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The 3680th chapter is tired of the house and black

After switching to Amber to lead the way, he was not moving too fast, but this time he was not pretending, but really needed to confirm the surrounding environment every time he moved forward.

The reason for this is because he is still unable to determine the specific location of the warriors of the Fengtian Dynasty. After all, it was already an hour ago when he saw the map and location information from the Zuo Feng Formation Jade.

Not to mention that a period of time had passed between Zuo Feng obtaining this information and handing it over to Amber. How the Fengtian Dynasty would choose the route and what changes would occur during this period were all unpredictable.

In addition to the map, what Zuo Feng gave him was the possible route and direction of the Fengtian Dynasty. So with this information, Amber could not guarantee that he would be able to find it, but he knew one thing, that

That is, you must find the other party.

"Is this kid okay? We've been walking for a long time, and he just kept walking like this and refused to explain anything to us. He couldn't be having some other crooked ideas."

Cheng Tianhao narrowed his eyes slightly and glared at Amber fiercely as he walked forward. Unlike Puppet Xiang, he did not lack trust in Amber, but had no trust at all. He suspected from the beginning that Amber was not

Really stand on their side.

Puppet Xiang frowned. Most of his trust in Amber was based on rational speculation, because it was reasonable from a theoretical point of view. However, he could not completely discard the emotional factors in his judgment, that is, from

From a perceptual perspective, his thoughts are very close to Cheng Tianhao's.

"In this situation, do you have any better ideas?" Puppy Xiang narrowed his eyes, stared at Amber in the distance, and asked Cheng Tianhao.

It seems that Cheng Tianhao has already made up his mind, so at this moment, Cheng Tianhao said without any hesitation: "I really have a way here, which is to directly make this amber into a 'living puppet'."

"Yeah." Puppy Xiang, who didn't seem too interested at first, looked at Cheng Tianhao with some surprise.

"I don't know what's special about the environment here, but I know that we can't control the dire wolves here, and the corpses we encounter can't be refined into corpse puppets.

But the Puppet Spirit Sect also has a secret method that can control living warriors as puppets. I believe that such a method will not be restricted and allowed to be used by us.

If we directly transform Amber into a 'living puppet', not only will his actions be controlled by you, but his thoughts and memories will also be able to be deeply explored, and he will no longer pose any threat to us."

Regarding Cheng Tianhao's proposal, Puppy Xiang gradually fell into deep thought, and seemed to be weighing whether Cheng Tianhao's proposal was feasible.

After a while, Puppet Xiang looked a little embarrassed and said, "This 'living puppet' method is indeed a very good way to control people's actions, and my current cultivation level is one level higher than Amber's.

If there are more, there won’t be much of a problem in implementation.

However, to realize the 'living puppet', I must invade the soul. If I can reach the concentration period or above, I can use powerful telepathy to parasitize a trace of soul into his soul and control it.

But I haven't reached that level yet. If I use my soul to invade, it will inevitably cause damage to his soul. Under normal circumstances, this kind of damage will first affect his memory, followed by his thinking.

If damaged memory and thinking are part of what is useful to us, then not only will we not be able to make better use of amber, but we may also lose an important boost."

After all, Cheng Tianhao is not a member of the Puppet Spirit Sect, so he only knows a little bit about most of the secrets of the Puppet Spirit Sect, and he doesn't know much about the inside story at all.

After Puppy Xiang's analysis, Cheng Tianhao also understood that the "living puppet" method was too risky and should not be used lightly unless absolutely necessary.

"If we just do nothing, don't you worry that Amber is playing tricks on us? If Zuo Feng's plan goes well, once the ice platform formation gathers enough flesh and blood energy, it will be too late for us to regret it.


These words obviously had a stimulating effect on Puppet Xiang. His eyes flickered slightly, and there was an obvious blood glow in his eyes. Then he let out a cold "hum" and said: "I will give him another half an hour and let him toss to his heart's content first.

Well, if he still doesn't find anything by then, then I will directly make him a 'living puppet'. Even if I lose some memory and thinking, I won't care so much."

After hearing Puppet Xiang's decision, Cheng Tianhao's face finally showed a rare smile. There is a kind of love called loving the house and the crow, and there is a kind of disgust called hating the house and the crow.

Cheng Tianhao naturally knew the significance and value of Amber to them, and he found no sign that Amber was plotting against them. But whenever he saw Amber, he felt uncontrollable anger in his heart, and wanted to kill him directly.

Of course, Cheng Tianhao's past experiences cannot be escaped. Cheng's family belongs to Cheng Tianhao's lineage. Not only has he lost the qualification to inherit Cheng's family, but also he is almost the only one in his lineage who has lost.

