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Chapter 5055: Teleportation

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Zuo Feng was obviously caught off guard by the changes that occurred at that moment, and everything happened too fast, leaving him no time to react.

It's no wonder that Zuo Feng wasn't prepared enough. It was because after he changed his plan temporarily, he had no time to prepare, let alone consider the many details one by one.

When the six clones of powerful people in the spiritual stage were approaching quickly, the others might have lost their ability to think due to the huge psychological pressure. It was extremely difficult for Zuo Feng to think of a way under such circumstances, so how could he ask for it?

He considers every detail clearly.

Zuo Feng originally wanted to use this body to create a passage that could smoothly send the essence of the source into it. According to Zuo Feng's prediction, his body came outside the space, and then used this body to communicate with him.

The clone shares the power of the ancient jade, and then uses this to send the essence of the source into it without destroying the space barrier. To be more precise, the "membrane" outside the barrier is not damaged.

As expected, something unexpected happened. The moment Zuo Feng's body came into contact with the barrier, a change occurred without warning.

The moment a light lit up between Zuo Feng's fingers, he had already subconsciously retracted his palm, but no matter how quick his reaction was, it could not match the speed of his body's changes.

Especially when the light came on, he couldn't even take back his hand. The hand seemed to be firmly sucked. Zuo Feng's power was originally very huge, but now no matter how hard he tried,

Physical strength and spiritual energy exploded at the same time, but they still couldn't shake it at all.

It was also at this moment that Zuo Feng understood what the problem was. His body had just passed through the teleportation formation and been teleported from the space where it was before.

That teleportation formation is very special. It not only has abundant space power, but also has the power of rules. Because before that, Zuo Feng used the teleportation formation to remove the broken spaces and chaotic rules in the space group.

Sent out.

The details that Zuo Feng ignored were precisely the power of rules and space that remained in the teleportation formation from the previous teleportation.

When Zuo Feng came into contact with this space, the rules and the power of space on his body quickly caused a reaction in the "membrane" outside the space barrier.

On the surface of that "membrane", there are also special rules. This rule was originally just isolation, but it immediately changed after being fused with the power of space and rules contaminated by Zuo Feng.

Seeing the golden light spread rapidly from the fingertips towards the palms and arms, but it couldn't be stopped. Because it contained the power of rules, and the golden light was the purest power of space. Now it was moving upward very quickly.

Zuo Feng's body must be completely wrapped.

Zuo Feng already knew clearly that he was powerless to stop all this, and he could no longer accurately predict what would happen next, but only had a faint guess.

Based on the possible changes that may occur next, Zuo Feng made an immediate decision, which could even be said to be a subconscious reaction. Because he had no time to think deeply, and no time to consider the consequences of his actions, he only knew that he

Something must be done.

Although Zuo Feng is now unable to separate from the space barrier, it does not prevent him from mobilizing power, especially since he was able to mobilize part of the power of the ancient jade while teleporting over.

The other hand was still able to move freely. He stretched out towards the distance and grabbed into the void, as if he had grabbed a handful of air.

But part of the power of the ancient jade has been controlled by him, squeezing the essence from all directions at the same time, and quickly approaching Zuo Feng.

This series of actions were executed in a flash, but in fact it was Zuo Feng who thought of it on the spur of the moment, and it looked very simple and easy, but in fact it required a high degree of concentration of power, and at the same time during the control process

, but also to grasp the subtle changes.

The essence of the source is very special. It belongs to the top energy, and it also contains rules, even close to the rules. When this energy appears in a physical form, its impact cannot be simply viewed in terms of rules.

to look at it.

The power of the ancient jade itself is also very special. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to control the original essence, and it may be affected by the original essence in turn. Zuo Feng does not want to cause any damage to the original essence, but at the same time, he hopes that the original essence will be affected by the original essence.

The essence can maintain its original attributes and cannot interact with the power of the ancient jade.

If it is the power of the ancient jade controlled by the clone, it is relatively easier to do this, mainly because there is a lot of ancient jade power that can be mobilized. Now Zuo Feng's main body can only mobilize a small part of the ancient jade power.

This makes the control process more difficult.

Fortunately, Zuo Feng's current body has very powerful telepathy, and his actual cultivation level is much higher than his own body. Therefore, when controlling the power of the ancient jade, he still barely meets the minimum requirements for controlling the power of the ancient jade.

