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Chapter 4522 Emotions are available

zw, the fastest update to Wu Nifentian!

Because of the sudden loss of control of his negative emotions, Zuo Feng also felt at this moment that his life was seriously threatened.

The most terrifying thing does not come from the dangers around you, but from the loss of control within yourself. Internal problems are often the scariest and most serious.

For Zuo Feng, even if the situation is difficult and dangerous, it is not impossible to deal with it. At least he still has the means at his disposal.

But if the impact of emotions makes him lose his ability to think and judge, Zuo Feng will not have the confidence to survive even small dangers.

Even in such a difficult situation, Zuo Feng still did not give up. He worked hard to fight for a very short opportunity for himself. Even he himself did not know how long this glimmer of clarity would last, but he knew that time would inevitably

It's short-lived, and I'm afraid it's only this one chance.

So when Zuo Feng regained consciousness, he immediately started thinking about countermeasures. In a very short period of time, he had already considered several strategies and quickly selected the best one.

In addition to thinking and making choices, Zuo Feng also had to put them into action. To outsiders, all of this seemed to be done in one go.

While biting the tip of his tongue, he decomposed the runes between his fingers, and then rushed directly to the most dangerous place, using himself as bait to attract the insects.

When the negative emotions broke out again, Zuo Feng was not afraid even if he was swayed by his emotions, because there was only one way left in front of him. He fought desperately with the insects and condensed the runes to activate the formation as soon as possible.

As the eight feathers stood up, they directly pierced six bugs on the spot. Three bugs were seriously injured and should die soon. The other two were not seriously injured. Even if they could struggle for a while, they would still die.


Another one was not seriously injured. The edge of its body was pierced by feathers. Not only was it unable to move due to being pushed there, but it would also become difficult to move later.

In this way, all Zuo Feng has to face is an unscathed insect. But one insect no longer poses much of a threat to Zuo Feng. If Zuo Feng wants to fight, he can just do it. If he doesn't want to, he can just fight.

You can also deal with it calmly in battle.

Even if his emotions are in an explosive state, he doesn't have to worry about using feathers to attack for the sake of a bug.

Moreover, this attack directly hit six insects, which actually made Zuo Feng feel that his mind was a little clearer.

Zuo Feng's eyes changed slightly, but he thought quickly in his heart, 'It turns out that this negative emotion can be vented through killing, and its impact on me can be effectively alleviated. It seems that I did not grasp the key before.'

With this thought in his mind, Zuo Feng did not stop at all. While moving quickly to avoid the only insect that was chasing him at this time, he quickly carved out runes. It was not the runes that started the formation, but the runes used to continue to build the formation.


The last ancient rune was completed before, and then another rune was added one after another. In this way, runes were continuously added, and soon a small array was formed again around the last ancient rune.

Zuo Feng paid special attention this time. After completing this small formation, he immediately started operating in conjunction with the entire formation. And his speed and agility also improved in an instant.

'It seems that my previous judgment was indeed correct. This formation has indeed improved my speed and agility. Whether my strength and flexibility have also been improved can only be determined after trying it.'

Secretly controlling his inner joy, Zuo Feng tried not to let himself have too strong mood swings, because all violent mood swings would provide a breeding ground for the current outbreak of negative emotions to continue to grow.

On the contrary, the calmer and calmer the heart is, the easier it is to control negative emotions.

At this time, a large number of insect corpses had gathered around Feng Li. Zuo Feng shuttled among them, and there was no need to worry about being overtaken by the insect behind him.

The other slightly injured insect had escaped after its feathers had returned to their original state, but it moved slowly, making it even less likely to catch up with Zuo Feng.

But Zuo Feng has noticed that a new batch of bugs has arrived, and the number of this batch is larger than the previous batch. The subsequent bugs basically no longer come in batches, which means that Zuo Feng

There wasn't even a chance to breathe and adjust.

Faced with this situation, Zuo Feng had almost no hesitation and directly used his spiritual power, bloodline power and telepathy to start carving a new rune, which was an ancient rune.

This somewhat willful and extremely risky approach would definitely not have been done by Zuo Feng if he were a normal person.

But now the backlog of negative emotions has exploded, and Zuo Feng's whole person has actually been affected, so he acted like this at this time.

However, Zuo Feng himself not only had no intention of stopping, but even looked at him as if he was willing to go with the flow.

