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Five hundred and sixtieth chapters hidden power

Cheng Tianhao was very well-behaved this time and did not order his men to take any action. Instead, he and Zuo Feng watched as the young man named Dao and Sister Hua quietly retreated.

As a result, Zuo Feng was a little doubtful. Cheng Tianhao obviously cared about the young man named Jiang and others at the beginning, and seemed to regard the power of these two groups as life-saving straw. But when things developed to this point, this guy changed his mind.

He was very calm and did not show any attitude of being angry and desperate.

Zuo Feng was a little puzzled for a moment. He didn't know whether it was because the young man named Jiang was the kind of person who kept his promises, which made Cheng Tianhao give up his plan to take action immediately, or because he had other plans.

If it's the latter, I'm afraid Zuo Feng's strategy is still not successful. But if it's the former, Zuo Feng should think carefully about how to get rid of this guy after breaking through, or kill him directly here.

It was precisely for this reason that neither Cheng Tianhao nor Zuo Feng made any other moves. The two sides just waited in this quiet atmosphere, waiting for the two young men named Jiang to leave.

As the two groups quietly retreated from here in completely opposite conditions to when they arrived, the atmosphere here became much more solemn. Zuo Feng's keen nerves seemed to gradually capture something. It was a kind of confrontation.

The feeling that the threat to my life has not diminished, but is getting stronger.

With a thought in his heart, Zuo Feng immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing Cheng Tianhao on the spot. He had to leave here, and he could not leave without hesitation for a moment. It seemed that if he took a step too late, it would bring disaster to him.


Zuo Feng was gathering momentum here, so as soon as he exerted his strength, he jumped away like a rabbit. Of course, he would not choose the direction where the young man named Jiang retreated, but quickly left in the opposite direction.

Although Zuo Feng was confident that the young man named Jiang would not keep his word and suddenly turn around and attack him, after all, the rift between the two parties was already deep, and it was undoubtedly the best choice not to provoke him for the time being.

Of course what he gave Sister Hua before was not poison, it was just his improved numbing powder. Although this numbing powder is very common, it is mostly used for external application, and almost no one has taken it by mouth. And Zuo Feng's improved numbing powder

Ma Bi Powder can be taken orally, causing the user to feel paralyzed and unconscious. This can also give people the illusion of being poisoned.

What's even better is that this numbing powder is not a real poison, nor does it have the destructive effect of poison. Therefore, even if a person with advanced cultivation wants to use spiritual energy to force out the medicinal properties, it is impossible to do it. But leave it to Zuo Feng

The medicine powder given by the young man surnamed Jiang is indeed a powerful detoxification powder that he refined himself.

This is in the Xuanwu Empire, and there must be people around the young man named Jiang who know how to refine medicine, so if he uses fake antidote, he will definitely be discovered. And Zuo Feng's antidote powder was researched in the land of chaos.

It is different from ordinary Jiedu Powder, so when most people see it, they will only think that it is an antidote to a special poison.

Zuo Feng had already considered these things when he was planning, so he didn't have to worry about the young man surnamed Jiang getting his way, and secondly, he could be prepared to find ways to detoxify him as soon as he left.

As for the purpose of taking the medicine after an hour, it is because the effect of the numbing powder can only last for an hour at most. Taking the Jiedu Powder before that time will not be effective. Even if you do nothing after that time, it will be effective.

Gradually regained consciousness.

So although Zuo Feng played tricks on them, he actually did not harm Sister Hua. This is not to say that Zuo Feng did not hate what they did during this period, but Zuo Feng did not want to cause trouble in the current situation.

Those Cheng Tianhao's men were always paying attention to Zuo Feng's every move, so when Zuo Feng's body moved, these people subconsciously followed suit. They were not confident that they could keep Zuo Feng here, nor did they. Thinking that Zuo Feng can be defeated by the strength of a few of them is just a natural reaction of warriors under certain circumstances.

On the contrary, Cheng Tianhao only showed a hint of unwillingness, and then he sighed softly and said, "No need to stop him, just let him go."

Those warriors had just seen the scene of Sister Hua and the woman in black besieging Zuo Feng. With such fighting power, they believed that even if they tried their best, they would never be Zuo Feng's opponent, so they just shouted a few bluffs and went their separate ways. Returned to Cheng Tianhao.

Cheng Tianhao glanced coldly at the warriors around him, with a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes. This young man named Shen Feng is too special. Not only does he have outstanding level and talent in refining medicine, he also has outstanding skills in cultivation and actual combat. Has amazing strength.

Of course, he hopes that such a talent can become his right-hand man, so that he does not have to bring this group of trash out to be embarrassed. But if such a person really appears in his family, I am afraid that his current position in the family will be No guarantee, after thinking about it, Cheng Tianhao also felt that his idea was a bit whimsical.

