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Chapter 5173 The power of wind and snow

Including the old man, no one paid too much attention to the snowflakes flying quickly in the cold wind. Because after the old man connected with the cold wind and sensed the changes, everything that happened later,

It has become inevitable for the ice tribesmen.

The long night period in the Arctic Icefield is very long, and there will be some "natural" traps in the ice sheet that can cause death. However, the long night period has another advantage, that is, cold winds and blizzards rarely appear at the same time.

Cold storms and snowstorms don't sound like anything special. Living in a slightly northern area, there is nothing special about encountering cold storms and snowstorms in winter.

However, it is different in the far north ice field. The cold storm and snow here are not just ordinary wind, nor are they ordinary snow.

The cold wind here is released by the extremely cold rules, fused with the wind attribute. The power of the cold rules will gradually penetrate into the body of the warrior along with the cold wind. Warriors with lower cultivation levels will only

Contact with cold wind in such an environment is a risk of death.

As for the snow in the Far North Icefield, it is not ordinary snow, but the existence formed by the combination of the rules of the extreme cold and the rules of the water attribute. They not only have stronger power of the rules of the extreme cold, but also have stronger penetrating power,

They themselves also have special destructive power.

For warriors, the threat posed by cold storms and snows outweighs the traps here. This is why people choose to explore the Arctic ice sheet for long periods of time.

Although most of the traps in the Far North Icefield during the Changbai Period are gone, the weather in the Far North Icefield during the Changbai Period is changeable and there are no rules at all. It may be sunny and windy one moment, but cold winds may blow up the next.

, and then a blizzard fell.

In such weather, even the strong men in the cultivation stage are in danger of falling, not to mention the warriors with lower cultivation levels. Although the strong men in the concentration stage and above are not in danger of death, in such a situation

Under the influence of the weather, it is difficult to explore normally, so it is said that the Arctic Icefield during the Changbai Period is not suitable for exploration.

After the long night, the arctic ice field seems to suddenly become quieter. The moody cold winds and blizzards will suddenly appear and disappear, and those traps will slowly be revealed.

After years of exploration, many forces have also concluded that the most suitable time to enter the Arctic ice sheet is when the long white period is about to end and the long night period is about to begin.

This sounds easy. Just calculate the time and enter. The problem is that the alternation between the long white period and the long night period is not a strict rule. Judging from the general situation of the two dates, the long white period is slightly shorter, and the long night period is slightly shorter.

It takes a little longer, but the exact time of alternation is difficult to grasp.


If you enter too early and stay too long in the Arctic Icefields during the Changbai Period, the team will have to give up exploring early due to serious damage. And if you enter too late, you will not be able to enjoy all that the Changbai Period can.

benefits brought by.

This time when everyone was exploring the Far North Icefield, the reason why so many teams entered the outer areas of the icefield at the same time was because they had to pinpoint the best time to enter.

All the teams safely crossed the outermost area of ​​the Far North Icefield without experiencing cold storms and snow. It was not until they entered the interior that they had to face the many traps in the long-night icefield.

Logically speaking, it had been less than ten days since they entered the far north ice field, and it was still a long time before the cold storm and snow appeared, and no one had considered facing the coming of the cold storm and snow.

So even when the cold wind started to become biting, everyone was only aware of it, but did not foresee the seriousness of the matter. It was not until the first snowflake fell that the faces of many warriors suddenly changed.

Someone screamed a warning to the warriors around them, asking everyone to prepare for cold winds and blizzards. Although they chose to enter during the long night, since they were exploring the arctic ice field, they could not be unprepared.

I saw some people hurriedly taking out special clothes and quickly covering them. The clothes were made of special metal. Others took out large cloaks sewn from high-grade animal skins and quickly wrapped them around their bodies.

stand up.

Someone else quickly took out a pair of special bracelets and put them on their wrists. A soft halo of light was immediately released from them, covering the person's body.

There were also some people who did not prepare any items, but they quickly moved and formed a formation after taking their respective positions. As the formation appeared, layers of light quickly lit up around the bodies of these people.

The formation barrier protected them within it.

While everyone acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy, the people of the Ice Plains clan seemed unable to feel the cold wind around them at this time, nor could they see more and more snowflakes.

What they are paying attention to at this time is an iceberg located in the center of many collapsed glaciers, with a narrow bottom but a very wide top.

Although there are many teams around, people deliberately keep a distance, so even if people are very concerned about the iceberg, they still keep a certain distance from it, making the area around the iceberg look very empty.

The figures sitting cross-legged under those icebergs seemed particularly abrupt. As for the two figures still standing in the sky, they seemed even more abrupt.

