Turn off the lights
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The temperature in the room rose instantly, and she couldn't bear the heat.

Fu Yancheng had indeed been hungry for too long. He was worried about her injury and did not let her move at all.

He had been in the army and his waist was so strong that he could hold her in the air for a long time.

Sheng Mian had no strength, so she pushed his shoulder, but he didn't move at all.


He shouted in a hoarse tone and hugged her tighter.

Sheng Mian had the illusion that he liked her very much, so much that he wanted to rub her into his bones and blood.

It continued until late at night before he stopped.

Fu Yancheng looked satisfied, but he saw her turning away her head and pursed her lips tightly, looking a little aggrieved.

"What's wrong?"

"My legs hurt."

If you do this kind of thing too much, your legs will lose strength.

He put the person on the window sill while he was half-kneeling, "Where does it hurt?"

His fingertips rubbed her legs, from the soles of her feet upwards.

Sheng Mian is very strong, meticulous in her work, and very calm and strong when dealing with her partners.

But her skin is so tender that even a slight pinch can leave traces, so now she doesn't have a single patch of good skin all over her body.

Fu Yancheng rubbed it for ten minutes and then heard her ask softly.

"What do we mean by this?"

It seems like she is a prostitute who can fuck at any time.

He had no identity, and even during this period, rumors about him and other women were still flying.

He also gave Xiaobai away and allowed the woman to enter and leave the Fu family freely.

Now the two of them are lingering in this room, as if they are deeply in love with each other. What the hell is that?

Or maybe men just like to pretend to be affectionate.

Fu Yancheng didn't get up, he just knelt down and rubbed her legs.

She sat on the windowsill, much taller than him.

Behind her was the dark sky and the moon that was about to set.

He knelt like this for a long time before saying, "What do you want us to be?"

This question stumped Sheng Mian.

If she is confident enough, she will say that she wants to be his girlfriend and hope that they will have a formal relationship.

But she was not confident because it was clear to Fu Yancheng that he had a better choice.

They were also divorced. During the three years of marriage, he had never laid eyes on her, so how could he fall in love with her just because they slept with each other?

Her silence meant something else to Fu Yancheng.

Even though there was still a blush on her face at this moment caused by him, even though the two of them were very happy just now, and now they have calmed down, the man named He Zhou still occupied the main place in her heart.

She also went to see him last time. Who knows if the two of them did anything.

Jealousy is like a vine that spreads crazily, wrapping around until the whole heart starts to hurt.

He slowly pressed his hand on the leg in front of him, feeling the delicateness of his palm, and then said after a long time: "It's getting late, go to bed."

Regarding this topic, the two jumped over again.

I'm afraid that if I say one more word, one of them will lose their mentality.

Sheng Mian held the towel on the side and took her feet back from his palm.

She fell from the window sill and felt so weak that she couldn't stand still.

Fu Yancheng was supporting the person, and when he saw her extending her hand to push him, his face suddenly darkened.

"It's like this every time. After doing it, you'll fall out and be ruthless. Sheng Mian, who is the scumbag of mine or you?"

Sheng Mian said nothing, holding on to the wall to go out.

Fu Yancheng was furious, strode forward, pressed her whole body against the wall, and hugged her up.

Sheng Mian was afraid of falling, so her legs subconsciously wrapped around his waist.

With her back pressed against the cold wall, she did not look at him, but said calmly: "Put me down."

Fu Yancheng was so angry that he tore off the pajamas she had wrapped herself in and started running rampant.

"It's not day yet."

"My back hurts."

Fu Yancheng immediately hugged her into his arms without letting her touch the wall. This posture made her completely dependent on him.

"Then don't rely on it."

"I don't want to do it."

But he didn't listen to this sentence.

Sheng Mian buried her head in his neck and simply stopped talking.

When another scene ended, she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

It was already six o'clock in the morning. Fu Yancheng held her in his arms, blew her hair dry, and cleaned her whole body to make sure she was clean before putting her on the bed.

He turned on the air conditioner, adjusted it to a suitable temperature, and went to the study room.

He didn't sleep all night and he was in high spirits.

Qi Shen usually arrives at Yujingyuan at half past five, and then waits for Fu Yancheng to get up.

Today he originally wanted to knock on the door, but he heard some noises that he shouldn't have heard, so he quickly went downstairs again.

When he saw Fu Yancheng coming out, he followed him to the study.

"President, Bai Shu is still in jail."

Fu Yancheng's eyes flashed sharply when he thought of Sheng Mian's injuries.

"Beat him and make him stay in bed for a few months before he comes down."

This is a complete enmity with the Bai family.

Qi Shen didn't ask anything else and immediately called there.

The bodyguards guarding Baizhu immediately started to take action.

Bai Shu was also a tough guy. He never cried out about pain, but kept scolding Fu Yancheng.

"Fuck you Fu Yancheng!"

"Next time I'll kill your whole family!"

By the end of the scolding, he had fainted and had countless broken ribs.

The bodyguard threw the person directly to the hospital and went to Yujingyuan to recover.

This chapter has been completed!
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