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Chapter 7 Mysterious Woman

Zuo Hou looked at the back of the thin figure in front of him, his heart full of confusion and doubts, but he still followed firmly.

The two of them are in deep danger at the moment. If it were me, I would definitely take this opportunity to leave as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be playing into the enemy's plan to go back to the canyon?

Zuo Feng, who was moving forward quickly, glanced at Zuo Hou, who was catching up quickly with his peripheral vision, and said with a smile.

"We are only temporarily safe. After the enemies from the three directions find that they can't find any trace of me, I'm afraid they will have two choices. One is to expand the search area, and the other is to come back and search carefully again."

Seeing Zuo Hou's thoughtful expression, Zuo Feng continued: "No matter what they choose, there will be considerable risks if they want to leave here now."

"But, didn't you just judge that there would be their arrangements in the valley? Going back to the valley like this would be the same as throwing yourself into a trap."

Zuo Feng showed a confident smile and said, "Have I ever said that we are going to enter through the mouth of the valley?"

More than an hour later, on the mountain wall in the north of the canyon.

"Huh, hurry up, pull me up, I can't do it anymore."

Zuo Hou's body, almost soaked in sweat, clung to the mountain wall. His thin palms stretched out tremblingly, waving them in the air while shouting feebly.

Zuo Feng smiled helplessly, grabbed his outstretched thin palm, and lifted him up with a little force.

The location where the two of them were at this time was on top of a big tree growing slantingly inside the mountain wall.

When they came to the big tree that no one could hug, Zuo Hou lay down on his back, panting violently. From the corner of his eye, he saw Zuo Feng with a smile on his face, and said with a slight anger.

"Even if we don't throw ourselves into a trap, we don't have to torture ourselves like this. Your great idea almost killed me. You don't know how many times I almost fell off this hundred-foot-high mountain wall. I am determined not to go there again."

Go up."

Zuo Feng nodded and said: "Then you wait for me here. If I don't come back before dawn, you will find a way to leave here alone."

Zuo Hou looked at Zuo Feng with a puzzled face and said: "From your tone, it seems that there is a possibility of not coming back. In this case, why do you have to risk going to the top of the mountain? I find that I can't understand your thoughts more and more.


Zuo Feng planned to take him to the top of the mountain, originally to escape from danger temporarily. Zuo Feng was always worried about this conspiracy against him. He had a premonition that the person who attacked him a year ago was also involved in this conspiracy.

in it.

So he planned to go around the mouth of the valley from the top of the mountain, and then quietly go down to the inside of the canyon to find out. The layout and situation at the bottom of the valley were completely unclear, and only a few people were taking Zuo Hou on the adventure, so he didn't want Zuo Hou to go into danger.

Go into the valley with yourself.

Zuo Hou proposed not to go to the top of the mountain, which was exactly what Zuo Feng wanted. The enemy's target was himself. If he was in danger in the valley, Zuo Hou would have a high chance of leaving safely.

Zuo Feng turned around, waved his hands in the same cool and unrestrained manner, and started climbing towards the top of the mountain again.

Dongshan is actually the collective name for dozens of nearby hills, but the tallest among them are the mountains on both sides of the canyon. From a distance, the mountains more than a hundred feet high stand straight into the clouds, and a canyon is formed in the middle as if someone had split it with a sharp weapon.

Zuo Feng chose this high mountain in the north. The reason he chose this mountain was because there was such a big tree in the middle of the mountain that could accommodate a foothold. The farther up the mountain went, the steeper it became.

.With Zuo Feng’s level 4 cultivation level, it was extremely difficult to climb, and he almost fell to the bottom of the mountain several times when he was in danger.

About three hours later, Zuo Feng finally reached the top of the mountain. Zuo Feng kept his body close to the mountain wall, and if the strong wind blew around him, his body would be wiped out. He alternately held the mountain wall with one hand.

On the raised stone, he shook his wrist slightly and rested for the last time.

After taking a few breaths, he raised his head again and looked towards the top of the mountain, which was less than ten feet high. His eyes were full of determination and persistence.

When a thin and white hand grasped the rock on the top of the mountain, the sky was already pitch black, and it was still a little short of reaching the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, a stone on which Zuo Feng's toes were stepping loosened, and then the stone fell, and his whole body sank suddenly.

Zuo Feng could no longer squeeze out any strength from his carved body, and could only hold on with his right hand that reached the top of the mountain. Zuo Feng's thin body kept flying with the strong wind on the top of the mountain, like leaves blown off by the autumn wind at any time.

Zuo Feng felt the emptiness in the air sea, and the shadow of death hung over his heart, but he still refused to give up. He had endured so much pain and torture, how could he die here so cowardly.

The drop-shaped bulge on his chest, which had been dormant for a long time, seemed to be inspired by his will to survive, and suddenly emitted a white halo. If this light were not under his clothes, the bandits at the bottom of the mountain would have noticed it immediately. With this halo

Flashing, Zuo Feng's dry sea of ​​air suddenly emerged with a ball of spiritual energy carrying a trace of electric current.

The next moment, two silver-white electric lights burst out from Zuo Feng's eyes, and the full spiritual energy immediately poured into his right arm. The next moment, Zuo Feng's body had jumped high, even more than two feet higher than the top of the mountain.

