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Chapter 3519 Rule Changes

What puzzled Gouzhong was that Ghost Nightmare actually opened his mouth to help Blizzard speak. At this time, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether they had some secret agreement with each other.

If this is the case, then he must join forces with the ghost master and the young man holding the ancient jade as soon as possible, otherwise he is likely to suffer a loss in the face of the ghost nightmare and blizzard.

However, while Puppet Zhong was still making secret calculations, the ghostly master also slowly spoke, "Master Puppet Sect, please be patient, we really can't be in a hurry at the moment. You and I happen to want to refine the corpse puppet, and this time is just right.

You can use it."

As soon as the ghost master said this, Gouzhong's face immediately became extremely ugly. The first thing he thought of was whether he had been excluded from the entire team.

At this time, Gouzhong was filled with fear and panic. This was a team that was temporarily formed. There was no trust between everyone at all. It was just that they had the same purpose and had conflicts and entanglements with each other. This allowed everyone to be able to temporarily

Join forces.

But now the main forces in the team have reached some kind of agreement without his knowledge. If he is really excluded from the team, it will not be as simple as just being eliminated. He may even be in danger of his life.

While Gouzhong's eyes were flickering and he was thinking to himself with a heavy heart, whether it was Blizzard, Ghost Nightmare, or the ghostly master, they all seemed to have guessed what Gouzhong was thinking.

It's just that there was a hint of ridicule on these people's faces, but no one opened his mouth to explain anything, as if they deliberately wanted to see his joke.

Just when Gouzhong was feeling uneasy and thinking about what bad things would happen to him next, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Blizzard and Gui Ni.

They didn't pay attention to him at all at this time, but all looked in the same direction. This seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with his guess. Looking at the ghost master, he also looked the same.

The terrible feeling of being excluded from the entire team made Pou Zhong's heart sink, and then he subconsciously looked in the same direction.

He just took a look, and he was stunned on the spot. He was not only surprised because the ice horned rhinoceros was more than twice as big as he remembered, but he also understood at this moment why Blizzard asked everyone to stop.

For a moment, there was no reason for anyone to object.

It was precisely because these ice-horned rhinoceros were about to appear that several other forces proposed to stay temporarily. However, because of his guilty conscience, the first thing he thought of was that he might be plotted by other forces.

As the saying goes, benevolence is in the eye of the beholder, and lewdness is in the eyes of the beholder. For a person with a dirty heart, when he encounters unexpected changes, the first thing he thinks of is naturally conspiracy and calculation.

However, Gouzhong just secretly breathed a sigh of relief at his misunderstanding, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with being so suspicious. Because he firmly believed that only by being as cautious as he was, could he live a long life.

While Gu Zhong was deep in thought, more and more Ice-horned Rhinoceros began to gather in the passage. Everyone was curious at the beginning, but then gradually became a little confused.

Because these ice-horned rhinoceros worms are indeed different from those seen outside, but now these ice-horned rhinoceros worms seem to be different from those who were forced to ask them before.

The difference is not only in appearance, but also in their state. Even if they have never seen the ice-horned rhinoceros in the iceberg, these old monsters in the team who have lived for countless years can still feel something strange.

Those ice-horned rhinoceros seem to be in a violent state unique to the beast tribe.

"This... I don't know what to call him?" Ghost Nightmare was confused and subconsciously turned his head to look at Blizzard. Then he remembered that he had not asked the other party's name.

"Old man Binghe." Blizzard answered without hesitation. He would never reveal his real name. "Bing" is the common surname among the Icefield clan, and everyone in the world knows it.

Sure enough, after hearing the name "Binghe", Guiyu didn't have any doubt, but continued: "I don't know what you think of Binghe, but these ice-horned rhinoceros seem to be a little special."

Blizzard was also puzzled by this. This was the first time he had seen such a strange ice-horned rhinoceros, so his vigilance was inevitably heightened.

But on the surface, he said calmly: "There are not many records about this object in our clan, but it does look a little different. I don't know why it looks like this now."

In fact, everyone had guesses in their minds. It felt like the ice-horned rhinoceros seemed to be in a state of violent orcs. It was a pity that there was no such thing as Headwind in the team. Otherwise, it would have been immediately certain that everyone's guesses were correct.

Those ice-horned rhinoceros emerged from the ice wall one by one, and then started to move around very irritably, even biting each other, but there was no life-and-death fight.

Ghost Nightmare did not need to refine corpse puppets, so he picked up the two drained corpses at hand and threw them directly into the passage. As soon as the two corpses entered the passage, countless ice-horned rhinoceros pounced on them.

Before it even hit the ground, it was already devoured by the ice-horned rhinoceros.

Such a scene, even considering the knowledge and character of the people present, could not help but be slightly shocked.

After the ice-horned rhinoceros devoured the corpse, they still looked very irritable. After only a moment, the ice-horned rhinoceros gradually focused their attention on the people in the cave.

