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Chapter 4436 barrier cracks

When those countless pictures kept reappearing in Sparrow's mind, many memories that had been buried deep in his mind were gradually unearthed.

The feeling it brings to the sparrow is also very magical, because it feels like it has entered a strange body and is experiencing everything completely unfamiliar.

As for the sparrow, it is constantly changing its mentality in the process of experiencing all this. From the initial complete stranger and curiosity, to the later, it is touched little by little. Even the sparrow himself cannot tell clearly. It is the memory that is changing little by little.

Awakening, I am still slowly adapting to everything I see.

Because he couldn't tell clearly, the feeling he gave to the sparrow seemed a bit unreal. It was precisely this unreal feeling that made the sparrow gradually calm down.

Before, the sparrow had only made some guesses. It felt that the self in its memory should still be very weak, and it seemed that it could not even move normally.

This suspicion was completely confirmed when it really started to move. The picture in my memory shook very badly, and sometimes its body would roll on the spot.

When the sparrow saw this scene, it actually wanted to laugh. After all, after soaring in the sky for so many years, it would be somewhat funny to suddenly see the scenery like this.

However, what surprised the sparrow was that he didn't really show a smile. Instead, there was a hint of nervousness in his heart. It even wanted to stop the other party, but everything that happened in front of it was a scene in its memory, not now at all.

of what it can change.

Although he is unable to change anything at all, it does not have much impact. Ma Qiao also knows in his heart that in a sense, he is just a bystander.

Although his body was swaying, and it was quite difficult to move a little distance, but judging from the picture, he in the memory did not stop at all, and was always moving forward firmly.

Regarding such a scene, Ma Qiao couldn't help but feel a little proud in her heart, 'So persistent and determined, this is who I am!'

The pictures in the memory were not coherent, so the sparrow could only feel that the whole process took a lot of time, but it actually didn't know how much time it took.

Only after the monotonous shaking picture disappeared, a new scenery finally appeared in the sparrow's memory picture. The scenery that could be seen in front seemed chaotic, and seemed to be filled with heavy fog.

It's just that the thick fog is not only still some distance away, but also looks very weird. I can't tell what's weird about it at the moment, but it feels very awkward.

I believe that not only at this moment, the sparrow observing the picture in the memory will feel like this, but even the self in the memory also has similar feelings.

Therefore, in the subsequent changes of the scene in the memory, it is obvious that the speed of movement is constantly accelerating, and some people can't wait to go to the front to see clearly.

What surprised the sparrow was that the closer the picture was to the front, the more he wanted to stop it. Even the sparrow had the urge to retreat, even though it knew very well that it couldn't do anything and didn't understand it.

Why do you have this impulse?

The picture continues to change. Even if it is not a coherent picture, the sparrow can feel that the self in the memory continues to move forward without any pause.

When the distance is far away, what you see in the picture is a vast gray and gloomy scenery. But when the distance gets closer and closer, the sparrow is surprised to find that what he sees is not a scenery at all, but a fog.

Zhao Zhao, I can't see anything at all.

For the sparrow, it was obviously even more surprised to see such a scenery, because it was a little confused whether this was really the environment in which it had lived.

After all, compared to the environment in which he lives now, there are two completely different worlds. For the first time, the sparrow felt that the pictures he saw in his mind were not his own.

But regardless of whether the picture in its mind belongs to itself, the sparrow will still continue to look at it. And even if it guesses that the picture it sees does not belong to itself, when those pictures appear, many of the feelings are so real.


Even if I can peek into other people's memories, I can also get the other person's feelings, which is too unacceptable.

Even the sparrow itself didn't realize that when its memory began to awaken gradually, it not only began to learn to think, but also was able to gather the information it obtained, analyze it together, and then draw a judgment from it.

Change is a subtle process. For the sparrow, it has been immersed in the changed state, but has ignored how it has changed.

At this moment, Sparrow no longer cares about why he feels that his wisdom has changed tremendously.

