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Chapter 1197 My brother is gone, why don’t you go after him?

But he didn't do it.

He was just testing her bottom line.

Rub her, kiss her, hug her.

Sheng Mian quickly turned into a puddle of water, and she didn't even have the strength to push him away.

There was a huge feeling of emptiness in her body, but he stopped at the most critical place and just held her.

"Mianmian, go to sleep."

After teasing someone, he now acts like a Bodhisattva without desires.

Sheng Mian still felt hot, almost reaching a certain point due to his arousal, but all the atmosphere receded like a tide because of his falling asleep.

This taste is so unpleasant that it kills you.

So much so that she stayed up all night, and when she got up, her eyelids were blue.

Fu Yancheng slept very well this time. Before she woke up, she had already returned to the master bedroom.

Sheng Mian brushed her teeth and looked at her face in the mirror.

Not only men will be dissatisfied with their desires, but women will also be dissatisfied. She now feels that the resentment in her body can feed ten evil sword fairies.

If the situation like last night happened a few more times, she would collapse sooner or later.

Fu Yancheng, this bitch, obviously did it on purpose.

She took a deep breath, and when she walked out the window, she saw that her window was open. She probably came in through here last night.

It's still quite high from the ground. Thinking of the injuries on his back...

Sheng Mian raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brow, showing off.

Realizing that she was being led by him, she quickly went back to the bathroom and washed her face.

When she went downstairs, she saw Fu Yancheng already sitting on the sofa processing documents.

He looked much better.

Compared to Shengmian's complexion, he was simply radiant.

Sheng Mian became even more angry and felt extremely aggrieved, but she still couldn't find a reason to complain to him.

When the two of them were sitting at the dining table, he diligently pushed an omelette over to them.

"Mianmian, I see you are not in good spirits, please take more supplements."

Sheng Mian's face darkened, "I'll seal the windows tonight."

The implication is that you are not allowed to enter her room again.

The smile on Fu Yancheng's face disappeared and he sighed, seeming very regretful.

After dinner, Sheng Mian planned to go to the company again.

Fu Yancheng did not stay in Shanxiao this time, he also had many things to be busy with.

But when the two were about to separate in the courtyard, he quietly leaned into her ear.

"You open the window tonight, and I will come and kiss you tonight."

As for where to kiss, the two of them knew very well.

What a naughty thing!

Sheng Mian was extremely angry, but there were Aunt Liu and Qi Shen here now, so she couldn't refute a word.

Fu Yancheng got into his car with satisfaction, smiled at her, and left.

Sheng Mian stood there, his face turning red and white for a while.

Liu Qiong saw something was wrong with her and quickly asked, "Miss Sheng, are you feeling unwell?"

If dissatisfaction with desire can be considered uncomfortable, she is indeed very uncomfortable now!

In the car driving away, Fu Yancheng looked at the documents in his hands quietly, while Qi Shen sat in the driver's seat and spoke.

"Fu Hengshu has been persuading Fu Qiuya recently and wants Fu Qiuya's shares. At present, except for the old man and Fu Qiuya, almost all the shares of the Fu family are in his hands. President, it seems that they are not satisfied with you sitting here.

This location.”


Fu Yancheng's tone was very calm, as if he wasn't worried at all.

"In addition, Fu Qiuya seems to be persuaded. If the shares in her hands also fall into the hands of Fu Hengshu, then Fu Hengshu will have 30% of the shares. Currently, there is still 15% of the shares in the old man's hands.

In hand, plus 10% of the scattered shares, if he can get it from the old man, the position of president will be his."

Qi Shen didn't know what Fu Yancheng thought about the Fu family. Now Fu Hengshu had obviously threatened his position.

Moreover, Fu Hengshu has now placed Fu Han in the Fu family, and he is the only one on Fu Yancheng's side, almost fighting alone.

When Fu Yancheng went abroad, he had been controlling Fu's business remotely. He took over the whole process as soon as he returned to China. It is right for others to be dissatisfied.

But at that time, Fu Yancheng had nothing to criticize. Now that the incident between him and Sheng Mian has become a black spot, the Fu family is naturally famous, and even the old man cannot protect him.

After all, he is willing to transfer 10% of the shares.

This chapter has been completed!
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