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Chapter 081 Oriole

Chapter 081 Yellow Bird

On the bank of the Yellow River, a maintenance team is heading east, and their ultimate goal is Bianliang.

This is the team that repairs the Yellow River embankment. The maintenance personnel are divided into three parts. One part is the officials and servants of the imperial river yamen, some are river workers who are paid on a daily basis, and the other part is the laborers sent by the local government each time they pass through a river section.

The hard work of the strong men in repairing the rivers paid off the corvee and taxes. Although it was a bit hard work, it was still worth it.

The river workers who are paid daily are divided into two parts. One part is the laborers who rely on the river to make a living on the river all year round, and the other part is the idlers who are temporarily hired and unemployed. Among this team, there is a family

The family of three followed the river maintenance crew all the way east. The family of three were part-time workers recruited from the Mengzhou River Section. The couple and their sister were together. The husband's surname was Zhang, and his name was Zhang Laoshi. He was responsible for cleaning up the mud on the river team.

The daughter-in-law and sister are responsible for everyone's meals together with two middle-aged women. The three members of this family are ordinary in appearance, don't talk much, and work fairly hard, so they are not noticeable in such a river team.

The emperor was assassinated, the prince was seriously injured, Empress Song, Princess Yongqing, and Prince Qi were all kidnapped, causing a sensation in the world. Officers and soldiers could be seen everywhere, and checkpoints were set up along the road. Even as far as Luoyang Prefecture, they were heavily guarded.

In fact, the further away from Bianliang, the stricter the security measures along the way. Even if the Great Wall is lined up outside the city gate and the ferry is crowded with thousands of people, under the strict supervision of officers and soldiers patrolling the Yamen, Gong Zhuang, you still have to accept strict interrogation one by one.

Anyone whose appearance was slightly similar to that of Empress Song, mother and son, or who had a similar traveling group, were all taken away and subjected to further interrogation.

However, not everyone finds it inconvenient to move, at least for this river maintenance team. River maintenance is carried out every year. No matter which court it is, as long as there is this section of the Yellow River within its jurisdiction, it will not dare to

I am a little careless about river maintenance. Although the origins of river workers are complicated, their backgrounds are absolutely innocent. Everyone has a family and business, and they have a government official license from the township to enter.

All traveling merchants traveling from Bianliang, regardless of their status or background, did not dare to abuse their privileges at this time. Instead, they accepted the interrogation in a polite manner together with the lower-level people. However, it was difficult for this river heading towards Bianliang to

However, the repair team was hardly subject to any interrogation, let alone making things difficult for them.

When the emperor was angry, the world was shaken. All the officers and soldiers who inspected and inspected the Yamen, Gongzhuang, broke their legs and were extremely busy. Just monitoring all the water and land passages outside the country and searching all the households, inns and shops in the towns and villages was a heavy task.

With the almost impossible task, how could there be any spare time to take care of the river maintenance team belonging to the imperial court heading towards Bianliang?

At the Xingyang Ferry, after a busy day, the sun sets, the sky is filled with colorful clouds, and the smoke is rising. The river workers who have worked hard for a day start to have dinner with a large bowl. Zhang Laoshi is holding a large bowl of porridge and a steamed bun in the other hand.

, holding a green onion between her little finger and ring finger, with a dozen carrot strips spread on the porridge, squatting on the embankment of the Yellow River, facing the surging river.

He turned the big bowl with one hand, took a sip of the cool porridge, took a bite of the steamed buns, and then took a bite of the pure white scallions. It tasted delicious. His mother-in-law squatted next to him, also holding a big bowl.

Steamed buns and green onions, while eating, she and her husband were talking softly. Only Zhang Laoshi’s sister sat on a stone under a big tree, holding a small bowl of porridge, took a bite of the steamed bun, and drank

A small mouthful of porridge, eating gracefully.

A daughter is a daughter, but a girl who has not left the palace is different. Although she comes from a poor family and has an ordinary face, her actions are elegant and delicate.

"Fifth Young Master, it is not easy for us to go to Bianliang. We are safe now, but it will be difficult to get out again. This time, the emperor and the prince were both assassinated. The royal family suddenly lost three important figures.

If the imperial court does not find the empress and your highness, and catch the murderer, even if it takes another six months, it will not relax its guard. It will not be easy for us to escape this time. This time is worse than before, even if the Xianggong’s family is afraid that they will not be able to keep their relatives.

We also received a report from Kaifeng Mansion and underwent an investigation. Nowhere we live in Kaifeng is safe."