Regarding his own experience, Cheng Tianhao would not think about whether he had done anything wrong or whether he had chosen the wrong enemy from the beginning. He would only blame Zuo Feng for all his faults and guilt.

On the body.

At this moment, Zuo Feng's best brother, at least the best brother "ever" appeared in front of him. His overwhelming hatred would make him unconsciously reveal his murderous intentions.

Although he agreed with Cheng Tianhao's suggestion, Puppy Xiang was obviously much calmer. He glanced sideways at the other party and said.

"I agree with your suggestion, but it doesn't mean that I don't know what you are thinking. If Amber can't find the people of Fengtian Dynasty in half an hour, his value will basically be gone, so I will deal with him directly.

But before that, I hope you will restrain yourself and at least not let Amber die in such a wasteful manner. Because you have to understand that what Zuo Feng wants most right now is for Amber to die. If you kill him now, Zuo Feng will thank him in turn.


At first, all his emotions were almost occupied by hatred. After hearing these words, Cheng Tianhao seemed to be sober again. He took a few heavy breaths, and then slowly nodded, indicating that he understood.

When Cheng Tianhao nodded heavily, Amber sighed invisibly in the distance, and then focused all his attention on observing the surrounding environment.

In the previous moment, Amber, who seemed to have been concentrating on searching for traces, was actually distracted in perceiving. Rather than perceiving, it was actually the invisible pressure and sense of crisis that lingered in his heart for a long time and could not be dissipated.


Amber had already sensed it just now, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and the hairs on his back stood up unconsciously. However, Amber did not dare to react immediately, but continued to look for traces everywhere.

When he turned his head inadvertently, Amber immediately saw from the corner of his eye that Puppet Xiang and Cheng Tianhao were staring at him, as if they were secretly studying something with malicious intent.

Although Amber also estimated that what these two guys were discussing must be aimed at him and would be very disadvantageous to him, he felt helpless.

In this situation, even if Amber fights with all his might, he still can't compete with Puppy Xiang and Cheng Tianhao, not to mention that they are accompanied by six strong men from the Kecha tribe.

Fortunately, after a while, the sense of crisis that enveloped his heart slowly disappeared. Until this moment, Amber dared to relax a little, but his whole body was still in a tense state.

'It seems that they have gradually lost their patience. The longer time goes by, the less patient they will be. It's really hard to say exactly how they will deal with me.

In this situation, I really have no other choice but to speed up. The problem is that I don’t know exactly where the Fengtian Dynasty group is. Just having a general route is still like finding a needle in a haystack for me.


Amber, who looked very calm on the surface, had begun to feel anxious in his heart, because he didn't know when Puppy Xiang and Cheng Tianhao would completely lose control.

The pressure brought by these people behind him made Kohaku unconsciously speed up his progress. At the same time, Kohaku also began to gradually expand the scope of his search.

Time is constantly moving forward like this, slowly passing by, but the expected team of Fengtian Dynasty has never appeared, and not even a little trace or clue has been found.

Amber became more and more anxious during this process, while the expressions of Puppy Xiang and Cheng Tianhao behind him became more and more cold. The two of them had discussed it before, but now that half an hour has passed, they

I feel that Amber can no longer waste time.

Cheng Tianhao glanced at Puppet Xiang more than a dozen times for a while, as if he was asking, 'Should we do it? When will we do it? Do it quickly.'

In fact, Puppy Xiang has been hesitating. It's not that Amber is so important to the formation, but he just feels that without Amber, he may be less sure of dealing with Zuo Feng.

But he finally made a decision and turned to Cheng Tianhao and nodded. Although it was just such an inconspicuous little gesture, Cheng Tianhao's face immediately showed a thick smile.

The corner of his mouth curved into a cruel arc, and he had already begun to think about what a wonderful experience it would be to torture Amber. Thinking that Amber would be transformed into a "living puppet", his heart felt hot.

Cheng Tianhao went first, and after making a decision, Puppet Xiang no longer thought too much and followed closely behind. Although the six Kecha warriors did not know what they were going to do, they also followed.


But just when they came behind Amber, Cheng Tianhao had already started to circulate his spiritual energy and was about to take action. Amber suddenly let out a soft "Eh" and ran quickly to the side.

Cheng Tianhao looked ferocious and said coldly: "You still want to run away, can you run away!"

Just when Cheng Tianhao was about to fly out, a hand directly held him down. When he turned his head to look full of confusion and anxiety, he found that Puppet Xiang was staring at Amber's back with narrowed eyes.

, said softly: "Don't be impatient for a moment, wait a moment."

This chapter has been completed!
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