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Chapter 5033: Crisis Awareness

 When Zuo Feng used the power of the ancient jade to forcibly shake the space group, he was not completely sure, or even half sure.

It's not unreasonable in theory, but even Zuo Feng himself understands that this method is mainly based on his own understanding and knowledge. The problem is that once his understanding deviates from the facts, or he doesn't understand a small detail

Any error will result in complete failure of this adjustment.

However, for Zuo Feng, even if the current success rate is less than one-third or one-fourth, he must take the risk and try. What's more, according to his judgment, the chance of success may be greater than one-third.

Unfortunately, the moment the entire space group started to move again after a shock, Zuo Feng already knew that his judgment was still wrong.

Zuo Feng had no regrets at that moment, because in the current situation, he had no other choice. He also did not consider stabilizing the space group first, and then returning all spaces to their original positions.

Although the power of ancient jade has such power, Zuo Feng does not have that much time. In addition, no matter how good his memory is, he cannot accurately remember the original positions of so many spaces. Even if he has the position of a space group,

Wrong, the entire adjustment will end in failure.

Zuo Feng's heart was full of reluctance, but more importantly, it was a kind of helplessness. He didn't want to give up, but he couldn't turn back. He finally got to this point, and he was only one step away from the final success. However, in the end he

Still failed.

However, although Zuo Feng failed, he would not give up on himself. He would mobilize the power of ancient jade to the greatest extent, and then go all out to send his partners out of the current space.

His current approach requires at least two risks. The first risk is to send everyone on his side. Even if he has mastered the power of ancient jade, he may not be able to do it. And it is not all at once.

Instead of being sent to the outside world, it is sent to the space where its own body is located, and then sent out from there.

You must know that the outside world at this time still contains the power of various rules that have just been transmitted. If the power of rules exists in the location where the companions are teleported, they may die in an instant.

Even if you are lucky enough to avoid it, there are still several strong men in the spiritual stage who are eyeing the power of rules that are now spread around the iceberg. Ninety-nine percent of them are not willing to let go of these people who suddenly appear.

Another risk is Zuo Feng himself. Although he can send Blizzard, Han Bing, Master and others out, it is difficult for him to send himself out.

At the very least, this avatar of his will have to coexist and die with this space. This is also helpless. After all, all of Zuo Feng's current actions mainly rely on the power of ancient jade, and if he wants to teleport out, he will inevitably cooperate with ancient jade.

If you disconnect, you will naturally be unable to use the power of the ancient jade.

This is like an ordinary person, no matter how strong he is, he cannot lift himself up from the ground by his own hair.

But even so, Zuo Feng still made a decisive decision and directly began to activate the power of the ancient jade, intending to move the person to the space where the main body was first. As for what to do next, he believed that the master should be able to understand it even without explaining it.

No matter how slim the chance of survival is, they can no longer stay in the current space group, so we must find ways to let them leave first. As for whether they can survive after leaving, I'm afraid it depends more on luck.

As for Zuo Feng's clone, although he was extremely reluctant to part with it, he had no choice but to accept it.

However, just when Zuo Feng used all his strength to mobilize the ancient jade, releasing all the ancient jade power he could mobilize. The surging power of the ancient jade was about to move towards Blizzard, Huan Kong and the others.

Before sweeping over, it suddenly stopped in the air.

It wasn't that Zuo Feng regretted at the last moment, but just when he was about to use the power of ancient jade to "send" his companions to the space where his body was located, unexpected things suddenly appeared in the spaces that were rubbing and colliding with each other.

The change.

You must know that the friction and collision between those spaces have reached a state of complete control, and some spaces have even shown signs of damage due to such friction and collision.

In order to repair the space, Zuo Feng had spent a lot of effort, energy and time before, but now he had to watch helplessly as those spaces were destroyed again.

However, somewhere in the space group, an extremely strange scene suddenly appeared. The spaces there were still running chaotically one moment, rubbing and colliding with each other. The next moment, their trajectories were strangely adjusted, as if every time

Every space is alive, each actively looking for its own correct position.

Faced with such an astonishing change, Zuo Feng was stunned on the spot for a moment. Although he couldn't understand why there was such a change, there was no doubt that the situation of space operation was improving.

