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Chapter 145 The Ming Army has no pay

After praising Shen Lie, Zhu Yijun sat down in the pavilion a little tired, wiping his sweat and beating his sore legs.

After all, it is not easy to charge on horseback while wearing two layers of armor. It consumes a lot of physical strength and makes him look a little out of breath.

As Zhu Yijun came to his senses, he picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and swallowed it in two or two mouthfuls, and his young brows gradually showed a bit of elegance.

He looked at Shen Lie and said in a low voice: "As you said, Wala is ambitious. I wanted to ask Qi Jiguang to send troops to beat Wala severely, but those civil servants blocked him."

Speaking of the civil servants who prevented him from sending troops, Zhu Yijun let out a cold snort, and an inexplicable chilling air suddenly hit his face.

Looking at the coldness floating in the young emperor's eyes.

Shen Lie's heart tightened and he quickly closed his mouth. He was the emperor after all. The chill he inadvertently revealed when he spoke was shocking.

Shen Lie was so frightened that he was covered in white hair and sweat, and he shouted Amitabha in his heart.

At this moment, Shen Lie knew what it means to accompany a king like a tiger.

This man was smiling just a moment ago, but the next second he gritted his teeth and wanted to kill someone, as if he were killing a person, as lightly as killing a chicken.

Shen Lie didn't dare to talk at this time, so he had to close his mouth tightly, looked at his toes, and secretly wiped the sweat from his palms on his trouser legs.

But when Zhu Yijun was getting excited, he said bitterly: "The civil and military officials of this dynasty are all his disciples from top to bottom. Even Qi Jiguang colluded with him internally and externally, and dared to violate my will... Humph, Do you think these bitches deserve to die?"

The sweat that Shen Lie had just subsided broke out again.

Who is the emperor scolding?

Naturally, it is Zhang Juzheng.

Facing the emperor's scorching gaze, Shen Lie's heart could not help but lift up, but he could only show his superb acting skills, his face remained calm, and there was even a hint of embarrassment.

Shen Lie lowered his head and said softly: "Common people don't dare to talk nonsense about this important military and national matter."

But the emperor immediately became unhappy and said coldly: "If I ask you a question, just tell me. No one will dare to punish you!"

A moment.

Countless thoughts popped up in Shen Lie's mind, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "As for the ordinary people, maybe... the Grand Master has some last resort?"

After saying that, Shen Lie felt something was wrong.

He felt two cold eyes looking over him. The eyes were as scorching as two knives, which was really frightening.

Soon Shen Lie's ears heard the emperor's gloomy voice again: "Why, are you also helping him to speak?"

Shen Lie hurriedly said: "Common people don't dare."

But Zhu Yijun ignored him and still said coldly: "Oh, I remembered that you and the eldest lady of the Zhang family have been getting together all day long. It must be the love between the husband and the concubine, and the fight is fierce."

Shen Lie's heart skipped a beat and he screamed softly in his heart.


Wrong thing to say!

We have to find a way to remedy this quickly.

At this time, Shen Lie was perfunctory and tried his best to organize his words: "The common people dare not, the common people think... what the emperor said is very reasonable. If I, the Ming Dynasty, work together, it will not be difficult to flatten the tiles."

As expected, these words made the young emperor's expression soften a little, and he whispered: "Go on."

Shen Lie, who was sweating profusely, suddenly thought of a classic saying and blurted out: "The Ming army has no pay, but if it has pay, it is invincible!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Xiyuan seemed to become quiet.

Zhu Yijun was slightly stunned and seemed to be shocked by these words. The surrounding fans and the imperial guards were also stunned and began to think about it seriously.

At this moment, it seems that everyone from the Emperor of Heaven to the tigers and wolves in the imperial army have been led into some kind of myth by Shen Lie's famous saying.

Looking at the thoughtful Emperor, Shen Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he hurriedly said: "Our soldiers of tomorrow are of course an invincible army, and they can sweep across the wilderness in just a matter of seconds, but..."

Shen Lie's mind became clear and he began to talk eloquently: "I think back in the past, when I, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, asked Zhu Sheng, a scholar of planning, how to pacify the world?"

"Zhu Sheng said that building walls high, hoarding grain and becoming king slowly laid the foundation for the Ming Dynasty to dominate the world. Therefore, there is no need to rush to flatten Wa La. As long as our army has sufficient food and pay, it will not be difficult to flatten Wa La. "

Having said this.

Zhu Yijun's expression changed again, and he began to pace slowly in the pavilion, falling into deep thoughts.

For a moment, in the Xiyuan, except for the footsteps of the young emperor, the surroundings were as quiet as death. I don't know how long it had passed.

Zhu Yijun seemed to have figured it out, and the resentment in his heart dissipated, and he said gently to Shen Lie: "The Ming army has no pay, but if it has pay, it is invincible. That makes sense!"

He repeated this sentence repeatedly, and it seemed that the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. It seemed that just this sentence explained the crux of the Ming army, and even the entire Ming Empire.

The Ming Dynasty never lacked men of strength, but all it lacked was money and food.

As the gloomy Long Yanshu unfolded, Zhu Yijun looked at Shen Lie with scorching eyes for a long time.

The young emperor showed a slightly honest smile again, and said softly: "I did not misjudge the person, Shen Lie, you are really a talent."

Shen Lie felt bitter in his heart and said hurriedly: "The common people don't dare."

You are the emperor, and everything you say is right.

After the rain, the sky cleared up.

Zhu Yijun became amiable again and said thoughtfully: "I originally planned to allocate a sum of money to renovate the Xiyuan. So... this money must be saved."

Shen Lie hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is wise."

Shen Lie worked hard to respond to the emperor's inquiry, and showed a small face. At this time, the sweat on his body was not dry, so he quickly closed his mouth again.

After all, he still understands the principle that talking too much will lead to mistakes.

But Zhu Yijun was in high spirits, and soon he became happy again, and said happily: "I have nothing to do, Shen Lie... come with me, I will take you to see something good!"

Shen Lie hurriedly said: "The common people obey the decree."

After bowing respectfully, Shen Lie followed him closely, walking one step behind and towards another warehouse not far away, surrounded by guards.

A moment later, deep in Xiyuan.

Shen Lie followed Zhu Yijun and came to a very secret house. The house was surrounded by weeds, and among the weeds, there were only some large iron cages.

This is a journey.

Looking at the heavily guarded forest guards on both sides of the road, wherever he looked, he looked at the large rusty iron cages with barbs in the grass.

Shen Lie couldn't help but feel shocked secretly.

But for a moment, it dawned on me that this place was probably the legendary Wuzong Leopard Room, and those terrifying iron cages were already dilapidated.

But it is not used to keep beauties in check, but...

It was really used to keep leopards in captivity. Maybe they were wild leopards sent as tribute from other countries.

The group of people stopped in the former Leopard Room and saw Zhu Yijun waving his hand and calling a Dongchang leader over to give a few instructions.

A group of tough men quickly stepped forward, opened the door of the Leopard Room, and moved out a long wooden box. They looked at the familiar wooden box.

Shen Lie was slightly stunned, why did it look like an ammunition box.

At this moment.

Zhu Yijun ordered people to open these boxes, then smiled at Shen Lie and said mysteriously: "Shen Lie, have you heard of Western fire guns?"

Shen Lie pretended to be stunned and said in amazement: "Common people have never heard of this thing. I dare to ask Your Majesty... what is a fire gun?"

This chapter has been completed!
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