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Chapter 024 Night Phantom

Chapter 024 Night Phantom

Several soldiers with bows and arrows on their backs led Liu Jiye back to his station from a distance. The city was full of stragglers, and there were many Khitan warriors patrolling everywhere to control the order in the city. Small teams like this could be seen everywhere, but Liu Jiye did not

There was no suspicion at all, and no special attention was paid to them.

Liu Jiye's current situation is somewhat similar to that of Zhe Wei Zheng outside the city. They both have the command of the entire army before the battle, but they have no actual control over the army. Therefore, many generals need to prepare and arrange things before and after the war, such as recruiting

To strengthen the people, mobilize and deploy the three armies, collect medicinal materials, demolish the walls of civilian houses to use as rolling stones, prepare fire oil and poison, treat wounded soldiers, etc., they can only discuss with the real commander-in-chief of the three armies in the form of consultation, and then use the commander-in-chief

Order execution.

In this way, Liu Jiye felt much more relaxed. When he was in the Han Dynasty, he personally commanded the defense of the city. He would never sleep peacefully until the three armies were disarmed. The three armies would not eat and he would not drink from water. After a battle, he would always patrol in person.

In all positions, he comforted and encouraged the soldiers and had to rest very late. Doing so here would seem to be trying to win over people's hearts, so after a round of bluff attacks by the Luzhou side, he just patrolled the four walls and observed the enemy camp.

After hearing the movement, he gave some instructions on the damaged parts of the city that needed repair and maintenance, and then returned to his residence. Even so, when he returned to the station, it was already dark.

Liu Jiye's camp was set up in Nancheng, which was the main direction of Luzhou's troops to attack. To the east and north were the battle areas in charge of Yelu Xiezhen, the king of Khitan Nanyuan. Yelu Xiezhen had strong soldiers and horses and abundant force, but his siege methods lacked technical content and were classified as

It is a very traditional tactic of using human lives to pile up. Although Yang Hao's troops are limited in strength, they have a large number of sophisticated siege equipment. Their recent tactics are even more precise and very threatening to the defenders, so Liu Jiye personally guards Nancheng.

In the past two days, the fighting style outside the city suddenly changed. He watched the siege battles every day, but they were always feint attacks. Liu Jiye was not sure what the Luzhou Army was planning, and he was even more careful about the Luzhou Army. He patrolled the four cities.

, after returning to Nancheng, he carefully observed the activities in the military camp outside the city, and then returned to his residence.

In order to prevent the Luzhou military camp from killing the general with sudden bullets and stones at night, Liu Jiye's camp was set up in a strong hiding cave not far inside the city wall, and a courtyard wall was built outside. The only two people accompanying him were his two men.

The son and eleven soldiers. Under the orders of Long Xingyi, several small school principals who had been secretly monitoring Liu Jiye couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Liu Jiye returning to the camp. They did not dare to be careless and lay down nearby.

I opened the cowhide water, drank kumiss, and beef jerky, while filling my stomach, I observed the movement in the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

"I have heard of Liu Wudi's name a long time ago. In the Han Dynasty, hemp ropes were used to tie bean houses, which could not be tied up at all. It was only Liu Jiye who held on there that he got to where he is today. Liu Wudi's ability

, Duan Di is very good. I heard that Liu Jiye’s real surname is Yang, and he is from the Yang family in Linzhou. If he returns to Linzhou, why is he not better than being a bodyguard in Han Dynasty? But he has helped protect the Han Dynasty.

He will be loyal to the country and will not betray the Lord again. Will such a famous man plot against our king?"

Another guard said strangely: "I have heard about Liu Wudi. I heard that he is also the elder brother of Yang Chongxun, the current governor of Linzhou. You said that with his reputation and status as the elder brother, once he returns,

After losing Linzhou, what will Yang Chongxun do? Will he give up? Even if Yang Chongxun is willing, the Linzhou generals who are now supporting Yang Chongxun are all his cronies. In the blink of an eye, they have changed their masters, will they be willing? I don’t think so.

Look, it’s not that Liu Wudi doesn’t want to go back, it’s that he can’t go back.”

"Hey, use the heart of a villain to read the belly of a gentleman."

"Hey, how do you say that? I am a villain? I am a villain, but the king has no doubts about me. He Liu Wudi is loyal, courageous, and chivalrous, right? No one who has been betrayed will know how to do it before he is betrayed.

I think the person who betrayed him has ulterior motives, so keep an eye on him carefully. If Liu Jiye is really fine, then I'm telling you for nothing. If he really cheats and liaises with the enemy, hehe..."

