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Four thousand two hundred and seventy-six chapters one by one marked effect

Also facing the central area of ​​Senluo Space, the "treatment" of Zuo Feng and Yin Wuliu was completely different.

Yin Wuliu didn't understand the situation and approached that area without warning. But Zuo Feng had already made preparations before he entered, whether it was psychologically or operationally.

Although Zuo Feng only made rough guesses, Huan Kong had accurate judgments in this regard. Therefore, after Huan Kong tested Zuo Feng, he directly passed the required formations to Zuo Feng via message.

There is not much time at the moment, let Zuo Feng slowly study a set of formations suitable for dealing with the central area of ​​​​Senluo Space. As for how effective the formation is, and what effect it can exert in the face of the environment below, these

Zuo Feng needs to verify them one by one when facing problems.

While Zuo Feng was carving out the condensed formation, he was speeding downwards in an unhurried and unhurried manner. The speed was not considered slow, but it was definitely not very fast.

Just after Zuo Feng had just finished condensing, less than half a breath of time had passed, and the suction force in the center area below violently pulled Zuo Feng over.

Facing the huge pulling force, Zuo Feng not only did not resist at all, but instead just followed the pulling force and rushed in directly.

Faced with this situation at that time, Yin Wuliu was filled with fear and a hint of despair, desperately trying to escape. However, the result of the confrontation not only failed to change the situation, but also consumed him a lot in the process.

Zuo Feng was just the opposite. When the phantom formed by his entire consciousness was about to hit the "bubble" formation, the formation within his consciousness suddenly spread outward.

Just when they were about three feet away from each other, the outermost edge of the formation suddenly twisted, and Zuo Feng's consciousness suddenly slowed down.

There was no impact released by the collision, it did not cause any damage to the consciousness, and it also had no impact on the "bubble". While the formation was twisting and deforming, Zuo Feng's whole body had already "slid" away directly to the side and continued towards the center.

Fly inside the area.

Originally, Huan Kong was worried that Zuo Feng had not yet adapted to the formation he had just condensed, so he would be in danger if he suddenly rushed in without preparation and collided with each other again.

However, the moment Zuo Feng activated the formation, Huan Kong's hanging heart had already been put down. With his vision and level, he had already understood the preliminary steps of Zuo Feng's formation just by seeing this little bit of information.

Got it, no problem at all.

Therefore, Huan Kong only needs to prepare on the side, and does not need to actually do anything. He can just leave the follow-up actions to Zuo Feng.

At this time, not to mention Yin Wuliu, even Wang Xiaoyu would be shocked when they saw Zuo Feng's actions. Because Zuo Feng had now rushed into the central area, not only did his speed not slow down, but it also accelerated.

Just like before in the outer area, it still maintained a high-speed speed.

It's just that the forward trajectory looks very special. Because Huan Kong does not move forward in a straight line, nor does it move forward in a curve, but flies forward in sections of straight lines and sections of curves.

Whenever Zuofeng encounters a "bubble" space, not only will he not pause, but he will suddenly accelerate in a curved trajectory while "sliding" away.

On the contrary, in the next straight line, the left wind will slow down slightly. In this way, the left wind is constantly accelerating passively forward while moving forward.

By moving forward in this way, not only does the left wind's speed not slow down at all, but it will continue to accelerate forward.

In the past, Yin Wuliu looked like a drowning man, struggling to survive. On the other hand, Zuo Feng now looked like a trend-setter, strolling through the stormy waves.

In addition, moving forward in this way has another advantage for Zuo Feng, that is, he can constantly explore the "bubble" space he "contacts" while moving forward.

This is also the second important ability that Zuo Feng discovered when condensing the formation. Huan Kong also saw that Zuo Feng not only flexibly activated these two formations, but also could

Get the measure just right.

On the one hand, when the left wind collides with the "bubble" space, it will only cause minimal impact and will hardly change the forward trajectory of the "bubble" space.

This is what Huan Kong was most worried about at the beginning. If he saw the disorderly movement of the "bubble" space here and casually affected it without caring, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Because there is actually a trace of order in this chaos. The rules of great chaos are not complete chaos. On the contrary, it is an extreme complexity. No one can even think of doing anything to this area before fully grasping the order within it.

