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Four thousand one hundred and seventeenth chapter spirit and soul

It was as if scalding hot water was poured directly on the soul, but strangely, there was no pain at all.

On the contrary, while the hot current is passing through, there is also an impulse that makes people feel so comfortable that they want to shout loudly.

There is a description called "pleasure from the depths of the soul." I originally thought this was too exaggerated, but now Zuo Feng has truly experienced what the joy of the soul feels like.

It was not until this moment that Zuo Feng realized more clearly that the energy in the beast crystal was far more special than he had imagined. At least he was not simply a beast, and at the same time, it was not like the energy he had obtained and absorbed in the first place.

Those animal crystals and animal patterns.

If 70% to 80% of the energy inside the original beast crystals and animal patterns came from the Rule Beast Splitting the Sky, then another 20% to 30% came from Ning Xiao's methods.

So far, Zuo Feng still can't see through the beast crystals and animal patterns. It's not the part that belongs to the Beast of Rules that splits the sky, but the part that has been processed by Ning Xiao.

Although Zuo Feng absorbed and transformed his body step by step, even his appearance has changed. However, he found that he seemed to be increasingly unable to see through the beast crystals and animal patterns.

Some of his judgments were actually confirmed by the rule beast Split Sky. Zuo Feng once tested him to see if he was interested in beast crystals and animal patterns, and if he wanted to get his own body.

The strange thing is that Li Tian refused the former without hesitation, and even showed an unconcealed rejection. Although he was interested in his body, he did not really take action, as if he was vaguely aware of it.

What are some concerns.

Now that I think about it more carefully, it seems that it’s not that Split Sky really doesn’t want to say anything, but that it may not be able to explain it clearly. It’s very possible that its memory was just like when it was attacked by the Yang Ming Beast.

Maybe it was erased.

The reason why Zuo Feng thought of this was mainly because he confirmed some of his previous judgments about beast crystals. The beast crystals and animal patterns he absorbed before were aimed at transforming his own body.

But the beast crystal we are facing now, the energy in it seems to be deliberately targeting the soul. What is even more interesting is that the Yang Ming Beast has been trapped in the eight-door space for thousands of years, and even this soul has been hidden here for hundreds of years.

, the beast crystal provided basically no energy during this period.

However, at this moment, Zuo Feng felt that the beast crystal had become different. If all these changes were not due to him, then he really could not find a more reasonable explanation.

The energy in the beast crystal is washing away in the soul all the time, and the feeling is still sweeping away everything that does not belong to the soul.

The remnant souls belonging to the Yang Ming Beast have already been completely strangled and annihilated. Looking at the current situation, they want to completely clean up everything inside.

Zuo Feng thought that this process would pass quickly, but after careful observation, he realized that what he thought was simple.

Zuo Feng originally believed that the beast energy in the beast crystal could only be eliminated by eliminating the remaining soul of the Yangming beast and the traces of its existence.

However, in fact, it is not that simple. After those beasts can penetrate deep into it, they seem to eliminate all existences related to the Yangming Beast. To put it more bluntly, they want to turn it into a pure soul.

When Zuo Feng came up with this idea, he couldn't help but find it a little funny, thinking that it shouldn't really be what he imagined.

But the facts told Zuo Feng that the beast power in the beast crystal was far more thorough than he imagined. Not only were the traces in the soul erased, but some subtle points were also slightly adjusted.

The originally transformed beasts are no different from humans, but their souls will still retain some of the characteristics of their own beasts. For example, the souls of Yangming beasts will retain some of the characteristics of the Nether race.

This is also why, when the remnant soul of the Yang Nether Beast appeared before, it was in the form of the Nether Beast, not the transformed human form.

Although it doesn't have much impact, it is more suitable for his soul, and of course it is more beneficial to Zuo Feng, so he will naturally not reject it.

However, with the continuous transformation of beast power, Zuo Feng made a new discovery. The transformation of the soul was not completely like a human form, but in some aspects, it still retained the characteristics of the beast race.

‘What on earth is going on? Shouldn’t it be completely transformed into the form of a human soul after transformation? Why do we still need to retain some of the characteristics of the beast race? This is also prepared to adapt to me...?'

Zuo Feng was still full of doubts and confusion about such a series of changes, but he had to accept the result, and he had no other choice.

With the inner transformation of his soul, Zuo Feng gradually realized something special. The most obvious thing is that his own consciousness began to naturally integrate into it.

It feels like a shoe of the right size. You don't need to pull hard to squeeze in. The soles of your feet can slowly "slide" into them. There will be no looseness or the discomfort of sudden tightening.

