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Four thousand three hundred and sixty-eight chapters unknown changes

Senluo Space is an existence that is unknown to 99% of the people on Kunxuan Continent. It can no longer be described as mysterious, but more of an unknown.

Among the few people who have heard of Senluo Space, Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu are two of them, but if they have any understanding of this space, it is impossible to say.

It's just because their respective backgrounds belong to the ancient wilderness with the longest history, and they are both from top super sects.

In addition, the two of them were originally full of curiosity about the Senluo space. Even though countless predecessors had proved that this was a dead end research, the two of them still had great enthusiasm, studied and thought about it seriously, and even

Taking advantage of the limited conditions, we tried to construct a part of the Senluo space.

Of course, in their previous research, both of them have tried to follow certain rules and orders, and the operations of many spaces also have specific trajectories.

All attempts ended in failure. Although the two of them did not try all the possibilities and ideas, they also vaguely felt that the conclusions of their predecessors might be right, and it was impossible to construct the Senluo space.


Because the characteristic of Senluo space is that many small spaces reach a certain unity through the connection between each other, thereby forming a complete space continent.

And since we want to achieve close connection, one of the biggest prerequisites is that space cannot be static, because then it will be a completely dead thing. Let alone building a space continent, there will be no connection between space and space.

Therefore, from the very beginning, a prerequisite for Senluo Space has been defined, that is, it must rely on constant operation to maintain close connections with each other.

The reason why Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu stopped their research later was actually because they found that this restriction could not be circumvented, so they had to give up.

Although they have not made a lot of attempts like many of their predecessors, they can already feel that if they continue to study, it may be difficult to get the results and answers they want.

Most of those ancestors in the past used continuous research to find the trajectory that is most suitable for the operation of space. It can not only connect the spaces with each other, but also maintain continuous operation. The most important thing is that they will not conflict with each other.

Those ancestors who kept trying at the beginning, in fact, in the end, it was because of the intersection of the trajectory of space operation, that is, space and space, may cause friction during the operation, or even directly collide with each other.

Countless senior experts, through constant deduction and calculation, have designed various trajectories and various modes of operation. It is not limited to trajectories, but also includes the speed of space movement and the subtle angles.


But whether it was those people's initial attempts, or whether Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu only tried a little bit, the conclusions they reached were almost the same.

Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu, of course, couldn't come to a conclusion. Even after exhausting their whole life's efforts, some of which even consumed a super sect's foundation, they still couldn't come to a conclusion.

However, some people who have studied later will often find that only by adding more and more changes to the trajectories of space operations can they ensure that the Senluo space will exist longer. On the contrary, the simpler the trajectories, the longer they will disappear.

Many problems will arise, leading to self-destruction.

The more complex the movement of space is, the lower its rules will be, and at the same time, the amount of calculations required will be huge. When the amount of calculations required is huge to a certain extent, it will naturally exceed the capabilities of ordinary rune array mages.

In the process of such research, some people will naturally feel that another research direction is the "large chaotic space" method.

But once they think about the "big chaotic space" method, everyone will choose to give up. Because it can only be regarded as a conjecture. If it is a "regular operating space", he can deduce it through calculation until

It becomes impossible to calculate after exceeding a certain range. With the "large chaotic space" method, there is no possibility of calculation and deduction at all.

This is why people gave up on the "big chaos rules" method very early on and only explored the "rules operating space" method for so long.

Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu, both of them can be regarded as amazingly talented people, although neither of them has studied how the Senluo space should be constructed.

However, in their hearts, they have vaguely felt that with the method of "regular operation of space", even with extremely powerful calculation and deduction capabilities, it may be difficult to complete the construction of Senluo space.

In other words, deep down in their hearts, the two of them have begun to realize that the method of "regulating the operating space" is likely to be a dead end in the end.

But this does not mean that the two of them believe that the "Chaos Rules" method can complete Senluo Space. It is just that if they have to choose one of these two methods, they still prefer the "Chaos Rules"


Now, whether it is Huan Kong or Wang Xiaoyu, they are in this Senluo space, and what they want to explore is actually the mystery of Senluo space.

