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Bamboo rhyme has the dream in our hearts

Author: Ermaina Her Dad: Boring ~ Book

Looking at the dreams in our hearts from Zhu Yun and Ermaina

Before I begin, let me ask myself a question: When I first fell in love with a woman, did I feel that this love would last forever and last until death?

My memory is no longer clear. Looking back now, I realize that the feeling was actually very light, so light that it could be blown away by just a little bit of wind and rain.

This was my first time, the first time I had a crush on a woman, but it didn't last long. As time went by, it was no longer clear.

The reason why I compare Zhuyun and Ermaina is because I think they are very similar.

Let’s talk about Zhuyun first. Zhuyun is a killer. In my impression, killers should be lonely and indifferent, with no friends or relatives around them.

From this point of view, when the killer lacks emotion, does he also care about a hard-won relationship?

Before Zhu Yun met Bi Su, she had never liked anyone. In her heart, did she really want to have a relationship of her own?

I think so, it's like a girl imagining that one day she will be captured by the devil, and then there will be a prince riding a white horse, holding a sword and defeating the devil, and then the two of them will start a happy life.

Every girl has a prince charming in her heart, and Zhuyun naturally has one too. After hearing the story between Bisu and Shuiyue, Zhuyun, who is full of hope for love, can she not have a crush on Bisu? Can she not think about Bisu?

Will you be your own Prince Charming?

That's why I had that good feeling and this hazy first time.

However, fantasies are still fantasies, and dreams are still dreams. Girls will grow up one day, and dreams will wake up one day.

The person riding the white horse may not necessarily be a prince, but may also be Tang Monk. The falling flowers have feelings, the flowing water has no intention, and the heart of Bi Sui has long gone with the water and the moon. Although he is riding on the white horse, he has already become the Tang Monk who studies Buddhism.


Therefore, this haziness is destined to be unrealistic and destined to be broken.

If we want to give this love a definition, can we call it: unrequited love?

Everyone's first time is an unforgettable memory. One day in the future, we may recall how great it would be if we could stay with the person we fell in love with for the first time forever.

But reality is often not like this. There may be love, and the everlasting first love may appear somewhere around us, but for most people, it is destined to be a memory worth cherishing.

Because of first love, so hazy, hazy first love is like this, not to mention it is doomed to impossible unrequited love?

Because I have experienced it, I understand it, and because I have suffered it, I cherish it.

Around Zhu Yun, Bi Su is not the only one who has stories, Yang Hao also has his own. Moreover, Yang Hao's experience is richer, and his relationship history is even more fascinating. After being severely stabbed in the heart by Bi Su,

Zhuyun, when facing Yang Hao, does she feel that she has found someone to rely on, an emotional sustenance?

This feeling is still an unrequited love, but it is not the other. This unrequited love is no longer the first hazy one. It is already growing vigorously, deeply rooted in Zhu Yun's heart, and she can't let it go.

Talking about Ermaina again, the reason why they are similar is because Ermaina also had a crush on Yang Hao, but because of Yang Hao's rejection, she chose Yang Nlang (so and so, it's Yang Ji).

Lang? I forgot...)

I won’t explain much why Ermayna likes Yang Nlang. It’s similar to Zhuyun. Is it the first time she likes someone? If two people like each other, the relationship will naturally sprout, but if

Is it unrequited love? It's naturally tragic and will end soon, so being with Yang Nlang is not worth scrutinizing.

Through the above statement, let’s look at the book friends’ persistence in dreams.

When Ermayna and Yang Nlang first appeared together, the book reviews at that time were very chaotic, and they were all criticizing Uncle Guan.

I have never studied psychology, but I know a thing or two.

That is the persistence of dreams, the persistence of that memory of first love.

So when Zhuyun first had a crush on Bisu, many people really hoped that the two of them could be together and that Zhuyun could be happy.

After seeing Ermaina's initial affection for Yang Hao, she also hoped that the two of them could be together.

In fact, this has nothing to do with lust or sentimentality, but simply comes from everyone's heart, the heart of those who have experienced it, and at the same time, they hope to see a trace in them while they can't get it.

However, under this mentality, a big turning point suddenly occurred. Two years later, Ermaina suddenly got together with Yang Nlang and showed a little affection for him.

This kind of turn of events is unacceptable to people, as if the woman they had chosen suddenly betrayed them. This mentality gave everyone the idea of ​​​​giving the woman away.

Zhuyun suddenly fell in love with Yang Hao, which made everyone feel passionate.

However, the truth is, this is actually just a dream in everyone's heart, a dream of love.

This is also a dream in my heart, but this dream was severely shattered by Uncle Guan...

In the daily article of Chalk Theory, Sister Yuan once replied, "Uncle Guan wrote it true." This sentence can still be used here. There are always many helplessness in life, many people, many people like someone for the first time.

Sometimes, the result is tragic, like me, like you, like so-and-so?

I really hope that I can see my dream in the novel, so that my incomplete dream can be completed in the protagonist.

However, novels should not be limited to YY. As a book friend said before, novels also have their own life and their own rules of operation.

There is our beautiful dream in it, but it also has its opposite side, a broken dream.

This way it looks more real and allows readers to feel it more deeply...

A book that makes people love, make people happy, but also makes people sad.

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