Before the surprise on his face faded, it was replaced by panic. The huge wind pressure blew Zuo Feng, who was in mid-air, off course.

At this time, Zuo Feng's calm mind came into play, and he realized that his body was in danger of being blown away. He immediately hugged his body into a ball, so that the impact of the wind on his body was also minimized.


A dull sound sounded, and Zuo Feng's body fell heavily on the rock on the top of the mountain. Regardless of the pain in his body, he got up and looked at the abyss a few feet away with lingering fear. Zuo Feng felt like he had been living in two lifetimes.

of joy.

A huge strong wind was blowing to the left, and his whole body felt cold. It was not until this moment that he realized that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Regardless of the uncomfortable feeling of sweat all over his body, he sat cross-legged like this. It was crucial to restore his spiritual energy as soon as possible. After burning the incense, Zuo Feng let out a long sigh and stood up slowly, and then he paid attention to his surroundings.

The top of the mountain is not small, about ten feet long and six or seven feet wide. A sparse forest grows in the center.

Zuo Feng felt happy when he saw this forest. He then took out his dagger and walked over. He carefully scraped off a piece of bark and put it on his shoulder. He didn't want to risk climbing down to the bottom of the valley. These trees

The leather is ready to be made into rope.

As he continued to enter the woods, he found that there seemed to be something in the forest, which made him feel a little depressed.

Zuo Feng hesitated for a moment, then strode towards the woods. Because there seemed to be no hostility in this kind of suppression, and the enemy would never ambush him on this hundred-foot-high mountain top.

Suddenly, Zuo Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a blurry figure appeared in front of him in the sparse forest.

The figure was very strange, as if it appeared suddenly. He couldn't explain what feeling the figure gave him. It seemed as if nothing existed there, but he could really see a figure in his eyes, and this figure seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time.

Generally dissipates.

"Could it be that all this depression comes from this woman? Then her cultivation level is too terrifying."

Zuo Feng, who had a serious look on his face, thought and approached the figure warily. When the distance got closer, he could see the figure completely.

Judging from her figure, there is no doubt that she is a woman. Her head and body are wrapped in a long black cloak, and with a long scarf wrapped around her face, only her closed eyes can be seen.

Zuo Feng could tell from his eyes that this was a young woman. It was hard to imagine that the pressure that made Zuo Feng a little breathless came from the young woman in front of him who looked not much older than him.

The woman seemed to be performing some kind of skill, causing the surrounding auras of heaven and earth to continuously converge here, and the pressure Zuo Feng felt was caused by this.

After observing for a moment, Zuo Feng knew that he could not interfere with the opponent's performance, so he stood far away and no longer moved forward.

Suddenly, waves of cold air radiated from the woman's surroundings. From the exposed skin at the corners of her eyes, it could be clearly seen that the woman's complexion was gradually turning pale, and her body was shaking as if she was afraid of the cold.

Zuo Feng was surprised to find that the surrounding temperature had become as cold as winter at this moment, and the woman's changes seemed to have some problems with her luck.

Zuo Feng was very conflicted in his heart. He was hesitant to step forward to help. It was difficult to tell the difference between friend and foe. If the other party misunderstood him, considering the momentum just now, killing him would be a matter of hands.

But even if he wanted to lend a helping hand, with his current cultivation, he would not be able to have any effect at all.

After thinking for a moment, Zuo Feng seemed to have thought of something, turned around and rushed towards the dense forest.

It was not long before Zuo Feng came back with a bunch of branches and lit a bonfire not far from the woman. As the flames gradually grew bigger, the surrounding temperature also increased slightly. Zuo Feng took a few steps back and sat down quietly.


He never said a word from the beginning to the end. He knew that he was most afraid of being disturbed when he was exercising his skills. Just like the last time he was disturbed by Fujika when he broke through, he suffered serious internal injuries. The cultivation level of the woman in front of him was unfathomable.

The technique is even more weird and incomprehensible, and if it is disturbed, it may cause more serious injuries.

Zuo Feng originally planned to wait for the woman to finish her performance before leaving, but after waiting for half an hour, the woman was still as motionless as a stone sculpture. He looked at the sky and realized that if he waited any longer, his plan to explore the valley tonight would be ruined.

With a helpless sigh, Zuo Feng was about to get up and leave. Just when he stood up and looked at the woman for the last time, he found that the woman seemed to have changed. After careful observation, he was shocked to find that the woman seemed to be different from when he first saw her.

A little older.

Although only a little bit of skin around the eyes could be seen, the originally smooth and fair skin looked a little dull at this moment, and the complexion also turned a little yellow.

The surrounding air seemed to suddenly become still, and even the strong wind on the top of the mountain stopped at this moment. The surrounding spiritual energy rippled, and the center of the ripples was the mysterious woman.

'What kind of skill is this? It has such domineering power.'

Zuo Feng stared at the woman in front of him with a shocked expression, and sighed unconsciously in his heart. The fluctuation of spiritual energy made Zuo Feng involuntarily take a few steps back.

The mysterious woman slowly opened her eyes at this moment. The moment Zuo Feng's eyes met these eyes, a loud "boom" like thunder sounded in her mind, and her whole body froze in place.

This chapter has been completed!
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