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Chapter 4620 Fluctuation feedback

Controlling spiritual energy was originally a very simple matter, but for Zuo Feng, who was only in the tempering stage, it was quite difficult.

In particular, it is even more difficult to not only control these auras, but also to maintain contact at all times, so that the auras can be used to sense the changes in the power of the rules.

Although Zuo Feng can't do it on his own, he can do it with the power of the formation. However, this kind of manipulation and exploration process requires very high mental power. Fortunately, Zuo Feng has telekinesis, otherwise he would have to control a group of people.

All attributes of aura are very difficult.

Under the control of Zuo Feng, those spiritual energies slowly extended towards the formation. At first, these spiritual energies encountered a little resistance. Fortunately, Zuo Feng also repeatedly probed the power of rules in the light group many times.

experience, so he quickly judged that this was a resistance rather than a repulsive force.

Since it is just resistance, Zuo Feng controls the spiritual energy and goes deeper inward step by step. The resistance will increase as it goes deeper, and then after reaching a limit, it will gradually decrease again. It seems that the resistance will also disappear later.

Finally disappeared.

Zuo Feng controlled the power of rules and extended the exploration inward step by step, but he soon discovered a problem. The distance of the power of rules inward exploration seemed to be a bit too long, which was far beyond the previous

, Zuo Feng uses his consciousness to explore the distance inward.'

After being surprised, Zuo Feng secretly felt happy, because the deeper he probed, it proved that his method of using spiritual energy was correct.

However, as this exploration deepens, the spiritual energy begins to encounter another force, not resistance but suction, as if there is some force that is sucking the spiritual energy and continuing to go inside.

Faced with such a change, although Zuo Feng was happy in his heart, he was very calm. At this time, he no longer controlled the spiritual energy to go deep, but instead pulled that part of the spiritual energy, and then kept them under his control as much as possible.


In fact, Zuo Feng has a special feeling at this time, as if he is flying a kite. After the kite reaches a high altitude, the wind will become stronger and stronger. At this time, you need to hold the line in your hand and let it out little by little.

The same is true for those auras. As they go deeper and deeper, the suction force will continue to increase. If Zuo Feng doesn't control it carefully, let alone use the aura to detect, I'm afraid it will fly away without a trace.

As the formation continued to deepen, Zuo Feng soon realized that there was a problem, that is, how much space was there inside this hidden power of rules?

After injecting spiritual energy into it, the distance detected by his own consciousness was several times greater. After reaching this level, Zuo Feng couldn't help but think of a possibility, that is, these spiritual energy may not only be within the rules.

Force internal exploration.

When Zuo Feng came up with this idea, even he was shocked, because if his conjecture was true, it meant that this hidden power of rules was a window to other spaces.

‘Can I use the power of this rule to leave?’ Such an idea quickly flashed through Zuo Feng’s mind, but he quickly rejected the idea.

'Even if it is really a channel, the reason why spiritual energy can enter is because its single attribute characteristics are consistent with the internal attributes of this power of rules. And I have no physical body or the soul separated from the main soul.

There is no way to achieve the purity of single-attribute spiritual energy, and it is even more impossible to enter it.'

With doubts and confusion in his heart, Zuo Feng also slightly slowed down the penetration of spiritual energy, and at the same time he carefully sensed it.

Unfortunately, there is always a vague feeling in the power of this rule. I can only feel that the space inside seems to be very large, but because it is being pulled, the trajectory of the spiritual energy is relatively fixed.

In addition, this is spiritual energy after all, or it is controlled with the help of formations. It is different from Zuo Feng's deep consciousness, or his mind power directly entering it to explore, so the situation he feels is always not clear.

This time Zuo Feng condensed a more comprehensive aura, including wind, fire, thunder, metal, wood, earth, and water. Except for the thunder attribute, all others are considered the most common single attributes on Kunxuan Continent.

The space he is in is the thunder attribute space. In addition, Zuo Feng and Feng Li have also been to the wind and fire attribute spaces together. Logically speaking, there is no need to explore anymore.

But after Zuo Feng hesitated a little, he still chose to condense the spiritual energy of these three attributes. On the one hand, he used these spiritual energy to explore, which may be related to other spaces. This was based on Zuo Feng's speculation, and he was not sure about this speculation.

Definitely correct.

On the other hand, since he wants to explore the inside of the Power of Rules, Zuo Feng needs to know the possibilities of various changes and what kind of reactions these changes will cause. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding, he will put Lei,

Wind and fire attribute auras were also condensed.

Of course, this kind of comprehensiveness is conditional, such as light, darkness, and ice attributes. These are relatively special attributes that are difficult to encounter in ordinary times. Moreover, Zuo Feng does not have a deep understanding of these attributes, even if he uses formations.