Shaking his head slowly, he turned his gaze to a speeding figure in the distance, and said leisurely: "I didn't expect this kid to really be able to leave from here, but he underestimated me too much. I thought others The layout may not be needed, but now it seems that it is better to be well prepared after all.”

He didn't pay attention to the warriors around him at all. Those words were more like talking to himself. After saying that, he already walked towards the direction Zuo Feng left. Several of his subordinates also raised their eyes to look at the young master. They all showed a mixture of admiration and sympathy, but they also hurriedly followed to protect their young master.

Zuo Feng, who was running forward wildly, couldn't help but feel a little confused in his heart. Although he was in the wilderness, he seemed to be thrown into a huge cage. This feeling made him feel very wrong, plus that Cheng Tianhao let him go so calmly, which made him even more anxious.

While Zuo Feng was running fast, he tried many times to contact the headwind in his arms, but the result was that there was no news. Zuo Feng's last resort was to go against the wind, but he had not yet truly reached the point of refining his Qi. period, so it cannot soar into the sky.

He could only keep accelerating, and accelerating again, and his nerves were tensed, but there was no sound around him. This made him feel even more dangerous. Not hearing any sound at this time made him feel even more uncomfortable. That's right, because even though there are no wild animals in this wild place, wouldn't it be weird to not even hear the sound of birds?

Suddenly, Zuo Feng's footsteps stopped suddenly because he finally heard the sound, which was the sound of countless people jumping up. And from the sound, Zuo Feng had already judged the number of people and their approximate cultivation level. The tempering period was about There are about ten people, and there are about thirty or forty warriors in the bone refining stage.

Of course, these people were not here to send Zuo Feng off. Zuo Feng's heart began to sink, but he still couldn't figure out where these newly appeared warriors came from.

If Cheng Tianhao had such strength, I believe that with his selfish character, he would never be willing to let the young man surnamed Jiang and Sister Hua join. Moreover, both the young man surnamed Jiang and Sister Hua should be wary of their own poisons, even if they are divided

If there is no manpower to ambush here, they will definitely give orders to their own people to retreat when they leave.

After all, a large part of the agreement reached between the two parties is based on mutual trust. At this time, any attempt to destroy the agreement between the two parties is an unwise decision. Although the young man surnamed Jiang was suffering at the hands of Sister Hua,

Sometimes he loses his mind a little bit, but overall he is a sensible person and would not do such a stupid thing.

Apart from this, the only thing Zuo Feng could think of was City Lord Lin. This old guy was always against him, as if he would never give up until he was put to death. But Zuo Feng actually didn’t have much grudge against him. If

Because of Cheng Tianhao, he must find ways to deal with himself.

So now that he has left Tushan City, it is unreasonable for him to send men to deal with him outside the city at this time. Besides, he left the city just after the competition ended. Even if City Master Lin immediately deployed men at that time, I am afraid that

It would be difficult to mobilize so much power with good cultivation.

Moreover, it is said that the Lord of Tushan City Lin has so many warriors, even if he kills Zuo Feng, he would not believe it. But where did these people come from? There is no doubt that the purpose of waiting here is him.

At this time, Zuo Feng noticed figures shaking in the distance. The warriors who suddenly appeared had come out of the surrounding bushes and short grass. When he first saw these people, he didn't see anything special. They were just dressed in clothes.

Just like ordinary travelers or ordinary traveling businessmen.

But when several people wearing dark green clothes gradually emerged from the crowd, Zuo Feng suddenly became nervous because he could immediately tell from the styles and colors of those people's clothes.

where they belong.

The rift between the Puppet Spirit Sect, a force known to everyone in the chaotic land, and Zuo Feng was irreconcilable. The moment Zuo Feng saw those people, he finally knew what he had ignored.


The Puppet Spirit Sect's operation in the new county city seems to have failed at this time. They did not take the initiative to launch their already planned plan, and the culprit who destroyed their plan was themselves. Maybe others will take this account

The blame is placed on that mustard, but their Puppet Spirit Sect will definitely put the biggest debt on themselves.

The battle in front of the pier exposed the Puppet Spirit Sect's ambush near the pier. The final scuffle seemed to be indiscriminate, but the Puppet Spirit Sect elder Pou Rong, who was in the middle of the game, should understand that Mao Jie's men

Intentionally or unintentionally, he helped Zuo Feng.

And even if there was no matter about the dock, they would go to Zuo Feng and take the Puppet Spirit Sect's crystal storage ring, and they would not let him go even if they chase him to the ends of the earth.

Zuo Feng sighed secretly in his heart, but Zuo Feng showed an extremely calm attitude at this moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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