Not far from them, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the branches of a big tree. However, it was dark at night, and several people were eating and chatting. They were just staring at Liu Jiye's residence, and they didn't notice it at all.

Those eyes seemed to have grown on the tree trunk out of thin air. It blinked, showed a sly smile, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, there seems to be someone."

A man was eating when he suddenly saw something strange. He quickly stuffed a piece of beef jerky into his mouth and used his elbow to nudge a soldier next to him. The man looked at the entrance to the camp tent, but saw no movement, and was about to turn around.

Asking him, he suddenly saw a person sneaking out from the shadows at the door, looked around, and walked away hastily.

This man was very alert. He walked a few steps and stopped, looking around from time to time. Then he took a few steps quickly through the shadow of the building, and his figure appeared in another place like a ghost. Several people who were watching Liu Jiye

The man was refreshed and immediately followed with caution.

The man seemed to know the situation in the city very well. He knew exactly where there were soldiers patrolling and where there were military camps. He avoided important places and gradually arrived at the corner between Nancheng and Xicheng. This was a blind spot in Luzhou.

The military camp has now reached the edge. Due to the difficult terrain outside the city, troops are rarely attacked at this angle, and the garrison on the city is also limited.

The man quietly climbed to the top of the city, looked around furtively, and suddenly ran quickly, lifted a large stone from the ground, picked up a ball of something, and quickly rushed towards the battlement wall.

One of the guards had a keen eye and saw the clue at a glance, and said in a voiceless voice: "It's a rope. The man wants to climb out of the city!"

Another guard quickly took off his bow and arrow, bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and pointed it at the back of the man at the top of the city. Someone nearby reminded him in a low voice: "Try to catch as many alive as possible."

The man was obviously very confident in his archery skills. He lowered the bow, with a sneer on his lips, and said proudly: "Don't worry, as long as there is still a trace of light, there will be no arrows made by me."

A slight deviation.”

Me'erqian means a sharp archer in the Khitan language. This man was the best in archery under Long Xingyi, and he was always proud of it. He probably wanted to use his archery skills to prove his statement, but he couldn't finish his sentence.

The bow string clanked, and the arrow had already left the string.

The man at the top of the city tied the rope to the wall and just threw it down the city when Miergan shot an arrow and he fell down, falling into the shadow of the city. Miergan was afraid that he would escape, so he shouted:

"Quick, catch him."

Several people pulled out their sabers and rushed towards the city wall quickly. This move alerted the guards around the city wall. They jumped up sleepily, grabbed their weapons in a panic, and shouted: "Who is it?"

"We are the bodyguards of Lord Long Xingyi. Someone wants to sneak out of the city. Light a torch."

Several people announced their identities loudly and rushed to the top of the city to surround the fallen man. A guard from the top of the city approached with a torch and shined a light on the ground. They saw the man lying on the ground with a wolf-tooth arrow standing straight. Shot him in the back of the heart, turned him over and saw that the man's eyes were wide open and he was dead.

Meiergan's face was a little confused, and he said bitterly: "How could he be shot to death? I, Meiergan, am an expert in archery..."

The guard next to him hurriedly comforted him: "The moonlight is dim, and it is very difficult to shoot so accurately. Don't blame yourself, Mie'ergan."

The deceased was wearing a blue night-walking suit. Someone took the torch of the defender at the top of the city and shined it on his face. He said in a voiceless voice: "He is indeed Liu...'s man. I have seen this man before."

Several guards whispered to each other, and gave instructions to the general who came to guard the city after hearing the news, telling him to seal the news tightly and not tell anyone about it. Then they carried the dead body and ran towards it like flying. Long Xingyi reported the news.

Zhuyun hid in the darkness, smiled softly, and disappeared into the night like a ghost. She still had a lot to do tonight.

"Only the wise nephew, I was surprised to see the secret military language used by our Yang family in Linzhou twenty years ago in the leaflets that were scattered throughout the city in Luzhou. I was so surprised that I contacted you based on it. Unexpectedly, it was my wise nephew who arrived in front of the two armies. , I was thinking hard about how to defend the city in the city, but I didn’t know that Yang Hao of Luzhou had formed an alliance with my Zheyang family, and that my nephew was in charge of the army. It was so sad to see my relatives meet...

King Yelu Sheng of Qing has rebellious ministers and traitors. If he has no choice but to do so, our lord really does not want to offend the Khitan and form an alliance with them to help each other. However, what Zhengxian's nephew said in his letter can solve our lord's difficulties. However, my nephew is young and cannot be a member of the Lin Mansion. Representative of Lu Sanzhou, if Taiwei Yang is sincere, please ask Taiwei to write the alliance letter in his own hand and stamp it with Taiwei's seal and ribbon. When I see the alliance letter, I will follow the plan of driving away tigers and devouring wolves.

