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Four thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters fire chestnut

Originally, increasing the speed was not only a painful thing for Zuo Feng. In addition to making his physical strength more exhausted, more importantly, the aggravation of the injury would also make Zuo Feng's body collapse faster.

But now Zuo Feng, besides having to endure the severe pain from all parts of his body, he doesn't need to worry about his body collapsing in a short time.

The medicinal effect of the cloud grass began to spread rapidly as he continued to move forward. Zuo Feng's body was like a ball of shriveled cotton. As soon as the essence of the medicinal liquid entered the body, it would be quickly absorbed.

However, if the medicinal solution was simply allowed to stay inside the body, it would be difficult for the medicine to work. Because Zuo Feng was too weak and the injuries in his body were too serious.

At this time, he chose to walk faster, regardless of pain and exhaustion. Instead, he forced his energy and blood to circulate. At the same time, the entire body was in a very active state.

The medicinal liquid essence of those cloud grasses spreads out quickly and is released to all parts of the body. In this state, the more active the body is, the less the medicinal liquid essence remains, and the body's injuries will be more serious.

Because the place is not active enough, the essence of the medicinal solution will be deposited here.

When he first started to move forward, Zuo Feng only discovered that this would help the essence of the medicinal solution to spread and release. As he continued to move forward, the medicinal solution continued to release its effect, and Zuo Feng realized that this

This method has unexpected benefits for the current recovery of the body.

If possible, Zuo Feng hopes to continue moving forward in this way until all the essence of the medicinal liquid in the body is absorbed into every part of the body.

However, the distance between the Iron Heart Grass and the Iron Heart Grass was not too far away. Based on Zuo Feng's current figure, he probably walked more than ten feet before arriving at the location of the Iron Heart Grass.

It was slightly different from before. Zuo Feng took a closer look at the ugly little bumps on the Iron Heart Grass. It seemed that they were the only ones that Zuo Feng was most interested in.

After just a little observation, Zuo Feng made a decision. This time he did not use brute force to directly destroy the outer skin of the grass. Instead, when he was close to a small bump, he squeezed it slowly and steadily.

While doing this, no obvious changes could be seen on Zuo Feng's face, but his unusual concentration could be seen in his eyes.

Judging from Zuo Feng's technique, his squeezing was obviously a bit tentative, and it was obvious that he was not completely sure of his actions.

When I squeezed it at first, the lump squirmed slowly, and it looked like it was filled with liquid. Although the little lump didn't completely leave, it still moved in a small range.

Faced with such a change, Zuo Feng was a little confused at first, but he soon remembered something, and then he began to become more determined when he squeezed the knot.

I saw Zuo Feng first using his hands to carefully test the edges. After determining the approximate range of the small bump's movement, he began to use his arms. In this way, the pressing range was larger.

When the left wind "drives" the small lump to the limit, the small lump is fixed, so that no matter how you move the lump itself, it will not move away.

But in this way, Zuo Feng had at least one arm that needed to press on the edge of the small bump all the time. Zuo Feng used his free hand to gently stroke the small bump, as if he was afraid of using too much force.

When it gets bigger, it destroys the appearance of the pimple.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that Zuo Feng seems to be looking for something during this stroking process, but in a way that he cannot see and can only touch and feel with his palms.

As Zuo Feng's palm wandered over the surface of the bump, his expression became more solemn. Because although he did not look back, he could judge the distance of the insects from the bursts of "rustling" sounds just by relying on his ears.

If you don't gain anything anymore, then you have to give up the iron heart grass that you finally found. After all, no matter how precious this herb is, it is meaningless if you don't have the life to refine it and absorb it.

And now Zuo Feng at least still has a large amount of cloud herbal medicine liquid in his body, which can be used to refine and absorb it. Even if he misses this opportunity, the worst he can do is continue looking for it.

Although he was thinking this, Zuo Feng still didn't want to give up, because he knew very well that although he had Yuncao to help him recover, it was still not enough to deal with the insects chasing behind him.

If you can find other suitable medicinal materials quickly, then there is still a chance of improvement, but if you can't find suitable medicinal materials in a short time, your life will still be difficult to save.

Therefore, Zuo Feng did not intend to give up easily. Even though he knew that his time was very precious, he still planned to persist until the end and try again.

While Zuo Feng was hesitating in his mind, thinking about whether to give up or not, his slowly wandering hand suddenly stopped.

