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Chapter five hundred and ninety fourth

Zuo Feng didn't even have time to be surprised. Such a heavy stone door could actually be "pushed" open, and the scenery inside came into view.

Rather than saying that Zuo Feng pushed the door open, it is better to say that the stone door opened automatically. When the lock was pressed into the groove inside the door, the stone door opened automatically as if it was alive.

.The reason why it feels like this door is alive is because this huge stone door makes no sound when it is opened.

Just imagine that such a huge stone door weighs several thousand kilograms. No matter what mechanism is used, it is impossible for such a heavy stone door not to make any sound when it moves. But this is the fact before you. If you close your eyes,

I'm afraid I won't feel anything happening in front of me.

There was no change in the stone door on the other side. Zuo Feng pushed hard and there was no response as before. There was no way it could be pushed away. Zuo Feng also tried to push the open stone door in front of him, but it couldn't be moved.

It can't be pulled back. It seems that it depends entirely on the connection between the prison lock and the dent to open it.

Zuo Feng didn't know that at the moment when the stone door was opened, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the dark space of a secret room in the deepest part of the mansion. The voice sounded like someone taking a heavy breath unconsciously, and then

It seemed like a slight "eh" was squeezed out of the throat.

The voice was a bit unclear, and one could only vaguely tell that the person making the voice was very old. The voice was a bit indistinguishable, and it seemed to contain complex emotions, a kind of excitement and joy, some uncertainty and a little bit of uncertainty.


However, after he only used his voice this time, he immediately fell silent. The secret room was pitch black, and no matter how sharp your eyes were, you couldn't clearly see what was going on inside, and you couldn't even feel the presence of anyone inside.

Zuo Feng didn't know anything about this sound. He kept looking around as if he was in an unknown world, but he didn't dare to take a step. Zuo Feng was afraid that something unexpected would happen, but he was also afraid that nothing would appear.

.Not even half of the figure he longed for appeared, not even half a living creature appeared.

After Zuo Feng came to this place, he noticed that there was no other life here. Not to mention humans, there were no animals, not even an insect on the grass. It was also for this reason that Zuo Feng did not

Thinking that this is a place in reality, that's why he thinks he is dead.

But the longer he stayed here, the more he felt that this place was different from any place he understood. Every plant and tree here seemed to be real, but this space gave him a sense of wonder.

If he had to connect the unclear feeling to one place, it would be somewhat similar to the mental space in his mind.

But in the mind space, one's own only appears in the space in the form of mind projection. That kind of projection can be said to be a real existence, but strictly speaking, it is just a virtual shadow. Everything in the mind space is because of the beast.

It was born from the energy of souls and animal patterns combined with his mind power. Even Zuo Feng, the creator, could not clearly describe what category those things belonged to.

And everything that exists in this place is not an illusion, but actually exists here. Just like he doesn't understand how he got here, he doesn't even understand what kind of existence this place is.

If this high wall has its inevitable meaning, then Zuo Feng thinks that there should be another scene in the mansion behind the wall. He thinks that the mansion may explain things that he doesn't understand.

In other words, there might be some clues here that could explain why I came here.

But when Zuo Feng came here, he found that his idea was completely wrong, and it was very wrong. There was not much difference between the inside of the courtyard wall and the outside. There was still a piece of grass under his feet, and the grass outside the door was completely different.

Same, just ordinary grass.

Zuo Feng paid special attention to the wall in the courtyard, but it was still the same as what he saw from the outside, and there was nothing special about it.

It's just the buildings in the courtyard that surprised Zuo Feng. As he guessed before coming in, the space in the courtyard is very wide, with various high and low pavilions and pavilions appearing in sight from near to far.

The buildings are very dense, but in some places the buildings are very sparse.

The entry point where Zuo Feng is located is just a large square, but this square is just a grassland. The word square is very appropriate to describe it, because Zuo Feng estimates that the length and width of this place are at least ten feet, and the calculation is that the new

The county pier is not as wide as this one.

You can see the fence at the edge of the grassland. The fence here is not much different from a normal fence. It is a little more than half a foot tall, which is about the same height as Zuo Feng. There are two door openings in front of Zuo Feng, and in

There are two door openings on each side of him.

There seems to be no special measures here, unlike the previous huge door that requires a special way to open, and you can even see the situation on the other side from the moon-shaped door opening.

