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Four thousand two hundred and ninety-ninth chapters determination to kill ants

This second attack, apart from the angle and strength, was almost the same as the first attack.

In these two seemingly ordinary attacks, Yin Wuliu actually used martial arts. Otherwise, when he attacks the blades of grass, the entire grass will be affected, not just one of the branches.

blades of grass.

On the blades of grass that had become twisted and rolled up under the attack, several dewdrops quickly gathered together and dripped down along the ends of the blades and where they connected with the main trunk of the grass. After launching the attack, Yin Wuliu quickly

of leaving.

The chasing ant below had just stabilized its body when it was gathered together again and a large ball of dew hit its body. This time, although it tried its best to grab the grass, it could not help but fall down in the end.

Its six legs kept waving, and after several consecutive efforts, it still failed to stop the body from falling. With great difficulty, its six feet hugged the main trunk of the grass almost at the same time, allowing the barbs growing on the soles of the feet to insert.

Then he reluctantly lay down on the grass again.

However, just as the ant stabilized itself, he suddenly saw a ball of dew above his head, and it fell hard towards him.

This ant, which had been extremely fierce and domineering from the beginning, finally showed a hint of retreat at this moment. It also finally felt that the "little human" in front of it was even more difficult to deal with than it had imagined.

In fact, this has nothing to do with wisdom, but is based on the animal's intuition and instinct. However, it is still a little hesitant. Should it continue to try again and take down the delicious-looking prey in front of it, or should it just retreat?


It was obvious that Yin Wuliu had no such hesitation, and he had no intention of giving up. When the ant slid downward, he had already landed in front of another blade of grass.

While his spiritual energy was circulating, he swung his fist out without hesitation and struck towards the side of the blade of grass. With his previous experiences, Yin Wuliu was now very skilled and no longer needed after the bombardment.

With slight adjustments, you can ensure that the dew will drip downward after merging together.

The ant was hit by dew again. This time it not only fell from the grass, but even though it tried hard to stabilize its body, it finally fell down uncontrollably.

As for Yin Wuliu above, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised up to this moment, revealing a cold and confident smile. Although it was a childish face, his temperament was exactly that of the master of the Moon Palm, Yin Wuliu.

There was no slightest bit of relaxation, and no intention of letting go. It seemed that what was happening in front of him was just the beginning of his plan.

I saw Yin Wuliu continuing down the grass stems. Every time he came to a place with grass blades, he would stop for a moment, and then punch it hard.

So as the ant fell to one side, large clumps of dew also continued to fall from above.

Although the expression of the ant cannot be seen, from the crazy dancing of its six legs, we can vaguely feel its desire to escape quickly.

It was only then that the ant finally decided to give up. It no longer wanted to continue chasing Yin Wuliu. He could no longer hold on to the grass stems. All he could do was to escape quickly after falling to the ground.


This grass is so tall for both Yin Wuliu and the ant, but it will eventually fall to the ground. The ant seems to be prepared to bear the impact when it hits the ground.


But when it actually fell to the ground, it did not suffer such a strong impact, nor did it feel the pain caused by the impact.

It fell directly into the water, and the dew that hit its body before was now concentrated under the grass, where the ant fell.

If the ant in front had already decided to give up, now it feels fear, which is the fear caused by its own life being threatened.

The ant wanted to move, but it was stuck in the liquid and it was very difficult for it to move. Although it was extremely flexible on the ground, when it was in the water, it lost nearly 90% of its ability to move.

Therefore, there was obviously not much water, but after the ant fell into it, it was still unable to get out. Yin Wuliu, who was at a high place, observed everything below with cold eyes, but the smile on his face changed at this moment.

It became more and more brilliant, which was exactly what he wanted.

"Hmph, ants are still ants after all. Their own habits and characteristics have not changed much. Water is still your weakness."

Now Yin Wuliu couldn't help but sigh. Although he had never paid much attention to ants, he had seen other children drown a group of ants with water when he was a child. He never expected that what he saw and heard at that time could be used today.

Thanks to the changes in his appearance and clothing, Yin Wuliu recalled many memories of the past, otherwise he would be really helpless in facing this ant.

