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Chapter 9

Chapter 09 No trace to follow

Zhao Guangyi's kid's trick was successful. When the Song army gathered 800 men who dared to die and rushed to the beach, Yang Shou and Sun Zhen were organizing soldiers to break out of the camp and prepare to repeat their old tricks to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

The ground was stuck on both sides of the river. The soldiers on the pontoon immediately nailed countless piles of different lengths into the water. The length was just right. The pontoon bridge connected with iron chains, ropes, and wooden wedges was successfully fixed before it was broken by the rolling Yangtze River water.

, countless soldiers of the Song Army who had been preparing for the battle rushed across the river along the pontoon bridge.

When the defenders saw the miracle that the Song army had turned the impossible into the possible, their morale suddenly dropped. The Song army was like a rainbow and marched straight in. Although Yang Shou and Sun Zhen struggled to hold on, they could not resist. They died for a while and surrendered.

They fled, the defenders were defeated, and Caishiji fell.

Zhao Guangyi, wearing armor and holding an iron rod, stepped onto the east bank of the Yangtze River and looked around, high-spirited.

His general asked: "Chitose, shall we occupy the Tang army's camp and wait for General Cao to arrive?"

Zhao Guangyi smiled proudly and said: "Soldiers need to be quick. Now that we have crossed the river, we should move quickly to attack Jinling. Burn the Tang army's water stronghold and order the three armies to set off immediately."

The generals under his command followed the order and left a group of troops to guard both sides of the Yangtze River to protect the pontoon bridge. The other troops immediately gathered and rushed forward without stopping.

This pontoon bridge cannot be broken. Without this pontoon bridge, once the Song army crossed the Yangtze River, it would be a back-and-forth battle. They could only win but not lose. If the enemy was strong and we were weak, it would be impossible to avoid the enemy's edge through strategic detours. Moreover,

The people of the Tang Dynasty strengthened their walls and cleared the country, and moved all their food, grass and supplies to large cities that were easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the pontoon bridge was broken, the Song army would have to fight on an empty stomach. Therefore, although Zhao Guangyi was as anxious as an arrow leaving the string, he was not afraid of it.

Dare not to take this lifeline seriously.

He left Yang Haiqing and Zhu Yuming behind and led his troops to defend the pontoon bridge. He personally led the remaining 50,000 horse infantry mixed arms and rushed forward without stopping.

Outside Wuhu City, Cao Bin received the news that Zhao Guangyi had broken through the Yangtze River and headed straight for Jinling. His general Hao Sicheng said worriedly: "The King of Jin, who is a thousand years old, underestimated the enemy and rushed forward. If something goes wrong and our commander-in-chief is defeated, it will be terrible."

Well, how about we abandon Wuhu City and rush to join King Jin?"

Cao Bin stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "The 100,000 Tang troops in Hukou were unscathed. They will definitely chase after them. If the defenders of the cities along the way are still there, they can not only respond to them, but also provide them with food and grass."

The baggage will cut off our retreat. It’s better to cut off these wings as much as possible. As for King Jin’s side..."

Cao Bin smiled slightly and said: "Since the death of Lin Huzi, there have been no good generals in the Tang Dynasty. However, the king of Jin is guarding all the elites of the imperial army, and all of his generals have experienced hundreds of battles. There is no need to worry about encountering strong enemies.


Hao Sicheng frowned and said: "But... we are marching all the way to attack the city and fortress, when will we be able to join forces with King Qian Sui of Jin? That goes against the government's plan of combining land and water forces and advancing hand in hand before sending troops.


Cao Bin smiled and said: "On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly, how can we remain rigid. Just listen to my orders and speed up the attack on the city."

Hao Sicheng had no choice but to obey orders and rush to the city to command the siege.

Cao Bin stood on a high place, looked towards the direction of Jinling, and said to himself thoughtfully: "The King of Jin is impatient. He can't wait for me, let alone wait for me now. I'd better be wiser and wait for the King of Jin to attack."

Let’s meet him again at the foot of Jinling City…”

The news that Yang Hao was still alive had been sent by Zhao Guangyi to the capital.

The story of Yang Hao's death and rebirth was based on his self-reported experience and was compiled and polished by the imperial officer Chang Hui. The report also mentioned Fan Ruoshui, who had accomplished this great achievement and was bestowed upon him by an official.

He was indispensable for the official position. Although Fan Ruoshui suffered two years on the Yangtze River, he rose to the top in one step and achieved achievements that others may not have achieved after twenty years of hard work. He looked elated all day long. Along the way,

They all had saddles in front of them and horses behind them, waiting beside the King of Jin.

