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Chapter 4433 Past Memories

For Zuo Feng, he was still suffering from intense pain. Although it was far less painful than when he suffered the broken bones before, it was still enough to drive ordinary people crazy.

However, for Zuo Feng now, while he is enduring this pain, there is indescribable joy in his heart.

Sometimes people are like this. It's not that they can't bear the severe pain, but what they can't bear is the severe pain with no hope. Especially when suffering from severe pain, you also have to face the consequences of losing your life.

Compared with physical pain and injury, the huge mental pressure is an unimaginable torture. When most people face the dilemma like Zuo Feng’s before, they will eventually end up unable to save themselves, and thus end up

In fact, the main reason for losing his life was because he had been facing huge pressure, which made him psychologically choose to give up.

In fact, even the sparrow had given up in the middle of the journey. It was constantly suffering from the severe pain, its bones were constantly broken, and it saw its body gradually disintegrating, and finally it couldn't hold on anymore.

But as a sparrow, even a very special sparrow, there is nothing wrong with choosing to give up when faced with such a critical situation. Even when it gave up, it did not choose to end its own life.

, which itself is not easy.

Of course, a large part of the reason why it has been able to support itself until now is thanks to Zuo Feng. It is not that the sparrow has never thought about ending its life on its own, but when it sees the human beings in front of it, no matter what kind of torture they have suffered and what kind of condition they are in

In the face of adversity, he still refused to give up, and this allowed the sparrow to persevere.

There is a saying that "if the clouds open and the moon shines," the sparrow couldn't even believe it. Such a serious crisis was overcome like this. But the fact is there. Not only has its own destruction stopped, but the previously damaged areas have also been damaged.

I also started to repair it step by step.

The sparrow couldn't see the changes in Zuo Feng's body. It could only see the human being. The injuries visible on the surface were recovering very obviously. As for the sparrow itself, in addition to recovery, it had also begun to undergo transformation.

In fact, whether it is Zuo Feng or Sparrow, their transformations are basically the same. Both internal and external processes are carried out at the same time, and the most important part is that the previously broken bones begin to reshape.

It's just that Zuo Feng used spiritual energy to reshape his bones to achieve a new form to meet more perfect combat needs.

As for the sparrow's skeleton, it was actually repaired and transformed at the same time, but this was not done deliberately by the sparrow.

This sparrow does not have such an ability, and at the same time, it does not know what kind of shape it should be transformed into to be more suitable for itself. After all, as a sparrow, it did not even know what kind of structure its body was before this.

If it hadn't been for the experience of rebuilding after this destruction, this sparrow would never have paid attention to the structure of its own body. It neither had the ability nor the wisdom to think and study.

At this moment, the sparrow gradually began to realize that it was different. It found that it not only began to pay attention to the various details of its body changes, but also began to think about why its body had such changes.

This sparrow seemed to feel that he had spent the previous years in a state of confusion. Not to mention thinking about anything, even his memory was very vague.

Even when I try hard to recall, except for some fragmented memory fragments, there is no complete memory at all. And most of those memories are scenes when I was in the air and was struck by lightning.

It's different now. Sparrow feels that he has seen more, thought more, and understood more. He is really different from before.

This sparrow felt a difference, but did not know why there was such a difference, because it did not grow up among the beast tribe, and it had no senior beast tribe to teach it, nor did it have the experience of any companions to learn from.

For this sparrow, it has actually spent so many years in a muddleheaded state. If it had not encountered Zuofeng, if it had not been for this transformation, it might have lived in a muddleheaded state until it died.

Because of the emergence of Zuo Feng, or more accurately Zuo Feng and the others, it has the opportunity to change the trajectory of "Niaosheng". As for being able to transform into what it is now, it relies more on Zuo Feng's ability.

As for physical transformation and change, the sparrow does not need any subjective control, and it actually has no ability to control it.

The broken bones in the sparrow's body have changed in form when they reassembled. However, the sparrow itself does not know what its original bones look like, so when it pays attention to observation, it can only see clearly in front of it.

What do bones look like?

But this did not affect the sparrow's awareness of the changes in the bones in his body. After all, some bones were not broken before, but were slightly damaged. This was roughly the same as the situation in Zuo Feng's body.

