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Chapter 607 The twists and turns

After several years of training, Suyan has been able to occupy a place in the Su family's intelligence office. However, she knows how much she weighs. With her half-hearted cultivation and body and martial arts skills, it is impossible for her to survive in several dangerous missions.

He survived and even successfully completed the mission in the end.

She was a smart girl to begin with, so she naturally understood that Sulan, who was both a teacher and a father, was helping her behind the scenes, but he had pretended not to know all these years.

Since she is doing intelligence work, of course the people around her are also people who are willing to inquire about all kinds of information. She has also heard the rumors between Sulan and her mother, although she has not personally confirmed it from Sulan.

Confirmation, but this is also the only reasonable explanation she knows.

She knew she knew it, but Suyan did not pierce this layer of window paper. She hoped to maintain such a relationship with her master forever. Because she didn't know how he would face this master if everything was revealed. At the same time,

He didn't know how to face the Su family either.

But what she didn't know was that the past between her mother and Sulan was actually conveyed to Sulan deliberately by Sulan through the mouths of some people. He didn't want to make everything clear, but she didn't want Suyan to have anything to do with her.

There was some misunderstanding before, and at the same time, he may have a layer of expectation deep in his heart, hoping to have such a daughter.

But his idea was doomed to fail, and Su Yan could not escape the shackles of her family after all. Although all of this seemed confusing and had too many twists and turns, it was also an inevitable result.

Because no matter what, they both belong to the Su family, to this big family that has stood like a behemoth in the Xuanwu Empire for thousands of years. The characteristic of this kind of family is that no matter who you are, as long as you are attached to the family, you will always be there.

Trapped by family.

It seems that the family is a strong backing that provides you with many conveniences and resources, but at the same time it also binds your hands and feet. Everything about you, even your life, belongs to the family. They have been educated by the family since they were young. This

The clan's brainwashing-like education made them dare not even think about leaving the family.

They think this situation is natural, but if Zuo Feng were put in their position, the result would be completely different. Compared with the Su family, Zuo Feng's family can be said to be just a grain of light compared to a bright moon.

, similarly his family does not have much restraint on any clan member.

People in Zuojia Village have a sense of belonging to their families, but they are not bound by their families. That's why traitors like Zuo Lie appeared in the Writers' Village, and later there were cases of Zuo Fang betraying the family by defecting to the enemy.

Therefore, the management of each family has its own characteristics. Large families have the benefits of large families, so they can stand firm for thousands of years. Although small families also have the benefits of small families, their immature management methods also

It is destined that such a family can only survive for a few decades, but very few can survive for a hundred years.

Sulan and Suyan, a very special pair of masters and apprentices, have spent these years in such a relationship. In fact, one of the reasons why Sulan came to Linshan County was because he judged that Suyan would be better after leaving the new county.

Return to the family from this direction.

It's just that he waited for a long time and found that not only did he not see Su Yan, but he didn't even get any news about Su Yan. This situation made him feel very anxious, but for a while there was no way to solve it. Apart from waiting, all he had left was


But after waiting and waiting, Suyan finally got the news, and it turned out that this girl asked for help. At that time, Suyan only knew that there were family members here, but she didn't know who the family members were.


That day, Suyan and Zuo Feng went to the Dayun Rice Shop together. The owner of the rice shop was a person in charge of the Tushan City Liaison Station. After he got the news about the Su family, he secretly sent a message to Suyan that night. As for not being arrogant

He showed up at the inn because there was a city-wide curfew at that time, and he could only contact him through this method.

Suyan knew the whereabouts of the Su family members and immediately decided to contact them first. Although Zuo Feng guessed that there would be something going on here, he did not tell Suyan and Hubo about all this.

Because Suyan needed to let the owner of the Dayun Rice Shop send her away, she secretly left Tushan City that night without telling Zuo Feng. Suyan didn't know what happened after that, but contacted Su Lan and others before returning to Tushan City.

I learned all this on the way.

She was so anxious that she even asked everyone to rush to rescue Zuo Feng at all costs, only then did Su Lan suddenly feel that something was wrong.

Although Suyan didn't say much, he, a discerning person, could tell at a glance that Sulan was by no means an ordinary friend to the boy named "Chen Feng". Although he asked about the relationship between the two many times, Suyan always asked

They all denied it.

If Suyan confessed frankly, Sulan might not take it too seriously, which proved that Suyan had thought it through. But Suyan was so half-covered and refused to admit it, he immediately realized that the matter might not be simple.


Both Su Yan and Su Lan can be regarded as the top figures of the Su family. If we just talk about family background, Su Yan may be even more superior than Su Lan. Both of them understand that in a super aristocratic family like the Su family, marriage is by no means a matter of children.

