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Chapter 5117 The tip of the sword flies away

The destructive power of the cyan dagger was close to the level of the middle stage of spiritual consciousness, and it could easily penetrate all the layers of superimposed power of rules on both sides of the serrated blade.

In the end, he relied on the prison lock to block the cyan dagger, but while blocking the dagger, Zuo Feng was also affected.

I thought that this was Hua Jiuchang's strongest method, but I didn't expect that the opponent actually had a back-up plan. The green dagger was already very powerful, but the power it unleashed this time was several times greater than the original.

The good news is that even if the green sword light burst out with such a terrifying attack, it still could not break Zuo Feng's prison lock. The bad news is that although the prison lock was fine, Zuo Feng's body was severely damaged, and even the bones of his arm were damaged.

It was broken into several pieces.

Even though he was not killed by the green dagger, Zuo Feng's situation was already very bad. At this time, he became even more nervous than before. In other words, based on his experience, he should never think that his situation was

is the worst, because an even worse situation may occur next moment.

Zuo Feng certainly didn't want a worse situation to arise, but he had to make worse preparations, or in other words, he had to look for any worse possibilities and then prepare a response before that situation occurred.

It is a huge test in itself to continue to think calmly when the body is severely injured and pain is coming from everywhere.

Zuo Feng was thinking and searching, 'Is there a worse situation, is there... is it!'

Zuo Feng quickly came to a conclusion. Even though his current situation was already very bad, he still thought of the possibility that the situation could get worse. In his mind, the image of a person flashed through his mind, that is, the person before

Ji Lai who triggered the trap.

The moment he thought of this possibility, Zuo Feng immediately made a decision, and his body also made adjustments at this moment. Originally, Zuo Feng's body was completely tense. After trying his best to resist the explosion of the green dagger, the tip of the sword released

The terrifying destructive power that comes out.

At this time, he suddenly relaxed his body completely, and his whole body was like a sponge, absorbing the terrifying destructive power. This behavior is actually no different from suicide, because the prison lock has resisted most of the power.

As long as Zuo Feng resisted with all his strength, he would just break some bones and suffer some acceptable damage.

But as long as he chooses to give up resistance, the destructive force transmitted through the prison locks to his body will cause all his important organs, including his internal organs, to suffer unimaginable heavy damage, and it will be fatal.

Obviously he could resist it, but Zuo Feng chose this kind of freedom.

His murderous approach must have had his intentions, and the target was naturally Ji Lai.

The worse situation that Zuo Feng considered was that when he was injured and at his weakest, he would have to face Ji Lai's sneak attack. At that time, he would be unable to resist, even if he survived the attack of the green dagger.

, and it is impossible to survive Ji Lai's sneak attack.

Therefore, Zuo Feng made a bold decision, completely letting go of his body and allowing the terrifying energy released by the explosion of the cyan dagger to pass into his body.

Zuo Feng himself was already very weak and had been injured by Hua Jiuchang. At this time, with his own strength, he simply could not face Ji Lai, so he had no choice but to borrow strength.

He had no other choice. The only thing he could borrow now was the explosive power of the cyan dagger. And Zuo Feng didn't have the ability to absorb only part of it. He could only choose to resist with all his strength or absorb it all. And he faced this situation.

When the time came, I chose to absorb it all without hesitation.

Those extremely destructive energies quickly poured into Zuo Feng's body, just like water being absorbed by cotton. This is the process of "borrowing" energy, and these energies cannot stay in the body for a long time and must be absorbed quickly.

Release it.

Every time this energy stays in the body, it will continue to cause damage to the body. If this energy cannot be released in time, Zuo Feng will be directly killed by the energy he has absorbed without anyone else taking action.

Fortunately, Zuo Feng's judgment was correct. I don't know if it was because of Hua Jiuchang's reminder, or because Ji Lai had spotted the right opportunity. In short, just after Zuo Feng absorbed the energy, the opponent quickly rushed over from behind.

Hua Jiuchang did see something unusual at this moment, but he never reminded Ji Lai until the end. On the one hand, he didn't know whether the signs he saw represented Zuo Feng's true nature.

On the other hand, after weighing the current situation, he had a little hesitation in his heart.

Everything is happening in a blink of an eye. Even if there is just a trace of hesitation and hesitation, it will be too late when you want to remind you.

Dealing with Zuo Feng is important, but Hua Jiuchang must also consider that Ji Lai is a competitor after all. The cooperation between the two parties is only temporary. Once Zuo Feng is dealt with, the two of them will resume their competitive relationship.

if there is not

Using the cyan dagger, Hua Jiuchang was confident that he would be able to control Ji Lai's head, and could even control the opponent at will. But now that the cyan dagger had been used, the situation was different again.

