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Chapter 4152 Explore at the same time

"Master, I wonder if you have noticed that the effect of this thing seems to be somewhat similar to the power of the eclipse dark obsidian released by the eclipse mirror."

Zuo Feng's voice came over, and in response to this question, Huan Kong naturally nodded without hesitation, and then moved his lips slightly.

From the opponent's mouth shape, Zuo Feng immediately understood the general meaning of Huan Kong. The power in this gap was not only similar to the eclipse dark obsidian, but also had a deep connection with the rules of heaven and earth in the Arctic Icefield.

The previous point confirmed Zuo Feng's guess, but the following words suddenly reminded Zuo Feng. He only considered that the gray-black energy was related to the power of the eclipse mirror, but he forgot that the energy here must be

It also involves the power of iceberg rules.

And as a result, Zuo Feng suddenly discovered that there seemed to be more clues in his hand, and every one of them was obviously an important clue.

However, each of these clues is incomplete, or in other words, neither I nor Huan Kong actually have the ability to independently investigate.

"Why do you say that the energy in this crack and the energy in this world are deeply connected to each other, but they are completely different? I can't understand it."

When that gray-black tentacle-like energy appeared, Huan Kong was actually thinking about this problem, but was interrupted by Zuo Feng's sound transmission.

Now Zuo Feng asked, Huan Kong sorted out his thoughts for a while, and then slowly moved his mouth, and Zuo Feng could now gradually understand what he meant.

"I'm not very sure, but I always feel that there should be two kinds of regular forces in the Far North Icefield. They can integrate with each other and coexist in this world.

At the same time, they are not the same, and each exists in a different way. When I first realized it, I was indeed embedded in this world and understood the rules between heaven and earth.

At that time, I was also vaguely surprised that the rules of the world here were too easy for me to be embedded in. I regarded this as a coincidence and personal luck, but now it seems that the situation should be more complicated than I imagined.

The reason why I successfully embedded my consciousness into the world at that time was mainly because the rules of the world were incomplete, and I only understood part of them."

Slowly getting used to lip-reading Zuo Feng, although it still feels a little awkward, but at least for the content that Huan Kong wants to express, only a small part of the words need to be guessed, instead of relying on "meaning" for a large part like before.


It can be said that it is very important to get the information from Huan Kong, but what is placed in front of the two of them at the same time is also a new huge question. According to Huan Kong's judgment, there are two kinds of rules in this world, even if we ignore them first

How to coexist and coexist? At least we need to understand what these two kinds of rules of heaven and earth are, and how they are related to the "original" moon eclipse mirror in Yin Wuliu's hand.

Although it is difficult to get an answer to this question for the time being, Zuo Feng at least already understands which direction he should explore, and what are the main problems he may face if he continues to explore.

"There's a change on the other side!"

This was what Zuo Feng suddenly said after a brief silence between Huan Kong and Zuo Feng. The moment he heard this transmission, Huan Kong didn't even understand what the other party was referring to.

After everyone hesitated briefly at the same time, Huan Kong finally realized that the "other side" Zuo Feng mentioned was the other side of the crack that had appeared.

"What kind of change?"

This was done through the mouth shape to read out what Huan Kong wanted to say. Zuo Feng started to describe it without even the slightest hesitation.

The space on the other side was originally very dark and cramped, and entering it felt like being imprisoned inside. But just after someone was killed here, the space on the other side seemed to have been expanded, and it felt like that space was being destroyed.


This is what Zuo Feng's mental power gained after following Zeng Rong's spiritual realm and exploring there. In fact, this is not a gain at all, just some changes he observed but couldn't quite understand.

Ever since Ghost Nightmare penetrated into this area based on the connection between the two locations and the special changes he noticed, he has been working hard to explore it.

According to the rules of treasure hunting in the arctic ice field, or exploration inside the iceberg, his own actions have been more than one step slower than most of the team.

The result will most likely be that you gain nothing, not only because you are slow, but also because you are alone.

Without the support of his companions, he has little hope if he wants to compete with other teams for treasures, especially some of the teams from the ancient wilderness.

However, the changes in the moon eclipse mirror gave him hope again. The scenes in various spaces he glimpsed from the cracks in space surprised and excited Yin Wuliu.

It was like a group of people were racing, and Yin Wuliu himself was lagging too far behind. He was about to give up the race, but suddenly found that he could use the rules of the race, that is, "cutting shortcuts", and there was only one left in front of him.