Yang Hao had no reason to ignore Zhao Guangyi's return to Beijing alone, and the war situation in the south of the Yangtze River was not determined for a day. I was afraid that Zhao Guan's family was not in the mood to think about matters in the north, so he had to stay with Zhao Guangyi for the time being.

The political situation in Jiangnan was corrupt, the morale of the army was low, and Li Yu had no ambitions. The only good general who was worthy of a fight and could slightly extend the resistance time was killed by him with a simple alienation plan. It was inevitable that the Tang State would be pacified by the Song State.

Yang Hao now only hopes that this war that has already been destined to end will end as soon as possible. As long as this place is a war zone, there will be more displaced victims and people who died in the war. The Tang Dynasty will be destroyed one day earlier, and the imperial court will provide peace and stability to the people.

The policy could have been implemented one day earlier, and he could have returned to Bianliang one day earlier.

Following Zhao Guangyi, he did not waste this good opportunity. He fully understood and fully understood how the Forbidden Army mobilized, fought, marched and formed, transported food and fodder, military morale, and even the offensive tactics and defensive methods that he was good at.


The direct experience gained from the war is more practical than the knowledge gained from books. Follow Zhao Guangyi and watch him discuss matters with the generals, issue orders, direct the cross-river battle, watch him receive military information, and remotely control several other battles. From a high position,

Overlooking the overall situation, he gained a lot of tactical insights.

Unable to retreat, he was forced to choose to advance rather than retreat, fighting for the unknown country to conquer the world. However, even though he had many advantages to stand out in the northwest, he did not dare to be careless about his future. The future has become

Although he still kept in mind the objective evaluation of the strength of all parties and the gains and losses of the war by later generations, and it was still useful, he knew very well that it could not be the magic weapon for him to win.

What did the scholars of later generations really understand that the soldiers of this era really didn’t understand? No, they understood it better than anyone else. No one knew their enemy better than they did, and they understood the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses better, but understanding does not mean that

It will definitely be solved, but due to various conditions, they can only choose the option that best suits them according to local conditions, rather than the option that is most suitable for objective historical evaluation.

Ever since he became a part of this world, in this maze, he could only follow all the rules here and use the various objective conditions here to act, instead of guiding his behavior based on a little later experience. Moreover...

When future generations reflect on it from the perspective that everything is over, are the conclusions drawn objective and accurate? That's hard to say.

When he is involved in it and makes some adjustments based on the historical knowledge he has mastered, the opponent's reactions and choices will change according to his actions, so those evaluations and analyzes based on the established history will take the first step from him.

Then it became a useless experience.

For example, if he already knows the gains and losses of both the enemy and us in a certain battle that has occurred in history, and then travels through time and space and enters this battle, can he become a military god? That is just the fantasy of an ignorant boy. When he

When entering this war game, if he cannot dominate the battle, then he can only be cannon fodder. Even if he knows the future well, he cannot change the outcome.

But what if he can become the head coach of one side and let him make changes to deal with the mistakes that are about to happen? Then will the other side mechanically follow the original routine? The other side will also change due to the changes, and what he originally mastered is no longer there.

Used. It's like a boxer standing in the audience watching two boxers competing on the stage. He can clearly see who failed and failed miserably on the stage, and his analysis is clear and logical. But let him turn back the time and come on stage to replace that failure.

Otherwise, he can only take advantage of one punch at most.

From the moment he changes his fighting style and takes advantage of the first punch, the opponent's reaction will change accordingly. It will no longer be possible to follow what he already knows, unless his punch has completely defeated the opponent.

Otherwise, he can only rely on strength to continue fighting, and his foresight will be useless, and all his plans and calculations will be invalid. If he is still stuck in that analysis of the completed results, then he will

A boxer who mechanically performs tricks in front of his opponent will die uglier than the original loser.

Therefore, he must take every opportunity to learn more and master the future trend. There is no trace of the future trend. He has no cheating device to open cheats and can only rely on his own intelligence to work hard from scratch.

"Sir." Mu Yu galloped to his side, and Yang Hao praised: "The Forbidden Army is well-trained. Tens of thousands of people are like one person, and they march like a moving steel city. It is really amazing."

"Yes!" Mu Yu's eyes swept past the troops that were rushing forward like a torrent, and asked in a low voice: "Sir, if we occupy the northwest, will one day...will we have a war with them?"

