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Chapter 249 New service law (2)

In the Song Dynasty, female households and single households, like monks and Taoists, were the targets of discrimination by the government.

Because these people all have one characteristic in common - they cannot reproduce for the country.

Naturally, he will be hit hard!

This was especially true after Wang Anshi’s political reform.

Now, Han Jiang is also interested in these people.

Zhao Xu would not stop him.

After all, these people are also very annoying to Zhao Xu.

They are neither willing to remarry nor start a family, and some even become monks, Taoists, nuns...

Do not increase taxes on these people and force them to remarry, start a family, and establish a career.

Isn’t this Song Dynasty a pill?

However, these words cannot be said.

Especially not in front of the two palaces!

The reason is very simple, it involves monks and Taoists, and the two palaces worship Buddhism.

Therefore, Zhao Xu said: "My mother-in-law, my mother-in-law, judging from my son, although Xianggong Han's regulations will increase taxes on female households, single men and monks, it is not much..."

"The salary for a fifth-class household or below is only a few hundred cents a year..."

"After halving, the amount allocated to female households, single households, and monks will only be two to three hundred cash per year..."

This is the truth, but it is also a lie.

Because, one household is indeed like this, but how many fifth-class households are there in total in a county?

After all, there are probably two to three hundred households!

The total number of female households, singles, monks and Taoists in this county is definitely far less than that of fifth-class households.

What's more, Han Jiang also halved the service fee for rural households with third-class or above status, but with less than 20 acres of land and less than two sons.

In this way, the labor money spread on the heads of female households, monks and Taoists, etc., may be a bit too much.

But, what does this have to do with anything?

Rich people can definitely afford it.

If you can't afford it, then remarry, get married, and return to secular life!

Anyway, it is better to let these people cry than to let the fifth-class households cry.

This is also the case for those who can do it!

The mathematics of both palaces are not very good, and they are also far away from the folk.

How do you know the twists and turns in this?

Seeing that Zhao Xu was serious about what he said, and feeling that it did make sense, he nodded.

"As for the remaining money..." the Empress Dowager asked, "Does the official family have any ideas?"

In addition to reforming the collection of labor law, Han Jiang's Labor Law Regulations also reformed the labor law collection.

All the labor money (exemption money) for households below the third level in rural areas and the fifth level in cities was levied in half, and the burden of these people was passed on to female households, singles, and monks.

The most important change is to increase the amount of local government surplus money.

Needless to say, this touched the sensitive nerves of both houses.

Because even if the two palaces live in a deep palace, they don't know the sufferings of the people.

But they must know what the foundation of the Song Dynasty was.

Strengthen the trunk and weaken the branches, centralize power!

However, easing surplus money was a supporting policy to increase local financial supply during Wang Anshi's reform.

In other words, it was a carrot used by Wang Anshi to bribe local grassroots officials and promote new laws.

Now, Han Jiang's draft regulations have further increased the amount of leftover money for local leniency.

The two palaces were naturally very afraid of this.

Because this may shake the entire financial system of the Song Dynasty!

In Zhao Xu's previous life, he once ruled the world and held great power. Of course he understood what the two palaces were worried about?

Therefore, after he pondered for a moment, he said: "Mother, Sun Chen thinks that what Mr. Han said is reasonable..."

"I recently attended a sutra banquet at Jiying Hall, and the gentlemen also talked about the financial system of our ancestors..."

"This is a strategy of strengthening the trunks and weak branches to stabilize the world and eliminate the disasters of feudal towns!"

The two palaces listened and nodded with smiles.

"What the officials are saying is..." The Empress Dowager even said: "This is the ancestral system. Back then, Cisheng Guangxian and Yingmiao both warned me and the late emperor..."

"The disaster of the five dynasties was not only caused by arrogant soldiers and strong generals, but also caused by local finances and taxes being too heavy and not listening to the orders of the central government!"

After the mid-Tang Dynasty, vassal towns were divided into separate regimes.

It is not only the army that is divided, but also local finance and taxation!

The obedient feudal town would regularly pay tribute to Chang'an and send money, goods and food.

If you are not very respectful, it depends on your mood.

The most disrespectful ones just kept talking to themselves behind closed doors.

Each feudal town is an independent economic circle.

Let alone the fifth generation!