Just releasing the cyan dagger will consume a lot of Hua Jiuchang. In addition, if the cyan dagger is detonated later, it will not only be a matter of consumption, but also the soul clone will be affected.

It will definitely hurt.

His own trump card has been used, but Hua Jiuchang doesn't know if Ji Lai still has a trump card. If the opponent really has a trump card, even if it is not as good as his own cyan dagger, he may still be able to use it against him.

Even if neither of them has a trump card, Hua Jiuchang's current state is still slightly worse than Ji Lai's. For Hua Jiuchang, even if their current combat power is at the same level, it is not him.

The results you want to see.

In Hua Jiuchang's view, even if he is weaker than the opponent, it is worse than the situation where the two have equal combat power. If his combat power is really inferior to the opponent, then the next actions will naturally be controlled by Ji Lai, and the distribution of benefits will be By then, Ji Lai will definitely take the big shot.

However, if the combat power of both sides is equal, there will be a result that no one can defeat the other. Then once any treasure appears, the two of them will inevitably fight. Because the combat power of both sides is equal, the final result is likely to be a lose-lose situation for both parties.

It is precisely because Hua Jiuchang had these concerns and worries that after hesitation, he did not choose to remind Ji Lai. If his judgment was wrong, it would save him unnecessary trouble. If his judgment was correct, the result should still be his.


Facts have proved that Hua Jiuchang's observation is indeed sharper. Zuo Feng is indeed trying to deal with Ji Lai. The tip of the green sword is exploding with power. The arm that was broken into several pieces is swinging towards Ji Lai.


Ji Lai originally wanted to launch a sneak attack, so he approached Zuo Feng from behind, so he could not actually see everything in front of Zuo Feng.

It wasn't until Zuo Feng twisted his body and threw his arm towards himself, while the green sword tip quickly approached him, that he realized that his sneak attack had failed.

At this time, even if Ji Lai wanted to stop, it was already too late, because the two storms in his palms had already reached a state close to being out of control. If he did not release these two storms, he would suffer a loss by then.

It’s just yourself.

At this moment, Zuo Feng and Ji Lai were in the same situation. They were both ready to go and had to go. The difference was that Zuo Feng wanted to see what he saw.

The scene before, but Ji Lai didn't want it to be such a scene at all.

At this point, there was no possibility of change. Even though Ji Lai was extremely reluctant, he still gritted his teeth and pushed the two storms to the left.

From the moment Zuo Feng twisted his body, it was as if the gears were already turning, and everything that happened next was left to fate. His arm was thrown out as his body twisted, and the green sword tip in front of his arm also followed the weight of the prison lock.

As well as the power of swinging his arms, he quickly moved towards Ji Lai.

On the surface, not only were the two storms terrifying in their power, but the power of the surrounding rules seemed to be greatly affected, as if they were being stirred up.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, one of Zuo Feng's sleeves was quickly shattered, and even disappeared out of thin air. This was an astonishing destructive power, and the sleeve directly turned into a substance smaller than dust.

The two storms raged crazily and continued to expand, as if they were going to swallow Zuo Feng's arms.

A hint of joy flashed across Ji Lai's face. He was originally worried that his attack would not be able to compete with the tip of the dagger, but now it seems that the effect is very good.

But just as joy appeared on his face, he saw the expanding storm and trembled violently. As if he was affected by some powerful force. The smile froze directly on his face, and Ji Lai knew that he was still too

Too optimistic.

He did not notice that behind the calmness of Zuo Feng's expression, it meant that he did not pay attention to these two storms. Because when they collided with each other, it was only the remaining energy on the tip of the dagger.

When the sword tip and the storm collided with each other, the remaining energy of the sword tip was annihilated by the storm. But this also directly caused the sword tip to directly begin to extract energy, extracting the energy that had been injected into Zuo Feng's body.

Zuo Feng took the risk to absorb the energy from the dagger into his body before, and he wanted it to work at this time.

In an instant, a lot of energy seemed to be extracted cleanly. Although it is a good thing to get rid of the troubles of those energies, only Zuo Feng, who has experienced it personally, can understand how painful it is to extract energy rapidly.

But considering the changes before him, these pains were nothing to Zuo Feng. He saw with his own eyes that the tip of the dagger suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and the tip of the sword took the initiative to break away from Zuo Feng's prison lock.

, shooting towards Ji Lai.

The moment the sword tip flew away, Zuo Feng's broken arm immediately fell limply to his side.

This chapter has been completed!
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