The next two questions are...where is the shortcut? And how to "copy".

From the perspective of peeping, Yin Wuliu has actually seen the general direction of the "shortcut", but he has not yet figured out whether the "shortcut" is easy to use, and whether there is any danger to himself if he takes the shortcut.

, how to avoid the danger.

What makes Yin Wuliu dare not act easily, or what makes him hesitate, is that the space he is observing now is like a special cage.

Even if he used the special power of the eclipse mirror, Yin Wuliu could not see the environment inside. The darkness was not only for ordinary eyes, but also had the same restrictions on Zeng Rong and Zuo Feng's exploration using their mental power.

Regardless of whether it is Yin Wuliu or Zeng Rong, at most they can only linger at the location where they just entered this area. This is close to the Ice Crystal Hall on the other side where Blizzard and others are.

Through a series of observations, Yin Wuliu roughly determined that the cracks did not appear in this location by coincidence. Rather, the special nature of this space meant that the cracks could only appear in this area.

Yin Wuliu, whose own scope of observation could only wander within this space, gradually began to become anxious and angry. And if there were no new changes, he might have to look for opportunities from other cracks, and of course there were others.

One possibility is to concentrate on dealing with Zuo Feng and Zeng Rong.

If the two sides start fighting again now, Zuo Feng and Zeng Rong have almost no hope of victory, and there is no telling how long they can last.

The special line of fire that broke out before Jianyan could no longer be regarded as an accident, but an absolute exception. It was the combination of Xiao Beimo and Xiao Kuangzhan, as well as the power of some closed formations in Jianyan, all poured out in an instant


If the Moon Eclipse Mirror could be destroyed instantly, then all the problems would be solved. However, contrary to expectations, if it were the Moon Sect's ordinary Moon Eclipse Mirror, it would have been directly destroyed by the blow just now, but it happened

This is that special "original" eclipse mirror.

When he heard Huan Kong speculate about the Moon Eclipse Mirror, Zuo Feng was also very depressed. The most important treasure of the Moon Sect happened to be in the hands of Yin Wuliu, and he met it here.

Fortunately, Yin Wuliu already wanted to withdraw his "sight" from this dark space, and suddenly there was a slight change in this space.

First, light appeared suddenly, and then quickly integrated into the surrounding "environment". At the same time, the scope of the space seemed to expand strangely.

To be more precise, the scope of Yin Wuliu's peek suddenly expanded at this time.

Whether it was Yin Wuliu, Zuo Feng or Zeng Rong, they initially felt that they were in a rocky cave. But at the moment when the light flickered, they simultaneously discovered that the surrounding area was also made of ice crystals.

The space is just as dark as ink because of those ice crystals, so it felt like a black rock wall in the blur before.

Regardless of Zuo Feng or Yin Wuliu, when they looked at the black ice crystals, they all felt a vague sense of familiarity. However, they couldn't tell where this familiar feeling came from.

They all coincidentally did not recall where that familiar feeling came from, because the more amazing changes in front of them revealed that the specialness and secrets of this place were gradually revealed.

Whether it is Yin Wuliu, or Zeng Rong and Zuo Feng who followed, they all know clearly that every change they see here and any secret they discover may have a huge impact on the future, and even

Directly affects one's own life and death.

The size and scope of the strange space in front of you cannot be clearly seen at all, but this has nothing to do with Yin Wuliu entering with a special "sight" and using Zuo Feng's telepathy to enter Zeng Rong's spiritual realm.

Even if they directly set foot in this space, everything they feel is no different from now. Not only the range they can see and explore, but also the range they can move around is the area they just entered.

Although there is a lot of space inside, there is no way to move forward regardless of "sight", mind power or spiritual realm.

But that feeling is not that of reaching the end of the space, but that there is an invisible resistance in front of it, blocking any force that tries to penetrate deeper.

Not only was Yin Wuliu thinking of ways to continue exploring inside, Zuo Feng and Zeng Rong were also thinking of ways, with the purpose of continuing to penetrate inside.

However, the result of the attempt made all of them feel a little disappointed, but Zuo Feng quickly accepted the result.

Because what emerged in his mind was the scene of the gray-black energy released from the gap on the other side swallowing up the five warriors.

Obviously, there is a close connection between the changes in this space and the changes in the ice crystal hall on the other side.

This chapter has been completed!
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