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Chapter 5360: Can’t Understand

Of course, Huan Kong did not want to show that he had mastered the secret history that other sects and forces were completely unaware of.

Because Huan Kong and Zuo Feng can't do much at the moment, it's better to use their time to let Zuo Feng have a better understanding of the former Brahma Sect and the current grassland tribe.

In fact, this period of history is not very glorious for Duotian Mountain. Whether it is Huan Kong or other sects of Duotian Mountain, they seem to be very secretive when talking about this period of history. After all, a sect like that does not commit any crime.

They committed any unforgivable sin, and they were exterminated just because they were outsiders and touched the interests of multiple sects. It was indeed disgraceful.

It had been a long time since that incident, and there were very few people who knew about it. They had been unwilling to touch that period of history for so many years, and just wanted to completely obliterate it in history.

Many years later, when the Prairie Clan suddenly rose up on this continent, most of the sects and forces were still confused. Only a few people from a few sects would distinguish the Prairie Clan from the original Brahma Sect.

Connected together.

Facing the Brahma Sect that had been wiped out and re-emerged many years later, these insiders were put in a dilemma for a while. It was definitely not possible to leave it alone, but if they wanted to take action against the grassland people, it would not be as simple as dealing with the Brahma Sect.


You must know that in the original Brahma Sect, there was not much resistance when all forces attacked at the same time. There were two very important reasons.

One reason is the origin of the Brahma Sect itself. Although there are only a few people who actually take action, or are qualified to take action against the Brahma Sect, most sects and forces know very well that the Brahma Sect is a force from outside the Kunxuan Continent.


This will essentially inspire a feeling of common hatred and hatred. Even if the Brahma Sect does nothing on the Kunxuan Continent, they will naturally be ostracized by all forces. Because the Brahma Sect disciples, even if they only absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth during practice,

Everyone will feel that they are robbing the spiritual energy that should belong to the warriors on Kunxuan Continent.

Another reason is profit. After the Brahma Sect rose on the Kunxuan Continent, because of its various special techniques, secret techniques, etc., it was able to reach the level of many super sects in terms of rune formations and weapon refining.

It even needs to go beyond that.

You must know that even the super sects in the ancient wilderness also rely on refining medicine, refining weapons, arranging formations, etc. to obtain benefits, thereby maintaining the operation of a huge sect. As for the empires of all parties, and those within the empire

Power and family, they rely on one of them to survive.

The sudden appearance of the Brahma Sect directly broke the original balanced relationship among these empires, sects, forces and families. Almost everyone's interests were harmed in the process.

Apart from this, some of the other reasons are insignificant, some are just high-sounding excuses, and some are even just charges that can be fabricated just to gain a reputation.

Several empires also want to take action against the Brahma Sect, but their own strength is limited after all, especially the lack of high-end combat power. If they just rely on the huge number of low-level warriors and fill it with human lives, they really cannot bear such losses.

What's more, several empires also have their own agendas for each other. If they attack at the same time, it is foreseeable that they will plot against each other or even hold each other back, and the price they will pay will be even greater.

In this way, the only super sects in the ancient wasteland that can take action against the Brahma Sect are left, and a powerful sect like Duotian Mountain must take action to balance the other super sects.

Together, these forces have the absolute strength to deal with the Brahma Sect and ensure that no one within the Brahma Sect can escape, thus wiping out the entire sect.

In fact, several empires, as well as small and medium-sized sects and families, all stayed in the peripheral areas of the Brahma Sect. When the super sects in the ancient wasteland took action, they certainly did not dare to go up and get a share of the pie, but they wanted to pick up some "

"Leftovers." Whether it's martial arts, martial arts, rune formations, or weapon refining techniques, just getting a little bit of anything is a big gain.

It's a pity that super sects such as Duotian Mountain took action and completely wiped out the Brahma sect. They even ate them up and wiped them clean. Not even a mouthful of soup was left for other sects.

Although these forces were a little unhappy, when faced with super sects such as Duotian Mountain, they dared not speak out and could only silently accept the final result.

As for the place covered by formations found in the remote location of Brahma Gate by Duotian Mountain, Duotian Mountain used special means to cover it again.

After all the super sects, including Duotian Mountain, were evacuated, several powerful men directly sent by the empire, as well as other small and medium-sized forces and families, rushed into the Brahma sect like a swarm.

Facing the Brahma Sect that had been raided once, these people had no intention of letting it go easily. After confirming that Duotian Mountain and other sects had evacuated, they swarmed into the Brahma Sect.

Compared with the previous super sects such as Duotian Mountain, the search process was orderly, but later this group of warriors were like locusts passing through.

Looking at the entire sect, not only was it a mess, but also large areas of corpses were left scattered everywhere. These later forces did not even let go of the belongings on these corpses, fearing that some important items were hidden in the house.

