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Chapter 5369 Between the two

"How could this be? Could it be that the method explained by the Brahma Sect is originally wrong?"

Zuo Feng subconsciously made a guess, but then he wanted to slap himself. This issue had been discussed before, and various sects, including Duotian Mountain, had made such speculations.

However, the results of the interrogation by various forces, combined with the various information that Duotian Mountain has continuously squeezed out from the transferred Brahma children, and the mutually corroborating conclusions, the method obtained from the Brahma door should be correct.


The most important thing is that within the Brahma Sect, there is a person from Kunxuan Continent who has successfully integrated into it, and judging from the information obtained from Huan Kong, the credibility of the various information provided by that person is still very high.

Combining the various information obtained, the final conclusion drawn is that Brahma Sect should have used this method to complete the process of condensing the mustard world.

But the problem is that the method itself is correct, why does the final result fail? After all, it is impossible for so many strong people in the Yu Nian stage to maintain such a mustard world.

You must know that this is not only a matter of a few strong people in the Yu Nian stage, but also requires strong people in the Shen Nian stage to help maintain balance and stability. If you are not careful, it may directly lead to the shattering of the mustard world, or even an explosion on the spot.


In addition, the Mustard Seed World is always under the maintenance of powerful people in the spiritual stage, and it is impossible to use it normally. You must know that the power of the Mustard Seed World is naturally that after it is created, it is equivalent to creating an independent space.

The existence between it and the storage crystal is meaningless if it cannot be used.

"Can the mustard world created by Brahma Sect be preserved for a long time without maintenance?" Zuo Feng asked again.

Huan Kong immediately gave the answer, saying: "It is not necessarily long-term preservation. If there is no external intervention, the general Mustard Seed World can last about ten days. If the Mustard Seed World is used, every time it is used, it will probably last for about ten days.

Reduce the maintenance time by one day, that is, the more you use it, the shorter its maintenance time will be."

"If external forces intervene and influence, can the mustard world be extended for longer?" Zuo Feng continued to ask.

Huan Kong gave an affirmative answer: "If we just simply maintain the stability of the Mustard Seed World, we can do it during the Concentration Stage. The premise is that we must master the correct method and also need to have detailed control capabilities.

Of course, if the concentration stage is used to maintain the effect, the effect is naturally far less than that of the strong people in the Yu Nian stage. The time they can extend the maintenance of the Mustard Seed World will also be different. The Concentration Stage can extend the Mustard Seed World for about two to three days, while the Yu Nian Stage can extend the duration of the Mustard Seed World by about two to three days.

The period can be extended by four to six days."

After Zuo Feng heard such a detailed introduction, he suddenly seemed to remember something, so he immediately asked Huan Kong: "You directly robbed the Mustard Seed World?"

Huan Kong seemed to be calculating silently, and then he transmitted the message: "From the initial friction with the Brahma Sect, to the later direct attack on the Brahma Sect, we robbed about twenty-one mustard seeds from the world. Almost.

It is also the one that has obtained the most Mustard Seed World among all the sects.

Later, in the process of studying the world of mustard seeds, six of them were accidentally damaged while exploring. Another two were damaged during use, and one was taken out by a disciple to perform a mission. As a result, it failed to meet the prescribed time limit.

Returning, the world of Mustard Seed was executed and shattered. When facing a powerful enemy, one was detonated on the spot by a disciple of Duotian Mountain.

Nowadays, there are only thirteen mustard seed worlds left in Duotian Mountain, and they are rarely carried and used by sect disciples."

"What's the effect of Mustard Seed World?" Zuo Feng had actually been curious about this for a long time, but he never found a chance to bring the topic to this topic due to the previous exchanges.

Huan Kong was not surprised at all that Zuo Feng had such a problem. In other words, disciples who were similar to him in many ways would definitely be as curious about the situation of Najing as he was.

"The existence of the Mustard Seed World is essentially a space, close to an independent space, but a little less interesting than an independent space."

"Is it so different?" Zuo Feng couldn't understand this statement.

Huan Kong had already been prepared to explain. At this moment, he introduced directly: "The independent space has a complete and stable system of rules, rather than simply achieving a balance and stability. Can you understand my explanation like this?


Zuo Feng just thought about it for a moment and then said: "You mean, the power of rules within independent spaces, some of them restrain each other, some of them are symbiotic with each other, some of them enhance each other, and some of them weaken each other. Although

Observed individually, they will be a little chaotic, but when placed in an independent space, they are balanced."

"That's right." What Huan Kong likes very much about Zuo Feng is that he can draw inferences from one instance and combine the situations he has introduced with his own theories and knowledge to think quickly and get answers to questions.

