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Chapter nine hundred and fourteenth farewell here

The detoxification process that originally took about five to seven days took Zuo Feng only about four days to complete.

And it not only drove all the poison out of the body, but also completely strengthened itself. Although the benefits obtained by Zuofeng were not as good as those obtained by Niifeng on the first night, after all, there are still some differences between humans and monsters.

Essential difference.

Because of its own demon beast and its king's bloodline, Nifeng was able to continuously absorb ink to transform itself in these four days. This actually made an observing little cat very jealous, but for some reason Yao Qing just

During this period, I refined ink twice for him, and no matter how much I begged, I was never given any more ink.

On the morning of the fourth day, Zuo Feng expelled all the last part of the ink from his body. The feeling of renewal was something he had never experienced before. After the last detoxification, Zuo Feng felt that he had become very accustomed to this kind of stimulating potential.

method, and these days he has a deeper understanding of this method of stimulating potential.

For example, how can this method of stimulating potential last longer, how can the potential be maximized, and how can the side effects of weakness be minimized after the potential is unleashed?

The most important thing is that he learned through constant attempts that he can also exert this stimulation potential. Although the effect is not ideal, fortunately, he has seen a certain effect. Zuo Feng doesn't know if he has been affected by the use of it on himself.

If it has its limitations, perhaps it may be more effective if used on others.

He could only make a rough estimate of all this, after all, he couldn't use it on other people now. Through chatting during the past few days of detoxification, Zuo Feng learned that there was only one girl in the valley.

Of course, the girl did not deny that there were other people in the valley, but she refused to reveal anything about who else was there, including who built the valley. These are matters that involve relatively core secrets, so it is reasonable for the other party not to say anything.

Zhong, Zuo Feng is really hard to ask.

Now all the poisons have been eliminated, and the body has fully evolved under the influence of the ink. This is one of Zuo Feng's biggest gains from entering the valley this time.

Another important reason why it is said to be one of the harvests is that the girl gave him a lot of advice on his alchemy skills. When Zuo Feng met Yaoxun, he was still at the beginning stage of alchemy skills, or in other words, he was just getting started with the alchemy skills.

The refining medicine is still lingering at the door.

Yaoxun's guidance not only made Zuo Feng's medicine refining skills a qualitative leap, but also pointed out a direction for Zuo Feng in medicine refining.

This is like many people walking in the dark. Some people feel that if they are right, they will take fewer detours and hit fewer walls. Some people make mistakes at the beginning and may not be able to reach the highest level in their entire lives.

Zuo Feng was lucky enough to meet Yaoxun in the initial stage of practicing alchemy, so he was moving forward in a straight line at the fastest speed. In this way, those who are groping in the dark may have started much earlier than Zuo Feng.

, but was quickly overtaken by Zuo Feng, which of course included those who were defeated by Zuo Feng in the competition with Yao Zi.

Otherwise, how could a kid from the Yelin Empire have made it all the way to the finals?

However, Yao Xun's guidance was somewhat similar and directional, and could even be said to be a bit general. After all, a lot of things happened in Linshan County during that time, and neither Zuo Feng nor Yao Xun could sit down quietly to study and teach.

It's completely different in this mysterious valley. In addition to concentrating on healing wounds and expelling poison, Zuo Feng can be said to be devoted to learning alchemy. Perhaps because there is not much difference in alchemy between them, Zuo Feng accepts it very quickly.

, especially the use of various techniques and special refining methods were all Zuo Feng heard about for the first time.

Now Zuo Feng recalled what he had gained in the past four days, and even he couldn't help but feel that his trip was worthwhile. Of course, Zuo Feng also thought of his previous encounters again. It seemed that every danger and hardship was also accompanied by a great opportunity.

and benefits.

It seems that the more dangerous the encounter, the more you gain in the end when you survive it, and this time is no exception. This made Zuo Feng feel deeply, and at the same time, he also thought about the existence of something in this cycle.

Philosophy, it seems that this is also a rule that exists between heaven and earth.

Zuo Feng didn't know it himself. When he was thinking about these rules, his temperament and spiritual realm were quietly transforming. This change was from the simple body refining and qi refining stages to the higher spiritual refining stage.

It is a sign of progress in the early stage, but most warriors only notice these in the late stage of god refining, but due to various opportunities and insights, he has reached this step in the tendon tempering stage.

