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Chapter 977: Last resort

The strength of the third-level monsters is already comparable to that of warriors in the middle and late stages of tempering their muscles. Although the monsters at this level are not as physically terrifying as the monsters, some special parts that can release attacks are still very tough.

This mantis-like monster has a sword growing on its claws, which is its unique attack method. I don’t know what method it uses to practice, or it is a unique feature of this monster. The sword is burning in the fire.

There was no response at all.

If he wanted to refine a weapon through this beast's claw, then Zuo Feng might have no choice but to give up now, but fortunately, what he wanted to do was help the corpse puppet refine an arm.

According to his original idea, this beast's claw would shrink after being refined, and then adding some materials would make it stronger. Now it seems that it is no longer necessary to make it stronger, and shrinking it cannot be done.

Then we can only let the beast's arm, which is one size larger than the corpse puppet, be directly connected to the corpse puppet's shoulder.

The temperature of the corpse puppet's surface has completely dropped at this time. The film that originally wrapped the surface of its body has now completely solidified, becoming a carapace-like existence. Touching it lightly with your hands will give people a slippery feeling.


Zuo Feng was still very satisfied with the corpse puppet at this moment, but he was not sure what the current corpse puppet's combat effectiveness was, and he couldn't accurately judge what level of power and destructive power it had.

Zuo Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and sent out a trace of telepathy. The corpse puppet, which was originally like a wood carving and clay sculpture, suddenly opened its eyes. Those eyes full of the aura of death would make anyone who saw it for the first time feel a rush.


There is a soul needle stuck in the back of the corpse puppet's neck, but Zuo Feng does not need to pierce the soul needle into his body, he can directly release his telekinesis to link with the corpse puppet.

This method of controlling corpse puppets is also more convenient, and it does not require self-mutilation as before. However, there is also a weakness. Once the corpse puppet you control encounters a being with a stronger mental power than yourself, the corpse puppet will immediately become vulnerable.


Fortunately, Zuo Feng possesses the power of telepathy. Unless a strong man in the God Refining Stage seizes the control of the corpse puppet, ordinary warriors in the Qi Refining Stage simply cannot compete with him. If the supreme strongman in the God Refining Stage wants to deal with him, then

It's not as boring as snatching corpse puppets. You can kill yourself instantly by just taking action.

The corpse puppet's eyes suddenly widened, he raised his foot and slowly took a step forward. It seemed that his movements were still a little stiff. But when the foot hit the ground, the shoulder without an arm slightly poked forward.

, then twisted his body and suddenly raised his other arm and waved it towards the void.

Because this was the first time to control the corpse puppet without using the soul needle, Zuo Feng still needed to get used to it. After just a moment, Zuo Feng was able to figure out some of the tricks. When the corpse puppet swung out with a punch, it was already a little left.

What it looks like when the wind strikes.

The corpse puppet itself does not have the ability to move independently, and everything needs to be carried out by the controller. When ordinary puppet souls control a corpse puppet to fight, they themselves will be affected. This is because they do not have enough mental strength to do it completely.

The dual purpose of distraction.

Zuo Feng's mental power is strong enough, and he can naturally separate his consciousness, allowing the corpse puppet and his own actions to proceed independently. However, since the corpse puppet does not have its own consciousness, all actions are also controlled by the controller, that is,

Said that his actions are basically consistent with the controller's thoughts and behavior.

The move of the corpse puppet in front of him is also Zuo Feng's basic movement when using Yunlang Palm.


A deep sound, accompanied by slight vibrations that tore the air, and a punch that was as fast as a meteor and lightning was swung out.


Watching the punch punching into the air, the muffled sound that made one's teeth feel a little bit sore, also made Zuo Feng stunned for a moment. From a pure point of view of strength and speed, Zhi Puppet's punch had already surpassed Zuo Feng's.

Strength, if judged by the strength of a warrior, should have reached the level of the late stage of tempering.

Although he was not completely sure in his heart, this had already made Zuo Feng very excited. He looked at the three corpse puppets again and became very excited. Zuo Feng touched his chin and thought. It seemed that these three corpses had been re-refined.

Puppet, it should be possible to give those people in the red group a big surprise.

If the corpse puppet is only in the early stage of tendon tempering, then it may not be able to exert much combat effectiveness when faced with the siege of the Red Regiment, and may even become a burden to itself. But now that it has been refined, the situation is completely different.

The three corpse puppets will definitely play a huge role.

When looking at the three corpse puppets, Zuo Feng had a vague idea in his mind, but after thinking for a moment, he put the idea aside temporarily. At this time, the end of the beast arm had been heated to the final stage.

The flesh and bones of the beast's arm are slightly deformed.

The sword at the front of this beast's arm cannot be refined with flames, but the end can still be roasted to achieve the desired effect.