Huan Kong followed Zuo Feng's words and continued to explain: "You already have a rough idea of ​​the production process of Mustard Seed World. They are rolled and folded directly in a space, and this part of the space is compressed to form a new one.


It must be processed before production, and during the production process, the balance and stability of the energy and the power of rules must be adjusted and maintained at all times. This means that from the beginning of the Mustard Seed World, the internal power of rules has reached

The effects are balanced and stable without weakening or contradicting each other.”

The great thing about Huan Kong is that he can explain a very complicated situation clearly in a few words. Of course, this is also related to Zuo Feng's high understanding and rich knowledge of space and the power of rules.


"From this perspective, the mustard world is actually more like a storage crystal. You can understand what I say." Huan Kong said again.

Zuo Feng immediately replied: "Whether it is a low-level storage crystal or a high-level storage crystal, the balance and stability of energy and rule power are always maintained inside. This is also an important reason why the storage crystal is sought after by various forces. Through

Due to its internal stable state, all kinds of items can be stored in it, even some precious medicinal materials can be stored for a long time, and the efficacy of the medicine will be lost very slowly."

"Yes, judging from this attribute, Mustard Seed World is indeed very similar to Storage Crystal. Therefore, we often use Mustard Seed World as a storage device, but we have to mention that it is different from Storage Crystal.

different places.”

When he figured out the same properties between Mustard Seed World and Chu Jing, Zuo Feng became more curious about the differences between it and Chu Jing, so at this time, he listened more seriously.

At this time, Huan Kong continued to introduce unhurriedly: "One of the disadvantages of crystal storage is that although it can store many items and can provide a safe and stable environment, more importantly, it can ensure that the crystal storage

The energy inside will not be lost.

However, the storage crystal also has a flaw that cannot be avoided, I think you should know what it is."

Zuo Feng immediately gave the answer, "The storage crystal cannot store living creatures. There is no way for any living beings to be stored in the storage crystal. Even if it is forcibly sent in, it will quickly lose its life."

At this time, Zuo Feng had no way of seeing the expression on Huan Kong's face, and naturally he would not realize that Huan Kong was actually very surprised. He did not expect that his disciple would actually study it and store living creatures in it.

In the crystal storage.

This is not the most important thing. Most people will know in advance that living objects cannot be stored in the storage crystal. Even if they try out of curiosity and fail, they will choose to give up.

But he, his disciple, had to try every possible means, and actually let him send living creatures into the crystal storage, just to know what the result would be.

The main reason why Huan Kong was surprised was because when he was young, after receiving the first storage crystal, he also made the same attempt, and the final conclusion was naturally consistent with Zuo Feng's statement.

From this perspective, Huan Kong's appreciation for Zuo Feng may sometimes not only be about Zuo Feng. It seems that Huan Kong also sees a part of himself in his youth from Zuo Feng, so he may be appreciating his youth.

of oneself.

Of course, Huan Kong couldn't be too entangled with such a question, and even just in a flash of thought, he continued to introduce it via voice transmission.

"Chu Jing cannot store living things, but the Mustard Seed World can. Not only can living things survive inside, but they can also use the energy and power of rules to continue practicing.

Of course, in the process of utilizing the energy and the power of rules in the Mustard Seed World, we must also maintain the balance and stability, otherwise it will also lead to the collapse of the Mustard Seed World."

Zuo Feng can imagine this. After all, from Huan Kong's previous introduction, Zuo Feng could guess that the Mustard World's self-sustaining time has an upper limit, mainly because of its internal energy and power of rules. As time goes by, it will

Losing original stability and balance.

"From this point of view, Mustard Seed World has some characteristics of independent space. Although it is not as self-stabilizing and balancing as independent space, Mustard Seed World has advantages that independent space does not have."

Huan Kong seemed to be thinking while transmitting a message: "Under normal circumstances, an independent space will be stabilized in one place by the sect. Although it is not impossible to move, it is extremely difficult to move an independent space, and

It will also be accompanied by many risks, and even Duotianshan will be cautious about this.

But the world of Mustard Seed is different. Even a strong person with a very low level of cultivation can carry it on his body and move it around at will like a crystal.

Just imagine what it would be like if a heavily defended city was successfully infiltrated by an ordinary person with no cultivation, and then he carried the Mustard Seed World with him, and there were a large number of strong men in the Mustard Seed World.


Before Huan Kong finished speaking, Zuo Feng had already understood what the other party meant. With this mustard world, he could indeed bring out the advantages of independent space and crystal storage. This existence was indeed terrifying.

This chapter has been completed!
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