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Chapter 5193 The formation appears

For Huan Kong, seeing with his own eyes that the space he was in was showing signs of repair undoubtedly aroused a strong interest in him.

Not only because his own cultivation has reached the peak of the Divine Mind Stage, he is also attractive to any special rule changes and space changes. Changes like space repair will be even more attractive.

In addition, he also has the identity of a rune formation master. It can be said that they have been studying rule changes from the beginning. Only when you have certain abilities can you be qualified to study the relationship between formation rules and space, and

mutual influence.

The various changes in the space in front of him, as well as the various changes in the surrounding rules, were too attractive to Huan Kong. However, he did not lose his mind because of this. After all, the current cooperation between them and Liuyun Pavilion,

He needs to adjust and arrange everything. Not only does he have to grasp all the changes in battle immediately, but he also has to make adjustments at any time.

It can be said that their group's ability to survive until now mainly relies on Huan Kong. If Huan Kong is distracted to study the rules and space at this time, it will be tantamount to actively burying this team.

If this team is destroyed, Huan Kong himself will have no chance of saving himself, so even if he is trying his best to restrain the "instinct" of his body and brain, he must withdraw his attention and focus on the battle in front of him again.

These are only the changes that can be observed or felt in the space. In fact, the changes here are not the most amazing. Because these changes in the space are actually the end of all changes.

The change in the entire space almost started from the iceberg. Massive power of rules was continuously injected into the iceberg. It seemed like a mud cow entering the sea and disappeared strangely. But how could such a terrifying power of rules really happen?

disappeared, and from a certain moment on, the iceberg changed because of this energy.

Among the people in the iceberg, those who know the most about the iceberg are Huan Kong and Zuo Feng. What they know is that the iceberg itself is a huge space group.

The principle of its structure is somewhat similar to the once legendary Senluo Space, but it cannot reach the level of Senluo Space. The Senluo Space was originally just a legend, or an idealized result, and it no longer exists.

Anyone who thinks that there is a Senluo space in this world will naturally not believe that anyone can actually create a Senluo space.

But in fact, everyone's understanding of the inside of the iceberg is still far from enough compared to the real situation of the iceberg. People like Huan Kong and Zuo Feng have rich rune formations.

People with experience actually understand that they cannot say they understand the entire situation, they can only say how much they do not understand, and they do not have an accurate judgment.

But this does not prevent them from making certain speculations about the structure and situation of the entire space group. And this speculation is not completely based on imagination, but has a certain basis for thinking and deduction.

Although both Zuo Feng and Huan Kong came to this iceberg for the first time, Zuo Feng not only entered, but also controlled the eight spaces.

Although the eight-door space is far inferior to the large number of spaces in this iceberg, from a certain perspective, one space contains multiple spaces. If viewed according to normal logic, this is just

The difference is only in quantity, but Zuo Feng and Huan Kong do not make such simple inferences.

After all, sometimes, when the quantity doubles or several times, it may just be a superposition of quantity. But when the quantity increases more than ten times, or even dozens of times, it is not just an increase in quantity.

Because when quantitative changes accumulate to a certain extent, they may cause qualitative changes. As for the extent of quantitative changes that will cause qualitative changes, Zuo Feng and Huan Kong have no experience in this area and can only make rough guesses.

Compared with the eight-door space, the space in the iceberg has increased by thousands of times, which is enough to cause a qualitative change. But sometimes some basic principles will not really change.

For example, it is not easy to simply use space to contain space. Even the peak powerhouses in the spiritual mind stage do not have such ability. That requires both the cultivation of the peak spiritual mind stage and the formation of a great master.

The level and space itself must meet certain requirements before this can be achieved.

But when multiple spaces are put into the space, such as two or more, this is beyond the normal understanding on this continent.

No matter whether it is a strong person in the spiritual mind stage or the top formation master, there is no way to do it. Because the space is integrated into the space, this is just to combine the two spaces with each other, but two or two spaces are integrated into one space.

Above, we must consider the two spaces that are integrated into each other, and the balance and stability between them.