Seeing that the essence of origin was about to come into contact with Zuo Feng's body, he hurriedly controlled the power of the ancient jade to prevent them from actually coming into contact.

If it really comes into contact, no matter how hard Zuo Feng controls it, his body will still absorb it unconsciously. The strong desire for the essence of the source makes Zuo Feng unable to stop it at all.

Therefore, he must avoid direct contact with each other, but still be very close to each other. Only in this way can his next plan proceed smoothly.

The golden light spread quickly, all the way along the body towards the legs and feet, and the other way towards Zuo Feng's arms that could move freely. At this time, his head was completely wrapped in the golden light.


When the golden light extended to the other arm, Zuo Feng subconsciously moved closer to the essence of origin. Although he knew that he could not contact the essence of origin, if the plan did not go smoothly, he would have no choice but to contact it.

Just as the golden light spread to the palm of the hand, the golden light was still heading towards the original essence, wrapping them together.

After seeing all this, Zuo Feng finally felt relieved. At the same time, he also understood that his previous judgment was correct. Because when he just used the power of ancient jade to wrap around the essence of origin, he deliberately used the energy on the surface of his body to

He also carries the past with him.

If it weren't for the result in front of him, Zuo Feng could let his clone control the power of the ancient jade, which would make it easier. Zuo Feng judged that the golden light must be caused by the power of rules and the power of space when he was teleporting.

So if you want the golden light to also wrap the essence of the source, you must wrap the essence of the source with the energy on the surface of the body that is difficult to even detect.

Although it seems that the result is indeed what he wants to see, Zuo Feng does not dare to relax at all, and even his heart seems to be hanging in the air.

Especially after the golden light enveloped Zuo Feng's body and the essence of his origin, Zuo Feng even subconsciously held his breath.

As the golden light flickered twice, it suddenly burst out completely, as if a sun was suddenly born. But the light came and went quickly. It only flashed for a while, and then quickly disappeared.

It went out.

However, when the light was extinguished, Zuo Feng's original figure had disappeared, and at the same time, the original essence also disappeared.

Zuo Feng's clone was always observing, but at that moment, not only was the golden light strong, but the energy bursting out of it was also very powerful, completely interfering with Zuo Feng's senses.

Although he couldn't figure out what happened in that moment, he knew the result very clearly. Because his body was now in that space.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the main body and the clone to move at the same time. It seems that when Huan Kong's main body is moving, his soul body phantom seems to fall into silence, and his soul body phantom is communicating and discussing with Zuo Feng.

, his body seemed to be only a shell.

As for the six powerful men in the spiritual stage, the situation is roughly the same. When they control the clones and move in the space group, the main body outside the iceberg just floats quietly in the air without any change.

But Zuo Feng was different. When his split soul entered that special central space, it vaguely condensed into a physical body, and the split soul also vaguely became independent, and even derived consciousness.

Zuo Feng still hasn't been able to figure out how he was able to condense such a physical body and give birth to consciousness in that central space.

It is shocking enough to know that the split soul is independent here, but as for the birth of consciousness, this is simply unbelievable. Even Huan Kong was greatly shocked, and at the same time, he could not explain the reason for this change.

However, after the consciousness was born in Zuo Feng's clone, his clone and his main body were able to act separately and at the same time. There was no need for his consciousness to constantly transfer between his main body and his clone.

In addition, between the main body and the clone, although the separate souls are independent and have given birth to consciousness, the connection between them still exists.

In other words, the main body and the clone still belong to Zuo Feng, rather than the clone becoming a new existence completely independently. For example, now that Zuo Feng's main body has disappeared, the clone is just surprised, but he can clearly know that the main body is now

Where is it?

At this time, in the dark world, a thin figure was standing in the sky. He was looking around curiously. This man was Zuo Feng who had just disappeared in the golden light.

At this time, he was observing his surroundings vigilantly, and at the same time checking his own condition. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with his body, he sighed to himself.

"Sure enough, just as I guessed, this golden power of space and power of rules allowed me to teleport in successfully. But the problem is that I... don't want to come in at all!"

Zuo Feng had a look of helplessness on his face. He sighed as he spoke, and his eyes finally fell on the few light clusters floating not far away. They were the essence of the origin that was transported in along with Zuo Feng.

This chapter has been completed!
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