'Well, is this what it feels like to be suitable? Why do I have the illusion that this soul is more suitable for me...'

This was Zuo Feng's first time facing a split soul and feeling like this. And he soon discovered that his conclusion was still a little premature.

Because as his consciousness slowly sank into the depths of his soul, those beast powers began to make slight adjustments. They once again made modifications and adjustments to the soul. There was no need to think about it. The beast powers were adjusting the soul to achieve the goal.

Adapt it to your own purposes.

Of course, in fact, there are almost no major changes in the soul, but some details have been adjusted and modified by animal power.

And with this modification process, more beast energy continued to penetrate into the soul. Zuo Feng finally felt that the essence of the soul had been warmed and nourished, and it was gradually achieving the purpose of strengthening.

At the same time, like countless streams, the soul power formed by feedback from the depths of the soul began to wrap around Zuo Feng's consciousness.

Zuo Feng didn't panic at all, nor did he resist at all. This was different from the previous soul power of the Yang Ming Beast, which suddenly appeared without warning.

These soul powers are the soul powers that beasts can inject into the soul, and then let the soul itself gestate. These are the soul powers that truly belong to Zuo Feng.

Since the generation of this part of the soul power, the soul has gradually entered the right track. What Zuo Feng can do is to gather this part of the soul power directly into his consciousness, thereby stabilizing his consciousness.

If Zuo Feng's consciousness was still in a state of temporary residence after it came to this divided soul, then now he has finally begun the process of integrating into his soul.

Spirit represents will, consciousness, and exists on the spiritual level. Strictly speaking, those who come from Zuofeng can be called "spirits."

As for the "soul", its existence is more of a carrier. To describe it in a narrow way, the soul is the "home" of the spirit.

Although the soul itself is closer to an illusory existence than the material world, or closer to the existence of special energy.

However, in comparison, the soul is closer to the entity, because the soul can be seen and touched, unlike the spirit, which is difficult to capture with the eyes, let alone directly contact with the body.

A spirit can only feel other spirits with its own spirit. When a spirit is fighting, it also needs to use its own spirit to fight against other spirits.

The combination of spirit and soul is a complete soul. When Zuo Feng's consciousness descends here, what actually descends is his spirit, and what he enters is his split soul.

Although Ling has a new "home", it still needs a process to completely take over this "home". Even Zuo Feng himself doesn't know how long it will take.

However, the beast energy in the beast crystal provided Zuo Feng with great help. The transformation and growth of the divided soul, as well as the generation of soul power, accelerated the entire integration a lot.

Zuo Feng could clearly feel that the integration of his consciousness and the split soul became smoother and smoother, and the memories that came with his consciousness were gradually becoming clearer.

Only then did Zuo Feng have some free time, and he boldly began to observe the situation of the surrounding beast crystals.

Because he once directly absorbed the beast crystals and animal patterns, which were the parts that remained in the Xuanwu Empire after being scattered. Those beast crystals and animal patterns provided him with physical transformation and improvement.

Although the beast crystal in front of him was also combined with animal patterns, there were some differences. Zuo Feng didn't notice the peculiarity at first, but he used its power to obliterate the Yang Ming Beast and help him transform.

The soul is revealed little by little.

In fact, Zuo Feng also had a suspicion that this beast crystal might have been modified by the Yang Ming Beast, so that it could be more adapted to the existence of his own soul.

However, through the series of events just now and the influence of those beasts on his soul, Zuo Feng gradually began to feel some mysterious connection between the beast crystal and the entire eight-door space.

Now that the beast crystal was associated with the eight-door space, Zuo Feng immediately came up with new speculations. There are two possibilities. The beast crystal itself is special, and it changed after entering the eight-door space. There is another possibility,

After any beast crystal enters the eight-door space, it will passively become what it is now.

If Zuo Feng were to make the judgment, he would be more inclined to the latter, because traces of Ning Xiao could be seen in every step of his own transformation and growth.

The beast crystals and animal patterns he absorbed in the Xuanwu Empire transformed his body. Part of the benefits he gained when he entered the eight-door space should include the transformation of his soul.

It was only later that a strange combination of circumstances caused the soul of the Yangming beast to enter first. However, there was no change until I completely mastered the soul, and then there was a series of subsequent changes.

Many thoughts and conjectures kept flashing through his mind. Just when Zuo Feng felt that he had grasped a relatively clear context, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his consciousness, as if there was a big hand in the dark, suddenly pulling him away.

The soul is clenched tightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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