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Chapter 206 King Qin

Jin Yongxiu became the emperor's master and went to the capital to let the young emperor perform the apprenticeship ceremony on him.

According to the information sent by Lu Wei's spies in Beijing, Jin Yongxiu's attitude was extremely arrogant in front of the young emperor and the queen mother. He even wanted the emperor to kneel down as a disciple, but the prime minister and other important cabinet officials refused with tears.

What a joke, the emperor wants to kneel to him, then what has become of him? Do all the ministers of the court want to kneel together?

"Bringing the wolf into the house." Zhang Yuqing commented disdainfully.

Zhang Yuying wanted to find someone to rely on, but she found that this person wanted to devour their orphans and widowed mother.

Jin Yongxiu was naturally not satisfied with being a nominal emperor's master. After holding the apprenticeship ceremony, he issued an edict in the name of the emperor. First, he formulated a plan that stipulated the private soldiers that vassal kings in various places could raise according to their rank.

If the number exceeds this number, the extra troops will be handed over to the court.

The vassal kings from all over the country were in a rage, but the King of Jiangxia, the King of Yanzhou and others were happy to mention that the whole family had fun not long ago, so the vassal kings were waiting and watching. After all, it would take some time to count the number of soldiers and horses, and it would take some time to report.

Overreporting and underreporting, the vassal king himself has the final say. How can Jin Yongxiu go to the fiefdoms of various vassals to count heads?

Three months after the edict was issued, Jin Yongxiu found that the results were minimal. The memorials reported by the feudal kings were all said to be poor masters, saying that they had no soldiers.

Jin Yongxiu did not expect that his first attempt to coerce the emperor to order the princes would fail. He was extremely unwilling and sent imperial ministers in the name of the emperor to inspect the fiefdoms of the feudal princes. However, some of the officials who inspected reported back that the quantity reported by the prince was true.

, some officials simply disappeared when they arrived at the fiefdom. It is not known whether they ran away or were stabbed.

In short, the matter of tracking down the feudal king's private soldiers has become a complete joke.

The vassal kings were all descendants of the royal family and could not be easily moved. What about the feudal officials? They couldn't and couldn't be moved! When Jin Yongxiu was angry, he set his sights on Liangzhou, which was now in the limelight.

Everyone in Daxia now knows that Lu Wei, the ruler of Liangzhou, and his Qilin Empress have made a magic medicine that can prevent smallpox. As long as you dip a needle in the magic medicine and tap it on your shoulder a few times, you will never get it again in your life.

Horrible smallpox, and free of charge.

The rich hired people from the escort agency to escort them to Liangzhou, while the poor went to Liangzhou together with their children. Liangzhou has become a holy place in the hearts of the people of Daxia. The Qilin Empress is the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva and will accumulate merit in the next world.

The better the reputations of Lu Wei and Zhang Yuqing, the more dissatisfied Jin Yongxiu is, because he is Lu Wei's control group. The better Lu Wei's reputation is, the worse his reputation will be.

Jin Yongxiu firmly believes that people who want to gain fame among the people since ancient times are not good people and are all hypocrites. Lu Wei pretends to be a sage and gentleman on the surface, but in fact he is preparing to seize the throne.

Why? He is a real villain and Lu Wei is a hypocrite. How can Lu Wei be better than him?

Lu Wei just wants to step on him and get the upper hand! He is very evil and his heart is to be punished!

In the blink of an eye, it was summer again, and the harvest season came again in Jingzhou where Jin Yongxiu was stationed.

After scraping the people's newly harvested summer grain, Jin Yongxiu felt that the granary was full, his back was straight, and he had the confidence to fight Lu Weiyi.

Jin Yongxiu simply issued an imperial edict on behalf of the young emperor, asking Lu Wei to hand over the taxes from Liangzhou in the past two years to the state treasury. He thoughtfully stated in the edict that considering that Lu Wei and his wife had to raise children, he did not want anything.

More, just fifty million taels!

Lu Wei has money and soldiers, and is a leader among heroes. As long as he can deal with Lu Wei and take over Lu Wei's money and soldiers, who else can compete with him? The world will most likely belong to him.