Therefore, after the establishment of the Song Dynasty, in view of the disaster of vassal towns and the lessons of strong local forces, centralization of power began.

Therefore, in the Song Dynasty, not only all the military command, but also the mobilization and listening center.

All fiscal revenue also goes to the central government!

Local autonomy is compressed to the limit.

"What the empress said is..." Empress Dowager Xiang agreed.

Zhao Xu nodded: "What the mother-in-law said is true. This is where the wisdom of our ancestors lies! The gentlemen in Jiying Hall also praised it a lot..."

"It's just..." Zhao Xu looked at the expressions of the two palaces and said, "My grandson thinks that everything that goes too far is not enough!"

"These days, Sun Chen often consults with Master Fan (Fan Chunren), Lu Shitao (Lu Dafang) and other gentlemen at the Sutra banquet about local affairs..."

"It is said that the disadvantages of local areas are that they have little money and are difficult to deal with..."

"Especially small things, trivial matters, often due to lack of money, cannot be done... we can only sit back and watch them gradually deteriorate!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Xu sighed: "Therefore, Sun Chen thought that Han Xianggong had also considered this..."

"If you want to ask the local government to have more money to do things, you don't have to discuss everything with the court."

When the two palaces heard this, they were also somewhat relieved.

But they were still worried.

After all, if a local government has more money, it may be able to get rid of the central government and do its own thing.

This is the lesson of the Tang Dynasty!

Why can An Lushan rebel? Because he has military power on his left hand and financial power on his right hand.

So, he said to the Queen Mother: "My mother-in-law and I are both worried that the local power is too big and it will be difficult to control it in the future!"

Zhao Xu smiled and said: "This matter is easy to handle. Let's set a rule and stipulate that these new funds can only be used for trivial matters, small things, and can only be used for repairs..."

"For example, in a battle of twenty or thirty people, anything beyond this limit can only be decided by the central committee!"

The two palaces listened and felt that it made sense.

Zhao Xu took the opportunity to continue to persuade: "Besides, it's just a trial run in Kaifeng Mansion."

"If there is any inconvenience within the capital, we will make adjustments immediately!"

The two palaces were finally convinced.

The Empress Dowager said: "Let's see the results!"


Han Jiang stood in the garden behind the imperial hall.

Looking at the yellowing and withering vegetation in the garden, he felt a little uneasy.

Does he know what he is challenging?

But he had to do it.

Decades of official career and experience in local circulation made Han Jiang very clear that to serve as an official in the Song Dynasty, except for the elders and important ministers.

Most people find it extremely difficult to do anything they want to do.

Therefore, Wang Anshi's reform had to include a policy of lenient surplus money in conjunction with the exemption law and the exemption law.

This policy is what Han Jiang appreciates the most.

It is also the most praised by the local area.

Because the extra money can really solve the urgent needs of the local area.

"You Kui is in the Two Palaces of Worry and Worry?" Zhang Dun appeared next to Han Jiang at some unknown time.

Han Jiang didn't say anything, which was naturally his acquiescence.

Zhang Dun chuckled and said, "I think Youkui doesn't have to worry..."

"The emperor will definitely speak favorably for Xianggong's regulations!"

Han Jiang turned around, looked at Zhang Dun, and said for a long time: "Don't Zihou know how long Wang Jiefu had to persuade the late emperor for this leftover money?"

For local governments, an increase in leftover funds is certainly a good thing.

Not only can local officials do more, it can also make their political performance better.

But that may not be the case for the Emperor.

With more money left, local governments will be less dependent on the central government.

For the officials of the Song Dynasty, this was almost the same as killing them.

It was Wang Anshi who persuaded the late emperor with his earnest words.

Now, the two palaces are in charge of politics, and the emperor is young and in conflict.

Han Jiang was really worried that the two palaces would reject his proposal out of ancestral system.

But increasing the leftover money is Han Zihua's most important political ambition.

Otherwise, why would he come to Bianjing to wade through this muddy water?

Isn’t it good to enjoy life in Luoyang?

Zhang Dun chuckled twice and said: "Does Youkui think that after so many days of reviewing the military law, the emperor has not heard about Youkui's idea of ​​increasing the remaining money for leniency?"

"Since the emperor didn't object immediately, he didn't even comment a word..."

Zhang Dun smiled: "That means the emperor supports Youkui!"

Han Jiang's eyes lit up as she listened.


