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Chapter 82 The First Business

 There was a dim soybean oil lamp burning in the room, and everyone was asleep.

Lu Wei turned his back to the door, his eyes fell on Zhang Yuqing's spread skirt, his eyes and expression hidden in the darkness.

After a long time, Lu Wei slowly stretched out his hand and gently closed Zhang Yuqing's loose clothes to block the beautiful spring light. Then he silently picked up the quilt and gently covered Zhang Yuqing.

It was windy and rainy outside, and the temperature was cool. However, after Lu Wei came out of Zhang Yuqing's house, he walked to the well in the courtyard without saying a word, picked up a bucket of cold water, and poured it down from the beginning.

Early the next morning, the rain had stopped, and the guards living in the front yard complained to the clerk that the house was leaking.

Lu Weizheng was worried that he could not explain why he, who was supposed to live in the main room with Zhang Yuqing, knew that the west wing was leaking, so he took the opportunity to say: "It rained last night and I went to look at several rooms in the backyard, and there was also a leak in one room."

Fang Qin glanced at his master and smiled with a smile.

The secretary, who was very old and had gray hair, said worriedly: "I'm not treating you nobles indifferently, but I really don't have the money to repair it! The superiors haven't allocated any money for four or five years! I really can't help it!"

"How did the former Dusi live?" Zhang Yuqing asked.

The clerk said: "The gentleman in front rented another house outside and has never lived here."

Lu Wei frowned. Dusi was a fourth-grade official and the highest-ranking person in Baochuan. Dusi's mansion had no money to repair it. What would the army be like?

One of the guards didn't believe what the old man said and asked, "Did you use the money allocated by the superiors? The Dusi Mansion is so dilapidated and has no money to repair it. Who would believe it?"

The secretary became anxious and swore to Lu Wei that if he took an extra penny from the official family, he would suffer a terrible death. Then he pointed in the direction of the military camp and shouted: "There is really no money, all soldiers are here."

I haven’t been paid for three months! I have to eat porridge every day! The horses are so hungry that they can’t run! If you don’t believe me, just ask in the military camp and you will know.”

Lu Wei nodded, "Go down!"

Fang Mo was shocked, "Sir, what should we do?"

If you don't get paid as a soldier, how can you live on? If you continue to default on arrears, any contradiction will trigger a mutiny among the soldiers. At that time, the commander Lu Wei will either be killed by the angry soldiers or beheaded by the emperor.

Lu Wei made a prompt decision and divided the nearly twenty guards he brought with him into ten. He Qi stayed behind to protect Zhang Yuqing. He took Fang Mo, Fang Qin and the remaining guards to the military camp.

The secretary stood at the door of the Dusi Mansion. Seeing Lu Wei and the others leading their horses to leave, he quickly said: "Sir, it's your first day on your new job. Why don't you go to Liangzhou City to meet with the Governor?"

Lu Wei got on his horse and said briefly: "We'll talk tomorrow." With his legs tucked under the horse's belly, a group of horses galloped and disappeared into the distance.

Zhang Yuqing and Wang Chunniang packed their luggage in the house, went to the street to buy firewood, rice, oil and salt, and asked the secretary to find someone to send tiles and straw.

The kitchen had not been used for many years, and ashes were caked on the stove. Ten guards, He Qi, and two women worked hard all day. From morning to night, everyone's face was covered with black ash. Finally, the roof was patched.

Once again, everything was scrubbed and cleaned until it was habitable.

In the afternoon, Wang Chunniang prepared a meal and everyone ate it, but Lu Wei and the others had not come back yet.

Wang Chunniang suggested that Zhang Yuqing go and deliver food to Lu Wei.

"The military camp is such an important place. How can I, an outsider, go in? Besides, there are kitchens in the military camp. No one can be as hungry as he is, Mr. Du Si!" Zhang Yuqing refused immediately. She had been busy all day, and now she just wanted to lie down and not feed Lu Wei.


Wang Chunniang hated the iron, "Are you stupid? When you go to deliver food, is the food the most important thing? The most important thing is to let Mr. Lu see how much you care for him!"

Zhang Yuqing sneered, what does she care about Lu Wei? She hopes that Lu Wei will ascend to heaven soon, and she will be promoted to the status of a widow, so that she will not see Lu Wei and Zhang Yuying hugging each other and quarreling with her a few years later!

Wang Chunniang nodded hard on Zhang Yuqing's forehead and cursed: "You are already married to Mr. Lu, and you still shut him out every day. What kind of wife is like you? You still treat him with a nose that is not your nose, and an eye that is not your eyes."

! Mr. Lu is a good person and has tolerated your bad temper! Try another man!"

Zhang Yuqing was staggered and said angrily: "Can you understand what I say? In fact, he has Zhang Yuying in his heart. He is forced to marry me. Now that I stay away from him, he is eager to stay away!"

Wang Chunniang, who had been struggling to survive for the past twenty years, said she couldn't understand that when a man and a woman are together, isn't it just to have children and live a happy life? As for who is in your heart, does it matter? Thinking about this every day is obviously boring and full of food.


"Isn't that all in the past? Now he and you are husband and wife!" Wang Chunniang said, "He likes Miss Yuying like that, so just follow Miss Yuying and learn more, and recite a few poems if you have nothing to do.

Draw a picture and speak softly and pitifully, men will do this! Don't act like a tigress all day long!"

Zhang Yuqing looked pained, picked up the food box prepared by Wang Chunniang and ran out in a hurry.

