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Chapter 4713 Dependence is toxic

This was the first time Huan Kong sent a message after taking action. He did not directly instruct others how to act, but explained his plan.

Zuo Feng was obviously stunned when he heard Master Huan Kong's message. He really didn't expect that Master would say this when he transmitted the message to him.

In Zuo Feng's feeling, Master Huan Kong is standing behind him like a mountain. No matter how great the dangers and difficulties are, as long as Master is willing, he can easily solve them.

However, Zuo Feng had forgotten that Master Huan Kong was also a human being, a living person of flesh and blood, and he also had areas beyond his power.

Back then, due to an accident, I entered the place where the space gap and the space turbulence meet, and dragged my master out of the space turbulence. At that time, the master was not only dying, but his cultivation level had also dropped seriously, and he even looked like he had no cultivation level.

ordinary people.

Because he spent too much time with his master Huan Kong, and he was always able to help him avoid danger at critical moments, Zuo Feng also subconsciously regarded his master as an omnipotent existence, and even vaguely regarded him as a "god".

However, the strong are the strong, and they are just a minority of warriors. After experiencing various dangers and difficulties, they finally reach a certain height. But no matter how powerful they become, or how different they are, their essence is still

He is a warrior, or rather a person.

The moment he received the message from his master, Zuo Feng seemed to realize for a moment that his master Huan Kong was not really that different from himself. He and the other party were essentially the same, but there was a difference in strength and experience.

The most important thing is that you cannot rely too much on the other person, just like what Master has always tried to avoid. If you always stay under the wings of Master, you will never be able to grow.

Even though Zuo Feng understood that he could not rely too much on his master Huan Kong, the changes in his heart were silent, and he even felt dependent without realizing it.

It wasn't until Master Huan Kong sent a message to him and told him all his difficulties and last resort. After Zuo Feng truly felt it, he truly understood how difficult it was for Master.

From another perspective, Zuo Feng also understood that the master was not omnipotent, and there was indeed a huge gap between him and the master, but this gap was not insurmountable.

If your heart is like this and you always rely on Master, then you may never be able to become stronger. Only if you really get rid of the other person in your heart can you one day reach or even surpass Master.

In fact, for Zuo Feng, the stage where he made the fastest progress was precisely when he set out from the Yelin Empire to the Xuanwu Empire alone.

On the contrary, during the days when I acted with my master, although my experiences were rich and full of ups and downs, my cultivation level did not improve much.

It's just that Zuo Feng never noticed these. Most of the time, he was just immersed in resolving crises one after another, acquiring certain martial arts skills, or getting some new runes, or having new partners.


However, for a warrior, the most important thing is always to strengthen oneself. This situation that Zuo Feng had inadvertently ignored was finally noticed by him again at this moment.

As for Huan Kong, he has always paid close attention to Zuo Feng, especially not wanting him to become dependent and thus relax his efforts to improve himself. But sometimes, changes appear subtly, whether it is Huan Kong or Zuo Feng himself.

Changes have already occurred without even noticing it.

Although it was just an inadvertent sound transmission, Huan Kong also used this method to let Zuo Feng know how much pressure he was under. He also understood how difficult everything he was doing now was.

It's just that Huan Kong himself didn't realize that it was his inadvertent voice transmission that made Zuo Feng see clearly that his current weakness came from his unknowing dependence.

If he had known that transmitting his message like this would have such a big impact on Zuo Feng, I believe Huan Kong would have chosen to transmit his message to him a long time ago.

The current Huan Kong has no time to pay attention to the changes in Zuo Feng, or how his own sound transmission will affect him. While transmitting the sound, Huan Kong is even going all out to use his power.

the state of law.

Even Zuo Feng could see that this time Yin Wuliu and Wang Xiaoyu were controlling the ghost soul's overloaded operation formation. At the same time, they were frantically absorbing the surrounding soul power and constantly injecting it into the formation.

This is completely ignoring the danger that the formation will break at any time, and placing all the bets on this round of attacks.

Faced with this situation, Huan Kong had no other choice. He also had to go all out, and even had to overload the formation, causing the formation to be in a state that was close to out of control, or even partially out of control.

When three thunderbolts first appeared in the sky, Huan Kong's heart became very heavy, and then when two more thunderbolts appeared almost in no particular order, Huankong's heart instantly sank.