As for more than two spaces, the issues that need to be considered are even more complicated. Since it is beyond cognition, it means that whether it is a peak powerhouse in the spiritual mind stage, or

The person is a great master of formations and can no longer be understood through imagination, let alone realized.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand why the eight-door space is extremely attractive to any formation master and the peak powerhouse.

Because as long as we can continue to study and understand the situation of the eight-door space, we can help understand the state of integrating multiple spaces into one space.

Although Zuo Feng did not stay in the eight-door space for a long time, as the controller of the eight-door space, he could still understand the changes in the eight-door space and the changes every moment.

So even if Zuo Feng was not in it, he could roughly understand the situation in the eight-door space, and he also shared what he knew with Master Huan Kong.

The two of them, master and disciple, are among the very few people on the Kunxuan Continent who can have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the coexistence of multiple dimensions.

The eight-door space is a large space that incorporates eight spaces with different attributes but harmonious coexistence. The principle that can achieve this result actually relies on formations.

Putting aside how terrifying the complexity of the formation is, this should also be a prerequisite for integrating multiple spaces into the space and maintaining coexistence.

From this, we can speculate that this iceberg is indeed more complicated than the eight-door space, but if we trace its basic principles, we should also need formations to maintain so many spaces together.

In addition, in the research of Zuo Feng and Huan Kong, in addition to the maintenance of formations, space cannot be in a completely unchanged state. Because the attributes of space are different, the rules will also affect each other. If the spaces continue to affect each other,

Then energy conflicts will inevitably break out.

To solve this problem, we also need to rely on formations to make the space operate. Although the regular attributes of those spaces will affect each other, they can also interact with each other to achieve balance through operation.

It's like a juggler who puts plates on the tops of several sticks and holds the other ends against his body. If he stands still, the plates will fall off quickly, so he must make slight moves and adjustments all the time.

The eight-door space is in constant operation. When it is in an ownerless state, people enter the eight-door space at different times and return to different spaces. And many times they cannot enter at all.

This is because the eight-door space is operating all the time. Although Zuo Feng controls

Eight-door space, but he cannot stop the operation of the eight-door space, nor can he destroy the foundation of the existence of the eight-door space.

As for the iceberg in front of us, many spaces inside are also in operation, and what maintains their operation at all times seems to be the mutual influence of space and space.

However, after Zuo Feng and Huan Kong understood that this was the space group, they immediately guessed that there must be an extremely complex formation in it to maintain the stable operation of the entire space group.

Therefore, what Zuo Feng and Huan Kong want to find most is the formation, because compared to those spaces, the formation is the foundation of the entire space group. Unfortunately, they have never been able to find it, so they can only settle for the second best.

Choose to find the hub of the space group.

In fact, the purpose of finding and controlling the central space is also to find the formation, because the space center must be an important node of the formation, and even the core of the formation.

If it weren't for the accident caused by Yaoyao, there would be no main and auxiliary spaces, and they would switch between each other. The development of things should be relatively simple, but now, even if you have mastered the center, you have still not been able to touch it.

Speculated formation.

If it weren't for their research experience in the eight-door space, both Zuo Feng and Huan Kong would have doubted their judgment as to whether there really was such a formation in this space group that could maintain the operation of the space group.

However, when the people of the ice field built a formation to infuse the power of rules in the extreme northern ice field into various nodes of the iceberg, and then disappeared. The formation inside the iceberg that no one had discovered before finally slowly emerged at this time.


In that huge space group, formations as thick as rivers slowly emerged. And among these thick formations, there was billowing energy moving quickly.

They seemed to appear out of thin air, and they did not exist even in the previous explorations of the powerful people in the Divine Mind stage. But the moment those surging power of rules activated the formation, or in other words, after being injected into those important nodes,

The entire formation slowly appeared.

Those thick formations criss-crossed and were distributed in important areas in the space group. And a moment later, from those thick formations, many small formations branched off. It was like a big river branched off into many small rivers, and

Those small rivers will branch into many smaller streams.

Those small stream-like formations are eventually densely distributed throughout the space group, and they eventually connect all spaces together.

This chapter has been completed!
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