"I hope not. If there is, it should be a fight and a peace..." Yang Hao sighed softly: "If I have to, I don't want to have a war with them. You want me to die, but I choose to die of old age. I fake my death and escape, that's it.

Unfortunately, this purpose failed. If in the future... you force your minister to die..."

"How about that, sir?"

Yang Hao was silent for a moment and then smiled: "Then I have to kill you first!"

Mu Yu became very excited when he heard this. He clenched the weapon at his waist and said with a flushed face: "Xiao Yu will follow you to the death!"

Suddenly there was a horse riding towards the front, Yang Hao said hurriedly: "Silence."

The knight on the horse had a triangular red flag on his back, and he was galloping with the small flag hunting in the wind. When he saw the red flag on his back, the soldiers wherever he passed gave way, and the horse plowed through the forbidden area like it was riding the wind and waves.

The torrent of iron and steel troops rushed to Zhao Guangyi's handsome banner. Then he dismounted his saddle and hurried forward, kneeling on the ground and reporting: "Report, there is a Tang army coming from the front for reinforcements."

Zhao Guangyi reined in his horse and asked in a deep voice: "Who is coming? How many soldiers and horses are there?"

The detective horse reported: "There is a word "Du" on the commander's flag. Looking at its origin, it should be the headquarters of Yuhou Du Zhen, the capital of the Tiande army from Moling Pass. All the troops are infantry, about ten thousand people."

Zhao Guangyi looked up to the sky and laughed: "You only have 10,000 soldiers and horses, and you dare to come here to die? Hahaha, order the three armies to advance quickly, and I will crush them all!"

"Chitose, wait a minute."

The commander of the Forbidden Army, Lu Yelan, hurriedly stopped the trumpeters who were about to wave his flag, rushed to Zhao Guangyi and said: "Your Majesty, our army has just forcibly crossed the river. Although the sergeants are brave, they are not without physical strength. Although we fight with more people, if we fight with less people,

A hard fight will probably result in heavy losses. Now, the Tang army that has rushed to Moling Pass for reinforcements is no more than 10,000 people, but they dare to rush towards our army. Obviously they only know that Caishiji is lost, but they don't know that we have any.

How many people were crossing the river, and we didn’t expect that we were already on the road without taking any rest, and now we were in danger of meeting them head-on. In this case, why bother to fight head-on? We might as well take a step back, prepare an ambush, and catch them off guard.

Reduce the casualties of our troops, and we can gather them together to annihilate them, so as to prevent them from fleeing in all directions when the situation is bad, and it will be a waste of effort to pursue and annihilate them."

"Well..., what the Army Chief said makes sense."

Zhao Guangyi, who has already crossed the Yangtze River, is no longer in such a hurry. Moreover, Lu Yelan is a senior general of the Forbidden Army and is the target of Zhao Guangyi's recruitment. He must pay attention to what he says. Besides, Lu Yelan's analysis is very reasonable. If we can reduce our own

Casualties, why not?

Zhao Guangyi immediately ordered the three armies to stop advancing, and the rear team changed to the front team and ran back. There was a large lake more than 30 miles north of Caishiji, called Cihu. Not far to the west of Cihu was the Yangtze River. Zhao Guangyi sent Wu Gaofei to lead the army.

Eight thousand infantry were waiting for Du Zhen on the only way to Caishiji. He and Lu Yelan each led 20,000 soldiers and horses to lie in ambush at both ends of the narrow section between Cihu and the Yangtze River, waiting for Wu Gaifei to pretend to be defeated and send Du Zhen away.

Really 20,000 troops were brought into this dead land.

In the grass, Yang Hao was lying there hiding his whereabouts. Suddenly, there was a sound and Fan Xiucai crawled over. Yang Hao lazily greeted him, and Fan Ruoshui knew that he was the favorite in Zhao Guangyi's eyes.

It was Bole who introduced him again. When he saw him, he showed some affection: "Mr. Yang Zuo, in the past, Fan only knew that the Song army was well-trained and capable of fighting. Today, I know that the reputation is well-deserved. The soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty are...

The generals are resourceful and the soldiers are brave, how can Tang's army stand up to their opponents? Du Zhen only has more than 10,000 people, why should Chitose's army of 50,000 fight? Even if they pounce on them, they will be crushed to death, but Chitose is so cautious.

, if such an army cannot win the war, who can win the war?"

Yang Hao was a little ashamed of the character of this official fan, so he smiled lightly and said: "On the battlefield, weather, location, people, morale, and strategy are the key to victory or defeat. But a battle won't be won if there are more people.

