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Chapter 5392 What is time

"Time rules? It's actually affected by time rules!" Zuo Feng's surprise was palpable.

Not only did he not expect that the key to the condensation of the Mustard Seed World was the mysterious rules of time, but also because the mystery that had troubled many sects and forces for countless years on Kunxuan Continent was actually solved just like this.

You must know that Zuo Feng had just heard about the existence of the Mustard Seed World, but not long after hearing about it, he actually solved this problem that had not been solved for thousands of years.

"I can't be sure for the time being, unless we can use the rules of time and add them to the mustard world." Huan Kong still maintained that confidence at this time, and it was obvious that he was sure of his speculation.

Although Zuo Feng didn't say anything, Huan Kong had already guessed what Zuo Feng was thinking, so he added: "The rules of time are difficult to invoke. Even in today's Kunxuan Continent, no one can mobilize the rules of time.


After hearing this, Zuo Feng swallowed back what he wanted to say, because he did not expect that no one could use the time rules.

"Master... isn't it?" Zuo Feng immediately felt that something was wrong, so he sent a message to Huan Kong: "If the power of the rules of time cannot be used at all, those mustard worlds that were successfully refined back then will no longer be able to use it.

How to join the time rules, and I remember you mentioned that when the Brahma Sect was refining the world of mustard seeds, those with the lowest cultivation level were only in the early stage of Yu Nian."

Huan Kong was thinking rapidly in his mind, and what he was thinking about was exactly what Zuo Feng mentioned. In fact, when Huan Kong was transmitting the message, he had already discovered the contradiction, but he kept

I understood a truth and felt that there was nothing wrong in telling Zuo Feng first.

He believed that Zuo Feng would definitely discover the contradictions therein, and then just put the issue on the table for discussion.

"Well, this is indeed a big contradiction. However, this is the fact that I know. Let alone mastering and using the rules of time, people who can understand the rules of time are very rare in this Kunxuan continent.


Huan Kong said these words seemingly casually, and listening to what Huan Kong said, Zuo Feng felt that his master seemed to have a certain understanding of the rules of time.

After observing for a moment, those threads are still changing and extending. Some have passed through the mustard world and are connected to the "empty water ball" in the middle. And other threads, after reaching the surface of the stone pillar, until now

No further action has been taken.

Zuo Feng also knew that these changes would occur step by step. As long as everything went smoothly, the subsequent threads would change, just like those threads appeared from outside the overlapping space and eventually extended to the stone pillars.

Since this change is still in progress and it seems that it will not be completed in a short period of time, Zuo Feng is not in a hurry and asks Master Huan Kong via voice transmission: "Master, why are the rules of time so difficult to master? Hmm...

What exactly are time rules?”

During the process of transmitting the message, Zuo Feng felt that since he had already asked the master, he might as well ask to the end and express the biggest doubt in his heart.

Huan Kong seemed to have guessed that Zuo Feng would ask this question, and without much thought, he directly transmitted the message: "The rules of time are almost everywhere, whether it is in the continental space where we live, or in the gaps between spaces, or

Or in the turbulent flow of space, or even in the endless space, the rules of time will exist in it.

In fact, there is nothing difficult to understand from a theoretical explanation, because any space is accompanied by time, and any life exists because of time.

A space can have no aura, no real matter, and even no living beings, but a space can hardly be without time."

When Huan Kong introduced it here, he paused obviously. It was not that there was something wrong with the content of his introduction, but that he found that what he introduced was not very clear.

Originally, Huan Kong felt that there was no problem in introducing the rules of time to Zuo Feng. However, when he started to introduce it to Zuo Feng, he realized that it was not easy to explain "time" itself clearly, let alone time.


But thinking about it more carefully, even Huan Kong himself has not mastered the rules of time. It seems that it is really difficult for him to explain the rules of time in the simplest words.

After a slight pause, Huan Kong continued to transmit the message: "I'm afraid I have to introduce the time to you first."

"Time?" Zuo Feng seemed a little confused and puzzled.

"Yes, it's time! Do you know what time is?" Huan Kong asked a question.

Zuo Feng just thought for a moment and answered directly: "Time is what accompanies us every moment. A moment, a breath, a stick of incense, a quarter of an hour, an hour, a day, and a month are all time."