At that time, you can continue the feint attack. I will make the city defenders fight hard with Yelv Xiezhen, draining the strength of both sides. When the war becomes uncontrollable, I will be the internal response. Yinzhou will be easily accessible. King Qing will die and the Khitan will be severely weakened. There will be nothing for the time being. After this, the Khitan eradicated the rebellion and Yang Hao became famous. As for the ownership of Yinzhou, it should be owned by our Han Kingdom in accordance with the previous agreement. At that time, I should advise the ruler of the country to move westward to Yinzhou, Lin, Mansion Once the four states of Yin and Lu form an alliance and resist the Song Dynasty in the east and the Khitan in the north, they will be safe..."

Jisitang once wanted to support the volcano king Yang Gun to annex the Zhe family. At that time, the two parties cooperated closely and knew the secret language of the Yang family's communication. Later, Yang Gun sat in Linzhou and did not dare to become an enemy of the Zhe family. Instead, he turned against Jisitang and took down the family. For people who know it, this secret language that has been known to outsiders is also abandoned. Things that are abandoned will not be carefully kept secret, so they gradually flow into the ears of some caring people.

Although the Khitan was a martial country and it was best to fight, they were not just reckless men. They attached great importance to the role of careful secret agents. They sent a large number of secret agents into the Central Plains and even persuaded several Song Dynasty officials in the East Road of Shandong to rebel. Officials are the result of the Khitan's careful work. Although the northwest vassals are not the focus of the Khitan's attention, there are also their detailed work activities. This leaked communication secret language was obtained by their people and sent back to the Northern Kingdom as a reference. .

Long Xingyi was a counselor under King Yelusheng of Qing Dynasty, and he had carefully studied its deciphering rules. Now that he saw in Liu Jiye's letter that the leaflets were secret words that had been abandoned by the Yang family in Linzhou many years ago, he hurriedly took out the secret code he had made back then.

After comparing it with Liu Jiye's notes and deciphering it, it turned out that the leaflet contained a brief description of the time, location, identity of the messenger and request for an appointment. Combined with Liu Jiye's letter, this was not the first time that the two parties had contacted each other.

At that time, secret code communication was relatively simple. It could only briefly describe time, location, needs, etc. If you wanted to express detailed content, you had to use normal text communication, so the content expressed on the flyer was limited. Long Xingyi has seen it

After receiving the letter, he took the deciphered leaflet and sneered, stood up and said, "Let's go see Lord Qing!"

Since King Qing Yelv Sheng came to Yinzhou City, although the treasury was full, in order to boost the morale of the armed forces and attract the hearts of the people, King Qing still took over many large households. However, in addition to some wealthy gentry and merchants who were closely related to the Khitan people, there was one family.

Although they had no contact with the Khitan, they were still safe and sound, and were well received by King Qing. That was the Li family in Yinzhou.

The Yinzhou Li family is the true descendant of the Longxi Li family, which is not the same thing as the Xiazhou Li family. The Xiazhou Li family's original surname is Tuoba, and they are descendants of the Xianbei king. The Longxi Li family has been the orthodox Han family since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

. Even Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, wanted to find a decent family background for himself, so he had to climb up the ladder and say that he was a descendant of Li Hao, King Wuzhao of Xiliang. Li Hao was an outstanding figure of the Li family in Longxi.

However, Li Shimin wanted to mix things up with others, but people at the time did not accept it. At that time, the monk Fa Lin immediately gave him an embarrassment and refuted the emperor: "Lin heard that Tuoba Dajia, Tang Yan Li's family, your Majesty's Li, this is his seedling

, not like Zhuxia Longxi." He bluntly said that Li Shimin was a descendant of Xianbei Tuoba Dajian, not a descendant of the Li family of Longxi. If he didn't have conclusive evidence, no matter how arrogant he was, he would not dare to speak to the emperor.

The arrogant words spoken in front of him made Li Shimin very unhappy at the time.

Li Shimin was actually a Hu person, and there are many clues to be found. For example, it is recorded in the Tang clan genealogy that in the Northern Wei Dynasty, their ancestor was named Li Chuguba. The elder brother of Li Yuan's grandfather, Li Hu, was named Qitou, and there was also a

The station brother's name is Qingdou, and Li Qitou's son's name is Bodhidharma, both of whom are Xianbei clan names. The Li family has also inherited a strong influence from Hu Feng. For example, after the Xuanwumen Incident, Li Shimin marched into the palace with troops to "please apologize" to Li Yuan.

