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Chapter 72 Saving Cards

He was carrying three heavy packages. Although they were still within the tolerance range, Zuo Feng found that the packages on his body still put a certain burden on his legs. This forced Zuo Feng to consider some cruel issues.

, that is, if you encounter any unexpected situation, you must choose one of the three packages on your body.

This question flashed through his mind. The first package he discarded, he thought of the package filled with gold cakes and gold coins without any hesitation. After all, money can bring endless benefits if used well.

, but once used improperly, it will often be counterproductive.

These people in Zuojia Village have always lived a relatively poor life. If such a large sum of money was taken back and handed over to the elders and shops, I am afraid that some people would deteriorate under the influence of money.

This does not mean that there is something inherently wrong with the people in the village, but that people who have been poor for half their lives suddenly come to a prosperous big town and suddenly have such a large amount of money. This is such a strong contrast.

Well, there are really not many people who can control their true intentions.

Therefore, Zuo Feng did not hesitate to put the bag of money in the first place to give up when choosing this issue. Regarding subsequent choices, Zuo Feng was also in a dilemma.

That pack of medicinal materials is very precious in terms of quantity and quality. If these medicinal materials are mixed by Aunt Zhuang, I don’t know how many lives can be saved and how many people’s strength can be improved. This will undoubtedly make the people in the village

In Yancheng, you can gain a more stable foothold.

And the value of that pack of books is also not low. There are many partial and rare body training methods in it, as well as the martial arts experience of some senior masters. Moreover, there are also some rare martial arts training methods in it.

These are also essential for their small village to become a force that is not bullied in Yancheng.

Zuo Feng thought about it for a long time but couldn't come up with a result, so he could only put aside this headache for the time being. Not wanting to stay here any longer, he dug out the spiritual light stone on the wall and put it in his arms, then walked out of the stone door.


But just when he was about to step out, his heart suddenly moved as if he remembered something. He narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned every corner of the room carefully, but found nothing unusual.

He frowned slightly and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the wall under the aura stone. He didn't pay much attention to it under the light before. Later, after digging out the aura stone, he noticed that the wall there was somewhat strange.


He pulled out the black short blade and dug towards the wall. As expected, the inside was covered with soil. Although it was very similar to the wall, there was still a slight smile difference in color. Zuo Feng's eyes were full of excitement at this time, and his hands

The short blade on it also sped up a bit.

It wasn't until he was about to dig to the ground that Zuo Feng suddenly stopped digging, because a metal box appeared in front of his eyes. The workmanship of the box was relatively rough, and because it was buried underground, there was already a lot of rust on the surface.

There was no lock on the box. Zuo Feng opened the box gently and revealed a blue stone tablet.

This stone tablet was less than half the size of the gold cake. It looked like jade but not jade, and had a faint metallic luster. Holding this blue stone tablet in his hand, he could no longer conceal the ecstasy in his heart. Although he was the first

He had seen it for the first time, but he believed it was what he had guessed.

Don't underestimate such a blue stone tablet, it may be worth more than the entire room of coins put together.

The name of this stone tablet, Zuo Feng, has been mentioned before. It is called a money storage tablet. This stone tablet is made of a special substance that can record information, and the name of this substance is a storage stone. This storage stone

Mineral veins are extremely rare and are all in the hands of some superpowers.

In the mineral deposits that produce storage stones, there is a small chance that a substance called storage crystals will be produced. It is said that items can be stored inside the storage crystals, but Zuo Feng has heard of these in rumors. At least in

In the small village where Zuo Feng grew up, no one had ever seen Chu Jing.

Only money storage cards made of storage stones will often appear in some large-scale transactions. Each money storage card not only represents a huge amount of wealth, but also represents the identity and status of the person who holds it.

The money card in Zuo Feng's hand is all green, with a faint metallic luster flowing on it. The flame patterns carved on it converge from the surroundings to the center, where they form a simple iron

It looks like a hammer, and there are four words engraved on the head of the hammer, "City of the Rising Sun".

Zuo Feng had heard before that the "City of the Rising Sun" was the imperial capital of the grassland tribe that ruled the northeast. This also meant that this money card was made by the grassland tribe. If you want to withdraw this large amount of money,

To use it, you need to set up various gold exchange offices on the mainland among the grassland tribes.

Zuo Feng is not worried about this, because this kind of money exchange established on the basis of the country can be said to be very safe. Unless the entire empire is destroyed, there is no situation where the money cannot be withdrawn.

I carefully looked through the money card in my hand again, and my interest was also very great.