When the imperial edict arrived, the angel read it with two tremors, trembling to the point of losing his voice. He was so afraid that Lu Wei would burst out and split him in half.

Jin Yongxiu really dared to ask for fifty million taels!

After reading it out, Angel was already covered in cold sweat and his face was pale. He looked around at the Liangzhou officials who were glaring at him. He didn't expect Lu Wei to accept the edict anymore. He put the edict on the chair nearest to him and pushed it in the direction of Lu Wei.


"Excuse me, I still have something to do. Let's go first!" Angel swallowed and said in horror.

Lu Wei waved his hands with a sullen face, and the angel fled.

The governor Shan Fangqiu's legs were shaking worse than an angel. He was an official appointed by the imperial court, and the rest were promoted by Lu Wei. He was afraid that if Lu Wei rebelled, he would be the first to kill him.


It's a pity that he is old and may not live to beg for his remains.

The angry voices of the Liangzhou officers could tear off the roof.

Not to mention the huge cost of raising and training soldiers. The expenses provided by the court were a drop in the bucket. It cost 50 million taels of tax money in one breath. This was a clear attempt to force Lu Wei to rebel.

What Emperor Anping didn't dare to do when he was alive, Jin Yongxiu made his dream come true.

Liangzhou has money, but it doesn't have that much money, and this money cannot be given to the court.

There is no need to discuss at all, this is a tacit decision made by everyone in Liangzhou.

At this time, King Chenliu of Sizhou sent a personal letter, asking Lu Wei to visit Hanzhong at the junction of Sizhou, Liangzhou and Yizhou.

At the same time as King Chenliu, there were also King Bajun of Yizhou, King Taiyuan of Bingzhou, King Handan of Jizhou and others.

The scene can be described as grand.

This was a meeting in Hanzhong that would be recorded in the history of later generations. It had only one theme. King Chen Liu wanted to bring everyone, mainly Lu Wei, together to attack Jin Yongxiu.

Jin Yongxiu insisted on cutting off the vassal. They didn't want to be cut off, so they had no choice but to start a rebellion. Lu Wei was the strongest among the powerful, and Jin Yongxiu was very knowledgeable and stared at Lu Wei and wanted to pluck out his hair. He was their common enemy.

The right time, right place, and harmony, as long as Lu Wei can be brought together to start a rebellion, success in killing Jin Yongxiu is expected.

After Lu Wei came back from Hanzhong, he immediately organized his troops and led two hundred thousand of the most elite cavalry, each with two horses, all covered in fine steel and black armor, ready to attack the capital.

King Chenliu and other vassal kings took the lead and wrote a proclamation to the world in their capacity as clan members, pointing out by name that the Daxia Dynasty had produced a once-in-a-millennium traitor, Jin Yongxiu, and listed nearly a hundred major crimes. If this thief was not eliminated,

, Daxia Guozuo has come to an end here.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As ministers and members of the clan, it is their duty to lead troops to the capital to serve the king.

When the memorandum came into Zhang Yuqing's hands, Zhang Yuqing read it carefully and felt that it was quite reasonable. At least the hundreds of accusations against Jin Yongxiu were true and they did not constitute an unjust accusation against him.

Not for the imperial power, but for the common people in the world, we should unite our troops to deal with Jin Yongxiu.

When such people gain power, how can ordinary people survive?

Blood letters written by the county prince who was under house arrest in the capital were also circulated, accusing Jin Yongxiu of trampling on imperial power, defying the emperor, acting arbitrarily and other crimes, and begged all the vassals to come to the capital to rescue the emperor.

The day before Lu Wei left for the expedition, Duanshu went to talk to him.

Seeing Lu Wei put a scroll in his luggage and wrapped it in clothes, looking like he was too precious, Duan Shu curiously picked it up and unfolded it, and immediately frowned.

"What is this?" Duan Shu asked in disgust.

Lu Wei thought about it and said, "It's just a painting..."

Duan Shu brought the painting closer and looked up, down, left, and right for a long time, "What's weird about this painting? Is it a monster?"

