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Chapter 121 The companionship of the world of mortals

The group of people entered the Chaoyang Gate unhurriedly. This place already belonged to the inner city, with tall city walls and patrols by the garrison of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division.

Walking southward along the inner city wall, passing through a deep alley, you suddenly see an extraordinarily spacious street in front of you.

As soon as everyone arrived at this street, they felt the breath of books coming to their faces. There were various shops on both sides of the spacious road.

This is another prosperous and beautiful place, and it is more upscale and classy than the markets in the outer city.

Mr. Zhen was in front, and Shen Lie was half a step behind, walking side by side with Feng Bao. From time to time he passed by pedestrians and looked at the shops on both sides of the street.

This place is not far from Gongyuan. There are many scholars and well-dressed dignitaries on the street. The shops on both sides of the street sell books, antique calligraphy and paintings.

A few people walked leisurely on the street, passing by bookstores, looking at the four books and five classics, the secret scrolls of the number one scholar, paintings of famous people, pens, inks, papers and inkstones displayed in the shops.

The street was very quiet and elegant, and the strong aroma of books made Shen Lie immediately feel that his soul had been sublimated, but he soon discovered something strange.

As Shen Lie stopped in front of a shop selling calligraphy and paintings by celebrities.

Looking at the elegant and quiet landscape paintings, among celebrity copybooks, there are also some storybooks with boldly exposed covers, which reminded Shen Lie of "The Romance of the West Chamber" and "The Plum in the Golden Vase".

This is nothing, but among those story books...

There are even a few erotic pictures with bold styles mixed in. The erotic pictures are so detailed, and you can tell at a glance that they were painted by famous artists.

If you look closely, the characters on it are really lifelike.

On one side were the Four Books and Five Classics, moral articles, and on the other side were erotic pictures sold on the street. This contradictory picture made the corners of Shen Lie's mouth twitch slightly.

Long posture again!

"These scholars!"

Shen Lie shook his head and murmured to himself: "You are really good at playing."

How did that sentence come about?

He talks about benevolence, righteousness and morality, but he is full of male thieves and female prostitutes.

At this time, Mr. Zhen turned around, followed his gaze, and then dragged Shen Lie forward: "Let's go, let's see what's interesting in the erotic pictures."

Shen Lie was dragged by him and staggered, so he had no choice but to continue walking forward with him.

Not far further.

The flow of people suddenly became denser. When they looked up, they saw the red lanterns lined up on both sides of the street, as well as the teahouse and brothel with people coming and going.

Outside the door of the largest and most luxurious brothel, a large plaque written by a famous artist hung high, with three large Chinese characters written on it.

"Fengya Pavilion."

We've arrived.

It is indeed the best brothel in the capital. In addition to scholars, the people who come in and out are merchants in luxurious clothes, in groups of three or five, people coming and going...

Shen Lie looked at the high lintel, feeling the luxurious atmosphere coming from inside, and his heart began to beat. This place was no better than the Orioles on Willow Street.

How much does it cost to spend one night here?


But Mr. Zhen was already excited, and he couldn't help but drag Shen Lie in: "Let's go, shopkeeper Shen just keep your heart in your stomach, today... Zhen is inviting me!"

Unable to resist the warm welcome, Shen Lie had no choice but to follow closely and bravely walked into the largest and most luxurious place of romance in the capital.

As soon as you enter the door.

Shen Lie was slightly stunned. This Feng Ya Pavilion was very different from what he had imagined. There were no unbearable scenes, and there were not a few scantily clad girls. Instead, it was very charming and elegant.

Standing at the gate and looking around, the three-story wooden building is very luxuriously decorated.

The first floor is the lobby for tea and wine tasting. The lobby is full of people, and they are all groups of scholars enjoying tea and chatting.

On the second floor are private rooms. On the stairs leading to those private rooms, you can see rich people in luxurious clothes. As for the third floor...

There were some tough guards guarding the corridor on the third floor. It was hard to see clearly. This scene reminded Shen Lie of the nightclubs of later generations.

On the third floor of every nightclub, there is an indescribable private space, where dignitaries should have tea and find girls to accompany them for drinks.

Shen Lie withdrew his gaze from the third floor...

Then he looked at a stage in the lobby on the first floor. There was a group of musicians on the stage, and several girls were babbling and singing a little tune, singing the play of a talented man and a beautiful woman.

Wu Nong's soft words reached his ears, and Shen Lie couldn't understand what he was singing, but the figures and appearances of those girls were extremely beautiful.

A group of people stopped and watched. After listening to a few words, a charming old madam came over with his waiters.

Before anyone arrives, I hear the smile first.

"Ouch, you guys are really rare guests."

The smell of rouge hit his nostrils, and Shen Lie quickly took a step back, but Mr. Zhen stepped forward with a folding fan in his hand and bowed to the old madam.

"Mommy is polite."

The old bustard rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand to hold Mr. Zhen's arm, but his eyes glanced at Shen Lie, Feng Bao and others.

The old madam looked at Mr. Zhen. Feng Bao and Feng Bao seemed to be surprised, but their smiles became more attentive: "Few distinguished guests... please go upstairs to the private room and invite us."

As the charming old madam turned around, twisted her weak waist, and walked up the stairs with three swaying steps.

Mr. Zhen's eyes were shining. He poked Shen Lie with his finger and gave a malicious look. His excited expression seemed to say something.


What did I say?

Just an old bustard with so many charms, are you in the wrong place?

Shen Lie was dumbfounded and had no choice but to accompany him upstairs, up the stairs, and passed through small rooms. They soon arrived at a private room at the end of the second floor.

As the waiter opened the door, Mr. Zhen was the first to walk in under the guidance of the old madam.

Shen Lie and Feng Bao followed closely behind, and several Dongchang masters guarded the door outside. As the door was slightly closed, this area was isolated from the outside world.

As everyone sat down, a clever boy of fifteen or sixteen years old began to make tea quietly, and brought exquisite snacks, seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Shen Lie looked around in this elegant room that was filled with the smell of makeup and powder, looking at the music, chess, calligraphy and paintings placed on the side, and the famous calligraphy hanging on the wall.

My heart suddenly dawned.

In fact, the brothels of this era were similar to the nightclubs of later generations, and even much cleaner than the nightclubs. There were three buildings and nine floors.

People of all kinds can spend money here as long as they have money. Those who don't have money can listen to ditties and drink tea downstairs. Those with money can naturally go to the private room and order some girls.

As the boy poured half a cup of fragrant tea, he lit the incense...

Shen Lie was about to pick up the tea cup and taste it, but he saw the old bustard with a smile on his face and said to everyone: "These distinguished guests looked very strange, are you coming back?"

Mr. Zhen nodded and said with a smile: "Once you are alive, the second time you are familiar with it."

The old bustard said hurriedly: "What the young master said is true, but I don't know that the young master..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Zhen slapped the folding fan on the table and said carelessly: "Call the top girl here!"

The air was stagnant for a moment.

Shen Lie almost spit out the tea in his mouth. The Madam and Feng Bao were also stunned for a moment, looking at the face of Mr. Zhen with sparse stubble.

For a moment, everyone had nothing to say. As soon as the young man sat down in the private room, his buttocks were still hot and he was about to see the leader of the family.

If the top girl can be seen casually, is she still called the top girl?

This chapter has been completed!
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