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Chapter 4907 Accidental Seed

 The ancient jade formation finally exploded. Although Gan Luo and Yaoyao tried their best to stop it and even worked together to activate the ancient jade, they still could not reverse the final result.

And until the ancient jade formation exploded, neither of them could figure out why things would develop to this point. What happened before is still vivid in their minds, and this is what confused them the most.

place, because they know what happened and there are no strange gaps in their memory.

For Yaoyao and Gan Luo, their previous actions seemed to be a purely voluntary act, rather than being controlled by other forces. And this is actually the most terrifying part of the methods used by Huan Kong


The main reason why Zuo Feng was able to discover the problem was because he was removed from the influence of Huan Kong before he "lost control". Only then did he clearly realize that there was something wrong with his mind and consciousness just now, that is, he was "affected"


This is probably the only way to confirm that Huan Kong's method will affect the mind and consciousness. Otherwise, it will be like Yaoyao and Gan Luo, or like Yin Wuliu and Wang Xiaoyu. Until facing a life and death crisis,

Only then can we break free from that influence.

For the few people who escaped from the life-and-death crisis, what they felt more was why they were so excited just now, and even reached an extreme state.

If this kind of behavior were placed under other circumstances, they would probably find out after reflection that their mind and consciousness were affected. But the problem is that what they just faced was the essence of the source, which is not something that ordinary people can control.


So they took the first step and understood the "abnormal" behavior just now, so it was naturally difficult to notice that their mind and consciousness were affected. They just felt that they were too rude or too arrogant when they were competing for the essence of the source.

Too extreme

The most powerful thing about the method used by Huan Kong is that he can confuse the mind and do it silently. Most of the time, the people affected will still be aware of the problem afterwards, or they will be half-believed.

However, the timing and medium Huan Kong chose to act now were too clever. Not only did he use the aura emitted by the essence of the source to completely cover up the "means" he added to it, but he also caused several people to lose control of the source essence and find a person.

The most reasonable explanation.

However, not everyone present was completely affected. In other words, there was a special being. Although he also faced Huan Kong's methods, it failed to truly affect his mind and consciousness.

This person was the Yao family warrior who was controlled by Gan Luo. He was also the only Yao family warrior who survived except Yaoyao.

After the other Yao family warriors activated their violent energy to disintegrate and sacrificed their last strength, they died one after another. This also represented the complete failure of Yao Yao's final plan.

Although such a result has been expected for a long time, both Yao Yao and other warriors of the Yao family must fight for this slim opportunity. Otherwise, it will be equivalent to giving up the only chance for the Yao family to rise, and at the same time, it will be equivalent to Yao Yao.

The huge investment the family had made before this became meaningless.

For Yaoyao, when the last Yao family warrior who activated violent energy and disintegrated died, he lost all his family companions. Although there is still one Yao family warrior who is still alive, and his strength is still very good, but

It is controlled by Gan Luo, and for Yaoyao, the opponent is already dead.

However, this person, who was equal to death in Yaoyao's eyes, was the only one among the people present who knew clearly that Huan Kong had just launched a special method.

The special thing about this Yao family warrior is that he is controlled by Gan Luo. To be precise, his soul is controlled by him. However, this kind of control means that his soul is controlled, but he does not completely lose his self-awareness, and he has no control over the outside world.

The senses are not blocked, and changes in the outside world are observed from a more objective perspective.

When the breath of the original essence was emitted, he naturally had no way to actively absorb it, but there was still a little bit that came into physical contact with Gan Luo and Yaoyao when they were absorbed.

When this Yao family warrior's body came into contact with the original essence, he absorbed it almost subconsciously. This did not require him to control his body at all, but was an instinctive reaction of the body.

At the same time that the Essence of the Origin entered his body, a desire to obtain it crazily filled his consciousness instantly. However, his soul was under control, and all actions were under Gan Luo's control.

Therefore, his consciousness quickly understood that the breath of the original essence he had just absorbed had such a great impact on him.

Under normal circumstances, this Yao family warrior would never be able to escape the fate of being Gan Luo's puppet unless he died or Gan Luo took the initiative to release his control.

But just when Huan Kong used that special method to affect everyone's minds and consciousness, something happened to this Yao family warrior quietly.

First, his mind and consciousness were affected, and all his consciousness and thoughts reached an agreement with Gan Luo in an instant. This was a change that had never occurred among all the people controlled by Gan Luo, because the people under control

, there will be resistance and hatred deep in every heart.