Next to and below Yin Wuliu, there were six large groups of liquid composed of dew, falling downwards. Yin Wuliu controlled it very well. The order of the six groups of dew was different, and the direction in which they fell was

But basically the same.

In almost the blink of an eye, the first of the six dew balls had fallen to the ground, exactly where the ant was.

Being in the water will not only make it difficult for the ant to move, but will also pose a threat to its life. The longer it stays in the water, the lower its chance of survival becomes.

Originally, the ant was able to gradually touch the ground in the water while struggling hard. On the one hand, there was not much water on the ground, and the liquid would slowly spread and penetrate into the ground.


The moment it touched the ground, the ant's mobility also recovered, and it crawled forward with all its strength without hesitation.

However, it had just advanced a little distance when a large ball of dew suddenly fell down. The falling liquid fell on the ant and did not cause direct damage to it, but the ant was uncontrollably in the liquid.

Roll up.

The most critical thing is that the liquid suddenly increased, making the ant unable to touch the ground for a while. It rolled and struggled, but to no avail.

Immediately after, there were balls of dew, falling from the sky one after another, constantly hitting the location where the ants were.

Before the ant could stabilize its body, it suddenly began to roll up and down in the water. In this way, no matter how hard it struggled, it had no chance of touching the ground.

Because the liquid increased by more than three times at once, it was impossible to wait for the liquid to spread and then find a way to save ourselves.

Looking coldly at everything below, Yin Wuliu stopped on a blade of grass near the bottom and coldly observed the ant struggling in the water.

Now Yin Wuliu can leave completely. Even if the ant does not die in the end, I believe that it will no longer pose any threat in a short period of time.

However, Yin Wuliu had no intention of leaving. He coldly observed the changes below, not only noticing the details of the ants, but also observing the slow spread of the dew.

Even if there is a lot of dew, if they are just like this on the ground, it will eventually spread slowly. As long as the ant can hold on, it is not impossible to escape after the dew has spread.

Yin Wuliu used the dew that was already on the grass blades, so now that the dew has spread, it is impossible for him to add new ones into it.

If someone were to observe from the sidelines, it might be a little difficult to understand why Yin Wuliu stayed. But Yin Wuliu himself knew very well that in this special environment, everything requires careful observation and in-depth understanding.


There is nothing more detailed and realistic than killing a life and observing the situation further.

With such an idea, Yin Wuliu would certainly not leave. He didn't even want the ant to die too easily.

Time passed very quickly, or in other words, the dew spreaded on the ground very quickly. About five to six breaths of time had passed, and the liquid below was already very shallow, but it covered a very large area.

In addition, the ant seems not to be completely dead yet. Although it is no longer struggling as crazy as before, its legs can occasionally be seen twitching slightly.

It seemed that after a slight hesitation, Yin Wuliu made up his mind, took one step and jumped down from the blade of grass, landing exactly where the ant was.

Although Yin Wuliu cannot glide, he can still do it by mobilizing his spiritual energy to slow down his body's fall.

But not only did he not slow down, but under his control, his falling speed also obviously accelerated.

The next moment, Yin Wuliu fell directly into the water. It was not like the dew falling before. Although it would cause a little impact, he still blended in after all.

When Yin Wuliu fell down, part of the liquid was directly impacted and rippled around. His feet severely stepped on the ant's head.

The ant, which was already dying, seemed to suddenly regain its consciousness under the severe pain, or perhaps it had an instinctive reaction due to the severe pain. The ant's body suddenly curled up, and the huge ant pincers on its head began to attack the surroundings crazily.


Yin Wuliu was well prepared. While quickly jumping up to avoid it, he looked for the target again, and then used his martial arts to move towards the lower part of the ant's head, where it was connected to the body more delicately.

After another attack, Yin Wuliu could clearly hear a "clicking" sound. Although the ant was still struggling, its head could not be lifted no matter what.

And its struggle seems to have reached the end of its strength, and its body movements have become slower and slower, and its amplitude has gradually become smaller.

At this moment, Yin Wuliu suddenly felt that strange energy was slowly being injected into his body.

This chapter has been completed!
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