Ahead is where Zuofeng sees the densest number of buildings. Several towering pavilions are there. The buildings on the left are relatively sparse. Currently, only seven or eight small buildings can be seen within the scope of sight, and the small buildings are

The size is similar to that of an ordinary restaurant.

There are no buildings visible on the right, only an octagonal pavilion on a hill.

Zuo Feng was born in a small village in the mountains, so he didn't know much about the architecture of wealthy families. However, he also spent a few days in the Yancheng City Lord's Mansion, so he had some understanding of the layout of the City Lord's Mansion.

The palace of the city lord is divided into an outer house and an inner house. The outer house is the main hall of the city lord's house, the reception hall, and the city guard barracks. The inner house is mainly where the city lord Anxiong and his family live, and there are also gardens with quiet and pleasant scenery.

The stone room for practicing is in the garden.

According to what I saw in Anxiong, the right side should be where the garden is, which should be a place for the owner to relax and enjoy. Of course, it should be the simplest place in the entire mansion, so Zuo Feng took a look around

Then I first decided to go to the right side to take a closer look.

Arriving at the moon-shaped doorway, Zuofeng could see the scenery inside more clearly. There was also a grassland behind the door, but in the grassland there was a path made of rectangular stone slabs. At the end of the path

It is a simple pier with a long pavilion at the pier.

The reason why there is a pier here is because there is a sizable lake within sight. Amber covers an area of ​​at least ten acres, and there is a small boat docked at the pier. The boat has no sails and has two sides.

There is a stick sticking out of the water.

The pavilion was built next to the pier and around the lakeshore. It was about seven or eight feet long. The pavilion was surrounded by a dense bamboo forest. Looking to one side, you can see the moon gate on the other side. After entering, there is the same road.

The difference is that this path is paved with stone slabs and extends towards the hill on one side.

One side of the mountain is a gentle slope, but the other side of the mountain suddenly stands facing the lake as if it has been cut off by an axe. On the side of the cliff-like mountain is the octagonal pavilion that Zuofeng saw from a distance.

Although Zuo Feng didn't have much interest in enjoying the beautiful scenery at this time, he couldn't help but step in after seeing such a scenery.

But when Zuo Feng stepped onto the first square brick, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. Tornado-like vortices appeared in the air, and those vortices looked down from the sky like huge tentacles, straight down.

Stretching down towards the lake and hills.

Zuo Feng, who was about to walk in, suddenly stopped, but he did not step back because the tentacles extending like tornadoes were still some distance away from him, and they did not seem to regard Zuo Feng as their target.

Since there is no danger, Zuo Feng really wants to see it clearly. This is the first time he has seen this strange scene since he came to this place. Of course he is extremely curious about it. He thinks that the appearance of these tornadoes is not accidental. His feet

Only after entering this courtyard did these strange whirlwinds appear.

In just a blink of an eye, those tornadoes had already fallen to the ground. However, these tornadoes seemed to be very powerful. When they fell, they did not cause any ripples in the sleep. This scene naturally looked very strange, but something even more strange was still there.


Just as Zuo Feng was looking intently at the falling tornado, the tornado that touched the lake and the top of the mountain suddenly shattered into countless powders like the tide hitting the rocks, as if it exploded out of thin air.


Soon the powder gathered more and more, and then spread around, and the locations where the powder was located gradually turned into thick mist. While Zuo Feng was shocked, he also understood what these tornadoes were like.

The thing is, they seem to be spreading here like living beings, which means they are not allowed to enter.

If these tornadoes were alive, it would be better to say that they seemed to be controlled by something. Zuo Feng subconsciously turned his head and looked at the other four months door behind him. The situation there was no different from what he had seen before.

There were no changes, not even the slightest tornado.

When Zuo Feng turned his head again, he found that the scenery he could vaguely see just now was gone. It was as thick and thick as the fog he saw outside the courtyard before.

Now that this place is like this, Zuo Feng will naturally not continue to flow. Just looking at the scenery in front of him, Zuo Feng slowly moves back. When the thick fog came to the door of the Moon Gate,

It seemed like it was blocked by some force, but not a single ray spread out.

Moreover, Zuo Feng looked at the building at the Moon Gate on the other side. There were no weapons invading there either, and the fog seemed to be confined to the courtyard here.

This chapter has been completed!
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