Facing the Yellow River, Zhang Laoshi was chatting "leisurely" with his wife while eating. However, if anyone heard the content of this chat, he would be scared out of his wits. Who would have thought that the imperial prisoner among the imperial prisoners, the Song Dynasty

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the most wanted criminal in the country is actually beside them.

"I know, of course it's not that easy." Zhe Ziyu opened his small white teeth, took a bite of a green onion, and chewed it like an ordinary village woman: "But if you don't say that, how can Yuluo be willing to lower his head."

Zhang Shisan was silent. Yang Hao exchanged the imperial seals for the entire Zhe family. He was very kind to the Zhe family. Based on this, the Fifth Young Master, who must avenge his grudges, would do his best to risk his life.

To keep his family safe. What's more, the fifth young master's heart is tied to Yang Hao. Now this Sister Yuluo will become her sister-in-law when she gets married. Since she has volunteered, she will shoulder the responsibility of stealing the sky.

How could the plan put Ding Yu in danger? It’s just...

"There is no other way. Princess Yongqing's assassination of the emperor has already alerted the enemy. Our original plan to escape hundreds of miles before the court found out failed. The road to the west is already full of dangers. Moreover, she colluded

The other person found another escape route, alerting the local officials, and invisibly blocking our escape route. Unless she made an unexpected move towards Bianliang, we would have no way to escape safely with her."

Zhe Ziyu took a sip of porridge and said: "Almost all our hidden stakes in Bianliang have been used this time. Even if there are a few people left, Tokyo City is now surrounded by soldiers and the wind is roaring, and they can't move. But some people have

There is no way. It is said that the emperor was just assassinated. Even if the emperor was assassinated and hundreds of thousands of imperial troops trapped the city of Tokyo like an iron barrel, some people would still be able to get in and out freely."

Zhang Shisan said in surprise: "Fifth Young Master, what do you mean?"

Zhe Ziyu smiled slightly: "These people are the local snakes of Bianliang City. Any cadre can crush them to death like ants, but they are the masters of the underground of Bianliang City. They are the foxes and rats in the city, the cocks and the dogs are thieves."

Seniors can sometimes play a big role. When I came back from Hexi, Yang...he... gave me a token and told me not to use it to find that person unless it was absolutely necessary. Now

, it’s the last resort..."

Zhe Ziyu reached into his arms and took out a short piece of wooden stick. The wooden stick was made of boxwood and had a fine texture. It seemed that he had been playing with it frequently, so it was very smooth...

"Have you found their whereabouts? Have you really found their whereabouts?"

Zhao Guangyi quickly walked into the Wende Hall, walking at first, then almost running forward with long strides. He rushed into the hall and saw three stretchers in the center of the hall, covered with a layer of white cloth, and then he stopped abruptly.

His eyes widened and he said: "This... this is..."

Zhen Chuge, the commander of the Imperial City Division, quickly tiptoed to follow, slightly arching his hands and reporting in a low voice: "Guan family, these are the bodies of Empress Song and Prince Qi."

Zhao Guangyi ordered the Imperial City Department to take full responsibility for the pursuit and search. He had already planned to use his tactics to kill people and silence them. However, Zhen Chuge actually completed the task. Hearing this, he was still frightened and took three steps back involuntarily.

Zhao Guangyi said solemnly: "How did she...they...die?"

Zhen Chuge rolled his eyes and reported carefully: "Reporting back to the officials, the rebels had created suspicions, sometimes going east and sometimes west, and the suspects were everywhere. It was not easy to trace them, but they made a mistake at the Min River ferry. They wanted to

Controlling the ferry, they ensured that the boat that hid Lady Song and His Highness Prince Qi went south, but for some reason, they got into a fight with another group of gangsters. This revealed their whereabouts. The inspection department thought it was the river gangs fighting for power and armed with weapons.

A fight broke out, resulting in injuries to people's lives, so a large number of patrols were sent to control the river, and they were about to investigate the case strictly, but the decree of the Lord arrived.

This was also the God Blessing Official Family. The boat that had taken Empress Song and His Highness Prince Qi hostage was blocked behind them. Seeing that the situation was not good, they abandoned the boat and landed on the shore, trying to go around the ferry. As a result, their whereabouts were exposed. After a fight, they were injured.

Only then did more than a dozen patrol inspectors escape. After hearing the news, the ministers immediately led their men in pursuit and finally caught up with their boat in the Beiru River. The subordinates fired arrows at random..."

