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Chapter 5403 The Origin and End Point

After being trapped in the mountains in the ancestral land of the Ice Plains tribe for countless years, many powerful beast tribes including Tu Xi have actually lost touch with the normal life in the outside world.

When they just walked out of that mountain range and the ancestral land of the Icefield Tribe, they didn't have such a deep feeling. On the one hand, they suddenly escaped from the trap. Although they didn't show it, their hearts were still extremely excited, so excited that they could

Ignore your true inner feelings.

Each of them has experienced huge changes in their living space, and was inexplicably teleported to the far north ice field, and then entered the ancestral land of the ice tribe. It was obvious that they had encountered huge changes, but each of them had to secretly rejoice, because the space teleportation

During the process, nearly 80% to 90% of the creatures in each dimension died directly.

In some spaces, even all the creatures inside were destroyed during the teleportation process, and no one survived. The result was obviously that they were imprisoned in the ancestral land of the Ice Plains Tribe, and these powerful beast tribes still had luck.

On the other hand, these strong beasts have been trapped in the ancestral land of the Ice Tribe for too long. The outside world has long forgotten their existence, and they have unknowingly adapted to the unique living environment of that mountain range.

No more thinking about how to leave.

The reason why the outside world knows about those powerful beast tribes is that they were the first ice tribesmen to leave the extreme northern ice fields. Some of them accidentally mentioned the living environment of their ancestral land, and naturally they also mentioned the powerful beast tribe living in it.

Originally, this news had been noticed by others, but as the years passed, major events occurred frequently on Kunxuan Continent. Even the Ice Plains Tribe was besieged and killed, and the cooperating Monster Beast Clan in the Tianping Mountains fell into ruin. In the ancestral land of the Ice Plains Tribe,

The orcs that cannot leave, no matter how powerful they are, can hardly attract people's attention.

When people no longer pay attention, those strong beasts will naturally begin to be forgotten, and the special environment and complete order of survival in the mountains will make it easier for the strong beasts to be completely separated from the outside world.

In this mountain range, strong men occupy different positions according to their strength and obtain corresponding training resources. Even the strong beastmen who first entered will try their best to leave, but after surviving for a period of time, they will gradually

adapt and integrate into this special living environment.

Improve yourself through continuous practice, so as to compete with other orcs for better territory and obtain better training resources. In such a complete set of rules, the orcs will focus on this way of survival, even to a certain extent

In the future, they will also be repelled from leaving the mountains within their ancestral land.

This is why, when the seal of the Iceborne Tribe's ancestral land began to loosen and cracks appeared in the barrier that prevented everyone from leaving, only a handful of strong orcs stood up and tried to leave.

Because most of the powerful beastmen not only care about their existing training resources, but also the opponents they want to challenge next, and what better training resources they can obtain.

For example, when Tu Xi and Xi You began to try to leave, more orc strong men were thinking about how to obtain Tu Xi and Xi You's original territory. Some strong orcs knew that they had no strength.

If they directly seize the territory of Tu Xi and Yan You, but if other strong beasts try to seize it, then they can consider obtaining a slightly inferior territory, which is better than their current territory.

If such behavior is seen by Zuo Feng, he will naturally think of a short story once told to him by Master Teng Xiaoyun when he was in Zuojia Village. The content of the story is very simple, it is a frog living at the bottom of a well.

When I was bragging to my friends about how much I knew about the world, the sky was only the size of a round wellhead.

When these strong orcs were trapped in the mountains for countless years, while they adapted to such an environment and system, even their hearts were completely imprisoned without even realizing it.

As for Tu Xi and Yan You, although they live in this special mountain range, the fire of hope is always burning stubbornly in their hearts.

From the fact that the two of them have been fighting openly and secretly to obtain the complete formation of the Far North Icefield, and have never stopped for many years, we can see that their two personalities are different.

The two of them want to obtain the complete formation, and they have their own ambitions and concerns. Even though they have good territory and practice resources in the mountains, once they see the hope of leaving, they resolutely

Resolutely gave up everything and chose to leave.

Of course, it is not that there are strong beast tribes like Tu Xi and Yan You in that mountain range, but they are not as crazy as these two guys. Some of them are hesitating, and some are waiting and watching, so there is no

Take action immediately.

Never giving up and leaving does not mean that Tu Xi and Yan You can immediately adapt to everything in the outside world. After so many years of re-entering the Arctic Icefield, everything is different from before.

