning around and running away, their movements are stiff and mechanical.


When the remaining five Naqi stage warriors turned around, Zuo Feng and the others could clearly see the fear and helplessness in these people's eyes. They were no longer warriors, no longer showing their domineering power before, and they had to directly use

The group of warriors who broke through the formation in a arrogant way were like frightened children.

Zuo Feng and the others had a feeling that these people's actions did not go through the brain's thinking. It was even an instinct, a kind of body acting on its own.

The ice-horned rhinoceros devoured them too fast. The corpses of the warriors in the initial stage of cultivating Qi were quickly devoured. Following closely behind the rhinoceros, they chased the last five warriors in the stage of receiving Qi.

The passage was not long. The remaining Xiang family warriors had rushed out not far away, but their companions were swallowed up. Now they ran back and soon arrived at the formation barrier.

The middle-aged woman's eyes were filled with tears because of fear. She slapped the barrier hard. She did not attack the formation barrier. The twelve people had not been able to break through the formation before. They knew very well that even if they could

Attacking is useless.

So she could only keep slapping it with her hands and hitting it with her head. Her mouth seemed to be pleading, hoping that Zuo Feng and the others could activate the formation to let her in.

The companions who followed the woman felt it. Some of them knelt directly on the ground, not knocking their heads on the ground, but directly knocking on the formation barrier. Others directly took out various kinds of crystals from the storage crystal.

Medicinal materials, weapons, and pills whose quality is unclear, etc., seem to want to use these to buy themselves a chance to survive.

But when the first ice-horned rhinoceros that caught up from behind rushed up and pounced on one of the warriors, those warriors changed instantly.

Everyone, including the woman who begged and cried bitterly at the beginning, had a look of ferocity and resentment on their faces.

The shape of their mouths also changed. They were no longer pleading and pleading, but turned into curses and curses. They even tried their best to attack the formation barrier.

Whether it was them or Zuo Feng, they knew very well that although the formation had scars, they could not break it. However, these people still attacked the formation crazily, instead of resisting the ice-horned rhinoceros.


This approach was very strange. It was obviously the Ice Horned Rhinoceros that wanted to kill them, but what they hated and resented was Zuo Feng and others on the other side of the formation.

The Xiang family's secret method has been learned by others, but it has nothing to do with these. There is hatred in their hearts, and they are full of jealousy.

They couldn't accept why people like them had to die in the passage and be swallowed up to nothing by these terrifying ice-horned rhinoceros in such a tragic way.

But people like Zuo Feng were able to survive, and those guys who only had the ability to sense qi, or even the tempering stage, were able to watch themselves and others die. They felt it was unfair, and they couldn't accept such a result, so compared to

What they hate even more about the Ice Horned Rhinoceros is Zuo Feng and this group of people.

This scene was so vivid that Zuo Feng and the other five people could clearly see it through the formation barrier. However, everyone's expressions at this time were different. Obviously, this scene had a different impact on them.

It seemed that it was due to the environment, or in the face of these crazy ice-horned rhinoceros, Amber unconsciously thought that Zuo Feng did not hesitate to deal with those netherworld beasts in the underground cave in order to save himself.

Nifeng's face was full of curiosity. He seemed to be more concerned about why these ice-horned rhinoceros became what they are now. The combat power of these little things has obviously increased a lot after the riot. He was thinking about how to draw out the forces that made him riot.


Puppet Xiang had a sneer and mockery on his face, as if watching the deaths of these people gave him an indescribable sense of joy, as if only the bloody killing in front of him could make him feel more truly alive.

As for Cheng Tianhao, he would look at Zuo Feng from time to time. He wanted to kill Zuo Feng and thought of countless ways, but it seemed that the methods he had thought of before were far less better than the one in front of him.

Among them all, Zuo Feng seemed to be the most special at this time. He was also very entangled and painful at first. However, his reason told him that even if he activated the formation, he would not be able to save these people. Instead, he and others would be buried together.

But those who were begging and begging one moment, those fragile-looking faces, became ferocious and terrifying the next moment, and their crazy looks were even more chilling than the ice-horned rhinoceros behind them.


They were less than ten feet apart from each other, separated by a formation barrier. Zuo Feng could clearly see the details of every expression of those people. This huge change that happened in front of him greatly touched Zuo Feng, and at the same time it also

It made his mind unconsciously think of the original eight-door space.

That eight-door space was also built by Ning Xiao. It was also a special place that was isolated from the outside world and had its own rules.

In the eight-door space, Zhentian and Yang Ming Beast went from being companions who joined hands to hunt for treasures to becoming mortal enemies who have been fighting each other for hundreds of years.

Everyone who knows Zhengtian said that Zhengtian's whole person has changed after he escaped from the eight-door space. Zuo Feng originally didn't quite understand this change, or couldn't explain it. Now that he knows what is right

, then wouldn’t it be good to make the right choice?

But it wasn't until he saw the scene in front of him that Zuo Feng felt that his whole being had been rebaptized, as if he had seen a certain essence of the world more truly.

It’s not that Zuo Feng doesn’t know that people are multi-faceted, and it’s not that he doesn’t know that people will make some unpredictable changes under extreme circumstances.

But knowing it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes and experiencing it is another thing entirely.

For example, when Zuo Feng looked at the people in front of him, he did not put himself from the perspective of a complete bystander, but put himself from the perspective of the same victim.

Because I am also in this iceberg, I am also affected by the rules here. Although I am in this ice cave now, as long as I cannot leave, then maybe I will be standing on the other side of the formation next time, on the ice cave.

Facing those ice-horned rhinoceros in the passage.

Because of the different angles, Zuo Feng's inner feelings could not be experienced or understood by the other four people. It was this special feeling that made him seem to have some new understanding and insights into the rules of the world.

Zuo Feng once had an enlightenment on the way of heaven before, but that time, although he clearly understood the rules of the way of heaven, he could not completely transform that part of the rules of the way of heaven into his own because he could not truly understand it.

It was at this moment that Zuo Feng finally began to understand, and Gu Gu said that he had begun to touch the rules of heaven that he had once understood.

'In the face of life and death, no matter it is a human or an animal, no matter the level of cultivation, high or low status, everything is equal. This is the biggest rule in this world. If there is life, there will be death, and if there is birth, there will be death. This is a rule.

It is a kind of cycle, and only in this kind of cycle can the integrity of the rules be guaranteed.'

While others lamented the changeable nature of human nature, lamented the cruelty of death, the joy of retribution, etc., who would have thought that Zuo Feng was comprehending an important part of the rules of heaven and earth.

Zuo Feng realized very quickly, or in other words, he didn't realize much. Compared to the huge rules of the world, what he can understand now is only a handful.

In such a short period of time, the last five Xiang family warriors were completely devoured by the ice-horned rhinoceros, and not a single trace of them was left in this world.

It's just that those ice-horned rhinoceros insects, after devouring the warriors in the passage, had no intention of stopping, and instead launched a frantic attack on the formation.

How could the already scarred formation withstand the attacks of dozens of ice-horned rhinoceros bugs? The cracks on it expanded rapidly. Finally, with a low roar, the formation constructed by Zuo Feng finally came to an end.


This chapter has been completed!
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