'This kind of money card is mainly used to store certain information. If you can rewrite the information you want like the person who originally issued it, then you can have as much money as you want.


But then he shook his head, his idea was somewhat fanciful. After all, as far as he knew, no one on this continent had rewritten the information on this money card for thousands of years, so it was undoubtedly a bit of a dream for him to do it.

And even if he could rewrite the information on the money card, once this was discovered, he would become an enemy of the empire. Zuo Feng still did not dare to take this kind of risk, so he quickly transferred this new thing that had just appeared.

Dangerous thoughts were suppressed.

Scanning the surrounding environment again, it was strange that there was so much gold in this village. And there was such a money card here. Although some people were puzzled, Zuo Feng could only put this problem aside first.


I had basically got everything I wanted, and I didn't want to stay here any longer. I walked out of the stone room in a few steps, and then walked in the other direction where I came in without hesitation.

At this time, things in Yancheng were not as peaceful as Zuo Feng expected after Zuo Feng left. That evening, Zuo Feng said goodbye to his relatives and left the city alone. The two gangs, the Black Wolf Gang and the

The Huwei Gang also sent out several elites from the gang, following Zuo Feng all the way out of the city.

After the people of these two gangs sent out the pursuers, they did not feel at ease afterwards. Because Commander Zhang Yu had conveyed his intention to the two gangs through Manager Li, that is, try to find the people in Zuojia Village.

Trouble, the bigger the mess, the better. The more muddy the water, the better.

And this group of gangs has been in Yancheng for so long. Of course, no powerful party dares to offend easily. Moreover, Commander Zhang Yu still gave a lot of rewards this time. People like them will of course work harder in doing things.


On the same day that Zuo Feng sneaked into the village, Zuo Tiantian was too bored in the city lord's mansion, so he said hello to Anya and left the city lord's mansion to visit his parents. And that day also happened to be Zuo Tiantian's father Zuo Tiantian.

Changqing, I went to the old shop in Zuojia Village to repair some doors, windows, tables and chairs and came back a little late.

At Uncle Tian's reminder, Anya sent those who secretly protected Tiantian to hide in the dark, but the successors had not arrived until it was dark. The hungry people estimated that nothing would happen in the evening.

, we quietly went to find a restaurant to eat, but no one expected that in such a short period of time, something strange would happen.

Zuo Changqing was stopped by the Black Wolf Gang not far outside his old house. The gang got the news and knew that the middle-aged man in front of them was the father of the boy they sent out to hunt down. Since they discovered

After achieving the goal, several people were used to doing this kind of thing, how could they be polite to Zuo Changqing.

Zuo Changqing was just an ordinary carpenter who had never practiced the art of body refining. The five opponents came up and indiscriminately knocked him to the ground and beat him severely. The villagers who heard the sound immediately recognized the person who was being beaten.

The person in question was Zuo Changqing, so they were so angry that they all rushed forward to fight the opponent desperately.

However, the few people in the village were no match for these gang members, and they were all defeated and injured after a few rounds of fighting. Zuo Tiantian heard the noise outside and ran out, and happened to see his father's leg being injured.

The opponent stomped it off hard.

Although Zuo Tiantian did not practice physical training, he still rushed over like a crazy little beast regardless of the obstruction. The strong men threw Tiantian away with a casual flick.

Just when Tiantian fell to the ground, a sudden change occurred. An overwhelming hurricane suddenly came, blowing sand and rocks and smoke and dust, making it difficult to see the person opposite even if he was close at hand.

At this time, no one noticed that the skin of Zuo Tiantian, who was lying on the ground, turned bright red like blood. A huge energy shock spread out in all directions with her as the center, covering all places within a few dozen feet.

There was such a big commotion here, and finally the guards sent by Anya to protect Zuo Tiantian were alerted. The guards did not dare to stop at all and rushed to the place where the incident occurred.

Those gang members were dealt with, and then they quickly returned to the city lord's palace with Zuo Tiantian in his arms.

Zuo Tiantian made such a big noise that it alarmed far more than just a few guards. The city lord ended his retreat that day, and two commanders, Zhang Yu and Lu Yun, also immediately sent people to check. But in the smoke and dust

Under the sky, not to mention the people on the periphery, even the gang members who were inside didn't know what was going on.

Among the people who were alarmed was an old woman in strange clothes who had just entered the city. When Zuo Tiantian burst out with such strange energy, the old woman's eyes became bright and she rushed towards the scene of the accident as fast as she could.

If Zuo Feng were here, he would realize that the old woman's dress was exactly the same as the woman named "Huansheng" he had seen on Dongshan.

This chapter has been completed!
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