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On the other side, even though Fu Yancheng was helped into the car, his whole body was still frozen, especially his hands, which were still making grabbing movements.

Xie Feng drove in the front, while Wen Sihe sat in the back and looked after Fu Yancheng.

His head was spinning with anger, "Did you hear those words? Damn it, Sheng Mian is so cruel. How could she say it? If she really liked Fu Xingzhou, she would have been with him on the day Fu Xingzhou came back.

Isn't it possible? I just want to give hope to Yancheng."

Wen Sihe actually wanted to curse more viciously, but he couldn't.

Xie Feng glanced in the rearview mirror but said nothing.

It was very dull inside the car until Fu Yancheng was sent back to Yujingyuan.

Xie Feng asked the servant to put him on the bed, and then sat with Wen Sihe in the lobby on the first floor, planning to wait for the other party to wake up.

No one spoke during this period because they really didn't know what to say.

Xie Feng frowned when he saw Wen Sihe looking at his phone irritably.

"You haven't appeared recently. What's wrong with the script?"

"Stop it, I accidentally slept with a woman when the crew was wrapping up last time, and she turned out to be a virgin. Now she's flirting with me everywhere, just hoping that I'll be responsible for her. I'm so annoyed that she follows me wherever I go.

, like a shadow, especially every time I go to the Sky Corridor, she follows me like a little tail, looking at me with such affectionate eyes, I really can’t stand it.”

Xie Feng noticed that Wen Sihe said he was annoyed and couldn't stand it, but he was flipping through the information again and again.

"She is a female star?"

"I'm just a young actor. I just acted in that TV series. I wrote the script. They say they admire me very much."

"In the end, you worshiped her on the bed?"

Wen Sihe is a playboy. Generally, as long as a good-looking person approaches, he will not refuse.

His aesthetics have always been very good, and the women he has slept with are all of high quality, and most of them get what they want.

Who doesn't know the rules here if you work in this industry?

So those women were very sensible and didn't bother him anymore. They all knew that he had been among thousands of flowers and never let a leaf touch him.

But the sleep she slept with this time was different. Wen Sihe did drink too much that night, which was a bit semi-forced.

But the other party didn't refuse, it was obvious that he had liked him for a long time.

And he vaguely remembered that when he was about to go in, she kept asking him if he would be responsible.

How could you believe a man's lofty words in bed? He couldn't stand being dominated by his desire. He coaxed the person and said it over and over again before the other party would let him in.

Later, when he sobered up, he compensated her with the resources of a heroine, but she didn't want it, so he confessed his feelings affectionately.

Wen Sihe didn't take it to heart at first. This woman said she didn't want resources, which proved that the other party was greedy and wanted to stay with him and regard him as a long-term resource extraction bank.

He was still feeling a little guilty, but he instantly became cold and humiliated the woman. Unexpectedly, she just looked at him quietly, without saying anything, just looked at him quietly.

This was even more unbearable than what was said.

Wen Sihe didn't care, he was too lazy to tangle with this kind of woman.

Since the heroine's script is not accepted, the only thing she can do is to be prostituted for free.

I thought the woman would eventually compromise, but when he walked out of the room, she still didn't say anything.

Half a month later, they met again at a banquet. At that time, he drank a few more drinks. As a result, she went out in the heavy rain to buy hangover medicine and came back. She took him home again and took care of him in various ways.

When Wen Sihe woke up from her narrow bed, she was still a little uncomfortable. Then she dropped a card and disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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