I don't know which ice-horned rhinoceros took the lead and rushed towards the ice cave first. The other ice-horned rhinoceros seemed to have received the signal and immediately took action, rushing towards the passage with all their strength.

It's just that those ice-horned rhinoceros worms, after rushing to the entrance of the passage, directly hit an invisible barrier. The invisible barrier at the beginning could be easily blocked. As the number of ice-horned rhinoceros worms continued to increase,

The surface of the barrier is distorted and deformed more and more violently.

"According to the rules here, our number has not increased. Those ice-horned rhino insects should not continue to attack, right?" A warrior under Ghost Nightmare was asking in a low voice at this moment.

But the doubts in his heart were also the doubts of others. And this kind of doubt made everyone finally turn their attention to Blizzard.

Seeing everyone watching, Blizzard couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart and said: "My clan does not have any more detailed records about this iceberg. You should also know that for tens of thousands of years, the surrounding glaciers and the iceberg where we are located have never been

It has never happened before, and it can be said that no one really knows the situation here."

Although everyone felt that the old man named "Binghe" might still have reservations, but judging from the way he faced the ice-horned rhinoceros, it seemed that his knowledge was limited. The only one who knew something about this place was Han Bing.

That's all, but Han Bing saw these ice-horned rhinoceros for the first time.

While everyone was still discussing, the invisible barrier was constantly distorted and deformed by the impact. When the deformation reached a certain level, an ice-horned rhinoceros suddenly got in.

Everyone watched as the ice-horned rhinoceros fell to the ground, rolled around a few times, and the moment it got up, it rushed towards the nearest ghostly nightmare with all its strength.

The ghostly nightmare frowned slightly, staring at the ice-horned rhinoceros with disgust. He flicked his fingers, and after the invisible spiritual realm condensed on his fingertips, it turned into a thin line and shot away.


The ice-horned rhinoceros' body was penetrated almost instantly, but after the body was penetrated, it still lunged at it with its fangs and claws. The ghostly nightmare's expression finally changed significantly, and its fingers continued to pop out at it again.

This time, the Ice Horned Rhinoceros was directly hit and shattered into pieces.

However, a few drops of its blue blood flew towards Ghost Nightmare, and he easily rolled it up with a flick of his sleeve. However, the next moment everyone saw that Ghost Nightmare's sleeves were stained with blue blood.

From there, bursts of blue smoke emerged.


The two warriors from the Oni Mandrill Pavilion exclaimed that their Oni Mandrill Pavilion's clothes could not only isolate water and fire, but also had the effect of avoiding poison. But seeing this situation now, it was obvious that the poison was anything but ordinary.

Although the voice was small, everyone heard it clearly. They were surprised and naturally became more careful. Everyone was a little puzzled. The group of people before did not seem to be lying, but these ice horns in front of them

Rhinoceros, why did you break the rules and start attacking the people in the cave?

In another cave, Zuo Feng and others stared blankly at the ice-horned rhinoceros in the passage. I am afraid they will never forget the scene before.

At the last moment, the five strong men of the Xiang family in the Naqi stage had eyes filled with despair, fear, resentment, and jealousy. They barely resisted and allowed the ice-horned rhinoceros to pounce on them and devour their bodies.

These ice-horned rhino insects are also very special. If they are the warriors who resisted with all their strength before, they will attack their vital points and even release poison.

However, the humans in front of them no longer resisted at all. Instead, they would not deliberately kill these people first, but would directly devour them.

From the skin and flesh on the outside to the bones and organs inside, even though these ice-horned rhino worms devoured them very quickly, the people in front of them were still struggling for two or three breaths in extreme pain and fear.

Then he breathed his last completely.

This scene was indeed very cruel, but no one, whether it was Zuo Feng who was thoughtful or others who had their own ideas, looked away.

At least the five people present knew very well that they were not qualified to sympathize or pity them. After all, they were also in the iceberg at this time and were also under the threat of ice-horned rhinoceros.

This time it is the enemy. Who can say for sure whether it will be your turn next time this situation occurs.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that everything had finally come to an end. However, the ice-horned rhinoceros bugs each stared at the people in the formation with ferocious eyes.

Including Zuo Feng, everyone was shocked and subconsciously stepped back. The ice-horned rhino insects immediately rushed out crazily and crashed into the formation barrier.

Because the force of the impact was too strong, and the formation was no longer able to hold on, it instantly disintegrated under the continuous crazy impact of dozens of ice-horned rhino insects.

Fortunately, although the formation was broken, there was still an invisible barrier between the cave and the passage, which could temporarily block the Ice Horned Rhinoceros. But at this time, the faces of the five Zuo Feng people were extremely ugly, because they knew very well that this invisible wall

Obstacles can't stop it for long.

Many people discovered a desperate fact at this time, that is, the rules here have changed. Zuo Feng knew that it was not the rules that had changed, but these Ice-horned Rhinoceros.

This chapter has been completed!
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