Forcibly condensing it, there would still be many problems such as unstable control and poor detection results, so Zuo Feng simply ignored the other attributes of spiritual energy.

As the spiritual energy penetrated deeper step by step, Zuo Feng felt that this seemed to be a bottomless pit, and although there was less spiritual energy used to explore, after all, he could not continue to pour into the "bottomless pit". If too much spiritual energy was used, it would also be a threat.

to your own safety.

Therefore, during the process of Zuo Feng's exploration, the thought of whether he needed to give up also appeared in his mind. It was just when he had the idea of ​​giving up that a faint wave suddenly came over him.

Although it was a little weak, the fluctuation seemed to have directly touched Zuo Feng's nerves, making him feel energetic all of a sudden.

I was originally considering whether to give up, but at this time I firmly released my spiritual energy and continued to penetrate into the power of rules.

But what was a little strange was that that kind of fluctuation did not appear, and everything seemed to be quiet. Now Zuo Feng couldn't help but start to doubt again, and was a little unsure whether he had really felt that weak fluctuation before.

Fortunately, under the control of Zuo Feng, after the spiritual energy continued to penetrate deeper for a while, the weak fluctuations appeared again, and this time Zuo Feng not only confirmed the existence of the fluctuations, but also confirmed which attribute it was.

The fluctuations transmitted by the spiritual energy.

'Metallicity is actually a fluctuation transmitted from the metallic space. I don't know whether the fluctuations of other attributes will have corresponding changes.'

When there was no change before, Zuo Feng couldn't help but feel a little anxious. But now that there has finally been a change, Zuo Feng has become uneasy.

Mainly because he actually has high expectations for the power of this group of rules. Feng Li has been suppressed by the ghost now. If he continues to fight, his life may be in danger, so Zuo Feng hopes that he can take advantage of it.

This force of rules leaves from here.

However, except for the metallic aura, which was exposed to a little fluctuation, the other auras did not change, and it was not clear what the fluctuation was for the time being.

Fortunately, Zuo Feng was never the kind of person to give up easily, not to mention that there had been such a slight change, so he naturally penetrated deeply into the spiritual energy of various attributes without hesitation.

The spiritual energy continued to penetrate deeper into the power of rules, and soon the fluctuations appeared again. Not only was the time shortened, but the fluctuations were also more intense than before.

Faced with such a change, Zuo Feng couldn't help but feel a flash of joy on his face, because as long as there was a change, it meant that the spiritual energy exploration was fruitful, and this gain did not seem to come from the effect of the self-formation of space.

Although nothing has been determined yet, Zuo Feng has begun to make subtle adjustments to the spiritual energy. He first concentrated a large part of the spiritual energy condensed in the formation on the metallic properties, and at the same time, he concentrated the spiritual energy of several other attributes.

Reduced a lot.

It's like when you find some weakness of your opponent during a battle, you should concentrate all your strength to launch an attack on that spot.

Now that the exploration has finally found metal, Zuo Feng must of course "pursue the victory", and his adjustments will soon bear fruit.

I saw that the fluctuations of the metallic spiritual energy became more and more violent, and at the same time, the intervals between fluctuations also began to shorten.

Now that he had gained something, Zuo Feng worked harder when releasing his spiritual energy, and soon Zuo Feng made an astonishing discovery.

When he releases spiritual energy inward, because he cannot feel too many changes like his telekinesis, Zuo Feng pays a little attention to many details during the exploration process. Because he cannot be sure which information in the exploration will trigger

play a vital role.

Just after the fluctuations first appeared, Zuo Feng immediately noticed a detail, that is, when these fluctuations were transmitted, there was no regularity. It was true that the intervals were long at first, but later on, the severity and time intervals of the fluctuations were not consistent.

What rules.

In this way, Zuo Feng thought of a possibility, that is, the fluctuation was probably someone or a certain life.

Although it is not yet clear whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, as long as you find out, it will be a good thing for you. The most important thing is that the other party can detect the spiritual energy you release and is willing to give you feedback. There is nothing better than this right now.


At this moment, Zuo Feng no longer releases the spiritual energy of several other attributes. Instead, he concentrates on controlling the metallic spiritual energy and explores the inside with all his strength.

Not long after, the wave was transmitted again, but this time the wave transmitted was a bit special, as if it contained a certain rhythm, which caused Zuo Feng's metallic aura to stop immediately.

Soon the fluctuation came again, and the rhythm of the fluctuation was exactly the same as the last time.

That rhythm made Zuo Feng a little surprised, because it felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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