Turn off the lights
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Sheng Mian thought of the blisters on his fingers and stood up quickly.

"Do you still keep the burn ointment I gave you?"

Fu Yancheng opened the drawer on the side and took out the burn ointment.

Sheng Mian unscrewed the plaster, then using the light of the bedside lamp, grabbed his fingers and applied it carefully.

Her fingertips slowly rubbed that spot, while Fu Yancheng looked down at her.

Looking from this angle, you can see the back of her neck. Her pajamas are hanging down, exposing a large area of ​​skin, and the exposed skin is also full of marks.

Now she was applying medicine, her head lowered, and she carefully grasped his fingers.

Fu Yancheng came closer and smelled the fragrance on her body.

After applying the medicine, Sheng Mian looked up at him.

"Are we in big trouble now?"

He nodded, his eyebrows still delicate, he held her face and pecked her lips carefully.

"Fu Xingzhou..."

As soon as she mentioned the name, there was a pain in her lips.

Fu Yancheng pushed her down instantly.

"Sang Tingyu has cooperated with him. He wants Mrs. Fu, and he also wants you."

Sheng Mian looked at him, her heart beating rapidly, "What about you?"

He slowly leaned over and kissed her neck gently, "I only want you."

Not Fu.

Sheng Mian hated her own powerlessness at this moment, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

She slowly wrapped her arms around Fu Yancheng's neck and buried her head in his chest.

Fu Yancheng's mind was a little stuck for a moment, and he was silent for a minute before asking, "Are we together again?"

Sheng Mian didn't say anything, so he just took off her pajamas.

"It's still early."

"No, uh."

When it ended, it was six o'clock in the morning.

Fu Yancheng covered her with a quilt, put on his suit and left the bedroom, his face instantly turned cold.

Qi Shen was already waiting on the first floor, respectfully handing over the documents.

"President, this is the will that Fu Xingzhou sent overnight. There are additional conditions before the transfer of the old man's 15% shares. Fu Xingzhou must be dead. Now that he is still alive, then this 100%

Fifteen of the shares will belong to him, and today he will go to the company as a senior executive of the Fu family."

The Fu family has experienced a wave of turmoil before. Fu Yancheng holds a lot of shares. Even if he gives 15%, he still has absolute say.

His cell phone rang, and there were many missed calls, including those from his father Fu Song and Fu Qiuya, all from the Fu family.

When they heard that Fu Xingzhou appeared at the party, everyone else in the Fu family became excited, and some even sent Fu Yancheng text messages.

[Your position was originally for sailing. Now that he is back, you have to give up this position to him.]

[This must also be the old man’s last wish. As long as Xing Zhou is still alive, he will be the heir to the Fu family. 】

Fu Yancheng looked at these text messages and raised his eyebrows slightly.

When he sat on the sofa in the living room, Qi Shen placed the document in front of him.

"Mr. Fu Song called me and will be home at noon. I hope to have a good talk with you and Fu Xingzhou."


Fu Yancheng continued to review the documents in his hand, but Qi Shen was obviously a little panicked.

"President, Fu Xingzhou is coming in a big way this time."


Fu Yancheng lowered his eyelashes and told the kitchen to cook more delicious food for Sheng Mian.

Qi Shen saw that he didn't seem to care about Mrs. Fu and sighed slightly.

On the other side, there were several senior people sitting in front of Fu Song, and their faces were filled with relief.

"The return of Xing Zhou is also an explanation to us. His request is also very simple. He just wants to live with Sheng Mian. Fu Song, please discuss this matter with Fu Yancheng after you return."

"We must focus on the overall situation. In the years since Xing Zhou disappeared, he has suffered a lot of mental torture. Since he accepted the mission because of Sheng Mian, Sheng Mian can indeed cure him to a certain extent. Yan Cheng has a bad temper.

Well, you, the father, have to talk about this matter."

Fu Song put a cup of tea in front of him and lowered his eyelashes.

Everyone was discussing the mission that year and the research data.

Completely unaware that if Fu Yancheng and Sheng Mian were already together, their behavior this time was to push Fu Yancheng's girlfriend to Fu Xingzhou.

No one cared whether Fu Yancheng agreed or not. After all, he had been in the army and had to sacrifice his ego.

This chapter has been completed!
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