Wang Chunniang's voice came from inside the house, "In two years, you will have many children, and he will only care about you and the children. He has long forgotten who Zhang Yuying is!"

"Then you marry He Qi first! Wait until two years later when you two have children together, then come and teach me a lesson!" Zhang Yuqing said nothing and called the guards to take her to the military camp.

After getting on the carriage to the military camp, Zhang Yuqing held her chin and snorted coldly, asking her to imitate Zhang Yuying's green tea? What a joke!

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

The military camp was not far from the Dusi Mansion. When the carriage arrived, the guard driving the carriage said something to the soldier guarding the door. A soldier ran to the camp. Not long after, Fang Mo ran over and led the carriage to Lu Wei.


When he was approaching the capital's camp, Zhang Yuqing saw a group of armored officers coming out of the camp, all of them looking angry and noisy.

Zhang Yuqing hid in the carriage and waited until the others were gone before getting out of the carriage.

Lu Wei was sitting in front of the case, flipping through official documents, frowning so hard that he could kill a group of flies. He was telling Fang Qin that he should eat a big pot of rice with the soldiers. He would eat whatever the soldiers ate. If he didn't do anything special, he wouldn't give him anything else.

Prepare meals.

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At this moment, Zhang Yuqing took the food box and opened the curtain of the tent. After hearing this, he stood there, wondering whether he should go in or not.

Fang Mo smiled heartlessly behind Zhang Yuqing and said, "Sir, Madam is here to bring you food!"

Lu Wei hurriedly stood up and took the food box from Zhang Yuqing's hand. Seeing Zhang Yuqing's embarrassed expression, he said naturally: "Thank you for your hard work. I happen to be hungry."

Fang Qin's face was numb, and she smiled again.

Zhang Yuqing made up his mind that just for once, he would never send food to Lu Wei again!

While Lu Wei was eating, Zhang Yuqing asked: "There are many people at the door, what's going on?"

Lu Wei handed Zhang Yuqing the document he was reading just now.

The document seems to have been written not long ago, and the ink is still wet.

Zhang Yuqing read ten lines at a glance and put down the document silently. The case was very simple. The army wanted to expand the racecourse. The house of a family member happened to be near the racecourse, but the officer in charge drove them away and demolished their house without giving them a penny.

Money compensation.

The family's eldest son went to the military officer to argue with him and was severely beaten. He died that night after being brought home.

The second son of the family was so angry that he ambush the officer on his way home, disguised as a watermelon vendor, and sent the officer to heaven with a few blows. He was then taken to the military camp and executed according to crime.

Zhang Yuqing sighed, people must be compensated for occupying their space, but if everything is compensated, how can the officials in the military camp make money?

Not to mention that there has been no pay for three months, and those officials are still ruthlessly slapping the common people!

"Was this just reviewed today, or was it reviewed before and copied again?" Zhang Yuqing shook a few pages in his hand.

Fang Qin said: "The previous file only stated that this person assassinated an officer, and did not specify anything else. Today, your Excellency mentioned the criminal for a new trial."

"It should be like this. Only when there is a cause, there will be an effect." Zhang Yuqing nodded and said.

Lu Wei smiled and said: "What do you think?"

"Although he is guilty, he will not die, but it would be better if he could get a lighter sentence. In the past, the people who tried the case did not ask the reason, but only the result and sentenced the prisoner harshly. It was really inappropriate," Zhang Yuqing said.

Fang Qin said: "But the other officials in the military camp didn't think so. The group of people just argued with the young master, saying that the killing was a fact, and no matter how many reasons there were, they couldn't kill! They should have complained to the officials from the beginning, rather than killing people out of spite.

.If everyone is like him and kills people when there is a dispute, wouldn’t the world be in chaos! If there is no harsh sentence, how can we serve as a warning to others?”

"Sue the official?" Zhang Yuqing shook his head, "Is it useful to sue the official? Doesn't he know that he can't escape the death penalty even if he kills someone? He will kill someone even if he is willing to die. Isn't it just justice and there is no place to appeal?"

How could a farmer who has only used a hoe in his life pick up a knife to kill someone without being forced into a corner?

Fang Mo hurriedly said: "Madam is right, those officials who are in office protect each other, even if they file a lawsuit, there will be no results!"

Fang Qin smiled, "Now is not the time to argue about fairness and justice!"

Zhang Yuqing felt extremely uncomfortable when she saw Fang Qin's smile, as if Fang Qin was laughing at her innocence and ignorance, with contempt and contempt hidden under her kind smile.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first." Zhang Yuqing lowered his eyes and stood up.

This is an official matter, and Lu Wei may not be willing to see her, a fake wife who was forced to get married, open her mouth to speak.

Fang Qin knew that Zhang Yuqing was annoyed by what he said just now, and immediately said: "Madam, I don't know. The young master has just arrived. If he intervenes forcefully, overturns the original trial result, and goes against those old oil men who have been entrenched in Baochuan for many years, I'm afraid that

It will be detrimental to the future of the young master."

"Let's go back together." Lu Wei stood up and said to Zhang Yuqing, then looked at Fang Qin and shook his head, and said coldly: "Although your concerns are reasonable, I asked them for their opinions to test them, but are they not testing me?

Fang Qin lowered his head.

Lu Wei put his hands behind his back, "This case is the first official business I have handled in Baochuan. If I am at their mercy and under their control, won't I have to obey them in everything in the future?"

This chapter has been completed!
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