She no longer has the ability to make her own decisions, especially since her bare-faced mother no longer has anyone to help her get whatever she wants.

Su Yan's marriage is actually in the hands of the family head, but he is still carrying out tasks for the Su family. After the Kang family's task of stealing alchemy skills is completed, they will start arranging Su Yan's marriage.

Even if Su Yan followed Kang Qiao and married into the Kang family, in fact the Kang family also understood that Su Yan's marriage was still decided by the Su family. Even the Kang family understood this truth, so Su Lan and Su Yan were not clear about it, but

At this time, Suyan avoided Sulan's question in this way, which made Sulan feel inappropriate.

If Suyan admits it openly and honestly, it proves that she has thought everything through and will accept the family's arrangements honestly, which will be a relatively better result for everyone.

But now, Suyan kept avoiding Sulan's questions, proving that she was actually still struggling in her heart. Sulan immediately smelled the danger. If Suyan openly violated Suyan because of this young man who suddenly appeared,

He couldn't keep the family arrangements and the punishment of being naked.

While Sulan was feeling depressed, she unconsciously started thinking. He would not discuss it with Suyan, and of course he would not deliberately destroy the young man. Doing so would only make Suyan frustrated, and I'm afraid it would be difficult for her to bear it.

Such a blow.

Following Su Yan all the way, Su Lan was actually very conflicted and didn't know how to make this decision. But Su Yan was always by his side, so Su Lan could only quickly move towards Tushan City as planned.

However, after hurrying and slowing down, when they arrived outside Tushan City, they still did not encounter Zuo Feng. It was getting late at that time, so Suyan still asked Sulan to go into the city to have a look. Are they there?

Under the premise of using any connections and connections, only Su Lan can get over the wall with her cultivation.

He did not follow Su Yan's instructions to look for Zuo Feng, but showed up directly at City Lord Lin's palace. He came as a medicine inspector for this competition, but he didn't even mention that he wanted to find Zuo Feng.

Feng, actually that was the last chance he gave those people to kill Zuo Feng, at least that's what he thought in his heart.

But during the competition selection on the second day, Zuo Feng not only appeared on the field, but also flew over directly with such a dramatic approach that even he couldn't sit still. However, he still did not stand up and confront Zuo Feng.

Yes, until Zuo Feng was about to face difficulties from City Master Lin during the competition, he helped him a little.

Zuo Feng didn't know at that time that the person in front of him was Su Yan who came to save him, so he didn't pay too much attention at that time.

After that, he thought it was unsafe in the city, so he quickly fled Tushan City, but all this was in Sulan's eyes. He did not deliberately leave Zuofeng behind, nor did he notify those outside the city who were entering the city as planned.

subordinate, but he was still very conflicted at the time.

But when he discovered that Zuo Feng had shrewdly avoided the "rescuing troops" and the encirclement of the enemy, he still had an unspeakable wry smile on his face. He thought it was Zuo Feng's fatal hit, so he gave up on saving Zuo Feng.

Thoughts, although with its terrifying cultivation, it has been discovered that in fact, in this vast mountain forest area, a huge net has been opened to Zuofeng.

Su Lan deliberately led her men to search in the city. At this time, it was already the "drag" tactic in Zuo Feng's guess. But as long as such a large Tushan City bothered to inquire, they soon learned about Zuo Feng's situation in leaving the city. After that, they

Then he hurriedly dispersed his people and searched outside the city.

Zuo Feng was not found, but they finally found the unconscious Amber. At that time, Su Lan thought that it was enough to delay it for so long. However, for the sake of safety, he ordered his men to continue searching in the dense forest. After delaying for a long time, he finally found Zuo Feng.

At Su Yan's urging, she spread her hands to look for him.

Later, just as Zuo Feng guessed, the eunuch king first found Zuo Feng, and then quickly notified the surrounding Su family warriors to come and gather. At that time, they only had half of the manpower, but they were still confident to deal with the Kang family.

He and the enemies of the Puppet Spirit Sect were not very sure of successfully rescuing the injured Zuo Feng.

So when these people arrived, they looked like they were looking for a fight. They never mentioned the Su family from the beginning to the end, let alone the intention of taking Zuo Feng away, in order to temporarily keep Zuo Feng safe.

Later, Zuo Feng managed to escape with serious injuries. Although it messed up the plans of the Su family warriors, he still managed to escape without any danger. However, because of his sudden action, both the Cheng family and the Puppet Spirit Sect were affected.

The opportunity escaped smoothly.

This chapter has been completed!
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