Zhen Chuge paused deliberately when he said this. Zhao Guangyi understood and asked: "What, did you shoot the thief?"

Zhen Chuge hurriedly bowed and said: "Yes, the thief was indeed shot. The thief jumped over the wall in a hurry, killed His Highness King Qi, set fire to the boat, and then jumped into the river and escaped in all directions. While I sent people to arrest the murderer, I went to

The boat put out the fire, but unfortunately... it was a step too late, and the queen... was buried in the sea of ​​​​fire..."

Zhao Guangyi gritted his teeth and said, "Have you never caught a single person alive?"

Zhen Chuge hurriedly knelt down and said: "The humble minister was incompetent. At that time..."

What Zhen Chuge said was half true and half false. Zhao Guangyi knew that there were many untruths in his words, but there were some things that both of them knew well, but they refused to tell him. In fact, the Imperial City Division was really because of Min.

An inexplicable melee at the river crossing blocked the river, making it impossible for the boat carrying Empress Song and Prince Zhao Defang to pass. In desperation, they had to go ashore and take a detour, thus exposing their hiding place.

After Zhen Chuge led the troops from the Imperial City to pursue them, they pursued them all the way to the Beiru River. They mounted their horses and boarded the boat, and then they caught up with the boat ahead. But what followed was all lies. They fired arrows at random, and it was true.

But they are not the thieves, but Qi Wang Zhao Defang and Song Niangniang. Zhao Guangyi's order, as his confidant, Zhen Chuge knows clearly that the Niang Niang and Qi Wang must not escape alive, nor can they come back alive, they must die, but

The thieves who helped them escape had to capture a few people alive.

Although Zhao Guangyi could not help but pin the big label of regicide and rebellion on his third brother in Chongxiao Temple, he was not sure whether these people were sent by Zhao Guangmei, and he also wanted to find out the real murderer.

, eliminate serious troubles forever.

As a result, random arrows were fired, like a heavy rain. Zhao Defang, who had just become the king, was unable to dodge, and was hit by a random arrow in the chest. The Zheng family members who fled with Zhao Defang, mother and son saw that their real master was dead. Zhao Defang

After the death of this authentic prince, Empress Song, a woman with a foreign surname, whose appeal was far inferior to that of Zhao Guangmei, had little practical effect. However, she could not be abandoned at this time, so she had to escape with her.

These people are dead soldiers of the Zheng family, otherwise they would not be sent to carry out such an important task. They know very well that this is a serious crime of regicide. Once they are caught, even if they know everything and tell everything, they will punish the Nine Clan.

There is no way to escape this serious crime. If someone recognizes his true identity, his family will also suffer. Therefore, this breakout was very tragic. Many people in the Imperial City Division died, but not even a single person could be caught alive.

, as long as they were seriously injured and unable to survive, they would immediately commit suicide with a knife. Before they died, they would cut their facial features to pieces so that no one could recognize them anymore. With such a will to die, they could fight ten enemies with their lives.


However, the Imperial City Division had a large number of people after all, and the number of dead men on the ship was gradually decreasing. Seeing the officers and soldiers surrounding the ships getting closer and closer, Empress Song did not know that Zhao Guangyi wanted her to die. She was not willing to return to Bianliang alive to suffer, so she resolutely lit a fire

He then picked up his sword and committed suicide. Zhen Chuge took the people on board in time and finally snatched their bodies, but half of their bodies were also burned.

After Zhao Guangyi heard this, his eyes moved slightly and he said, "Where is Yongqing? Is this... right?"

Zhen Chuge lowered his head and said: "The whereabouts of the princess are unknown. I am sending people to continue the search. This body... is the maid Lin'er beside the princess."

"Oh?" Zhao Guangyi walked over, lifted up the white cloth and took a look. The originally delicate face was slightly deformed by the fire. It looked very scary. He had to straighten his face, and the small half of his face that had not been burned was revealed.

Zhao Guangyi vaguely saw the appearance of the past, his fingers trembled, and he almost didn't have the courage to look at the bodies of Empress Song and Zhao Defang again, but he was absolutely unwilling to rest assured if he didn't see them with his own eyes. Finally, he gritted his teeth and summoned up the courage to go and see them in person.

After identifying the bodies of Empress Song and Zhao Defang, I felt relieved.

"Yongqing...did he escape?" Zhao Guangyi squatted in front of Queen Song's body. Thinking that Yongqing might still be alive, he didn't know if his heart felt light or heavy. After hesitating for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Yongqing...is dead.