, Throughout the ages, there have been many cases of defeating more with less, even battles involving eight hundred and one hundred thousand, so it is better for Chitose to be cautious."

Fan Xiucai smiled and said: "What Zuo Envoy said is that Fan doesn't know how to fight, so he is making a fool of himself."

Yang Hao smiled faintly. He was lying down bored and someone could talk to him, so he said: "Do you know what kind of person Du Zhen is who came to help? Although he has few soldiers and horses, he has the ability to quarry stones.

After hearing the Jiji police call, he could rush to rescue regardless of life and death. He is also a rare general who can make prompt decisions."

Fan Ruoshui said: "I have lived in Caishiji for three years, and I know a lot about the nearby garrisons and generals. There are two defenders of Moling Pass. One is Zheng Yanhua, who is the commander-in-chief of Moling Pass and has reached the rank of Jiedu Envoy.

, a resourceful and Confucian general, with a navy of more than 10,000 people under his command. The other one is Du Zhen, who lives in the capital of Yuhou. He is Zheng Yanhua's number one general. He is brave and good at fighting. Zheng Yanhua clearly understood when he sent him.

Once Caishiji falls, his Moling Pass cannot be defended. But what can he do if he sends troops to help?"

Yang Hao sighed with emotion: "Yes, although some things in this world have changed, there are some things that cannot be controlled or influenced by one person. What is supposed to come will still come after all. The fate of Tang State has already

It’s destined.”

Fan Ruoshui didn't know where his strange emotion came from. He was confused and just laughed along with him.

Yang Hao changed his posture and asked casually: "Who else is there in Mr. Fan's family?"

Fan Haoshui sighed: "My parents, wife and children are all here. Alas, in the past three years, Fan has given up his family and business, left his parents, wife and children, and settled in a cottage on Caishiji. He really has disgraced them."

, Fortunately, he was recommended by the envoy Zuo and favored by the King of Jin. Fan will eventually be able to prosper, and he will be able to live a good life, respect his parents, and treat his wife and children well."

Yang Hao joked: "This is very good. Mr. Fan should remember what your parents, wife and children have done for you. In the future, you have to do things and ride horses. Although you are happy with the new, you can't be disgusted with the old. You have to be hated by others.

Chen Shimei, haha..."

"My lord, this is a lesson." Fan Xiucai said with joy, "Uh... I just don't know who this hated Chen Shimei is?"

"Ahem, he, he is from my hometown...no, something is wrong..."

Yang Hao, who was about to say nonsense, suddenly frowned, and Fan Ruoshui said nervously: "What's wrong, sir?"

"It's not that there's something wrong with me, but that there's something wrong with Du Zhen, the guard general of Moling Gate."

Yang Hao frowned and thought hard for a long time, then suddenly stood up: "Where is Qiantai? Where is Qiantai?"

The soldiers who were ambushing suddenly saw a man standing up. They were about to scold him, but they recognized him as a close associate of King Jin Qiansui. Although some people did not know his identity, they had seen him riding a horse next to King Jin. King Jin also spoke to him.

He was amiable, talking and laughing. He didn't dare to reprimand him at the moment, so he quickly pointed out where he was. Yang Hao picked up the train of his robe and ran over with his waist bent.

Zhao Guangyi was looking at the enemy situation in the distance from behind a short slope. Yang Hao rushed behind the short slope, lay down next to Zhao Guangyi, and said hurriedly: "Qiansui, I have a doubt, so I came to report to Qiansui urgently. I ask Qiansui for details."

Zhao Guangyi is now very polite to Yang Hao. He was originally an official from his own Nanya. At that time, people had a strong sense of locality and factional origin. Officials in the court were from the same hometown, or were Jinshi in the same subject, and had the same teacher.

All the disciples of Yang Hao could feel close to cliques, not to mention the officials who came out of his house. In addition, Yang Hao brought the person who presented the picture, allowing him to cross the river smoothly without relying on the navy, which made him even more

He was overjoyed and upon hearing this, he asked kindly: "What doubts does Yang Zuoshi have that you don't want to mention?"

Yang Hao repeated the news he had just learned from Fan Ruoshui and said: "Qiansui, if what Fan Ruoshui said is true, then there are only 20,000 troops in Moling Pass. It is very serious for Zheng Yanhua to have the rashness to send half of the troops to come for reinforcements.

