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Eight hundred and thirty seventh chapter Taniguchi ominous

Zuo Feng, who was moving forward quickly, quietly turned his head and glanced at Amber behind him.

Amber, who was always observing Zuo Feng's moves, immediately felt a huge pressure when he saw the other party's glance. He understood that this was a warning to himself, and at the same time, it was also a hint to himself.

At the last moment before leaving the camp, Zuo Feng made a request and agreed to the premise that Amber and himself would advance and retreat together. When it was impossible to do anything, Zuo Feng must take care of his own escape first.

This was Zuo Feng's last request to Amber, and Amber also agreed to it personally. In this way, Zuo Feng also revealed his plan to Amber, and at the same time told Amber several key locations where the enemy could launch an attack with all his strength.

The place.

The canyon in front of him was a place that Zuo Feng especially emphasized and told him to pay more attention to. Zuo Feng especially emphasized that Amber was also deeply impressed, so when he came here, he had already discovered it, and Zuo Feng also warned him again.

Mental preparation.

The peaks in the distance seem a bit out of place with the surrounding environment. The two peaks are much higher than the surrounding rolling mountains. However, the area between the two mountains is essentially different from the general canyon.

Usually canyons are very narrow in scope, and the walls on both sides are very steep, forming a natural passage.

The canyon in front of us may be called a mountain col or more appropriately. Because the range between the two mountains is quite large, it is more than enough for more than ten people to walk side by side. The mountain walls on both sides are not steep, just slightly difficult to walk.


When the team arrived here, it was obvious that the speed had slowed down a bit, and General Tao was obviously wary of this place. However, although the speed slowed down, he had no intention of stopping, and it seemed that he was still eager to pass.

Because there are enemies behind everyone, but we don’t know how far away they are from each other now. Under normal circumstances, of course, it is safest to send people to explore the mountain col, and to send people to the peaks on both sides to look out and warn. But this is an ideal state.

, this idea is completely unfeasible at this moment.

However, General Tao was also experienced after all. He issued an order while moving forward, and the team immediately changed its formation. The crowd began to slowly disperse, spreading their wings and looking toward the hillsides on both sides.

If you look down here from the air at this time, you will find that the team at this time is like a big pliers. The teams spread out on both sides extend forward, while the team in the center that is in front of the head has slowed down a lot.

, like the bottom of a pair of pliers.

Seeing this situation, Amber quietly came forward and whispered: "The environment here is so special. Should we go to the hillside? I'm afraid it will be more dangerous inside the mountain col."

Zuo Feng did not answer him immediately. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the mountains on both sides, especially observing the surrounding terrain clearly and carefully.

They had not walked here before, but they had seen the mountains here from a distance and judged that there should be a wide canyon here.

Really coming here is completely different from what you see from a distance. Zuo Feng needs to observe the surrounding situations within a period of time, and at the same time undergo some careful analysis. These are extremely difficult things for ordinary people, but they can

But Zuo Feng came to the conclusion in a few breaths.

"Don't change the plan. We will continue to follow the original path and move forward along this route. There is only one option right now, which is to follow the central brigade. If something happens later, we can only adapt accordingly."

Although Amber believed Zuo Feng's judgment, he still had a puzzled look on his face. After all, if he were on the hillside, he might encounter the enemy prematurely and be attacked by the enemy. But after all, it would be more convenient on the hillside.

Adaptation, at least not as passive as in the valley.

Although it was not the time to explain more now, Zuo Feng saw that the speed of the team was slowing down and it would take some time for the whole team to enter the canyon, so he turned around and whispered.

"Originally I didn't want to go here, but it would be unsafe if we changed the route now. Since we have chosen to escape with their team, we must borrow the strongest part of our strength. Of course, the group headed by Lord Tao is the most powerful.


After what happened tonight, I discovered that although General Tao was very friendly to the people below him on the surface, he was actually extremely selfish at this time. Since he set up the plan to escape, almost half of his people have been abandoned by him.

in exchange for a chance to escape.

But from before he started his escape plan until here, he has not asked or sent anyone to contact us. Obviously, in his eyes, we are just like those who were sacrificed by him before, just a kind of abandonment used for sacrifice.

Just a son.

Such a person will not put himself in danger, at least in the current situation, he will still consider his own safety first, instead of smoothly bringing all the people in front of him back to Linshan County alive."