,This...is obviously the body of Yongqing's niece, Zhen Chuge, can you see clearly?"

Zhen Chuge was about to report that he had found an important letter from a dead soldier who had escaped ashore. Before he could speak, he suddenly heard Zhao Guangyi speak like this. He was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said repeatedly: "Yes, this...

It is the body of Princess Yongqing. I...I saw it with my own eyes. The princess was unwilling to be humiliated by the thieves and raised a fire to kill her."

At this time, a roar suddenly came from outside the palace: "Gu Ruoli, get out of my way, let me in, let me in, father, empress, sister Yongqing, brother Defang can be rescued?"

Zhao Guangyi's expression changed, and he suddenly threw himself in front of Queen Song's body and cried loudly: "Emperor's sister-in-law, you died so miserably... I am in vain as a human being, and I can't protect the whole family of the emperor's sister-in-law. Zhao Guangyi swears not to be a human being to avenge this hatred!"

Huang’s sister-in-law, Defang, Yongqing…”

Outside the West Water Gate of Bianliang, Tang Mansion.

A heavy rain had just swept away the hot summer heat, and the pond was flooded with water. Frogs were croaking happily on the lotus leaves in the pond. The fat lotus leaves were green and dotted with crystal water drops, and the frogs jumped up and down.

, and only let the lotus leaf sway gently, and the water droplets flowed like beads, but did not fall into the pool.

Under the weeping willows, there is a small vermilion pavilion. Three brothers, Tang Ying, Tang Yong and Tang Wei, stand side by side in the pavilion.

Tang Ying's face was as serious as water and she said: "In terms of knowledge and talents, I am not as good as the second brother and the third brother, so I usually let you decide on the Tang family's affairs, but this is a matter of life and death for my Tang family.

Should you also discuss it with me in advance? Decades ago, the Lu family was very ambitious, and don’t you know what the consequences were?"

When Tang Ying got angry, Tang Yong became a little uneasy, but Tang Wei smiled and said: "Brother, how can what we did be compared with what the Lu family did back then?"

Tang Ying said angrily: "You are still making excuses. You ordered people to rob and kill the Zheng family's troops at the Min River crossing. As a result, the Zheng family's achievements were completely defeated. Dozens of dead soldiers were killed, including the three members of Song's family. You also killed them in Beiru River."

An ambush was laid to kill the dead members of the Zheng family who had escaped from the Imperial City Division, and they left documents related to the Zheng family to frame them. How is this different from the Lu family killing each other back then? Once the news is leaked..."

Tang Ying couldn't help but change her face when she thought about the terrible consequences.

Tang Yong said: "Brother, the news will never be leaked. Now the only people who know the truth are you and me, only the three of us from the Tang family, and no one else knows!"

Tang Ying was furious and pointed at Tang Wei. Tang Wei calmly spread his fan and said: "Second brother is not wrong. Only you and me three brothers know the truth. There are many people I sent,

Now they are all sleeping underground, and this secret will never be revealed."

Tang Ying felt a chill in her heart, her fingers trembled, and she couldn't speak any more.

Tang Wei shook his shoulders lightly, turned to the pond, and said with a smile: "Brother, you don't have to take the situation so seriously. Why don't you think about the good side? Our Tang family, whose name is the surname of the country, is originally a branch of the Li family.

But this main branch and side branches are not static. The Li family has declined, and now it is basically attached to the Cui family. It is time for the Tang family to rise.

Besides, the letter I left cannot destroy the Zheng family. The Zheng family is a hidden sect, and its power exposed to the surface is very limited. Once it attracts the attention of the court, the whole world will be wiped out. At worst, Old Man Zheng will not be able to escape from the world.

All their power is destroyed in one go, and their root cause cannot be solved at all.”

He smiled evilly: "Of course, it is inevitable to have a serious loss of vitality. The Zheng family has a serious loss of vitality. This evil fire cannot be directed at us no matter what. Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Their creditors

Cui Dalang must be blamed."

Third Young Master Tang brushed his folding fan away, clapped it in the palm of his hand, raised his eyebrows and said: "It's done, the Qianzong will be revealed, the Cui and Zheng families are fighting fiercely, and our Tang family has established itself at the center of the world, with a bright future.

Can we, a side branch of the Li family, become the masters of the entire Successor Hall given time?"

He slowly turned his head, eyes burning like fire, looked at the eldest and second brothers, and said with a smile: "Eldest brother, second brother, do you think my risk is worth it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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