It's suspicious. Chitose, you think, since Zheng Yanhua is so resourceful, even if he doesn't know how many troops we have, he at least knows the news that there are 20,000 troops garrisoned in Caishiji but we captured their water camp. We

It is the attacking side, and its troops should naturally be much larger than those of the defenders of Caishiji. Zheng Yanhua is so relieved and spends half of his capital to squander it. Is he sure he can regain Caishiji?"

Zhao Guangyi's eyes flashed, and his face gradually darkened.

Yang Hao added: "Moling Pass is not an extremely difficult place to attack. Even Fan Ruoshui, a scholar who knows nothing about military affairs, knows that since Caishiji is lost, Moling Pass is completely undefendable and will surely fall. Doesn't Zhang Yanhua know that? He

So concentrate on defending with all your strength, and either abandon the city and flee, or mobilize all the troops to rescue Caishiji. The troops are already weak, but they have to be divided. Does such a military taboo seem to be the result of a resourceful general?"

Zhao Guangyi's eyes flickered uncertainly, but he calmly asked: "So, what does Yang Zuoshi think his intention is?"

Yang Hao said in a deep voice: "The defenders of Moling Pass are half naval troops and half infantry. Du Yuhou Du Zhen is leading the infantry towards me. Is that half of the navy still at Moling Pass now?"

Zhao Guangyi's expression suddenly changed, and he said word by word: "Speak in the east and attack in the west, destroy my pontoon bridge?"

Although Zhao Guangyi may not be as capable as Cao Bin or Pan Mei in his military skills, he is decisive in killing and has the style of a general. Although Yang Hao's doubts are only a possibility, Zhao Guangyi did not dare to be careless and immediately divided his troops into ten thousand, so that Yang Hao and

The commander of the Forbidden Army, Yuhou Yaoliu, returned to Caishiji for reinforcements.

Yaoliu was young and light, with a strong body, a resolute expression, a young face, a pair of firm and energetic eyes, and a white wax pole hung on the victory hook, which vaguely showed the charm of the past when he first met Luo Kedi.

This place was not far from Caishiji. The two men rushed over with their troops and frightened Yang Haiqing and Zhu Yuming. They thought that King Jin Dongjin was defeated so quickly. After hearing Yang Hao's words, the two generals also

Being cautious, they hurriedly sailed out all the warships captured in the water stronghold of the Tang Army and arranged them along the Yangtze River to be on alert.

The warships of the Tang Army's water stronghold are very sharp. If they could take the initiative to attack, the battle situation would never be what it is today. Unfortunately, they have long been intimidated by the power of the Song Army, and they have Li Yu who can clear the field and hold on to the danger. They will never take the initiative to fight.

Order, so that the fighter plane was missed, and now it is used by the Song army.

Not long after, the sails and clouds in the distance covered the sun, and sure enough, there was a navy army with full sails and a mighty force. The Song troops on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately entered a fighting state, with their bows and arrows ready, and they were ready. Among the ships on the water, there were a few at the front.

Ten small boats were piled with firewood and the sails were lowered. As soon as the enemy ships arrived, they lit fires and sailed down the river to burn the enemy ships. Although the rest were not good at using ships or water warfare, they were able to fight on both sides of the bank.

Under the cover of the archers, the warships were also concentrated as much as possible, leaning closely together, preparing to stop the enemy and protect the bridge to the death.

As expected, the visitor was Zheng Yanhua, the guard of Moling Pass. Zheng Yanhua sent Du Zhen to lead his infantry to help. Zheng Yanhua himself also led the navy to come, abandoning Moling Pass and dispatching all troops. The target was this, which caused the fall of the Caishiji navy stronghold.

The pontoon bridge, this pontoon bridge is so important. As long as the pontoon bridge is there, the Song army can advance and retreat, and can continuously send countless troops across the Yangtze River. It can transport countless grain and grass across the river, allowing the Song army to march forward bravely.

There are no worries, so it must be destroyed, no matter what the cost.

However, when he arrived in a hurry, arrows were raining down from both sides of the bank, and dozens of boats with gushing tongues of fire were floating down the river. The Song army had already been ready, and the sneak attack turned into a positional battle. At this time, Wu

Gao Fei met the 10,000-strong army of Yu Hou Du Zhen, the capital of the German army, and pretended to be defeated and fled, successfully leading them into the encirclement.

All of a sudden, flags were fluttering and cannons were fired. Du Zhen's headquarters was surrounded by the Yangtze River to the west, Ci Lake to the east, and Lu Yelan to the south. Zhao Guangyi cut off his retreat and began to close the door and beat the dogs!

This chapter has been completed!
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