Although when they were first transported to the Far North Icefield, they only stayed for a short time before being sent to the mountains in their ancestral land, but compared with the Far North Icefield they see now, they are still too unfamiliar.

Countless strange and powerful people appeared in this far north ice field, and the rules of the world in the far north ice field also changed, and they actually began to extract their blood.

Tu Xi and Yan You didn't know whether they could avoid the fate of having their blood drawn by returning to the mountains of their ancestral land, but they would not return. Especially since both of them had obtained complete formations.

After that, there will be no return.

Now Tu Xi has not only found the location of his own tribe, but Tu Jiu, who has worried about him for countless years, is now in the space group of this iceberg. No matter what, Tu Xi must protect Tu Jiu so that he can completely escape the danger of having his bloodline drawn.

Able to go to a safer place.

Not only did Tu Xi not believe those powerful people in the spiritual stage outside, but they also had a real fight with each other, even to the point of fighting to the death.

But for Tu Jiu, it still had to find a collaborator, not only for Tu Jiu, but also for the existing Ice Horned Rhino clan. Originally, Tu Xi wanted to cooperate with Huan Kong behind Zuo Feng, but now he saw that Zuo Feng was

After trying many ways to formulate formations, I gradually came up with new ideas.

Don't underestimate Tu Xi's decision, because it will directly affect its next important choice in action. A strong orc who has reached the ninth level of strength is willing to do his best to help, and the help he can provide

It's unimaginable, especially now that Zuo Feng and others are in desperate need of strength.

Of course, Zuo Feng didn't know. Tu Xi's inner thoughts, and even the power to control the space group, had been left to the clone to control, and he was doing his best to deduce the formation.

The basic part of this formation is not difficult. It can even be said that it has been constructed directly without thinking. This is also the first light that lights up in the world of Zuo Feng's mind. This is the "origin" of the entire formation.

The subsequent deductions and calculations, as well as various complex changes, actually all come from this "origin". Zuo Feng can easily complete the construction of a general teleportation formation, without even any pause in the process.

But now, in the process of studying the formation, he is constantly changing. At first, only one idea appeared, and after a few attempts, it was rejected. Later, one or two ideas appeared at the same time, and then Tu Xi quickly described it.

Condensed, then erased after being denied again.

Later, there were more and more ideas, and Zuo Feng's various attempts continued to speed up. Countless lights lit up in the world in his mind. Those were the formations he was trying to build. The thin line between light and light was the formation.

The formation that appears when it is formed.

What emerged in his mind was the structure of the formation, and between Zuo Feng's hands were the runes that constructed the formation, which meant that the entire framework of the formation was formed in his mind, while his fingers were describing the details of the formation.

Only in this way can the overall framework of the formation and the detailed runes be synchronized at all times. If any problems arise, they can be discovered and adjusted immediately.

Only a few of the top formation masters can achieve such means and energy. Zuo Feng is also able to achieve such an astonishing performance because he has a master like Huan Kong.

A ninth-level beast race strongman like Tu Xi was deeply shocked by the magical method displayed by Zuo Feng, and that's why he decided to cooperate with him in the future.

Although Tu Xi is a strong orc with a stubborn character, he is not stupid. If he cooperates with a person as powerful and with a strong background as Huan Kong, although he can get a lot of help, at the same time Tu Xi and his tribe

You will also lose more freedom.

If the partner of cooperation is a person like Zuo Feng, he is still in the growth stage and has a lot of room for future development. Although he has to accompany and assist him to continue to grow and expand, he and his ethnic group will have more freedom and may make profits in the future.

It will also be bigger.

While marveling at Zuo Feng's methods, he was able to consider so many things. Who could say that the strong orcs didn't have enough brains.

Zuo Feng's body was constantly thinking and deducing, and everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him. Only in this way could he achieve absolute concentration.

As Zuo Feng continued to work hard, lights continued to appear in his mind, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the extinguished lights began to decrease, which means that some lights gradually began to be retained.

Finally, in addition to the initial "original point", through constant deduction and calculation, Zuo Feng began to gradually brew up the formation.

However, when Zuo Feng reached a certain level of construction, the world in his mind and his hands that were constantly drawing and carving suddenly stopped.

Zuo Feng finally got stuck in one position and was unable to continue, and the reason why he couldn't continue was still the "end" that he couldn't escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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