The people of the Icefield didn't pay too much attention to the cold wind and blizzard, but looking at the iceberg and the powerful beings around it, they still couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

You must know that according to the ancestral teachings, what they need to do is to repair the iceberg, but the damage to the iceberg seems to be related to these powerful people in the spiritual stage.

In addition, although these powerful people in the spiritual mind stage cannot figure out what they are doing, what they are doing must be related to the iceberg. Whether they are repairing the iceberg or destroying the iceberg, it is difficult not to interact with these spiritual minds.

Conflicts arise between the strong and the powerful.

And with the strength of these people, facing these powerful people in the Divine Sense stage, let alone the power to fight, even if they want to save their lives, it is all wishful thinking.

So when people looked at the iceberg and those powerful people in the spiritual stage, they were caught in a dilemma for a while.

While they were hesitating, the cold wind around them became more and more biting, and the snowflakes gradually became larger and denser.

One of the warriors who had long ago put on a cloak made of special animal skins, suddenly let out a scream, and saw a damage on his cloak, which was almost undetectable without careful observation.

Although the damage was only a little bit, not only the man in the big cloak cried out in surprise, but also several people around him showed extremely surprised expressions at the same time.

When snowflakes blow on the hide, they will scratch along the surface of the hide. However, just now there seemed to be snowflakes, which happened to fall on the joints on the hides. As a result, the snowflakes directly sewed the joints.

Cut it open, leaving a little gap in the cloak.

The warrior hurriedly stretched out his hand to repair the gap in the cloak, but he had just stretched out his hand to pinch the gap. Before he could repair it, a snowflake fell on his arm in the cold wind.

The result is that at this moment, the skin of the strong man in the Naqi stage is like a sharp knife cutting on paper, making a cut easily.

Moreover, when the snowflakes scratched the skin, they also fell directly into the wound. The back of the warrior's hand immediately began to slowly turn white, and frost appeared on the surface of the skin, and it was still expanding rapidly.

If you observe closely, you will find that while the back of the hand is turning white, the palm of the hand is also rapidly becoming stiff, as if it is slowly freezing.

The warrior was shocked and wanted to put his hand away

When I came back, I found that it was too late. I stepped back in panic. I don't know if it was because I was scared or because my body had lost control. I stumbled and fell backward.

The injured arm just hit the ground, making a crisp sound like falling porcelain. The original flesh and blood body was like fragile porcelain, smashed to pieces in front of everyone.

The other warriors around him originally wanted to reach out to help him, but when they saw this scene, their hands quickly retracted into their respective cloaks as if they were electrocuted.

Some people react faster and quickly turn around and use the back part of the cloak to face the cold wind and ice and snow. Because the upper back part of the cloak has the fewest interfaces and is also the strongest.

The warrior's hand was shattered on the ground, but he did not scream, and there was no expression of pain on his face. It was not that he had extraordinary endurance, but that his palm had been eroded by the extremely cold breath.

He quickly freezes and loses feeling.

The warrior no longer cared about the missing palm and half of his arm, and quickly wrapped his body, lying on the ground without standing up.

Whether it was his companions or other teams present, no one would laugh at him when they saw him like this, because encountering strong winds and blizzards in the far north ice field was really no joke. Although he lost one in the situation just now,

It's better to lose your hand than to lose your life.

If the man had not lost his hand, perhaps the cold would have continued to erode, and it would be hard to say whether he could have saved his life.

This man was relatively well prepared and did not die on the spot due to the unexpected incident. Not far away, a small team formed a defensive formation. It seemed that there was some kind of flaw in the formation. As a result, he only persisted for a while and was blown away by the strong wind.

After infiltrating with Blizzard, several people turned into ice sculptures in less than five breaths.

They may have originally had a complete set of formations that could withstand cold winds and blizzards for a long time. However, due to the accidental loss of several teammates, the formations they now constructed are incomplete and cannot be used in the face of cold winds and snowstorms.

Something went wrong.

As the cold wind and blizzard continue, things like this will happen again, and all everyone can do is pray that the cold wind and blizzard will pass as soon as possible.

Also in the cold storm and snow, those powerful people in the spiritual stage completely ignored the harsh environment around them. Because with their cultivation and strength, the surroundings of their bodies can be formed naturally, which belongs to the spiritual realm they understand, and in

In such an environment, even if the cold wind and blizzard are close, they will naturally turn into ordinary wind and snow, which do not have the terrifying destructive power of the extreme cold attribute rules.

This chapter has been completed!
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