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Chapter 4846: Lead away the trouble

"What kind of method is this? Not only was there no warning before, but even if we investigate now, it will be difficult to detect such a subtle anomaly."

Zuo Feng's face had become very ugly at this time. In addition to being surprised by the changes in the formation, he was also very angry in his heart.

This opponent who has not yet met has used various methods and still refuses to give up even at this time. Especially every time the opponent makes a move, he uses cheating-like methods, making it difficult for people to guard against him.

"The main purpose of the guy's actions before was to affect the chess game, so he basically targeted the center. But now he also sees that it is impossible to change the chess game, so he turned to the strategy."

Huan Kong seemed to be in a much calmer mood than Zuo Feng, which was related to the fact that he had been mentally prepared before this. So when he discovered the abnormality in the formation, he was only briefly surprised, and then he felt

Also relieved.

It is better to be sure that the opponent will make a move and to capture the position of the opponent's move than to be on tenterhooks and never know when and where the opponent will make a move.

While Zuo Feng was carefully exploring, he continued to ask Huan Kong: "What kind of method is this? It has obviously entered the formation, but it is so weak that it does not look like a big threat."

In contrast, Huan Kong had a completely different judgment. He released more mental power, while exploring the location where the abnormality was detected, and at the same time dispersed part of the mental power, along the formation on the formation, towards

Explore around.

Zuo Feng immediately calmed down this time, and at the same time controlled his telekinesis and followed Huan Kong's telekinesis. This was not only a kind of learning, but he was also very curious as to why the master continued to investigate like this.

Soon, Zuo Feng's question was answered, because at another location, Huan Kong's telepathy stopped. After a little careful exploration, Zuo Feng also noticed something abnormal.

This is the node location where several important formations intersect. If you don't observe carefully, there is nothing special about it. But because Huan Kong is paying attention to this place, Zuo Feng investigates it even more carefully.

Arrays are like human veins. They are important entities that connect the entire formation. If countless small formations want to be finally combined together to become a complete formation, then the formations play a role in it.

A key role as a bond.

Therefore, in the formation, there is not only the energy to drive the formation, but also the formation force released by the formation. Therefore, there will often be certain blockages at the nodes where multiple formations meet, which is unavoidable.


Even if it is just the energy that drives the formation, there are many types such as spiritual energy, mental power, blood power, animal energy, etc. Energy with different attributes and the power of the formation will naturally collide and rub against each other after they come into contact with each other.

It's just that high-end formations can minimize this mutual influence. Low-end formations will have a great impact on each other. When it reaches a certain level, the formation will become unstable and even collapse.


However, in the formation in front of us, where energy meets, the friction and conflict of energy are very small, not none but very small.

It was such an inconspicuous little detail, a tiny difference that was very easy to ignore, that was noticed by the cautious Huan Kong. If Zuo Feng were to investigate, it would be difficult to find that there is a problem here. Zuo Feng did the same.

Only after Huan Kong saw the problem could he notice the problem.

"This..." Zuo Feng frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated when he spoke.

"This is the opponent's special method. Now it seems that he has completely given up on the chess game, but he has not given up on this space. Now he is using this method to snatch it."

Zuo Feng finally thought about it and asked Huan Kong: "Since his target is this space, he should attack the center of the formation. Why should he attack these formations or nodes on the formation? Isn't it putting the cart before the horse?"


Huan Kong seemed to have thought about this question for a long time, and immediately answered: "This opponent is not simple. Before, he attacked the strategy center with the purpose of controlling the chess game. Because whether he controls gray stones or white stones, or has an impact on the chess game

, we must attack the center first.

Now that the chess game has developed to this point, he can no longer change anything, so he can only find other ways. At this time, starting from the center of the formation will not only be difficult to achieve immediate results, but it may also be noticed by me in advance.


Zuo Feng was frightened when he heard this. If he had faced this opponent, he would have taken advantage of the opponent without even realizing it. Even if Huan Kong was prepared now, he would have been aware of it in advance.

I was still so shocked that I was sweating from behind.

"What's next?"

By this time, Zuo Feng had already understood the seriousness of the problem. At the same time, he was also thinking about how to deal with the opponent's methods.

Huan Kong's calm state was not an act. When he was looking for anomalies in the formation, he still did not ignore the development of the chess game. But judging from the current situation, the opponent no longer wanted to make a fuss about the chess game. He only needed to keep

The advantage lasts until the end of the chess game.

