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The fourth thousand five hundred and twenty-sixth chapters attack from all sides

zw, the fastest update to Wu Nifentian!

In fact, for Zuo Feng, he was making a huge gamble ever since he chose to break the crystal shell. However, at that time, he could not be sure at all. Even if there were several levels of chances of success, he could not estimate them.

Under the circumstances at that time, it was certainly easier to maintain the status quo, and we already had a relatively familiar routine for dealing with bugs. It can be said that killing bugs does not require taking too much risk, and it is not too difficult.

However, Zuo Feng has never been the kind of person who only cares about the little immediate benefits. He deeply understands the truth, "If you don't have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries."

He only covets the immediate comfort and safety without seeing the danger in the future. Ever since the day when Zuojia Village suffered a disaster, Zuo Feng has never fallen into such a misunderstanding.

So even though he knew that breaking the crystal shell would bring huge changes, and the risks and difficulties he would endure could not be listed one by one, Zuo Feng still resolutely chose to break the crystal shell.

When you look at the future, no matter how great the risks you are facing, they become acceptable. Because that is equivalent to giving yourself a chance to survive in the future.

Although before the crystal shell was broken, or when the crystal shell was just broken, Zuo Feng could not judge for a moment what dangers and sufferings he would face, but as time went by, he was able to gradually see clearly.

Is it right or wrong to choose to break the crystal shell?

The proof that breaking the crystal shell is the right choice is the huge explosion force produced at the moment the crystal shell is broken. This explosion goes from the inside out, directly releasing the crystal shell fragments and blood, especially

That terrifying thrust directly cleared away all the insects around Feng Li.

This gives Zuo Feng the most precious period of time after the crystal shell is broken. Otherwise, if the crystal shell is just broken, those bugs will rush in and attack. No matter how powerful Zuo Feng's method is, the more feathers he can move.

, must also be the result of death on the spot.

When the spirit collapsed and shattered, not only did it push a large number of insects into the distance, but the fragments and blood also temporarily attracted the insects there, buying Zuo Feng some precious time.

If these bugs fall far away, but come back again in a very short period of time, it will still be a disaster for Zuo Feng. Especially if a large number of bugs arrive at the same time, no matter what means Zuo Feng has, he will simply rely on

The terrifying amount could kill him if filled up.

Those crystal shell fragments and splashing blood became another key to helping Zuo Feng delay those bugs. Especially when the crystal shell collapsed and shattered, it was released in an irregular way, densely packed in some places and dense in others.


The fight for crystal shell fragments is often extremely fierce, because even small pieces of crystal shell are difficult for insects to swallow in one bite, not to mention that some are still large and cannot be swallowed immediately, which will attract crazy competition from other surrounding insects.


As for the blood and water, although the competition is equally fierce, as long as they take a big sip like drinking water, they can guarantee that all the blood and water will be sucked into their bellies.

Because eating takes different amounts of time, the insects naturally spend different amounts of time in the distance.

While some bugs were still fighting for the fragments of the crystal shell, and while some bugs were desperately sucking up the little remaining blood, some bugs had already launched an attack on Zuo Feng.

Therefore, Zuo Feng felt very lucky that these bugs did not attack him all at once, leaving him precious time to prepare.

Although the time given to Zuo Feng was still slightly insufficient, Zuo Feng also knew very well that even if he was given more time, it would still not be enough.

On the one hand, the formation constructed by Zuo Feng is actually very large and complex. If it is to be completely constructed, it will take at least two to three times as much time as the previous ones.

When Zuo Feng was constructing the formation, he deliberately picked the most difficult part to build first and left the easier part for last. Therefore, the later the formation is constructed, the more difficult it will be.

On the other hand, Zuo Feng's plan was based on replenishing time and energy from the beginning. He had to work around and build the formation at the same time. If the time and energy were relatively sufficient, then Zuo Feng could consider another one that would be safer.

way of action.

After all, judging from the current actions, Zuo Feng relies on Feng Li Feather to attack the bugs. This method that relies too much on external forces also has a lot of dangers. In comparison, it relies more on its own strength, but instead

It's much more stable.

Fortunately, Feng Li has always maintained a very stable state, even more stable than the formation constructed by Zuo Feng. This also allows Zuo Feng to feel relatively stable even in the face of increasingly dangerous situations.

Seeing a large number of insects rushing over, although the situation became more and more serious, Zuo Feng's expression looked extremely calm, and Zuo Feng even seemed to have a calm atmosphere.

On the one hand, Zuofeng is more confident in dealing with these bugs after going through previous battles, so his confidence becomes more obvious.