Regarding their identities and backgrounds, there are not many people who can impress these two people, but this Senluo Space can definitely be ranked at the top.

The two of them were full of curiosity, attached to the other's main soul consciousness, and entered the Senluo space.

In their hearts, they were actually filled with all kinds of expectations and had many assumptions. However, they never imagined that they would be trapped in a space and unable to escape.

Wang Xiaoyu was worried about her own safety, so she had to rely on Yin Wuliu's main soul consciousness to bear more than 90% of the risk. As for Huan Kong, he actually didn't want Zuo Feng to take risks, but if he relied on his own main soul consciousness,

It is really difficult to enter this Senluo space.

When Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu were trapped in this space, their hearts were full of doubts and they were very eager to escape from this area.

However, as the two people were trapped in it for longer and longer, they gradually began to gain some understanding. It seemed that this space was only open to a certain group of people from the beginning, and these people were the main souls.

Zuo Feng and Yin Wuliu entered into consciousness.

Yin Wuliu relied on the power of the eclipse mirror to let his main soul consciousness travel through several spaces and land here. But Zuo Feng relied on that old man Zeng.

Zeng Lao's changes were so astonishing. He relied not only on his accumulated experience, but also on his inseparable connection with the world of the Arctic Icefield.

By this time, at least Huan Kong had discovered that neither Zuo Feng nor Yin Wuliu were in this space. Only their main soul consciousness penetrated through and landed at the crack in the ice crystal hall, and then entered the

Katamori Space.

In other words, even if Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu separate the main soul consciousness in the same way, they may not be able to successfully enter the central area of ​​Senluo Space.

Even if it is attached to other people's main soul consciousness, after entering the Senluo space, it will still be blocked when it actually reaches certain special places.

After roughly understanding this, Huan Kong became quiet first. He did not continue to search anxiously, but slowed down. He vaguely felt that if he was too anxious, not only would it be difficult to escape from here, but he would also be unable to help.

Left wind may also increase the risk to yourself.

Wang Xiaoyu, who is also in this space, although she is not as much as Huan Kong imagined, she is not stupid. After noticing the difference between Huan Kong and before, she immediately began to adjust her state and slowed down her exploration.

surrounding speed.

It's just that the two of them, although they slowed down, were more careful at the same time and observed their surroundings more carefully.

As the two people continued to explore, they gradually discovered that the surrounding environment seemed to be undergoing some kind of change. In addition to the space extending outwards unconsciously, the height of the space also seemed to be increasing.

It's a pity that the two of them, although they only have a ray of consciousness, can only move tightly against the ground. They cannot even temporarily leave the ground, let alone fly in this area.

For both of them, this feeling was not only strange, but also had an indescribable sense of crisis that always shrouded their hearts.

You must know that neither consciousness nor soul actually exists. It should have the ability to fly freely. However, now the consciousness is restricted and can only move close to the ground, which means that there are rules here.


For the two of them, the most terrifying place is right here, because with their knowledge and ability, they are not aware of the existence of the rules here at all. It is as if they are living within the rules, but they are also controlled by them.

Completely isolated.

It sounds very contradictory, but in fact this is how the two of them feel at this moment. Being in the rules means that their consciousness is affected. Being isolated by the rules means that their perception of the rules is completely cut off.

If it were just like this, Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu would only feel troublesome, but not dangerous. What makes them feel dangerous is that the rules here are not static, but are slowly changing.

Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu are both masters of rune formations, so they know very well how dangerous it is in the unknown rules. What is even more dangerous is that in the unknown rules, unknown rules are still happening.


Therefore, Huan Kong and Wang Xiaoyu, on the surface, slowed down their exploration of the surroundings, but in fact, they gradually began to feel anxious in their hearts.

If possible, of course they hope to first figure out what the rules here are. Even if they can't figure it out, then the next best thing is to find a way to leave here.

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