Zuo Feng then began to put some special materials into the tripod, including the sinews and bones of the monsters, as well as many materials to enhance flexibility.

This beast arm needs to be connected to the corpse puppet. The location of the interface is where the joint is. The strength is secondary, but the flexibility must be as large as possible so that it can flexibly launch various attacks.

After the materials were processed, Zuo Feng began to carefully heat the broken arm of the corpse puppet in the last step. The corpse puppet had just been re-refined, and Zuo Feng had to be careful not to cause damage to its newly condensed body.

Half an hour later, Zuo Feng gently wiped the sweat off his head. There was a trace of fatigue on both sides of the handsome man, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Looking at the beast arm that had just been connected to the corpse puppet, the sword at the front of the beast arm was almost dragged to the ground, but thinking about the way it looked when wielding the sword to chop, Zuo Feng could not hold back a cruel smile.

The continuous process of refining the fire thunder and re-tempering the corpse puppet was a bit overwhelming even for Zuo Feng's huge mental power. Fortunately, he only used his mental power to avoid using it, and he could adjust after recovering.

Medicines for restoring mental power are relatively rare. The old man surnamed Ni didn't know if he saw something. Among the medicines he handed over to Zuo Feng through Yao Qiu'er was a bottle of medium-grade divine refining liquid. Although it was only a medium-grade medicine.

The product exists, but even if such a small bottle of medicinal liquid to restore mental strength is placed outside, people will scramble for it like crazy.

People who practice medicine refining and weapon refining will consume a lot of mental power. If they wait for their mental power to recover slowly, the process will still be slow. If you have such a bottle of medicine, you can greatly improve these.

The speed of a person's refining can also help him improve his ability to refine items in a short period of time.

Zuo Feng did not waste too much. He just took a dozen drops of medicine to restore his telekinesis to a certain extent. Although he could not return to his peak state, but Zuo Feng's transformation was not completely completed at this time, it was

Able to recover in a short period of time.

The transformation of Nahai and Nianhai has basically been completed, and the transformation of the body has reached the final stage. Everything is almost stable. The only thing that is still slowly improving is the mental power and spiritual power. The fullness of spiritual power has almost reached the point where Zuo Feng's cultivation level is reached.

critical point.

It's just that for Zuo Feng, his cultivation level has improved too quickly now. He has to stabilize his cultivation level first and never dare to rashly increase his cultivation level by another level.

His mental power can be allowed to improve on his own. While he is consuming his mental power, threads of thought are still slowly condensing in the sea of ​​thoughts.

After Zuo Feng adjusted his breath for a while, he showed a pensive expression again. He had just had an idea, which was also an idea that came up accidentally during the process of refining the weapon.

Sometimes an idea flashes through my mind at this moment. If I can't catch it, I'm afraid I will forget the idea after a while.

Fortunately, Zuo Feng still remembered what the thought had just occurred to him, so after sorting out his thoughts, he suddenly raised his head and looked around.

He now thought of something, but whether it could be realized depended on a very special material. Zuo Feng didn't know if it existed here, so he immediately started looking for it in the stone chamber.

This stone room may not be big, but it is really not small, especially since various materials and ores are scattered in the room. If you want to find an item, you must carefully identify it.

Zuo Feng searched very carefully, regardless of how long he stayed here. When he came to a corner, a dozen walnut-shaped stones fell into Zuo Feng's eyes.

Zuo Feng was stunned for a moment, then focused his eyes on the rocks. He picked one up and smashed it against the prison lock on his arm.

After a crisp sound, the walnut laughing stone shattered, revealing the dark green crystal stone inside. This crystal stone looks very ordinary, neither can it release light like the aura stone, nor is it different from the craftsmanship

The emerald green jade in the jade bottle was so transparent, but when Zuo Feng saw these crystals, his eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

"Trapped Spirit Stone, there really is such a strange thing here."

Zuo Feng muttered to himself, but because of his previous roar, his voice sounded very hoarse now, especially when he laughed a few times at the end, it seemed a bit sinister.

The trapped spirit stone is a very rare material. It is mainly able to absorb spiritual energy. It is a special ore that stores spiritual energy. Because the stored spiritual energy is the spiritual power refined by the warrior himself, he can usually use it to store spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy is stored in it and can be directly extracted and used when the battle consumes a lot of money.

This is easier to use than some recovery liquids and pills, and the recovery effect is more obvious. However, the number of times this ore can be used will be limited. Each time it is accessed, the amount of spiritual energy that can be stored in it will be reduced. After three or five times,

It is almost impossible to store spiritual power.

In addition, this kind of material is expensive, so most people don't own it, and even if they do, they won't use it easily. But the excited look in Zuo Feng's eyes clearly said, "Even if it is a one-time consumption, it is enough."


This was the last resort Zuo Feng thought of, and it was also the trump card he left for the Red Tuan people.

This chapter has been completed!
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