Originally, this warrior of the Yao family could not be an exception, but Huan Kong's methods unexpectedly enabled him. In this special situation, he incredibly reached an agreement with Gan Luo's thoughts and will, that is, to the essence of the origin.

of persistence.

But soon, because his soul was under control, his consciousness recovered again. From that moment on, part of his soul actually got rid of Gan Luo's control in the process just now.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

This warrior from the Yao family also tried to resist, but with less than one-tenth of his soul control, he could not get rid of Gan Luo's control. So he gradually calmed down, and his meaningless resistance not only

It has no effect. On the contrary, it will expose your current state and lose your last chance of survival.

He chose to be a seed buried deep, waiting for a suitable opportunity, an opportunity to sprout, an opportunity to reverse his destiny.

Fortunately, Gan Luo's mind was affected, and he was focused on fighting Yaoyao to obtain more source essence, and did not notice anything unusual about the Yaoyao warrior.

In this way, the battle between Gan Luo and Yaoyao directly caused the tearing of the ancient jade formation itself. Huan Kong introduced external energy and focused on entering the ancient jade formation. All of this, the Yao family warrior did

Watch it from beginning to end for a special "spectator".

His heart is a little complicated. He wants to stop the meaningless fight between Gan Luo and Yaoyao, for the sake of the Yao family and Yaoyao. But at the same time, he hopes that this fight will trigger new changes so that he can

Get rid of Gan Luo's control.

But it was not until the ancient jade formation was finally madly injected with that terrifying energy and finally detonated directly that he felt a little regretful. He should have tried to stop it before, even if he had helped Gan Luo wake up first.

Strictly speaking, if this Yao family warrior really uses the little bit of soul control he has regained to influence Gan Luo, it is possible to awaken Gan Luo. Although this chance is very slim, it is not impossible.

However, after the ancient jade formation was detonated, he did not continue to struggle because it was also meaningless.

Gan Luo didn't know that the Yao family warriors he controlled had changed so much, just like he didn't know that he had been affected by a special secret method before.

Gan Luo devoted all his attention to using means to control the ancient jade. If he failed, he would be destroyed along with this space and even the entire space group.

While Gan Luo was running the secret method with all his strength and frantically extracting souls, the Yao family warrior found that he had slowly regained a trace of control over his soul.

This process seemed a bit slow, and there were very few souls that could regain control of himself, but this already made him ecstatic. At the same time, he behaved more quietly, not daring to act rashly, because he knew that if Gan Luo found out

Abnormal, just one thought will be obliterated by itself.

As for Gan Luo, he was not unaware that when he used this special secret method, his control over the Yao family warrior would be weakened. But he didn't care, because he knew that by reducing his control over his soul,

It won't have any impact.

However, Gan Luo didn't know that long before this, his influence on the Yao family warrior had been weakened a bit. If such an influence accumulates, it may lead to a qualitative change.

Gan Luo, who was unaware, and Yaoyao, who was also unaware, were trying their best to activate the ancient jade. And the explosion of the ancient jade formation was finally completely beyond the control range, thinking about the radiation in the surrounding space and the space group.

Drive away.

The chain reaction caused by the explosion rushed into the distance in an almost unstoppable manner. The changes in the speed of time were mainly concentrated within a certain range where Gan Luo and Yaoyao were, and beyond this range

The time flow rate is normal.

The explosion released from one point of the ancient jade formation spread quickly, directly triggering the explosion of space and the explosion of space groups.

Many warriors who were exploring the space group either followed Ghost Nightmare and Huan Feng and entered through the passage opened by the ice crystal hall. There were also some people who were on a certain layer of the iceberg, and later cracks and gaps appeared.

It is a space group that can be entered as a way to escape.

When an explosion occurs in the space group, these people will inevitably be detonated on the spot. They are not affected by the explosion, but they themselves are also exploded.

Even the impact of this explosion directly penetrated the outer wall of the iceberg. It can also be said that it passed through the outer wall of the entire space group and affected the outside of the iceberg.

Those who were unable to enter the iceberg and were stationed outside waiting for opportunities to hunt for treasure. Some thought they had seized the favorable terrain first. The warriors observing from the closest position to the iceberg exploded like ignited explosive barrels.

In this sudden incident, some people did not react and immediately exploded themselves. Afterwards, those who were a little further away reacted and fled in panic. However, most people saved their lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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