Go down.

However, when things got to this point, no matter how difficult and dangerous they were, he had no choice but to bite the bullet. Because Zuo Feng and Feng Li had done everything they could, and the rest would only depend on their own.

The formation was moving rapidly under the control of Huan Kong. In addition to the two formation forces, there was also the innate power released by Feng Li, which was rushing left and right in the formation.

It should have been released long ago, but when he saw the last two thunders, Huan Kong gritted his teeth and forced the two formation forces, as well as Feng Li's innate power, to stay in the formation.

He relied on the operation of the formation to continue to improve the formation itself and further integrate the innate power with the formation, in order to achieve stronger effects.

It's just that even if Huan Kong is willing to risk everything, the opponent will not give him time, and Thunder will not stay in the air for much longer.

Therefore, after the thunder fell from the sky, Huan Kong had to start to release the power of the formation. He combined the power of the formation with the beast energy with starlight and rushed directly towards the front where the thunder and lightning landed.

It looks like they are going to intercept, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two sides will not actually meet.

But after the last incident, everyone understood that this was Huan Kong's method, and they had successfully defeated Thunder before. Therefore, whether it was the enemy or Zuo Feng and Feng Li, they were observing very seriously at this time. They wanted to

See clearly what's going on.

In the past, everyone was mainly attracted by the thunder, but this time what everyone is paying attention to is the power of the formation released by Huan Kong, and it is the power of the formation that is infused with the starlight beast energy.

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Just when the formation force released by Huan Kong flew to a certain location, the space in that area suddenly showed signs of instability. Although the change was very subtle, everyone was able to catch it immediately.

Immediately, he saw a slight force of formation rippling out from the periphery of the formation. This force was also very small, and even if he hadn't been watching, it would have been easy to ignore it.

When this energy rippled, tiny gaps immediately appeared in the surrounding area. Those gaps were like hairs, even smaller than hairs.

And the formation force that rippled like ripples penetrated into the gaps like mercury pouring down the ground. Most of the gaps did not change, and there were a very small part of the gaps that would gradually expand as the formation force penetrated.

There is a gap in it, but it suddenly expands, or even directly expands to form a gap. And the force of the formation is like a cave passage suddenly appearing under the lake, and it is suddenly drawn into it.


If you don't observe carefully, or even use your mental power to explore, all you can notice is that after the formation reaches that area, it suddenly disappears.

At the next moment, the landing Thunder also came nearby. The gap where the formation force had just poured in had been healed again. However, as if it sensed when the Thunder was approaching, it suddenly opened again, and then the formation force mixed with it.

Some kind of regular power suddenly rushed out of the gap, directly "drag" Thunder into the gap.

Because this time everyone focused on the strength of the formation, everyone could clearly see the subsequent series of changes, especially how the thunder disappeared.

‘It turns out that Master is so powerful that he could think of using this method to dissolve the thunder. The other party used the newly broken space, which was not completely stabilized, to channel the power of rules in it to launch an attack.

The master also used the same conditions to directly drag the power of rules back into the multiple dimensions that were not stable.

The opponent channeled all the power of various rules. Although there were many in number, the most powerful ones were the Thunder Rules. The master saw this clearly, so when constructing the formation, he also targeted the Thunder Rules.

No wonder the master said that he ignores so many other powers of rules, and the only one that needs to be dealt with with all his strength is the power of thunder.'

Every time Master Huan Kong takes action, there is more than meets the eye. Only by savoring it carefully can you see the intention behind it.

The power of the formation was released one after another, and the first three thunderbolts that appeared also fell one after another. The results were the same as the first thunderbolts. If one did not examine carefully, it would feel as if they disappeared out of thin air.

However, when the last two thunderbolts came down, the formation controlled by Huan Kong was still running rapidly, but the power of the formation was already very weak, and Feng Li's innate power was also slightly insufficient.

After seeing this situation, Huan Kong seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he immediately made a decision. As he danced with his hands, he seemed to have made temporary adjustments to the formation, and then violently pushed the formation out.

The formation quickly rushed forward, targeting the one that rushed forward among the last two thunderbolts. Just before the thunderbolt was about to come into contact with the formation, the formation made a buzzing noise.

, suddenly exploded.

This chapter has been completed!
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