His palm stayed in place, but his fingers were playing on the surface of the pimple like a piano, as if to determine a certain existence in the pimple, its precise position, and its outline.

It didn't take too long for Zuo Feng's palm to stop again, and then his fingers suddenly bent and dug hard into the inside of the knot.

Without any warning, when Zuo Feng took action, his entire palm turned into an afterimage, which shows how fast he took action.

In addition, when Zuo Feng took action this time, his face was slightly red, and the veins on his forehead were slightly bulging. It could be seen how serious his use of this action was on himself.

In this way, Zuo Feng was not using it to get away from the bugs that were chasing him, but to deal with an ugly pimple, which seemed particularly weird.

Because his shooting speed was very fast, almost the moment the knot broke open, Zuo Feng's hand had already grabbed a black crystal that was even larger than his hand from the knot.

It's just that the surface of the crystal was stained with part of the dark red liquid. At the same time, after the knot broke open, a lot of dark red liquid also flowed out.

The most bizarre thing is that the moment the dark red liquid comes into contact with the outside world, a faint white mist begins to rise. Not only the lump itself, but also the Iron Heart Grass is being rapidly corroded.

However, Zuo Feng didn't pay attention to these at all. He didn't even pay attention to the dark red liquid stained on his palms and the damage caused to his palms. His eyes just stared at the black crystal in his palms.

The dark red liquid on the surface of the crystal also has white smoke rising, and the corrosion rate is much faster than the damage to Zuo Feng's palm and Iron Heart Grass.

The black crystal that was originally larger than Zuo Feng's palm suddenly became smaller than Zuo Feng's fist.

Fortunately, there is not much red liquid stained on the surface of the crystal, so even if it is corroded, there will still be more left than corroded.

When the smoke on the black crystal in Zuo Feng's palm completely disappeared, Zuo Feng didn't hesitate at all, he brought it directly to his mouth and bit it down hard with his teeth.

Although this crystal is quite hard, it is basically like an ice cube and can be broken with a little force.

I saw Zuo Feng raising his head slightly, not only swallowing the crystal he bit off, but also being careful not to waste the crumbs that fell when he bit the crystal into pieces.

After the crystal falls into the mouth, there will be waves of salty taste, as if swallowing a piece of salt. However, the taste will no longer be felt in the mouth soon, because it has been completely occupied by the hot feeling.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment Zuo Feng felt as if his mouth was on fire. And this hot feeling was still extending from the middle of the mouth all the way down, which was obviously the contact of the swallowed crystals.

Everywhere you reach is affected by this hot feeling.

Even though he was suffering such severe pain, Zuo Feng still had a rare smile on his face. Only he knew clearly that he had obtained the essence of the Iron Heart Grass.

In comparison, the essence of Iron Heart Grass is the black crystal inside it. However, it is not easy to get the black crystal.

Because the liquid that breeds this crystal will have a strong corrosive effect if it comes into contact with air. Once this effect breaks out, not only the crystals inside, but also the medicinal materials themselves will be destroyed.

As for the method of obtaining the crystal, Zuo Feng came up with the result after groping and testing based on his experience in refining medicine. In fact, he did not expect that after the crystal was corroded, he could still leave such a large piece for himself.

According to previous experience in refining medicine, if the red liquid is accidentally exposed to the outside world, the black crystals inside will not be preserved at all.

On the contrary, the method of mixing medicine learned from Zhuang Yu can be used to squeeze out the liquid inside bit by bit through exposure to the sun, and then completely remove the crystal.

Of course, Zuo Feng now cannot have time to slowly squeeze out the liquid inside, so he can only use this method of pulling chestnuts from the fire to forcefully take out the black crystal.

While enduring the burning pain, he chewed up the black crystals and swallowed them into his belly. Zuo Feng didn't dare to stop and ran forward quickly.

In just such a blink of an eye, the Iron Heart Grass had been completely corroded by the red liquid, and it was obvious that several other knots could not be saved either.

However, Zuo Feng didn't care too much about this. Being able to get one of the largest crystals was already a very big gain for him.

In addition, although he felt severe pain, it was actually just a reaction to the effect of the medicine, not any harm to his body.

If it is refined, the burning-like painful effect will be balanced by other drugs. Now Zuo Feng obviously does not have such conditions. He has to endure the severe pain and simply and crudely refine the Iron Heart Grass.

The best part.

This chapter has been completed!
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