In fact, in the face of the situation at hand, there is no "right or wrong" between the two options, whether to carefully look for opportunities to launch a formation attack or to continue taking risks and carve ancient runes, and even Zuo Feng cannot judge the outcome.

Condensing ancient runes is not easy, especially the ancient runes that Zuo Feng is condensing at this time. It is actually a relatively important part of the formation in front of him.

If this rune can be condensed and the other common runes that match it can be condensed, then the entire formation will be almost two-thirds complete. It is conceivable that the next step will definitely bring about amazing changes.

It's just that this ancient rune is indeed difficult to describe. On the third stroke, it failed because of the slight jitter when the three energy was sent out. Zuo Feng's brows furrowed tightly, and the negative emotions made him a little irritable. He quickly calmed down and at the same time

I tried my best to recall the time when I killed five bugs and injured one. Sure enough, the impact of negative emotions was slowly suppressed.

Not daring to hesitate any longer, Zuo Feng quickly began to draw, and this time it was significantly smoother than before. However, Zuo Feng's speed also began to drop significantly. Since the energy must be controlled more carefully and stably, then

You have to sacrifice some speed.

As a result, the chasing bugs began to approach quickly, and the sound of the bug hitting the corpses of other bugs was heard from behind.

Although Zuo Feng's speed has decreased, his flexibility and agility are now very good. Therefore, although the insect is approaching, it is still impossible to hurt Zuo Feng now.

Under this situation, Zuo Feng still maintained a high degree of concentration and continued to carve the ancient runes. At the same time, he had a strange feeling in his heart.

That was because he suddenly had a new understanding of the outburst of negative emotions. Before that, he thought that the outburst of negative emotions would only have a very bad impact on himself. The so-called negative emotions were all negative.

You are causing trouble for yourself.

However, it was not until this moment, when he was carving the ancient runes firmly and persistently, that Zuo Feng realized that persistence, which helped him make a choice in the dilemma, and also helped him on this road.

Walked down.

If it were just a normal situation, Zuo Feng would not need such determination and persistence, but in this current situation, he is still stubborn and refuses to give up, which actually helps Zuo Feng.

The bugs behind him were chasing after him like crazy, causing dangers everywhere, but he just refused to give up and wanted to carry out what he was doing to the end.

The second, third, and fourth bugs have entered the battlefield one after another. Zuo Feng seems to have returned to the same situation as before. The space for escape is constantly being compressed, and he is becoming more and more dangerous.

But Zuo Feng was still carving runes, and the ancient runes were gradually becoming complete while running and dodging with such difficulty.

At a certain moment, almost three bugs blocked Zuofeng, but they rushed in from three directions, and the bug corpses also flew over with them.

Zuo Feng didn't even look at it, his eyes were faintly covered with bloodshot eyes. He gritted his teeth and continued to carve the runes, because this ancient rune had finally reached the final stage. If he was distracted at this time,

, or use other means to deal with bugs, then the ancient rune in your hand will inevitably be in vain.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, Zuo Feng continued to carve it out firmly until the last stroke of the ancient rune was completed on his fingertips.

It was also at the moment when the runes were condensed that Zuo Feng's eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. His body that had been quickly dodging forwards suddenly stopped, and then he took a step directly to the side and back.

Originally, Zuo Feng had been running and dodging to avoid being attacked and blocked by the bugs, but now he was blocked. As he took this step, he happened to be standing on the corpse of a bug that had been knocked away.

On the way out.

The next moment, Zuo Feng's body was knocked away by the insect corpse, which was obviously beyond the expectations of several insects. By the time they reacted, Zuo Feng had already flown out of the siege.

At the same time, Zuo Feng's index finger was clasped in his palm. When his finger popped out, the ancient runes that had just been carved were smoothly integrated into the formation.

With the entry of this rune, although the formation power itself did not increase significantly, Zuo Feng could feel that the formation had taken another extremely important step away from its complete state.

In addition, Zuo Feng was also surprised to find that his body was much stronger than he imagined.

It was my original feeling that my bones, which seemed to have not changed much during the transformation, turned out to be the part that had changed the most.

If it were the original bones, even if there were no fractures in this impact, there would be fractures in several places. But now, not only are the bones intact, but even the internal organs are not damaged, but there are bursts of severe pain in the muscles all over the body.

This chapter has been completed!
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