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Chapter 4945 Weird Two Souls

 The ancient jade was still under Gan Luo's control a moment ago. Just a moment later, the ancient jade showed abnormal changes and immediately escaped Gan Luo's control.

The changes happened so fast that not only everyone present, including Blizzard and others, did not understand the situation, but even Gan Luo, who was in the middle of the situation, was caught off guard by this sudden change.

Because he and Yaoyao had worked together to control the ancient jade very firmly before. Maybe Yaoyao had some reservations about his assistance last time, but this time he really put his heart and soul into it, and he didn't have any reservations.

On the one hand, Yaoyao can clearly see the changes in the situation. If the ghost master in front of him can win, then even if he can't get any benefits, at least he still has the possibility of survival. And if the mysterious man wins, he can

It's really over.

After all, after the opponent had already won the chess game, he stepped in to seize control of the center. First he fought for control of the chess game, and then he simply destroyed the chess game. It would be strange if the opponent didn't hate him. It would be impossible for Yaoyao to swap their positions.

It's impossible to let the other person go.

On the other hand, he has shown his murderous intention, a strong murderous intention against Blizzard and others, and this is the reason why he is least likely to be forgiven. Therefore, Yaoyao has no choice, he must stand firmly on Gan Luo's side.

In addition, Gan Luo can sense that with the help of the energy released by the opponent's assistance, Gan Luo can sense that Yaoyao is squeezing his potential. Although this squeeze is measured and will not be life-threatening, it does not affect his own potential.

The damage caused will not be too small.

Yaoyao's reaction made Gan Luo more confident. Since Yaoyao had achieved this, coupled with his own full effort, he was confident that he would not let the other party take advantage of him.

However, he was still controlling the ancient jade with confidence, trying to give the soul phantom a fatal blow and end this unexpected incident. However, he did not want to have an incident happen at the critical moment that would make Gan Luo unforgettable in his life.

The ancient jade that was in operation had a blood connection one moment, but the next moment it was buzzing and the connection was completely severed.

It's like a child's favorite toy has been taken away by someone else. It even feels like his own world has been taken away. But for Gan Luo, now he has really been taken away.

After everything, that ancient jade was everything to him.

As for Yaoyao on the other side, his whole person became sluggish. What Gan Luo felt now was what he felt when the ancient jade was taken away.

The difference is that after Yaoyao saw Gan Luo's methods and power, he had expected that the ancient jade would be taken away. But now the ancient jade is controlled by himself and Gan Luo together, without any warning, and even

Without a clear understanding of the situation, control was taken away directly, which is really unacceptable.

The energy fluctuations between Gu Yu and the Blood Hand formation showed a mutually coordinated and trembling reaction effect. It was no longer just the other party seizing control, but Gu Yu taking the initiative to respond.

This is also the most difficult thing for Gan Luo to accept. The opponent is trying to seize control of Gu Yu, but Gu Yu actively cooperates to let the opponent take control at the critical moment.

Gan Luo and Yaoyao were struck dumb by such a change and felt completely powerless. In fact, the two of them were really exhausted now.

Gan Luo's vision had begun to blur, and his appearance was like a person's reaction before fainting. However, this state only lasted a very short time, and Gan Luo's eyes slowly recovered.

There was a trace of fire igniting in his eyes, and in just a short moment, the fire turned into a raging flame.

When Gan Luo's eyes changed, his whole spirit and spirit also changed, and two bottles flew out of his arms.

What others noticed was the change in Gan Luo's mental state, but what Zuo Feng noticed was the two bottles. Because the two bottles themselves were very special and they were taken out at the same time, Zuo Feng couldn't help but focus on them.

on top.

The first is the material of the two bottles, one is a jade vial and the other is a metal bottle. Jade vials are more common and can be used as the first choice when containing some high-end drugs, but jade bottles are usually more expensive than crystal bottles.

It is the most precious existence among vessels.

As for metal bottles, they are relatively rare. As an alchemist, Zuo Feng has only encountered a few medicines or medicinal materials that need metal bottles to contain, so Zuo Feng doesn't have many metal bottles on his body.

Another more special place is that you can see the existence of rune formations inside the bottles of these two bottles. It is not uncommon for the formations to be engraved on the bottles. Many medicine bottles on Zuo Feng have

It has the formation he carved.

After all, in addition to being an alchemist, Zuo Feng also has the identity of a rune formation mage. Carving formations on the outside of the containers that hold medicines can better preserve the medicines, and some can even absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, which is beneficial to

The medicine contained inside is warmed and cured.