The difference is that Zuo Feng's damaged bones are only recovering gradually, while Sparrow's damaged bones are gradually changing their shape, and at the same time, the bones themselves are also changing.

If the original sparrow's skeleton is compared to a wooden knife, then its current skeleton is a steel knife. One can hurt people, and the other can kill. The difference between the two can be seen from this.

The sparrow used to be just a bird. It ate bugs and spent every day in a muddle-headed manner. It never felt that anything was wrong because it had no ability to think.

But from the time the sparrow was truly transformed, and even when its body was gradually destroyed, it had become different. It was breaking away from the category of ordinary birds and gradually transforming into a true beast.

With the continuous transformation, the sparrow became more and more excited, because now the sparrow can vaguely realize that his life form is different. It is a qualitative transformation. As long as he can survive, he will be able to live forever from now on.

It will be a brand new life form.

It was not only joy that I was reborn, but also joy that I could now understand the difference in my life form.

Slowly, the sparrow discovered that with his transformation, he began to awaken his memory step by step.

First of all, pictures began to flash in his mind, and those were the memory fragments of the sparrow. Most of the memory fragments it originally had were from when it was attacked by lightning.

It can be seen that when it was struck by lightning, even if its spiritual intelligence was not activated, the pain and fear at that time were still firmly imprinted in the depths of its memory.

But at this moment, more and more memory fragments are awakened one by one. But at the beginning, most of the memory fragments were very blurry. It was like looking at the other side through turbid ice.


But as time goes by, it seems that the "ice" becomes more and more clear and transparent, and the pictures that can be seen naturally become clearer and clearer.

It's just that some of the scenes are of him running away, and some of him being injured. It seems that the more memories like this, the longer they can be preserved in the mind. Now when the memories begin to recover, they will be awakened first.

Facing these memories, Sparrow couldn't help but lament that he was once so weak and lacked wisdom. Before the danger came, he had no vigilance at all. When faced with danger, he was stupid and didn't know how to respond, so he ate a lot.


I am different now. After going through this transformation, not only will I become stronger, but I will also become smarter. When facing danger in the future, I will also be able to adapt and even seek luck and avoid it.


Compared to Zuo Feng, who was still suffering from severe pain and working hard to transform his body, the sparrow felt quite good at this time.

It does not need to be forced to adjust or change, everything can just go with the flow. It seems that the essence of animal blood, until this moment, has revealed its true specialness, that is, it fits the sparrow's body very well.

There is no need for Ma Jiao to do anything deliberately. The transformation of the body will naturally go on the right track. Even if there are some minor problems or mistakes during the transformation process, they will be adjusted and corrected in the subsequent transformation.

The sparrow doesn't need to worry about it, nor does it need to continue to suffer huge pain. For it, the feeling now is really good.

It doesn't need to worry about the physical transformation, it just needs to pay attention to the memory that it is gradually recovering, and feel emotional about it.

But at a certain moment, Ma Qiao felt sour in his heart, as if his heart was suddenly tightened.

This sudden feeling caught the sparrow off guard. It had never felt this way before. But the moment it felt this way, it already roughly understood what this feeling meant. Although as a sparrow

I can't use precise words to describe it yet.

Sadness, pain...

The sparrow was caught off guard by the sudden emotion and immediately began to look for the cause. So it soon noticed that the change in emotion was caused by its own memory.

At this time, the memory is still being restored, and now many very long-lasting memories have been awakened one by one. Similar to before, the memories that have been awakened are mainly the parts that have a profound impact on it.

Even though Sparrow has not yet been able to accurately find out what memory affects his emotional changes, he can feel that the part that affects him is in the part that is about to emerge.

In a blur of memory fragments, the picture is gradually becoming clearer, and the sparrow pays attention almost instinctively.

As the memory gradually became clearer, the two figures in the memory also began to become clearer. Although they were just outlines, the sparrows became violently excited, and at the same time, two words appeared in their hearts instantly.

"Father, mother..."

At the same time, the images in the memory became clearer and clearer, and the two giant birds finally showed their true colors. They each had four wings and three legs.

This chapter has been completed!
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