On the mezzanine or inside the furniture, they smashed all the furniture and knocked down all the houses.

After this, everyone was still unwilling to give up and began to dig deep into the ground to search. Unfortunately, the Brahma Sect's only two underground warehouses were all exposed during the searches of Duotian Mountain and other sects. Apart from this, no other hidden warehouses were found.

A place for treasures.

Duotian Mountain sent people to monitor it secretly, mainly because they were worried that those guys would accidentally bump into each other and find the place hidden by the formation. Fortunately, the location was on the edge of the sect, and the vicinity was mainly a place for raising livestock.

This kind of place is very inconspicuous to begin with. Those who are looking for treasures focus their attention on the interior of the sect, especially the residences of high-level warriors and the several main halls within the sect.

These sects were not without gains, but some of the items they found belonged to some items secretly kept by the Brahma sect warriors themselves. The other items seemed to be deliberately hidden, but the actual hiding place was not deep enough.

Everyone struggled for three days and three nights at the location of the Brahma Gate. In the end, some people were satisfied and left, but more people gained nothing. In a rage, they set the already dilapidated Brahma Gate on fire.

It was burned to rubble.

Just because Duotian Mountain and other sects had gained something, they deliberately concealed matters about the Brahma Sect, or in other words, they deliberately downplayed the existence of the Brahma Sect.

After so many years, not many people really remember the Brahma Sect, and there are only a few people inside Duotian Mountain who know that the Brahma Sect still has descendants who have been resettled in the prairie.

As for Duotianshan, he has learned almost all kinds of precious exercises, martial arts, special rune formations and weapon refining techniques from the Brahma Sect, otherwise it would be impossible to relax his vigilance towards the Brahma Sect.

When the Brahma Sect reappeared as a grassland tribe, those who really wanted to get rid of the Brahma Sect were mainly Duotian Mountain, followed by other super sects.

Duotian Mountain is because they have gained something from Brahma Sect, and what they have done to the descendants of Brahma Sect, they hope to hide it as much as possible. The best way is to completely kill the descendants of Brahma Sect.


As for other super sects, after so long, they are somewhat ambivalent about the possibility of being the continuation of the Brahma sect. They naturally hope that the descendants of the Brahma sect will disappear completely, but if they break the rules of the ancient wasteland for this, they will break

The existing balance on the entire Kunxuan Continent is not what they want to see.

Several other empires, as well as various sects and families within the empire, know very little about the Brahma Sect, and many have never heard of it at all. They do not have much hostility towards the Brahma Sect, even if they know about it.

Those who were involved in the incident at that time did not think they had done anything wrong to the Brahma Sect. After all, it was the super sects headed by Duotian Mountain that destroyed the Brahma Sect.

The location of the prairie is very special. It is at the easternmost edge of the entire Kunxuan Continent, while the ancient wilderness is located at the westernmost edge of the entire Kunxuan Continent.

As a result, if super sects such as Duotian Mountain want to deal with the grassland tribe, they must lead a large number of strong men across the entire Kunxuan Continent to attack the grassland tribe.

In this way, how will the various empires view the ancient wasteland? The dignity and dignity accumulated by these super sects who usually sit aloof and watch the turmoil in the Kunxuan Continent are all gone.

Just when Duotian Mountain and other sects were hesitating, the beast of rules, Split the Sky, disrupted the entire situation and dragged the entire Kunxuan Continent into a bloody war.

Faced with the sudden arrival of the powerful beast of rules, Split Sky, the grassland tribe did not stand idly by, but took the initiative to send strong men to participate in the battle. And in the battle against the beast of rules, Split Sky, the number of strong men sacrificed far exceeded those of Fengtian Dynasty and Xuanwu Empire

and Ye Lin Empire, this suddenly made Duotian Mountain and other super sects unable to target the prairie.

After the rule beast Split the Sky was solved, the entire Kunxuan Continent, including the super sects in the ancient wasteland, entered a long stage of self-cultivation. Naturally, no one would take action against the grassland tribe at this time.

After the Kunxuan Continent passed a period of peace, the grassland people on the prairie have truly become a force or an empire on the Kunxuan Continent.

Even at this time, Duotian Mountain can only secretly suppress the prairie and prevent it from being able to expand and develop outwards.

However, the prairie has not shown strong ambitions. Although it has frequent transactions with the outside world, it has not extended its tentacles of power outwards. On the contrary, some powerful sects will try to negotiate with several large accounts in the prairie.


Even Huan Kong couldn't understand what the purpose of Prairie's actions over the years was. But precisely because he couldn't understand, Huan Kong became even more wary of the Prairie tribe on the prairie, the continuation of the Brahma sect.

This chapter has been completed!
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