If it was Huan Kong’s idea at the beginning, he would have preferred to end the chess game as soon as possible, but now that he discovered that the opponent was secretly making small moves, Huan Kong was in no hurry to end the chess game.

It can be roughly judged that the opponent is going to make a move at the end of the chess game. Now delaying the end of the chess game can actually give Huan Kong more time to prepare.

Now we can see the benefits of the formation opponent. After deduction and calculation, the formation opponent can select the most suitable placement position at the moment. This prevents him from using any extreme methods, and at the same time, he will not commit such low-level actions.

Wrong, during this game, the two sides can make it easier for Huan Kong to grasp the direction of the chess game.

"Come and see here, here, and here..."

While Huan Kong was transmitting a message to Zuo Feng, he controlled his telekinesis at several locations in the formation, releasing slight fluctuations. Zuo Feng quickly controlled his telekinesis to get closer, and he immediately understood the locations where Huan Kong gave hints.

Understand the purpose of Huan Kong.

Those locations are the nodes where the array gathers, and the energy flow inside them all has varying degrees of abnormalities. Because of the findings from the previous exploration, Zuo Feng at this time can immediately feel the abnormalities.


Huan Kong immediately transmitted the message again and ordered: "This is the change. You explore the area around the center of the formation. Because he will not attack the center directly, he will try to avoid the center when deploying his methods.

Nearby. But don't be careless. If something is missed during the exploration, we may fall into a passive position."

Zuo Feng naturally understood how important it was to find nodes with abnormal energy, so he didn't say anything, but acted quickly to explore every node in the area.

Naturally, Huan Kong would not hesitate. While ensuring that the chess game continued according to his own ideas, he also explored a large area far away from the center of the formation.

Less than half a quarter of an hour passed, and Zuo Feng and Huan Kong completed their inspections one after another. As Huan Kong had judged, there were more abnormalities in the formation nodes in the outer areas, and there were very few changes in the nodes near the center.

After figuring out which nodes were abnormal, Zuo Feng then sent a message to ask: "What should we do next? We have discovered more than 70 nodes. The most annoying ones are the abnormal nodes.

It’s still increasing, although the increase is already very small.”

Not only Zuo Feng noticed this situation, but Huan Kong was also aware of it. Before Zuo Feng sent the message, he was already thinking about it seriously.

After Zuo Feng raised the question, Huan Kong thought for a while and then said: "I originally thought that as long as I figured out where the other party took action, I could roughly judge his general plan.

Now it seems that I still think of this opponent simply. From these nodes alone, it is impossible to judge what methods the opponent will use, especially since the number of nodes is still increasing.

However, from the fact that the other party has manipulated so many nodes, it can be inferred that this is definitely a very domineering and sharp method, and I even suspect that it is stronger than the previous method of directly attacking the center."

"Then why didn't the opponent use this method before, instead of turning a corner and attacking the center to affect the chess game?" Zuo Feng couldn't help but ask.

Huan Kong immediately replied: "I'm afraid that controlling the chess game through the center is the method with the lowest loss, the lowest risk, and the smallest hidden dangers. He has delayed using this method until now, which shows that he has no other choice.


Zuo Feng nodded, feeling that Master's analysis was more reasonable, and then asked the most critical question.

"Then how should we deal with his methods?"

Huan Kong, who had already thought of countermeasures, acted very confident and said: "Only a thousand days can make a thief, and there is no thousand days to prevent a thief. Since we don't know what means he is going to use, the best way is to directly divert the trouble."


"Draw away the troublesome water?" Zuo Feng didn't quite understand what Master meant by this, let alone how to divert the troublesome water away and where to lead it.

The phantom of Huan Kong's soul was slowly turning its head to look at the center of the formation. Zuo Feng seemed to see an incomprehensible smile on the opponent's blurry face.

"No matter how many nodes he manipulates, he will eventually seize this space formation. So as long as I transfer his influence on this space formation, won't the problem be solved?"

Seeing that Zuo Feng still looked confused, Huan Kong sent a message again to remind him, "Don't forget that this space formation does not exist independently. Think about what else is closely connected to it."

As if a word awakened the dreamer, Zuo Feng's body trembled slightly, and then a bright light lit up in his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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