"These are your feelings, or the people on Kunxuan Continent's feelings about time, but they cannot be regarded as time itself. If there is a change in the flow rate of time, the names you mentioned will lose their meaning.


For example, in a space, there is no sunrise or sunset, so is there still the concept of a day in this space? Another example is that the flow rate in a space is slow and you spend several hours in it, but when you return to Kunxuan Continent,

, only a quarter of an hour has passed, so for you, has it been several hours, or has it been a quarter of an hour?"

The reason why Zuo Feng gave the answer in such a short period of time was because when he asked Huan Kong, he was already thinking about what time was.

Zuo Feng originally felt that although the rules of time were unfamiliar to him, he should be familiar with time. However, facing a series of questions raised by Huan Kong, Zuo Feng felt that his head was going to explode.

He had no idea that just understanding the existence of time would be so difficult for him, not to mention that his understanding of time itself was very flawed.

Seeing Zuo Feng fell silent, he didn't know how to answer for a moment. Huan Kong was not surprised by this. In other words, after thinking about it, he had already guessed it when he decided to explain and introduce it in more detail.

Such a result.

Huan Kong once again transmitted a message to Zuo Feng and introduced: "First of all, you have to treat time as an existence, and this existence is different from other rules.

For example, you can directly see the earth attribute rules, which will appear in the form of mountains and rocks. In the same way, the wood attribute rules will also appear in the form of trees, plants, etc.

Even if it is the light attribute rule, you can use it to see things clearly when it appears. But when the light attribute rule disappears, it will be difficult for you to observe the surroundings and you can only perceive it through mental power.

But the rules of time are slightly different. You can imagine that the rules of time are like the inevitable existence in endless space. Whether it is the Kunxuan Continent where we are, or other independent spaces, such as these space groups where we are, every time

Every space has time rules, that is, it has time."

While Zuo Feng listened carefully, he couldn't help but send a message to Huan Kong: "Master, when you introduced it just now, when you mentioned the existence of time several times, you used 'almost'. Since you said that, then

Time isn’t exactly everywhere, right?”

"That's right." Huan Kong was very happy that Zuo Feng could notice this detail. He immediately sent a message to Zuo Feng and introduced: "The rules of time are essentially different from other rules, or this

This is where the time rules are the most special.

When a space is formed, the forces of various rules must achieve a relative balance and stability, and this is basically formed naturally. There will also be a small amount of space, through powerful existences, gathering and adjusting various

The power of rules achieves balance and stability, and then creates a space.

As for what I mean by "almost", it's because there are indeed very rare spaces where there are no time rules. What needs to be done in such a space is to exclude the time rules. In other words, other rules need to control the gathering.

Together, and time rules need to be deliberately excluded.

I used to think that to achieve such an effect, a very low probability was needed. In the collision of many rules, the rules of time were squeezed out, creating a space without time rules.

Now it seems that my judgment was wrong. A truly powerful existence can not only affect the rules of time, but can even control and utilize them.

I now even suspect that there is a special way among the Brahma Sect that allows them to have the ability to influence the rules of time before their cultivation reaches a level above the Divine Mind Stage."

Listening to Huan Kong's introduction, Zuo Feng finally began to have a better understanding of time and time rules step by step.

After thinking briefly, Zuo Feng then transmitted the message again: "What would it be like if there were no rules of time in a space?"

Huan Kong answered with certainty: "The entire space is absolutely frozen, and everything that enters it is completely sealed, just like some creatures are frozen in the ice. It is an absolute cage."

"Freezing everything? Even thinking is frozen?" Zuo Feng couldn't help but asked Huan Kong.

"Yes." Huan Kong once again answered with certainty. He continued: "In a space without time rules and time, everything inside is in a solidified or frozen state. Even thinking also takes time. Without time connection,

All thoughts will be lost."

Hearing Huan Kong's detailed introduction, Zuo Feng suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, because just when Huan Kong was introducing it in detail, he thought of a possibility.

A space without time rules and time is like the most terrifying prison in the world. Once imprisoned in it, you cannot even truly die.

In addition, through Huan Kong's resolute answer, Zuo Feng felt that the other party was familiar, as if he had been in contact with such a space before, rather than simply hearing about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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