His words seemed to wake up Amber. When Zuo Feng raised his head again, his eyes were directed at a group of warriors on the hillside. Originally, in his opinion, the people on both sides were in front of the team and played a role.

It was for protection and warning, but after Zuo Feng's guidance, when he looked at these people again, they were like a group of baits released to wild beasts.

Amber was not a fool. When he looked not far ahead again, he saw the figure of General Tao vaguely among the crowd. The three lieutenants also formed a triangle surrounding him. He had to admit that he was trying to figure out the new situation.

In terms of judging the situation, I am still a little worse than Zuo Feng.

In other words, when I first came into contact with this Tao Master General, some superficial things blinded me, and I did not see clearly the essence of this Tao Master General.

"Where do you estimate the enemy will ambush? If there is an ambush, I am afraid that preparations have been made before the attack tonight. If that is the case, I am afraid the situation will be very bad."

Looking at Amber who asked this question, Zuo Feng also showed a smile on his face. In his opinion, Amber is actually a person with great potential, but he used to rely too much on the power of his family and was performing tasks at the same time.

There was very little room for him to develop in the game, so although he had some experience, the experience was not thorough.

After being with him, Amber seemed to become more relaxed, and he experienced a variety of things. Sometimes Amber couldn't keep up with Zuo Feng's views and opinions on some things, but as long as he was given some time, he could

Will keep up with the train of thought and use my brain to think more.

Putting away his smile, Zuo Feng said slowly: "I understand what you mean. If the enemy has arrangements here, it means they have determined in advance that we will break through desperately and withdraw from this route. If

In that case, the enemy is likely to have more targeted arrangements, and our situation will be very passive."

Amber nodded slightly, agreeing that what Zuo Feng said was what he wanted to express.

Zuo Feng calmly observed the situation ahead, and seeing that nothing had changed around him, he said: "So now not only me, but also Lord Tao can't judge the current situation, but he has no choice but to bite the bullet.

Even if there is a bush of thorns in front of him, he must wade through it with his flesh and blood.

Because the road in front of us is basically the only way out for the team now. Since he has chosen this way, he must go through this valley. After passing here, the terrain will become more open, giving us more room for changes.

He also needs to test it now. If there are too many enemies, it means that the enemy has determined that we will evacuate from this road. By that time, we may need to retreat quickly, and we must retreat before the pursuers behind us arrive.

Of course there is another possibility, which is..."

"Bang bang"

Before Zuo Feng finished speaking, he heard two huge sounds, followed by a series of huge sounds. On both sides of the mountain, two huge rocks as big as houses were seen running along the slope of the mountain.

Roll down.

Zuo Feng raised his head and looked at the two boulders on the hillside, but his eyes were fixed on the boulders. As the boulders rolled down the hillside, the person in charge of the guard immediately shouted a warning, but no one could not notice such a big movement.

When the boulder rolled down from the top of the mountain, figures appeared one after another from the top of the mountain. They had been lurking behind the boulder without making any noise. Until the fan-shaped teams on both sides approached, they had to take action, otherwise they would be killed.

The enemy noticed it first.

Seeing that the number of enemies who appeared was only thirty or forty, Zuo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was not only Zuo Feng who breathed a sigh of relief, but also General Tao at the head of the team, who was also paying attention.

In the situation here, what he worries about about you is roughly the same as Zuo Feng.

"Don't worry about the boulder, just rush over to it and don't fight with the enemy."

General Tao's voice was conveyed high-pitched. This voice was forced out of his throat through spiritual power. It actually covered up the rumbling sound of the boulders rolling down and spread to the teams on both sides of the hillside.

At this moment, the team in the valley immediately increased their speed and rushed towards the other side of the valley. The boulders on both sides rolled down from the top of the mountain, but here they did not want to waste a moment, just to leave here as soon as possible.

Amber also accelerated forward, but he found that the speed of Zuo Feng beside him had slowly slowed down. When he turned around to look, he saw Zuo Feng's eyes solemnly looking at the other side of the valley, where they were now.

the only way to survive.

It stands to reason that they are now out of danger. The thirty enemies in front of them cannot stop so many people from breaking through. At most, they will lose some men, but they will not be held back by the enemies.

As long as he crossed the valley mouth in front, he could gain a chance of survival, but Amber didn't understand why Zuo Feng became so solemn at this time, as if a huge disaster was about to come.

This chapter has been completed!
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