The emperor controls the Detective Department. This is now a secret that everyone in the capital knows, but no one is willing to reveal it, let alone tell it.

After all, the "Bianjing New News" used Shen Kuo's movable type printing, so the ink was made by Ouchi.

Even the usual issuance is done at the Dyeing Institute in Xincheng - and next to the Dyeing Institute is the Bureau that specializes in manufacturing weapons.


Why would the emperor support increasing the proportion of leftover money in local governments?

Even if he was gifted with talent by nature, he shouldn't know anything about local affairs, right?

Could it be that……

The late emperor?


Han Jiang immediately shook his head. It was impossible for the late emperor to teach the emperor these things.

Just as Han Jiang was thinking, cheers came from outside the hall.

"The Compassionate Will of the Two Palaces..."

"The service law regulations have been approved for trial implementation in Kaifeng Mansion!"

Han Jiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Dun with a surprised look on his face: "Zihou, how did you know?"

Zhang Dun laughed: "Guess!"

He smiled brilliantly!

Because he is already close to the truth.

Zhao Xu returned to Funing Palace and sat in front of the desk specially made for him.

Look at the things on the desk.

His father gave many instructions on local government's leftover money.

Zhao Xu stared at the words on these memorials, recalling what happened in his previous life after he took office, and even thought about what he knew and heard while studying abroad in modern times.

What is leftover money?

It is the amount of revenue that local military and prefectures are allowed to increase in addition to the exemption money/exemption money.

This part of the money is used as local military and state funds.

In Wang Anshi's reform, the initial standard for remaining money allowance was 20%.

That is, in addition to the exemption money/exemption money, an additional 20% will be collected as mobile funds for the local military and state.

Naturally, this was a patch to the Song Dynasty’s fiscal and taxation system.

In the Song Dynasty, where all finances and taxes were centralized and all expenditures were determined by the central government, local financial rights were small and pitiful because most of the income had to be turned over to the central government.

Most of the money from the thirty-two sealed warehouses of Emperor Liewu Shengxiao was transferred from the local government.

At the same time, at the local level, the money and food in the Changping warehouses also belong to the center in legal terms.

The local officials only have the right of custody but not the right of use.

This is a chronic disease of the Song Dynasty system.

It is also a problem that has troubled us for hundreds of years.

Even in modern times, there seems to be no solution to this problem.

If local governments have too much money, their independence will increase.

If there is too little local money, nothing can be done.

Therefore, Wang Anshi's reform included a system of leniency and surplus money in addition to the exemption from service and exemption from service.

On the one hand, it is to gain support; on the other hand, it is to stimulate local vitality so that the local area can do more things instead of being overstaffed.

Now, Han Jiang requested that an additional 20% to 50% be allocated to local military prefectures as funds from the balance of the exemption money/exemption money that should have been turned over to the central government.

Zhao Xu naturally supports it.

The reason is simple - Zhao Xu knows that the current situation is that local governments have too little money and cannot do much.

Therefore, he supports increasing local funding.

However, in the future, when local governments have more money, he will also ask people to find ways to collect this extra money into the central government.

This is what he learned when he was studying abroad in modern times.

The strength of the central and local governments should be balanced. It will not work if the local government is too weak, and it will not work if the local government is too strong.

At the same time, this is also the lesson Zhao Xu learned in his previous life.

When Shao Sheng told the story, he was too young and too fond of money.

Therefore, although almost all the policies of the old party were abolished, they forgot to abolish one of the biggest bad policies-the remaining money from the government was returned to the central government!

Yes, during the Yuanyou era, in order to completely repeal the new law, Sima Guang and others took all the leftover money that belonged to local mobile funds into the central sealing pile treasury.

This directly led to local shutdowns - many things suddenly ran out of money, so local officials had no choice but to show their talents.


Almost everyone made the same decision, and the people suffered even more!

However, this bad government was still not corrected in the Shaosheng era.

Now, Zhao Xu finally had the opportunity to correct it - even if you cut leeks, you can't dig out the roots!

I checked the information today and spent most of the day~~~~but I still got confused, so I can only say that the statement about the leftover money in this chapter is generally correct. There must be some errors and omissions in the details. Please bear with me.

PS: Thank you to the cute owner of the rice cooker recipe. I will update it together on the 7th~

This chapter has been completed!
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