The eyes take up half of the face. What is it if it’s not a monster?

Just at this time, Zhang Yuqing opened the curtain and entered the room.

Lu Wei quickly took the scroll back from Duan Shu, rolled it up carefully and put it in his luggage, saying, "What's so strange? I just like this!"

Duan Shu was stunned, "What are you talking about? Wei'er, your calligraphy and painting have been taught by famous teachers since you were a child. Can't you tell what is beautiful and what is ugly?"

Seeing Zhang Yuqing's half-smiling look, Lu Wei's scalp felt numb and he asked, "Mother, why did you come to see me?"

"That thing..." Duan Shu pointed at the painting with a scroll head exposed in the luggage, and wanted to say something, but Lu Wei pulled her out, "Qingqing, I'm going to talk to my mother!"

Zhang Yuqing watched the mother and son leave the room. She picked up the scroll and unfolded it. Inside was a cartoon image of herself and Lu Wei's family of five. If Lu Wei hadn't pestered her and insisted that she give him something to relieve the pain of lovesickness,

She doesn't bother painting!

"It's very beautiful, what's weird about it!" Zhang Yuqing thought of Lu Wei's clingy look when he held her in his arms and asked her for something. He couldn't help but curled up his lips, rolled up the picture, and put it back in his bag.

Duan Shu's worried voice sounded outside the window, "We only brought 200,000 people. Isn't that too little? I heard that Jin Yongxiu sent all the troops stationed in Jingzhou to the capital."

This is basically a fight to the death.

Jin Yongxiu was also a genius in military warfare. Together with Lu Wei, he was known as Beilu Nanjin, and he was ruthless and poisonous.

Lu Wei said: "Two hundred thousand are elite cavalry. Even if they encounter the Imperial Guard, one can defeat ten. Besides, we are not the only ones sending troops from Liangzhou this time."

Early on the day of the expedition, Lu Wei woke up from his dream and sat up.

There is so much talent out there.

After waking up, Lu Wei suddenly looked to the side and saw that Zhang Yuqing was still there. He breathed a sigh of relief, lay down and hugged Zhang Yuqing.

In the dream, Zhang Yuqing looked beautiful and charming in a bright red brocade robe, but the eyes looking at him were cold and ruthless, leaving only a silhouette of him leaving decisively.

Zhang Yuqing woke up, turned over and hugged Lu Wei, and asked, "Is it time to get up?"

Before Lu Wei could speak, Fang Mo shouted from outside: "Sir, it's time to get up."

Zhang Yuqing immediately said: "I understand."

Lu Wei recalled Zhang Yuqing's cold and distant glance in his dream, and still felt a little palpitated. He hugged Zhang Yuqing tightly and kissed her deeply on the forehead.

Zhang Yuqing pushed Lu Wei, "Get up, don't miss the time!"

Lu Wei thought that he would not be able to see Zhang Yuqing in the next few months or even a year. He hugged Wenxiang Nephrite and was reluctant to let go. He complained half-truth and half-falsely: "Qingqing is so cruel, she even urged me to leave."


Zhang Yuqing whispered: "Then what do you want?"

Lu Wei remained silent and looked at Zhang Yuqing with a smile in his amber eyes.

Zhang Yuqing had no choice but to put her arms around Lu Wei's neck, and took the initiative to kiss Lu Wei's cheek, her red lips parting at the touch.

"This is too perfunctory!" Lu Wei was immediately dissatisfied, "Do I usually kiss you like this? In your heart..."

Zhang Yuqing is afraid of him. This guy has a persecutory delusion. He always feels that she doesn't love him, and the slightest trouble can make him sick to no end.

Zhang Yuqing kissed Lu Wei's lips again, and Lu Wei immediately turned his back and clasped the back of Zhang Yuqing's head with his hand. Zhang Yuqing almost suffocated from the kiss.

The dreams were all fake and the opposite. Lu Wei hugged Zhang Yuqing tightly.

Anyone could leave him, but Zhang Yuqing would not.

This chapter has been completed!
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