Risking influence on this area will only bring danger to oneself. Yin Wuliu and Wang Xiaoyu only saw a little "skin" and were already close to falling into it.

As for the other aspect, it is the exploration of the "bubble" space. Since you venture into this place, of course you cannot just walk through it. In that case, the risks you took before and the risks you take now will be meaningless.

Every time Zuo Feng seemed to "slide" away from the side, the power of the formation he released would penetrate into the "bubble" space in a special way.

Although it only lasted a short moment, Zuo Feng was able to find out certain internal rules and that unique atmosphere through this contact.

It is not possible to accurately understand all the information in the "bubble" space, but it is still possible to have a rough understanding. Moreover, the detection in this way is not only very effective, but also safer for Zuo Feng.

With the effects of the two formations, Huan Kong was relieved. He silently observed from the sidelines, and from time to time helped Zuo Feng gather the power of rules around him as a supplement to the power of the formation.

In this way, Zuo Feng kept moving forward. When he moved forward for about half a quarter of an hour, the energy in front of him immediately changed.

A chaotic and violent aura swept directly towards Zuo Feng. To be more precise, Zuo Feng himself took the initiative to rush into this area full of chaos and violent energy.

"How come we have entered the core so quickly? According to my initial guess, the central area should be larger."

Zuo Feng couldn't help but transmit the message. He was a little caught off guard by the unexpected change in front of him, but he was not panicked by it.

Huan Kong acted very calmly and directly said: "Core? If the core area only has such a little power, then I think it is not impossible for you to break in alone.

What you see now is not all caused by your kid, now you are just reaping the consequences."

Zuo Feng, who was confused at first, finally finally understood that the chaos and violent energy in the relationship only appeared because of the last explosion caused by him.

While smiling bitterly in his heart, Zuo Feng suddenly remembered something, and then asked through a voice message: "Since the effect is so amazing, Yin Wuliu must have died by now."

The reason why they are thinking about Yin Wuliu so much is because they and the other person are still in the second layer of the iceberg. As long as the other person does not die for a day, he and his companions will be threatened by death.

Unfortunately, the answer given by Huan Kong made Zuo Feng a little disappointed. He only heard Huan Kong's voice transmission: "If only Yin Wuliu entered by himself, then even if I am not completely sure that he is dead, I think he has an absolute chance of survival."

Not too big.

But now, there is Wang Xiaoyu beside him, and I am quite optimistic about this little girl. So even if the chaos and violent energy is raging, she may not be able to resolve it.

So don’t hold too much hope now, let’s go in deep first, and we must be careful to watch out for Yin Wuliu and Wang Xiaoyu along the way.”

There was only a brief moment of disappointment, but Zuo Feng immediately gathered his mood and returned his attention to facing the chaos and violent energy in front of him.

As Zuo Feng continued to penetrate deeper, he could feel that the energy around him was becoming more and more violent, and the unstable factors in the energy seemed to be increasing rapidly.

Not only is the damage caused by the formation increasing exponentially, even more than ten times, but it is also becoming more and more difficult to identify the direction.

This was the first time Zuo Feng felt that the environment he was in became extremely threatening after entering the central area, and the feeling of danger was also increasing rapidly.

For this change, Zuo Feng was obviously caught off guard. The increase in destructive power did not pose much of a threat for a while, but the difficulty in identifying the direction made the impact somewhat big.

"This is troublesome. If you lose your way here, it may be difficult to get close to the core area."

After hearing Zuo Feng's message, Huan Kong came back with a good time. It was obvious that he had already anticipated the situation in front of him.

"Why don't you try the other formation effects? What you have stimulated so far are just two effects."

Hearing what the other party said, Zuo Feng felt happy, and he even couldn't wait to start activating the formation.

He didn't need too many reminders from Huan Kong, he naturally found the formation that was the most critical to him.

As the formation activated, Zuo Feng felt that his feeling of loss and confusion was gradually fading away, and he began to be able to roughly grasp his position.

After a while, Zuo Feng began to roughly find the direction, so that he could find the direction in which he was going.

Facing the effects of the formation, Zuo Feng couldn't help but admire his master. He had not yet entered the central area, let alone encountered the chaotic and violent energy in front of him, and the opponent had already sensed it one step ahead.

This ability to know things first is worth learning.

This chapter has been completed!
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