The things he had experienced with his own eyes appeared in his mind unconsciously, and his brain seemed to be running uncontrollably. Not only that, everything he had seen in the mind space also appeared at the same time. In fact, he

Everything seen in the mind space is a crucial part for Zuo Feng.

It's like people who have always lived in the sea don't know what a mountain looks like, and people who live in the mountains don't know what the sea looks like. They have never seen another completely different existence, and naturally they will not let their ideas extend wirelessly.

.This is also the reason why most warriors are restricted.

Because only when you reach the final stage of the Qi refining period, you will continue to condense the sea of ​​thoughts, resonate with the existence of thoughts and the rules of the universe, and start your own deduction and exploration.

Zuo Feng, however, directly skipped this step of those warriors, because he first formed the sea of ​​thoughts, and then began to comprehend. That means that he first understood the general situation of the road ahead, and then walked better than those who

Of course, people who don't understand the situation will have it much easier, but the road still has to be walked step by step.

Even if he is able to start exploring the power of rules at his age and stage, there is no one else who can study the laws of this continent.

Yao Qing didn't notice Zuo Feng's changes at first, but after she noticed it, she couldn't hide her emotions. For her, the shock Zuo Feng has given her these days is no longer the slightest bit, no matter her inner cultivation and strength.

, or the external combat power and physical strength, as well as the views and understanding of refining medicine and weapons, all made her feel a little difficult to accept.

Although Yao Qing lives in the valley and has left the valley very rarely since she was born, she is still very clear about the outside world. At least in terms of the Xuanwu Empire, what she knows is probably as good as anyone else.

A super family.

Just because he clearly understood this, she became more confident in her abilities and talents. In her opinion, the so-called geniuses in the Xuanwu Empire were not without them, but they were rare. But this young man appeared from nowhere.

, actually far above those geniuses in all aspects, and even have to admit that they are not as good as the other in some aspects.

This made her, who had always been very strong, very dissatisfied. Originally, she would not teach Zuo Feng much. She knew very well how valuable her medicine refining skills were, so naturally she would not teach them to anyone easily.

However, Zuo Feng had given her a lot of help in terms of cultivation and weapon refining. If she kept hiding things anymore, it would hurt her self-esteem. So she partly wanted to return the other person's favor, but on the other hand, she didn't want it.

Only receiving from the other party without giving anything would be unacceptable to her.

But she didn't know that most of Zuo Feng's knowledge about weapon refining came from the legendary weapon refining master, Qiong Lan. Since obtaining this weapon refining classic, Zuo Feng also spent some experience

He has done some research, but he is too busy with things to really start refining something. At most, he can just make the Flame Crystal Fire Thunder to be a little stronger.

Although Yao Qing is very talented and knowledgeable, she has never been able to master the Qionglan weapon refining technique in the prairie. She will naturally benefit a lot from this exchange.

She originally thought that she knew this young man very well, at least he had some understanding of his extraordinary abilities in all aspects. But now what she saw completely shocked her once again.

"What kind of monster is this kid? How could he have such an understanding? I have only seen this state in that old man. Even my uncle does not have such ability. Is this my misunderstanding? But this kind of

It feels so fresh and fresh, so I can’t mistake it.”

Looking at Zuo Feng's state at this time, Yao Qing murmured in disbelief. Although it had shocked her too much, this time she felt unreal for the first time.

From her perspective, there weren't many things in this world that could surprise her. The things Zuo Feng showed in the past were only slightly surprising, but this time it really made him lose his temper.

But she didn't know that this was not Zuo Feng's first realization. If she had known about it, she probably wouldn't have known how frightened she would be.

Time has not passed for too long, but almost an hour has passed. But for Zuo Feng, all this happened in just a moment. When he opened his eyes, a large amount of information seemed to be poured into his mind unconsciously.

There is still a faint tingling sensation.

Seeing Yao Qing's surprised expression, Zuo Feng vaguely guessed the reason for his gaffe, but it was hard to explain. Zuo Feng has always been tight-lipped about some of his own secrets, whether it was his physical evolution to be close to a World of Warcraft or his own telepathy.

All things are things that he cannot tell the other party truthfully.

Secretly showing a wry smile, Zuo Feng felt helpless in his heart. He had too many secrets. Even if he was always cautious, there would still be times when some problems would be exposed uncontrollably.

Putting away his emotions, Zuo Feng clasped his fists and saluted, "Thanks to the care of my hardworking girl these days, I have helped to get rid of the poison in my body. Now that the poison is gone, it's time to leave. I'd like to say goodbye."

This chapter has been completed!
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