It has now been completely immersed in the scenery it has seen in its memory. The sparrow in the past did not have any memories of the past. Therefore, what it has always been exposed to is the environment it is in now.

In this environment, there are grasslands, woods, lakes, sky, sunshine, rain and dew. Even if there may be some abnormal conditions in this environment, if you have been living in it, you will feel that everything is normal.

Just like the "self" in my memory, I didn't seem to feel anything was wrong. I was just deeply curious about the surrounding environment and wanted to see it more clearly and carefully.

So the scene in the memory moved forward again, moving forward into the chaotic mist.

But after walking a certain distance again, a barrier appeared in front of him, a barrier with no visible edge. This barrier extended to the left, right and upward, and it was impossible to see where the edge was.

The picture stayed here for a while. Although there were pictures, sounds, smells, and even touches in the memory, it was not what I was thinking at the time.

In fact, if we could peek into the memories of that time, many mysteries might be solved immediately. So Sparrow didn't know what he was thinking at that time, so all he could do was guess.

In fact, it is not that difficult to guess. The main reason why he came here at that time was because of his curiosity. Since he could not satisfy his inner curiosity, I am afraid that anyone else would want to go outside the barrier to see what happened.


Just as the sparrow guessed, the picture changed again afterwards, and it swayed closer to the barrier.

Because the barrier was not far away at this time, I quickly arrived in front of the barrier. It seemed that "I" was not too reckless at that time. After approaching the barrier, I began to try to make light contact.


After just a slight contact, he immediately retreated a certain distance, as if the barrier would hurt him.

This kind of worry is obviously unnecessary. There is not even a trace of change on the surface of the barrier. If the feeling of touching it is not felt, the sparrow can't help but doubt whether the person in his memory has really touched the barrier.

After finding that there was no problem, the picture in the memory immediately started to move. This time it continued to touch the barrier, and it was significantly bolder than the last time, and it felt a little harder.

From the memory of the sparrow, in addition to the feeling of touch, he can even hear the sound made by the collision at that time.


This sound was very special. From the sound, the sparrow immediately felt that the barrier seemed to be trembling. It was not because of how strong the force the barrier withstood was, but because of its own reaction during this contact.

In the memory, I became bolder. Not only did I not flinch at all, but I stayed in place and immediately tried to make further contact.

In fact, at this point, using contact to describe it is somewhat inaccurate, because in terms of sound and feeling, it was more like a collision.

It's just that the result of the collision was not that of a heavy impact. I didn't feel any pain, and there was no backlash.

I'm afraid I will never forget that feeling. In my memory, I tried to collide with my strength, but at the same time as the collision, the barrier immediately trembled, and then all the impact of the collision was offset, and I never felt it again.

There is no obvious impact feeling.

Although the new collision still ended with no results, it at least proved that this barrier did not have the ability to hurt people, and it did not even have the force to cause shock after a hard collision.

Such a strange scene not only made the memory of myself more interested, but also inspired it to be so energetic that it wanted to rush to the other side of the barrier immediately.

With doubts, confusion and a trace of nervousness, the sparrow couldn't help but search the memory faster, causing the pictures in the memory to speed up.

It was as if everything happening in front of me was advancing at a very unreasonable speed. In my memory, I was obviously unwilling to give in, and then I was hit again and again, and each time it seemed to be heavier than before.

The strange thing is that the barrier is not stationary, it is actually moving. Even if it is only lightly touched, it will tremble slightly. But if you want to damage the barrier, it is obvious that no matter what

Tried to no avail.

In the memory, he seemed to be really anxious, and it seemed that he was unwilling to give in, which aroused his fighting spirit.

The next moment, a faint fragrance began to be heard in the memory. The fragrance was exactly the special "dew" taste that the two "strange birds" fed to me in the previous memory.

Now the smell appeared again, not from the mouth and nose, but from all over the body. There was a pause for about a breath, and then the picture in the memory suddenly moved and hit the wall hard.

The barrier that originally felt extremely solid, after this impact, a crack appeared directly on the surface.

This chapter has been completed!
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