Kneeling down and sucking his nipples is an ironclad Hu custom.

But no matter what others say, Li Shimin still considers himself a descendant of the Li family in Longxi, and uses his power to tamper with history books and pretend to be a deceiver of his origins to deceive future generations. Inevitably, he has to take a lot of care of the Li family in Longxi who he is related to. Therefore, the Li family in Longxi gets

It has developed greatly and has become the leading wealthy family in the area. Now that the Tang Dynasty has disappeared, most of the descendants of the Li family in Longxi have also lived in the Central Plains. However, there is still a real Li family in Longxi, and the head of the family lives in Yin.

Prefecture, known as Yinzhou Li family.

The patriarch of the Li family in Yinzhou is called Li Yide, also known as Junzi. A quarter of the people in Yinzhou City are his ethnic clansmen, and half of the people in the city are related to his in-laws, so they are also respectfully called Li Bancheng. In this way

No matter who occupies Yinzhou, no one dares to be disrespectful to Li Bancheng unless he only wants to get an empty city. Therefore, although Yinzhou is in chaos now, Li Yide's home is as quiet as before.

It was late at night, with a cool breeze blowing and a cool moon in the sky. Crickets were chirping in the grass. A figure quickly walked around the corridor of Quyuan, passed several houses, and flew up to a pavilion.

This person is Zhu Yun, and although this is the first time for the Li family, the buildings of large families have certain regulations. The main room, guest room, front room, and back room all have certain rules. As long as those who are familiar with these building rules,

From the architecture of the house, she could tell where the residence of the owner of the mansion was and which room was the bedroom of the head of the family. She stood on the pavilion and looked carefully, then flew into a flower-shaped door and walked along a broken path.

The stone-paved path runs forward like a ghost...

Mr. Li has already fallen asleep. On the spacious carved bed, a plump and beautiful young woman wearing a feathery coat as thin as cicada wings lies on the couch. Her face is rosy, with a hint of drunken blush, and she is still sleeping.

She showed a satisfied and sweet smile. Resting on her jade wall was a burly old man with thick eyebrows and a gray beard, who was making a slight sound.

Zhu Yun held the lamp in her hand, smiled slightly and leaned over to look at the beautiful scene of a pear tree with begonias pressed against it, and the spring breeze filling the house with swallows flying in pairs. She turned around and put the lamp on the table. She leisurely put her hands behind her back and walked around to take stock of the situation in the room.


Although she is not a child of an aristocratic family, she has worked for the Successor Hall since she was a child and is used to seeing luxurious bedrooms. Li Yide's bedroom, quilts, curtains, beds and mats are all extremely rare, luxurious and luxurious without a trace of tackiness.

, it is not unusual for a family to have such style, but in the bitter cold land of the northwest, it is rare to have such a family.

Zhuyun sat down at the table, picked up the pot, poured a cup of herbal tea, took a sip, and praised: "Good tea. After brewing for so long, the taste has not changed at all. This tea is good, and the tea set is also good."

As soon as she spoke, Li Yide on the couch suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly. The thin quilt slipped off, revealing his naked and strong bronze skin. An old man who is over sixty years old has such a strong body and has taken good care of himself.

Zhu Yun sat there with a smile, not minding Li Yide's naked body at all. She winked charmingly and said sweetly: "Hello, Mr. Li."

"Who are you?" Li Yide shouted angrily, and the concubine who was sleeping beside her also woke up. Suddenly he saw a pretty girl in green clothes sitting in the room, with a sword in front of her, and he couldn't help but screamed: "


Zhu Yun smiled and said: "It is not easy for the Li family of Yinzhou to pass on to this day. Mr. Li is always willing to do good and help those in need. He looks up to the mountains and walks in the scenery. He is known as a gentleman. Now that he sees a big disaster coming, the little girl really can't bear it.

, I took the risk to come here tonight to give the old man some advice, wouldn’t the old man welcome me?”

"Ah!" The beautiful concubine screamed again. Zhuyun frowned slightly and said softly: "Old man, can you shut up your woman?"

"Ah!" The beautiful concubine called out again, and Li Yide frowned and shouted: "Get out!"

The beautiful concubine got up in a panic, and ran away without caring about the beauty leaking out. At this time, someone outside the door shouted: "Old man, what happened?"

Li Yide said: "I'm fine. Whatever you yell about, just stay away."

After the concubine left the room, Li Yide wrapped the thin quilt around his body, jumped up and landed on the ground, and walked towards Zhu Yun with his bare feet. He calmly sat down opposite her, looked her up and down, and asked

He said: "Where did the girl come from? Who ordered her to do it? What do you want to say to me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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