There is another reason, that is, although Zuo Feng's negative emotions have been resolved a little, they are still affected by negative emotions. General emotions such as fear and worry are directly affected by the accumulated and explosive negative emotions.

Completely suppressed.

Seeing eight or nine bugs coming towards him, Zuo Feng began to move slowly, as if strolling in a garden. As he moved, his fingers kept carving.

Looking at the very complicated and mysterious lines, Zuo Feng is actually carving an ancient rune at this moment. You must know that the current situation is even more dangerous than the previous times. The insects are not coming separately, but

A group of people arrived directly, which actually left Zuo Feng with little room for maneuver.

Under this situation, even if Zuo Feng tried his best to fight against the bugs, he might not be able to guarantee that he would remain unscathed. As a result, he had to continue carving runes at this time, which was a bit difficult to understand.

Of course, if Zuo Feng can successfully carve out the ancient runes, it will certainly bring huge benefits, and even the quality of the formation itself will be greatly improved. But regardless of the benefits, the risks to be taken will ultimately

It's still too big, no matter how you look at it, the gain outweighs the loss.

But Zuo Feng had no hesitation or hesitation at all. He just put most of his attention on carving the runes. Because his attention was too distracted, although Zuo Feng was moving, his speed was very slow.


However, if you observe carefully, you will find that Zuo Feng is obviously different from before when he moves this time. When Zuo Feng moved before, he always moved around within a certain range. Although his movements were flexible and fast,

The scope of activities is obviously somewhat limited.

But now Zuo Feng, when he moves, although there are twists and turns, he never goes back, which means that his overall direction is always forward.

Of course, the bugs didn't know about this change. They were just driven by instinct to rush towards Zuo Feng, eager to tear Zuo Feng into pieces and swallow him immediately.

The advantage of Zuo Feng moving in this way is that he basically leaves the bugs behind. But on the other hand, there is also a disadvantage, that is, the trajectory of his actions is relatively single, making it easier for the bugs to chase him.

Come up.

Not long after, two bugs rushed out from the side, and then rushed directly towards the left wind. In this way of advancing in the same general direction, the bugs would instinctively intercept it.


His eyes were only slightly narrowed, and Zuo Feng was not surprised at all. His expression still seemed calm and unhurried. After seeing the bugs rushing over from the side, he adjusted slightly, and then moved his body towards a body.

The insect corpse crashed over.

The most common "mountain support" is used by Zuofeng today, but it explodes with power that even insects are surprised.

The insect that had already rushed forward had already reacted, and a corpse of the insect had flown directly in front of him. There was no time to dodge, and the two sides collided with each other.

Even the insect didn't expect that for such a small human being, the insect corpse that hit him would have such great power, causing it to fly backwards five or six feet away.

Although the other insect was somewhat mentally prepared, because the distance was too close, the second insect corpse that flew over was faster, so it did not avoid it and was knocked away.

The two bugs were knocked out one after the other. Zuo Feng seemed to have done nothing, not even the slightest change in his forward speed, and the runes carved on his hand did not stop steadily.

It's just that Zuo Feng changed from carving with one hand at the beginning to carving with both hands at the same time. You must know that the complexity of an ancient rune is far beyond that of some medium-sized or even large-scale formations. Carving with one hand has its own unique characteristics.

It’s a small difficulty, not to mention having to use both hands at the same time.

But although Zuo Feng seemed to have made a temporary decision, he did not hesitate at all, and looked so calm when he was carving with his hands.

However, if someone really knows ancient runes, they will definitely be surprised when they see Zuo Feng's actions, because Zuo Feng's current speed of carving runes has not improved at all, but is actually a little slower than before.

This result is a bit confusing. It is obvious that both hands are engraved with condensed runes at the same time, so why does the speed drop at this time?

As for the bugs appearing around, there was no significant decrease just because two were knocked away. On the contrary, just after two were knocked away, three of them came over from the side, seemingly trying to intercept Zuofeng.

There was another insect that rushed over from the front of Zuo Feng, and Zuo Feng was immediately surrounded.

Seeing the bugs rushing closer, Zuo Feng immediately used his old trick of "sticking to the mountain" and used the bug corpses to bombard those bugs that intercepted him.

Just when Zuo Feng was concentrating on dealing with the bugs on the side and front, a shadow suddenly appeared under his feet, and the shadow continued to grow.

'not good!'

Zuo Feng secretly shouted in his heart. He paid attention to the back, sides and front, but ignored the flying insects above.

As the attacks of insects above his head fell, Zuo Feng had to accelerate suddenly. As a result, as soon as he accelerated, there was a subtle cracking sound in his hand. It was the sound made when ancient runes were unstable and broken.

This chapter has been completed!
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