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Chapter 148 Surprised a pool of gulls

Amidst the thunderous cheers of the guards, Zhu Yijun put the gun on his shoulder, and there was a trace of scorn on his slightly fat and childish face.

"Ha ha!"

He himself laughed excitedly, and his mood became even higher: "Come again!"

It seems that he is addicted to playing, and he shoots one shot after another endlessly.

same time.

The Forbidden City is separated from the Xiyuan by a wall. After entering the Meridian Gate and walking to the left, you will find the Wenhua Hall, the center of the Ming Dynasty and the office of Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet.

Morning time.

This important area of ​​the cabinet is very busy, and the cabinet officials are in a hurry, sending reports from all over the country and the six yamen into the hall.

The unimportant items were directly reviewed by the cabinet minister and several bachelors, while the important items were sorted and stored and handed over to Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, for personal handling.

After Zhang Juzheng reviewed them, he sent these important memorials to the inner court and gave them to the emperor for inspection. Then the eunuch Feng Bao sealed them with a jade seal.

This is the decision-making process of the highest center of the Ming Dynasty.

However, because the emperor was young and unable to govern in the early years, the government was completely controlled by the cabinet headed by Zhang Juzheng and the imperial eunuch chief Feng Bao.

In silence.

As a crisp blast of muskets was heard not far away, the officials who were walking quickly inside and outside the Meridian Gate stopped one after another.

Each of the important cabinet ministers and subordinate officials couldn't help but look in the direction where the gunfire came from. Everyone was stunned, and then continued to do their own business.

An illusion must be an illusion.

All the adults were muttering in their hearts, how could someone shoot a gun near the Forbidden City?


Maybe someone set off a big firecracker.

But a few minutes later, as another crisp gunshot sounded, lingering over the entire Forbidden City, the officials stopped again.

He was so shocked that he turned pale.

The subordinate officials who were not interested in working walked out of the buildings one after another, looked at the direction where the gunfire came from, and gathered together to whisper.

"What sound?"

"Like a firecracker..."

Amidst whispers, several adults suddenly rushed out from the Wenhua Hall. The leader was in his fifties, with elegant appearance and a slight hint of panic on his majestic face.

It's Mr. Shofu.

As soon as Zhang Juzheng rushed out of the palace, he shouted loudly: "Where are the guns!"

The front of the hall fell silent for a moment, but when faced with the chief minister's questioning, all the subordinate officials looked at a loss and were all speechless.

A few minutes later another gunshot was heard.

The chief assistant's face turned ashen, and like an angry old bull, he suppressed a low roar from his throat.

"Where are the guards in front of the palace!"

At this order, hundreds of guards swarmed out from both sides of the Meridian Gate, and followed the chief minister in a hurry out of the Meridian Gate.

A group of people with serious faces, some on horseback and some on foot, carried Zhang Juzheng in a sedan and rushed towards the direction of the gunshot.

same time.

Deep inside the palace, surrounded by palace ladies, a graceful and elegant middle-aged beautiful woman was pruning a pot of tomatoes accompanied by the Queen.

This beautiful woman is wearing a gorgeous palace dress. Because she has taken good care of her, she does not look old at all. At first glance, she looks like she is in her mid-twenties.

Standing side by side with the Queen, they looked like a pair of sisters.

The empresses, empress dowagers, and concubines of the Ming Dynasty were all stunning beauties in the world, because they were all beauties selected in folk drafts.

Her true age can only be judged from the crow's feet that cannot be hidden in the corners of her eyes. The Empress Dowager Li of the Ming Dynasty is almost forty.

But she was only twenty years old when she gave birth to Zhu Yijun.

The warblers and the swallows are among the birds.

Queen Wang smiled to please the Queen Mother, because she knew that the Emperor's heart had been seduced by the charming Zheng Shuyi.

After all, she had been married for many years, so she still didn't know the emperor's temperament, which was that he was a stubborn donkey who had an out-of-the-box temperament.

But she didn't want to fight for anything. After all, in order to prevent the harem from interfering in politics, the queens of the Ming Dynasty were all carefully selected and well-known virtuous women.

She didn't fight because she couldn't give birth to a son.

You can't blame others for this, but it doesn't mean that she is easy to bully. Empress Wang knows that in this world, only the Queen Mother can protect her.

Look at the rows of tomatoes planted in the courtyard deep in the Forbidden City, and the palace ladies who are watering and fertilizing.

Empress Dowager Li still felt a little suspicious and couldn't help but wonder: "Sister Xi, I want to ask you, is such a bright thing really edible?"

After all, the more colorful things are, the more poisonous they are. This is common sense.

Queen Wang hurriedly said: "If you reply to the Queen Mother..."

At this moment.

A crisp blast of gunpowder came from not far away, and birds outside the high walls of the palace were seen flying in groups, flapping their wings and circling in the sky.

Queen Wang was startled and looked at Queen Mother Li. The two of them looked in the direction of the explosion, but their sight was blocked by a high wall.

However, it can still be identified as the loud noise coming from the direction of Xiyuan.

After a period of eerie silence.

Empress Dowager Li frowned slightly, feeling quite dissatisfied. She didn't know who had taken the courage of the ambitious leopard and dared to cause trouble in this important area of ​​the Forbidden City.

after awhile.

As another musket blast came, the two women trembled in fright, and the Queen Mother's dignified and elegant face gradually turned ugly.

"Go and have a look."

Following the Queen Mother's order, several young and beautiful palace maids left quickly.

Xiyuan Shooting Range.

Zhu Yijun fired five shots in succession, causing chaos in the imperial garden. However, the loading technique was obviously improved to the naked eye.


Following the cheers and applause, the young emperor holding the matchlock gun made in the Ming Dynasty was in high spirits at this moment under the scorching and even adoring gazes of the guards.

There is something very majestic and intense in this Xiyuan, as if some long-suppressed passion burst out in the hearts of the Ming warriors.

Zhu Yijun picked up the gunpowder pot again and said proudly to Shen Lie: "How?"

Shen Lie no longer dared to look down on him and praised him sincerely: "Your Majesty's talent in shooting is something that ordinary people have never seen or heard of in their lives!"


Shen Lie was full of praise and said to himself that this young man was probably born in the wrong era. If he had been born in the army during the war, he would have killed the sharpshooters from all directions!

Zhu Yijun looked arrogant and said with a smile: "Really?"

That arrogant little expression was as if Shen Lie's compliment to him was as good as the ten compliments of the guards.

Shen Lie nodded and said sincerely: "Yes!"

Then Zhu Yijun, with a proud look on his face, began to load the next round of ammunition, seeming to float a little under the hot atmosphere.

The ammunition had just been loaded when a noise came from the entrance of the shooting range not far away, and it seemed that a fierce quarrel broke out.

The quarrel interrupted Zhu Yijun's interest, and he said with some displeasure: "Go and see who is making the noise, are you tired of living?"

Everyone looked over one after another,

See only what you can see.

A bearded Dongchang stall owner walked quickly and whispered to Zhu Yijun: "Your Majesty, the grand master is here with all the pavilion elders."

There was a sudden silence in the shooting range. The guards and Dongchang Fanzi's momentum was stagnant, and their faces all turned pale.

Shen Lie was also shocked and started sweating again.

Only Zhu Yijun still stiffened his neck and muttered to the Dongchang stall: "Tell them to wait outside!"

The guards were so frightened that they trembled again.

This chapter has been completed!
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