The problem is that for the two bottles in front of me, the formation is not carved on the outside, but directly condensed inside the bottle. Zuo Feng can still make that small metal bottle. As long as he cooperates with the weapon refining method, in the process of making the bottle,

Just condense the formation into the inside of the bottle. The problem lies in the jade vial.

Jade itself is fragile, and after it is collected, it can only be carved into the desired shape, but it cannot be shaped like a metal vessel.

However, inside the body of this jade vial, various blood-red threads can be seen. They twist and turn to form runes, which are combined together to form a formation.

Looking at the blood-red silk thread inside the porcelain bottle, it shimmered brightly and darkly, obviously the formation was always in operation.

Such a weird and special formation has deeply attracted Zuo Feng's attention, and he is even more curious about what is in the bottle.

Gan Luo was now pressed for time. After he took out the two bottles, he quickly began to form seals with his hands. At the same time, spiritual energy was released from his body, wrapping the two bottles layer by layer.

It seemed that spiritual energy suddenly exerted pressure on the inside, directly crushing the two bottles on the spot. When the two bottles shattered, something strange happened. Two phantoms suddenly appeared inside the two bottles.

What surprised everyone, including Zuo Feng, was that what was contained inside these two bottles was not any medicine, but two souls.

The moment those two soul shadows appeared, everyone had already seen that they were not human beings, but soul shadows belonging to the orcs. The other party's soul looked very solid. In addition to its own high level of cultivation,

Also, it should belong to the Warcraft family.

The orcs who were born and raised in Kunxuan Continent have some marks of this continent. Even if they have no body and only have soul, some experienced people can still see it.

In addition, the monster clan has stronger physical talent, while the monster clan is better at spiritual cultivation. The soul quality of these two beast clan is so high, it is roughly speculated that they are very similar to the monster clan.

The crux of the problem is that everyone present is well-informed, but no one recognizes the identity of the two orcs. They can only vaguely see that one soul looks like a swimming fish, and the other soul looks like a fish.

Like a snake.

Because it is in the state of a soul body, its shape and outline are relatively blurry, so it is difficult to identify it. However, looking at the two soul bodies, they clashed left and right after appearing, and it is obvious that they still maintain a strong vitality.

Zuo Feng secretly guessed that the appearance of the two soul bodies was probably related to the special container where they were stored, especially the formation condensed in the container.

The two soul shadows wanted to escape the moment they rushed out, but the spiritual energy belonging to Gan Luo was wrapped in layers. Logically speaking, the level of these two soul bodies should not be low.

Gan Luo's aura shouldn't be able to control them.

However, no matter how hard they struggled and resisted, the two soul bodies could not break free. It was as if they were restrained by some kind of force and their actions were suppressed.

Looking at the two soul bodies, Gan Luo hesitated for a moment in his eyes. The time was very short, but he had already made up his mind again, and then acted quickly.

I saw blood mist suddenly splashing out from Gan Luo's body. They seemed to be squeezed out from every pore of Gan Luo. After the blood mist appeared, it naturally moved towards the two souls.

The body is enveloped.

The two souls that originally resisted fiercely became even more crazy when they saw the blood mist. They also acted extremely fiercely when they were in conflict around them.

It wasn't until the blood mist shrouded the two soul bodies that the two soul bodies gradually began to quiet down. However, this quietness can be felt to be suppressed by some kind of force, or directly restricted.


Although the two soul bodies struggled hard, they could not change their fate of being wrapped and controlled by the blood mist. Then the snake-shaped shadow and the fish-shaped shadow began to be slowly wrapped into a ball.

When the two of them were close to each other, Zuo Feng and other warriors with telekinesis and strong perception could feel the strength of the two of them and were very frightened.

However, the two of them had no power to resist and allowed the power released in the blood mist to "press" them tightly together.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the energy between the snake-shaped shadow and the fish-shaped shadow was strangely flowing to each other. The soul power released from the snake's head was injected into the tail of the fish-shaped soul body, and the fish-shaped soul

The soul power released from the head of the body will be injected into the tail of the snake-shaped shadow.

The two of them release their soul power at the same time, and then inject it into each other, forming a perfect cycle.

Gan Luo had a hint of madness in his eyes, and he shouted loudly, controlling the two soul shadows, and slowly moved closer to his lower abdomen, where Na Hai was.

When everyone present saw such a scene, they subconsciously widened their eyes and held their breath.

This chapter has been completed!
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