No matter why such a change occurred, Zuo Feng's first reaction was to stop his actions. Although it was only a little, the situation was indeed improving. As long as the situation was improving, there was no need for him to take risks and move his companions.

go out.

In addition, he still couldn't figure out why this improvement occurred, so the best choice in this situation was to do nothing. Because acting indiscriminately may lead to the worsening of the situation.

For Zuo Feng now, time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and he would even hold his breath subconsciously, even though he knew that his breathing would not have any impact.

Time passed by minute by minute, but for Zuo Feng, every second that passed seemed like a long year, or even several years.

This feeling of being unable to do anything, pinning all hope on a change that appears out of nowhere, and eagerly looking forward to the change continuing to appear, is indeed very difficult for Zuo Feng.

Because Zuo Feng's personality is very similar to his master's, he likes to take everything into his own hands and hates situations that are beyond his control.

However, at the moment, he has no other choice but to accept everything in front of him helplessly, and at the same time pray for a "miracle" to happen again, no matter why this miraculous scene occurs.

In such arduous waiting, time was the greatest torment. It was not until Zuo Feng's perception that in a certain area within the space group, the space had changed again that it had been before, and Zuo Feng's hanging heart finally calmed down.

Let go a little bit.

Although I dare not say that the situation has completely improved since then, it at least proves that the last change was not accidental, but there was some special change, or some kind of force that is quietly affecting the space group.

The first figure that emerged in Zuo Feng's mind was his master Huan Kong, but he immediately denied his guess.

Don't say that after the master completely handed over the control of the ancient jade to himself, he no longer has the ability to have any impact on the entire space group. Even now, the master still controls the ancient jade, and can even mobilize the power of the ancient jade like himself.

It is absolutely impossible to make such exaggerated adjustments to the space group.

'There must be other reasons, and there must be other energy that is participating in or affecting those spaces, but... what kind of energy will it be?'

While Zuo Feng was thinking about it, he used the power of ancient jade to sense the changed location and what the situation was like now.

Previously, Zuo Feng was afraid that he would act rashly and not only fail to understand the situation, but would interrupt the space that was returning to normal operation.

Now that new changes have appeared, Zuo Feng carefully senses and detects the location where the changes first appeared.

As Zuo Feng's mind and consciousness slowly approached with the help of the ancient jade, he was ready. If there was any slight change, Zuo Feng would immediately stop his exploration.

However, the situation he was worried about did not appear. Instead, when he approached that area, a strange rule appeared in his perception.

It's not that the nature of the rule itself makes Zuo Feng feel unfamiliar, but that this rule has never appeared in the space group. Whether it was originally in this area or the power of the rules that was sent out, it seems that they are not the same as those in the space group.

There is a difference.

As Zuo Feng further explored, he immediately discovered an even more surprising situation. This rule actually extended outwards to the outside of the entire space group.

"External force! How could it be an external force? Who helped me adjust the space from the outside?"

Zuo Feng was completely shocked by the discovery before him. He never imagined that the source of the impact on the operation of space would come from outside.

What surprised Zuo Feng even more was that this force penetrated the inside and outside like this, and completely ignored the space group, that is, the closed nature of the iceberg itself.

Faced with such a situation, Zuo Feng was speechless for a moment. Although he was well-informed, not only had he never seen the scene before him, he couldn't even understand it.

However, the changes in the space group were not affected by Zuo Feng's understanding. Just when Zuo Feng was investigating carefully to figure out the reason, the third change appeared.

Also within a small area, the trajectory of space movement adjusts and changes by itself, and then space no longer rubs and collides with each other, and order is restored just like the previous two locations.

Now it seems that the changes within the space group will continue. On the bright side, the space group will regain order, and there is no need to worry about the space group collapsing.

However, even Zuo Feng was not sure what the space would look like next, or even whether the space group was still under his control.

After the brief period of relaxation and excitement, Zuo Feng calmed down. At the same time, he also began to worry about the next changes in the space group and which direction it would develop.

It's not that Zuo Feng is too pessimistic, but that he has a strong sense of crisis, especially this kind of change that is not under his control, and he has not even figured out the cause yet, which gives him a vague premonition.

This chapter has been completed!
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